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Name: Ike.king
City, Country: Shanghai,China
Sent: 4.08 AM - 9/4 2001


i am a newcomer,actually i have just read your story in the newspaper,a very famous one in china.i think there will be more and more people would like to invite you to their countries,including me.
i have just read the messages bellow,which r very great encouraging.Ramon,you should be proud of these buddies who surport or encourage's so wonderful
to carry out the dreams like your way.
keep going,man!you r already very brave.
(have you think about to visit Asia?let me know.)

Name: Connie
City, Country: Buffalo NY
Sent: 8.37 PM - 9/3 2001

Hey Ramon,

I fully enjoy reading about your journey!!! It is such an awsome idea. Looking forward to you making it across the water to the USA. I also learned of your travels via Earthlink, as another reader did. I passed this on to friends and family, so hopefully a few of them will invite you also. Best of luck and be safe!

Name: dyne
City, Country: Seoul, Korea
Sent: 1.51 PM - 9/3 2001

What a great idea! and what a fun life you're having!!

I wish I had the guts like yours. :)
Hope everyday would be the luckiest day for you, and take care!

Name: GJ
City, Country: Stavanger, Norway
Sent: 1.45 PM - 9/3 2001

Ramon has left the building, and hopefully he got a lift to Bergen. It was nice to have him here, we had a lot of fun together downtown in Stavanger this friday. Saturday was a lazy day, nuttin much happened, but yesterday we went to see Scary Movie 2. It was great. The local newspaper Rogalands Avis had almost one whole page with an interview and picture of Ramon and me.

Wish Ramon good luck!

PS: To all those whiners out there:

Ramon does say "thank you", he is NOT selfcentered, he is very nice and is a person that is easy to entertain. So former hosts who complains: Shut up!!

Name: Hanne
City, Country: Lillehammer, Norway
Sent: 11.12 AM - 9/3 2001

Hallais Ramon.......From now on I`m a new reader of your postings. I really liked the few I`v all ready read, and will continue the reading. Keep on travelig and telling us peolpe staying at home how the big world look like!!!! Have a nice trip in Norway, some off us stiff norvegians(seen the Ringnes commersial ; ) ?) are happy to have you here!!!

Name: Lauren
City, Country: New Berlin, WI, USA
Sent: 9.58 AM - 9/3 2001

Hello Ramon! Just read your most recent postings and was disturbed to hear about people complaining about what you write and taking it the wrong way. Just wanted to say, "Hats off to you!" I think you're doing a wonderful job and it's been great "traveling" along with you. You're a very positive and upbeat person!! Keep having fun and just keep ignoring the naysayers! Cheers, Lauren and Tim Hanaman Can't wait 'til you cross the Atlantic!

Name: Linda
City, Country: Stavanger, Norway
Sent: 8.47 AM - 9/3 2001

Hi Ramon !

I have just read some of your travel letters ! It was fun to read .. and the pictures make the stories even more interesting. And I am impressed with the people who have invited you and looked after you so well too. I shall be checking on you to see how you get on. I do hope you will enjoy your stay in Norway and may the rest of your travel be full of good experiences for happy memories !

Sent: 6.52 PM - 9/2 2001

Let me chat box, now open!

Name: Jeanine
City, Country: Grahamstown, South Africa
Sent: 2.07 PM - 9/2 2001

Hey Ramon :-)

Don't let the people get to you ... your writing is fun, interesting and objective ... let's see if those complaining can do better!
Keep up the good work boy, there are many like me who are simply addicted to your website :-)
And congratulations on being four months on the road, who would have thought .... :-)

Sent: 2.55 AM - 9/2 2001

Forward or back

September is the turning time.
Ask the man whose livelihood
is apples
or the one who lives for love.

So spreading our arms wide

we gather in September
as a cold man searching
after firewood
before the snow
blots out the world.

Richard Wright, Close

Name: John
City, Country: Philadelphia PA USA
Sent: 8.08 PM - 9/1 2001

Ramon: I think you are doing one hell of a good job. Wish i had the ability to write as you do. Please do not change the way you have been writing or thinking.. Phlly awaits you Guy...Best to you..

Name: Winnie
City, Country: Zwolle, Netherlands
Sent: 4.35 PM - 9/1 2001

Hi honeypony!

Congratulations for surviving 4 months today!

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 4.34 PM - 9/1 2001

Forgive me Ramon. I shouldn’t get mixed up in things that have nothing to do with me. Whatever differences there are between you and a host is just that, between you and them. Sometimes I get carried away and step in when I shouldn’t. I’ll try not to do that anymore.

And I’ll try to remember that young people are free spirited beings who usually speak out how they feel, and don’t really mean to offend people.
I know, I have a son your age who by the way agrees with you. So you see, sometimes older people like me just don’t understand the young ones.
Forget everything I said in the past. Continue being yourself.
I’m still enjoying your reports and beautiful pictures.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Stavanger, Norway
Sent: 2.04 PM - 9/1 2001

Just a public message to everyone. I wish more people would read less between the lines. I want to give you some examples:

- If I write that it is raining outsite, I get emails from people that say I should stop complaining, while the fact that it is raining is just an observation.

- If I write that I stayed in a house that is not the cleanest house I have ever visited, it doesn't mean that I meant it negatively. I get emails from people who told me that I should help the people clean or "are you afraid you get dirty, Ramon?". It was just my opinion and it was the way those young people live. And I totally did not comment on their way of living, I even enjoyed it (what the complainers can't read probably), because it reminded me of my own student life.

- If I write that it is dangerous to travel from Poland towards Moscow because it is corrupt, do not assault me with something that is just a fact. Check out the internet for more info or a friend truck driver of mine can tell you all about it.

- If I write that I won't visit Afghanistan, where Internet is just prohibited, than it is my F R E E personal choice and I am in NO way offending anybody who wants to invite me there, because THEY CAN'T!!!

- These are just a few examples of letters I get every day.

It is a shame that every opinion of mine is being taken into pieces or taken so seriously! I had to loose these thoughts here as those ignorant writings are really bothering me.


Name: Imelda
City, Country: Stavanger, Norway
Sent: 3.01 AM - 9/1 2001

Hi Ramon,

I saw you in my favourite pub, Checkpoint Charlie in Stavanger, last night. Youre jacket with your URL gave me a reason to visit your site and I must say I am really amazed. If I'd seee you again I'll ask for your autograph, because I am sure you are going to make it someway!

Best regards and kisses (you looked like a nice guy!),


Name: Reckless Monkey
City, Country: London
Sent: 8.40 PM - 8/31 2001

You're a nutter, the world needs more Ramons.

Name: Vesna Krsmanovic
City, Country: London, England
Sent: 2.55 PM - 8/31 2001

Well done. Such a great idea. Good luck to you.

Name: John Are
City, Country: Sandnes, Norway
Sent: 10.56 AM - 8/31 2001

We had the joyful experience to be the host for Ramon yesterday. Thank you for visiting us Ramon. You really are a natural kind, giving and charming person. You live a rich life, and I thank you for chearing some of you're excperiences with us(, and Kowalski will sourly miss you).

Hope you're batteries are filled up, and you're ready to travel the we(s)t-coast of Norway. Good luck and come back anytime! The doors are all open.

And thanks to you, Liv and Gabriel for the pasta-book. Maybe I can make something else than bad Pizza the next time I get visitors. And if somebody out there are travelling this direction, make sure you'll give me a notice, you're all very welcome!(

Have spacesuit - will travel!!
John Are (the Djei)

Name: Dranoel Nephets
City, Country: Agra, India
Sent: 7.35 AM - 8/31 2001

RAMON and Hi everyone,

Wake up! Its not a dream, its a 'real' world we are living in. Its a great idea to know what actually happening on the other side of this planet. Unlike some sources which paint rosy pictures only. This site should be given an excellent rating because of its truthfulness expressing those atmosphere. The 'goodness' about exact reporting is to create awareness that good happenings should be maintained whereas bad ones should be kept at bay or omitted. Friction had happened in Ireland, and now the Norway's maelstrom. (Once bitten should be twice shy away.) Wherever you are, to be in a 'neutral' platform sounds the right move - to do good reporting. (shouldn't be involved in any brawl)
We need honest and soon-to-be a seasoned character like you Ramon. Get your grading somewhere in Europe where it is much more civilised (I supposed) before you come to some bush-bush for some real adventures of a lifetime.
No beer only toddy, young man!
Be joyful and enjoy.

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 1.08 AM - 8/31 2001

LEAVE RAMON ALONE! He stayed here with us in July and we found him to be very interesting, extremely polite and grateful to us for having him. We were very sorry to see him leave and he would have been most welcome to stay for a week.

At least he is truthful in writing exactly what he feels and means, unlike some of the false people we all seem to encounter from time to time, who are nice to your face and say bad things as soon as your back is turned.

Ramon is a very honest person and it would give a false impression if he only wrote good things about situations he felt less than happy with. Let him write what he feels so that we get a more realistic story of his travels.

You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time!

Good Luck with your fantastic adventure Ramon.


Name: David + Kristina
City, Country: Norway
Sent: 12.11 AM - 8/31 2001

When are you going to write the report from your stay with us in oslo? We want to know about all the shit you are thinking about us! :) Ha-ha, Have a nice trip. We can see on the map that you have started to see the REAL NORWAY! Not only oslo. That is GREAT! And probably, when you leave norway, you have seen more of the country than both of us have! We envy you! See you, pal!

Name: gladys pavia
City, Country: utica,ny-usa
Sent: 10.28 PM - 8/30 2001

very interrestting to read about your travels-hope i could invite u over but too far away-safe and healthy trip to you!!!!!

Name: Michelle M. czarka
City, Country: Detroit, MI USA
Sent: 8.04 PM - 8/30 2001

If I had the guts to leave my home and travel around the world as Ramon is currently doing, I think I would be slightly cocky also. It takes a strong person to perform this type of activity. Also, travelling non-stop, from city to city without days of rest in between can be draining. Ramon should be able to have time to be cranky if that is how he feels. If something rubbed him the wrong way and he feels the need to express it on his site, then that is his own choice. He runs and maintains it, it's detailing his life, and there is no place for censorship in the "real" world. I think it's time that everyone realizes that people are people, some blend and others clash. That is life! Lick your wounds and let it all fade away. I believe we are all here because we support what Ramon is doing. Let's leave it at that and not make it more difficult or trying by adding unnecessary drama.

Good luck to you, Ramon and look me up if you care to see "Motown"

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 7.05 PM - 8/30 2001

I have never said that Ramon is a bad person. All I believe is that there are times when one should use a little courtesy, diplomacy and respect towards others.

I’m sure a lot of us have been through a moment where something about someone bothered us, but we didn’t mention it because that person is a nice person.
Some call it manners or etiquette. Maybe I’m old fashioned.

Sirri felt offended by his remark. It’s only human nature to feel that way as we each have our dignity to guard.

Those of you who are criticizing her, just can’t understand that. I’m sure you would be defending yourselves, if it were you.

You don’t have to “sugar coat” everything you say, but at times, you should be careful not to offend certain people. I’m not complaining, I was just adding my point of view to this messageboard. (Whether it matters or not).

In the end, this is Ramon’s project and webpage. He has a right to say or write whatever he wants. And I’m sure 99% of the host have enjoyed his visit. Yes, he was a nice gentleman that night in the pub defending a lady in distress

Name: Lesley
City, Country: Durham, NC US
Sent: 5.29 PM - 8/30 2001

Ramon- No doubt you will get a lot more attention in the US as Earthlink (a major ISP in the USA) has publicized your site as one to watch. I'm glad they did, I checked it out and think your idea is wonderful. I really enjoy your reports and wish you the best of luck on your journey. I vote for a visit to Letterman.

Sent: 5.17 PM - 8/30 2001

Name: Alan
City, Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 4.25 PM - 8/30 2001

Hi Ramon,

Just been reading again over the reports of your stay with me. It was really great to have you over, and the best of luck for the rest of your trip.

That incident with the whole fight and fist and face and fracas got me wondering -> have you done anything about learning some basic self defence? On your travels you will encounter more people than the group of charming, witty and devastatingly attractive people that offer you a place to stay. It appears that the species Drunkus A**holeus is, unfortunately, far too widespread. Wherever you go, you are going to run across the breed. A bit of self-defence would seem to be extremely prudent, though how you would get around to it is beyond me. Any self defence instructors out there willing to invite Ramon for a stay and a bit of intruction in the noble art of 'Crunch Sheeeeeit' (kicking in the kneecap and running away real quick-like)?

Whats the story with sponsorship of camera's and stuff? Any way for you to set up some sort of PayPal thang? I'd be willing to contribute, even if you do have a picture of me with a towel on my head on your site [grin].

Anyway, good luck, and try to get down south again before winter comes. Last time I was in Oslo I saw some very sad Brass Monkeys* running around [grin].

Be Careful Out There!



* Brass Monkey reference -> English saying 'Brass Monkey Weather', weather so cold that it would make the balls fall off a Brass Monkey (statue). *tink* *tink*

Name: Josh
City, Country: Germany
Sent: 4.05 PM - 8/30 2001

"go and complain somewhere else... It states clearly from the beginning that he writes what he thinks. And let him."

Yes, right, and what is the meaning of a message board?
Only say "hooray" u r such a sweet and lovely guy?
If he only writes, what he thinks, why dont YOU and HIM allow all users, to write what THEY think about him ands his point of view?
And a message board shall be usually a forum to have a controversal discussion
If any remarks or critical opinions are not allowed here, why is such message board then existing?

Anyway, Ramon, have a safe journey, and always do not forget to protect yourself!!

Name: baxter
City, Country: beirut, lebanon
Sent: 3.43 PM - 8/30 2001

nice idea but you better come south before it gets freezing colod out there!!!

Name: Sophie
City, Country: Brussels, Belgium
Sent: 3.38 PM - 8/30 2001

He was polite when he stayed with me.....

and he is welcome any day again.

To all the people that complain - go and complain somewhere else... It states clearly from the beginning that he writes what he thinks. And let him.


Name: billy
City, Country: japan
Sent: 3.17 PM - 8/30 2001

and when did this happen? over three days ago, let it go Siri, or you might need help


(just kidding, let's put sand on it, as the Dutch say)

Name: Siri Holmsen
City, Country: Norway
Sent: 12.15 PM - 8/30 2001

Comment to "billy from japan": I get so frustrated when I read your messages here, and I really can not understand how you can have so many feelings and meanings , and such a large mouth (!) about this when you werent't even been here! I have tried from the beginning to stay polite, calm, serious and sticking to the subject, which I think people should be in any circumstances. We are adults aren't we?

Comment for Christine from Virginia Beach: I fully respect your oppinion. Maybe what Ramon says about saturday night is exactly what I mean when I think he is self-centered and arrogant? I agree with that it was nice of Ramon to take responsibility and got the Danish guy away, allthough I do not agree in Ramon's story about it. Offcourse this is his project and he is writing from his point of view, so I don't want to question this. I just think it's quite odd that people who read his reports don't seem to understand that all things have atleast two sides. How Ramon sees things is maybe not the way others see them? That is exactly why this messageboard was such a good idea.
Thank you for your time.

Name: Espen
City, Country: Norway
Sent: 10.23 AM - 8/30 2001

Ramon I realy like your project and admire your courages, but I just cannot understand how peoples can me so lowminded too always complain about those little thing. It is like they have noghting else to doo.

Itotally agree with billy from japan (?)

Name: Espen
City, Country: Norway
Sent: 10.07 AM - 8/30 2001


Thumbs up, billy!

Name: billy
City, Country: japan
Sent: 10.05 AM - 8/30 2001

oh boohoo!

ramon does not say thank you for one time and then you start to get dissapointed by him?

#######! What is wrong with you people!

Ramon is travelling the world, I can imagine that he sometimes can forget the words Thank You in the speed he is travelling. But doesn't he say Thank you through his report? Just read between the lines, also at Siri's place. RAMON IS THANKFUL!

Now stop complaining, there is a life to live!

Name: Martin
City, Country: Oslo, Norway
Sent: 9.43 AM - 8/30 2001

Hi Ramon and everyone!

I must agree with **** and Siri. What I've heard from some of the hosts and the impression Ramon gave me, is that he seemes ungrateful(maybe exept for his sponsors). This may be caused by different cultures, but in Norway it's very normal to say thank you when people give's you food, drink, shelter and cigarettes and not just take everything for granted like Ramon obviously does.
For those of you that wrote and think "Maybe you must also think about the fact that criticism is not always meant in a negative way. If you don't want to support Ramon, don't but stop this nonsense about he having to say thank you, I am sure he does that every time he stays at someones house. Also, have you read all the positive stories from the people he stayed with? They were all very pleased with Ramons'behavior so you should shut up or start supporting ramon because that's where this website is for!" do you really think that Ramon can criticise everyone and everything without someone criticise him. And I don't think this website is just for the people supporting Ramon. Shouldn't people who invite him know both his goods and bads?
Well. I think this project is a good one and I wish you good luck on your travels Ramon, but please be a bit more humble when people invite you to stay with them. Try to bring out the positive instead of the negative.

The End!

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