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Name: Lee Yi
City, Country: Sichuan,China
Sent: 8.51 PM - 10/3 2001

dear Ramon,I am a chinese girl.I read the news about you in the newspaper,so I come here.I give my message to you,welcome to China,welcome to Sichuan,welcome to Nanchong!I am a college student,my English isn't very good,soory!But don't worry,i'll do my best to heip you!

Name: journo Jim
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 1.11 PM - 10/3 2001

It seems my last message caused a bit of upset so please let me clarify. Firstly to Charmaine - I meant no slight on the people of Soweto whatsoever. I was simply aware that there are more sides to South Africa than can be seen from within a White gated community. I look forward to Ramon visiting the many other communities that exist in your large and eclectic country much more than I look forward to his staying in hotels.

Ramon himself seems a little peeved at the point that I'm making. As I said, in his position I'd do exactly the same. Possibly the project has become the victim of its own success. As corporate tourism entities hear of the project they realise that by helping Ramon they can access his large audience of readers.
Should the hosts who flew Ramon to South Africa be thanked? By Ramon, yes. But not necessarily by me or the many other followers of his odyssey.
Like Brian, I propose moderation in these matters. Of course assistance is needed to cross oceans. Of course a stay in a hotel is a welcome pleasure. But the original plan of the project as I understand it will inevitably suffer if, as Brian puts it, Ramon starts making a habit of it.

Name: meyroos
City, Country: the Netherlands
Sent: 10.28 AM - 10/3 2001

dear Ramon, Iam following your travels from the moment you started, and even if Iam a bit older than your average reader (I think) I think your reports make facinating reading. Hopefully your traveling will take

you everywhere, and than we (at home) can enjoy your
reports. Be carefull, good luck meyroos

Name: Acadia
City, Country: USA
Sent: 10.13 AM - 10/3 2001

Ramon, I posted a message several days ago on an email list that you were on your way to SA. Many of the members are from South Africa so I hope they are able to invite you.

Bret, Of course Munk has some good points in his post.

Munk, your response seems to be trying to educate. Accurate information is vital to understanding, as you obviously know. Bad US foreign policy did not kill those thousands of innocent (read non-military, non-governmental) people, terrorists did.

Dead they are and will remain, and their families mourn. As do I. Peace.

My thoughts for Ramon are to travel well and stay safe in a beautiful country full of contradictions. I am told that a great thing to do is go all the way down the cape and visit where two great oceans collide.


Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 9.14 AM - 10/3 2001


Great come back on Acadia, no offense Acadia, but Munk has some great points. Let's all learn from it shall we?
Now back to the travels of Ramon......................

Name: Vincent Vercueil
City, Country: Luzern, Switzerland
Sent: 8.23 AM - 10/3 2001

Dear Ramon.

Hi there! I am a South African living in Switzerland now for 3 years. I come from Cape Town originally and have been following your project since the beginning. I think it is fantastic that you have arrived in South Africa and wish you a wonderful time full of memories. South Africa is very beautiful and the people are fantastic, warm and friendy. Are you going to Cape Town too? I wish all the success in you adventure!

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.17 AM - 10/3 2001

Hi Ramon

Apparently some people are upset with the managers and owners of hotels inviting you to stay in their hotels. Well, it really is up to them if they want to invite you. Your project is inherently about sponsorship and advertising, eg your phone, your camera, certain of your air tickets, etc. The occasional hotel can't be so bad. Just don't make a habit of it :-)

In any case, when you are in these hotels, I'm sure you'll spend time with the people, not just lock yourself away in the room. So, everyone benefits.

If nothing else, it gives you a bit more time to explore the country you're in, and meet a few more people. You did it in some European countries already, and it worked out well.

Go ahead, Ramon, stay where-ever you can. Just be sure to talk to the people, and learn something about life in these places you visit. And be careful. I'm looking forward to seeing you here in Durban.

Oh, and for the people reading this, I am not a hotel operator. I am an ordinary citizen, renting a cottage in someone elses garden. I don't even own the place, but it is a small house, and it works for me.

Go well, Ramon



Name: Gülsüm Özkýlýnç
City, Country: Istanbul/TURKEY
Sent: 10.08 PM - 10/2 2001

Hi! First of all I have to say that it is a great idea and great chance for you to visit all over the world.I hope you can achieve it.I left my address and my phone number and all the other stuff.Well I do not know anything about you but trust you anyway.I hope you can visit my country it doesn't matter in my house or someone else's.Good luck and have fun

Name: Ivannia
City, Country: Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Sent: 10.08 PM - 10/2 2001

I wrote you time ago, but I wanted to do it again because I'd like to wish you good luck and enjoy a lot.

Ramon, I always ask me in which place you are now, and when I visit your page I say WOW!
Please, take care of yourself!!!

Name: Cecilia Bohemia
City, Country: Formosa, Argentina
Sent: 6.56 PM - 10/2 2001

I'm very impressioned about Raymond travel around the world. I've publish an article about him in my web: BOHEMIOSLAND (

This is a site to bohemians travellers like him, but to people from latin america. Link it!!
My biggest dream is to do a travel like Raymond's.
Sory for my poor english

Name: Charmaine
City, Country: JHB, South Africa
Sent: 12.44 PM - 10/2 2001

Jim - I'm a white South African living in Johannesburg and I've been to Soweto (and other townships) many many times. It's an adventure... bit of a culture shock for some but one of the few places that I've been where I've been treated like an absolute honoured guest. The African cultures are rich and their hospitality and manners IMPECABLE.

Name: Charmaine
City, Country: Johannesburg, South Africa
Sent: 12.35 PM - 10/2 2001

Looking forward to hearing you tonight!!

Name: mattias
City, Country: kŠrra sweden
Sent: 12.19 PM - 10/2 2001

sorry!!! hope u finded another place to stay at.. take care //mattias from sweden (me and my mom)

Name: Erwan
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 12.08 PM - 10/2 2001

After reading some comments here on what's happened in the US I recommend all of you to read this article on Afghanistan:

Truly a horror story.

Name: Nicki
City, Country: Liverpool
Sent: 11.04 AM - 10/2 2001

I agree jim, it's getting boring reading about the media, seems this project has gone right off track especially with Ramon returning home, get back to staying in peoples houses before we all switch off...

Name: Journo Jim
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 9.49 AM - 10/2 2001

I'm a little concerned that this is becoming more about corporate advertisers inviting Ramon to pitch their holidays as his readers than it is about individuals asking him to stay.

I don't blame Ramon - I'd accept all offers too, but it is becoming more corporate. As soon as he leaves the holiday homes and visits with real South Africans, I'll be much more intrigued. Ramon, have you any invitations from Soweto? Will you go?
As my message is about advertising, forgive me for doing some advertising of my own - is a website dedicated to all those who have lost a loved one to suicide. It will officially launch in one month's time, the 1st of november, All Soul's Day. If you know anyone who has lost their father, mother, sister, brother, friend, lover, son or daughter to suicide, tell them about

Name: dbk Tom
City, Country: New Zealand
Sent: 7.09 AM - 10/2 2001

was just reading your report from S.A

Great Ramon

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.11 AM - 10/2 2001

Hi Ramon

Finally, you made it to our beautiful country! Long way, hey! Well, I know the road you're staying in, there in Jo'burg, it's a good area. Just watch out for the muggers.

I'll send you an email, please check it well before coming to Durbs! Our timetables must agree. South Africa, as ou may have figured, is in spring now, and while Cape Town dries up, the rest of the country gets wetter with summer rain.

And everything turns green! Ramon, please read your email today. I'm looking forward to seeing you.



Name: Marcella
City, Country: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Sent: 12.05 AM - 10/2 2001

Okay Ramon. Way to go! You made it all the way to South Africa, who would have guessed that when you started off. And enjoy the hotels and resorts you will visit, it will be a unique way to understand the economic differences when you will be visiting ordinary South African people. Good luck!

Name: Orcun
City, Country: Izmir, Turkey
Sent: 10.00 PM - 10/1 2001

dude, what you do is soooo cool. i just invited you. i hope you'll come stay at my house too. it will be great to be a part of this project. i always wanted to do something like that. you're so lucky. well, i'm only 18, maybe i'll have that chance one day too. am i too optimistic? anmyways ramon, have fun in south africa. see you in turkey soon...

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 12.09 PM - 10/1 2001

Acadia: ,,How simplistic. America pumps millions of dollars every year into aid for countries across the globe, this is medical and food, yet somehow the terrorists actions were deserved?''

Yes, I know the US government is one of the many nations taking part in relief work in the area. They do donate millions in aid for the region. However, they also spent several times more that amount in training and arming the Mujaheddin soldiers in Afghanistan to help them kick out the Russians in the 1980s (the ever present 'communist danger' of those days). When the Russians finally left the country, the ensuing chaos was followed by a civil war between the Mujaheddin and other parties, resulting in the current situation which millions of people have been fleeing for some years now. Three million people are starving in Pakistan near the border of Afghanistan, despite relief efforts. In the meantime, with American interests secure (Russians gone), the US government dropped its support to Afghanistan like a brick in thick mud. And yes, I am happy to see that the USA helps in relief efforts. But as long as they continue to combine those efforts with the severe mistakes made in its overall foreign policy concerning the same region as the aid goes to, a constructive solution is farther away than ever. If I remember correctly, there was a contribution in the guestbook by somebody who proposed a sort of Marshall aid plan, to 'bomb' the Afghans with food, information and to commit all resources to actually improve their situation (AND get rid of terrorism). History shows us this kind of solution works (Germany after WWII, compared to WWI outcome). Does it imply this American student, who was my support, was simplistic? I don't think so. I think he was openminded. As far as human life is concerned, indeed, let us not be callous. I think I know the value of human, and indeed every, life quite well and perhaps a little better than some people.

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 9.49 PM - 9/29 2001


Good to see you got a chance to get back home before you set off on your S.African adventure. I have a request if it's not too late. Could you take a pic of your support crew? I'd like to see all who are involved in your project. Thanks.


Name: Marianne
City, Country: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Sent: 8.45 PM - 9/29 2001

Hey Ramon! Great to be back in town for a few days. Congratulations for your 150 DAYS!!! Never thought you'd hold out that long and even longer. Have fun in South Africa my mate!

Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
Sent: 5.28 AM - 9/29 2001


"What you see in your mind is what you can achieve in Life". Everything would be easy if you know what your heart desires.


Name: Zoran
City, Country: Trstenik, Yugoslavia
Sent: 3.00 PM - 9/28 2001

Hey Ramon whassup!

I really like this what u r doing man!I would offer a place for you back home but I am going to college in USA now in Florida (Palm Beach), so I am not in Yugoslavia right now... But hey - I think you are gonna have great time when you visit Yugoslavia. Check out night clubs and night life in Belgrade, really good! Don't get drunk :-)

Hey when are you coming to Florida ? Maybe I can see you around this area :))

This is a great but not an easy project
good luck


Name: Heather Dawson
City, Country: Belfast N Ireland
Sent: 11.43 AM - 9/28 2001

Ramon So Sorry for letting you down @ our house but it was literally like six hours before we were due to go .on holiday to France that you called. I'm glad to see that you did get good hospitality in Belfast. If I hadn't had a head full of lists and worries I could have asked my parents or brothers and sisters and friends to put you up. We do have family in South Africa though so I'll email them to see if they could put you up for the night. Again Sorry and Happy travelling H

Name: Richard Rose
City, Country: Denver, Colorado USA
Sent: 3.27 AM - 9/27 2001

Hej, Ramon

Hoe gaat je?

I'm glad to see that you are continuing your trip, despite the recent disaster and present uncertainty. I just sent you an invitation to stay for a day (or longer, if you wish).

I first heard about you on USA national public radio a few weeks ago. About me: I am American but lived the better years of my life in Europe (Scotland, England, France, Denmark)- well, qualitatively, at least- it was 14 years. I've been back in USA for 8 years. It would be nice to welcome you here. I notice that you have many pictures posted of you eating! There is good food here, too. :-)

Maybe hear from you later.

All the best, Richard

Name: Simon Thorsander
City, Country: Lund, Sweden
Sent: 5.33 PM - 9/26 2001

Nice meeting you!

I hope that you will get more invitations to cities in Sweden in the Future!
And I also would like to wish you luck in your future traveling.

/Simon Thorsander (friend of yours (and John Järpling))

Name: hakanuysal
City, Country: mugla,dalaman,turkey
Sent: 3.46 PM - 9/26 2001

hello, i heard about ur site on tv and decided to write . but i dont kýnow how to send a mail. i coulnd see any e mail box . i hope u can come and visit me i can escort you for the sightseeing and stay with me in my home. see you bye . i ll try to find out how to send an e mail and i ll have sent it soon. enjoy ur travelling and take care of you . bye

Name: Acadia
City, Country: USA
Sent: 10.18 AM - 9/26 2001

Munk - "the looming war was as much the fault of America's rotten foreign policy as it was the terrorists'. Now, think about that." What? So that American student thinks those thousands of people, many from other countries, died because of lousy foreign policy? How simplistic. America pumps millions of dollars every year into aid for countries across the globe, this is medical and food, yet somehow the terrorists actions were deserved? Understand, I know the United States government makes some very bad decisions. The terrorists did not attack government centers, or just a military installation, those people on the planes and in the World Trade Center were innocent. Let us not be so callous about human life, and the horrific actions of others.

Name: John Järpling
City, Country: Lund, Sweden
Sent: 9.52 AM - 9/26 2001

Nice meeting you ramon, have a nice life!

And this is to Ramon ho said that the zipper was invented by a Swiss... And I claimed it to be a swedish invention:

Some links on the matter:

I think I have won this discussion :)

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 10.11 PM - 9/25 2001

Hi Ramon
We are still checking out your travels most days and want to wish you a safe journey to South Africa. We can't wait for your pix of the wildlife because some friends of ours went 'on Safari' in SA last year and had some superb pix, some very close up because they had an excellent guide who took them to some fantastic places. Hope you get looked after as well.

Good Luck Ramon
Sylvia & Family

Name: sivan yossef
City, Country: ramat-gan ,israel
Sent: 7.35 PM - 9/25 2001

well ,as a person who travelld too in holland and other countries i'll be very happy if you come to stay at my place ,in israel ,you must come ,it will be great to know you. so i am waiting....

Name: BURAK SAKIR age:25
City, Country: IZMIR/TURKEY
Sent: 5.55 PM - 9/25 2001

Hi Ramon!Your travel is a great thing and I wish you good luck!I have travelled about 30.000 kilometres by my thumb as well and I do understand you well but I didn't have your media help!Howcome I couldn't think of it?Anyway please take care!Later on I will write you my address.HOPE TO SEE YOU:)

Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 3.45 PM - 9/25 2001

Munk, great message you wrote earlier on! And isn't that what life is all about?

Name: Kevin
City, Country: California, USA
Sent: 1.14 PM - 9/25 2001

You are doing a great job with your project. I appreciate the pictures and the HONEST comments about the places you stay! I hope you will accept our invitation to stay at our home in beautiful northern california.

Carry On!

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle, Ramon's home town
Sent: 9.43 AM - 9/25 2001

Hi everybody. Interesting as it is to follow the discussions here on the messageboard, I have contribution as well. As pictures of the WTC attack came through we were watching them in a bar. In the evening some American exchange students came in, we had some islamic people over as well, and everybody started to talk. Former refugees from the Middle East related their experience with the region, their thoughts and their worries. The Americans expressed their anger at what happened. After a long evening everybody knew what each other's vision and background was. And, more important, everybody could understand AND live with the ideas and poersonalities that were there, different as their visions were. What did I learn from this? It's all about communication. Pay attention to the rest of the world and talk about it. If you do not talk, you get into a fight. If you don't act in time, the fight turns into war. And wars have the unnerving tendency to escalate.

Most funny remark of this interesting evening? An American relating the difficulty he would have explaining his parents in the States that he was starting to see that the looming war was as much the fault of America's rotten foreign policy as it was the terrorists'. Now, think about that.

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