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Name: Journo Jim
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 5.39 PM - 10/11 2001

I have to agree that the Hitler statement is a bit much. Things are very different geopolitically now than they were in the 1930s.

No doubt plenty of Americans reading that quote will be upset by it. But more useful might be to try to understand why an intelligent and urbane person might think that way.
Plenty of people around the world are unhappy about the United States' involvement in various parts of the globe - apart from the obvious zones, like Korea, Vietnam, and Grenada, there are all the "covert" activities we hear about a decade on. Didn't America once fund Osama bin Laden? Did they create their own beast to bite back at them?
Many citizens of the world deplore the acts of terror waged on New York and Washington, but quite rightly deplore the current bombing of the poorest country on earth. Will this defeat terrorism, or merely inspire more terrorists? Many sensible people do not want another war on this planet of ours, and regret the actions taken by the US and Britain.

Name: GI Joe
City, Country: United States of America
Sent: 4.38 AM - 10/11 2001

Ramon, you have such great knowledge of world politics.

Why do you waste this great knowledge of yours begging for food and shelter, when you could make the world such a peaceful place.
Didn't Hitler occupy The Netherlands? Could history be repeating itself? Time will tell.

Name: Darnell
City, Country: Long Beach, California
Sent: 12.04 AM - 10/11 2001


Congratulations on your journey. To make it as far and as long as you have is nothing short of being remarkable. I have monitored your progress for some time and have continued to check in to see how things are going, and judging from your comments it seems to be going well. Traveling is one way of expanding one's horizon and it allows us to serve as ambassadors for our country.

With all that said, I needed to comment on the Hitler comment that was mentioned in your journal; especially in light of the events that have recently been unfolding in the last week. It's amazing that when someone doesn't understand you or doesn't agree with you they are quick to label you with the most negative terms they can find. I don't consider either Osama Bin Laden nor Bush to be in that league. I personally respect Bush and think despite the situation he is, he is doing the best that he can. The world fails to mention that the fact that Bin Laden had no problems with the Americans when he was taking their money and weapons to fight the Russians, and when they are gone was quick to turn and bite the hand that fed him.

Now in the words of the American Comedy, Dennis Miller, "I don't want to get into a rant..." but the world is quick to want to express their dislikes for Americans and to glout in its misfortunes.

Sorry to break up the tempo but my comments, but that Hitler comment just caught me off guard and I felt something needed to be said.

Two quotes come to mind, bad things happend when good people do nothing or say nothing; and in the outdated words of Rodney King (the LA riots guy), "Can't we all just get along!"

Name: Prevashni Ramsamy
City, Country: Gauteng, South Africa
Sent: 3.35 PM - 10/10 2001

I work for a television programme called Carte Blanche, and I've been trying desperately to get footage of Ramon in the Netherlands when he set off in May. We need footage so we have visuals for an interview we have planned with Ramon. Please, can someone in the Netherlands television network help out?? We are prepared to pay for footage, but we need it asap!!

Name: CAti
City, Country: TN USA
Sent: 3.19 PM - 10/10 2001

Would like you to explain what is meant by the "Hitler" comments in the latest's not as if the US has not sponsored many, many peace talks and is making very humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan. We did not kill 6.000 people in one fell swoop. WE have not ever been party to causing terrorism. I cannot what caused anyone to say that bin Laden and Bush were equal parties in this matter.

Name: Preston
City, Country: Hood County, Texas, USA
Sent: 2.24 PM - 10/10 2001

Hi Ramon:

you wrote: "I do want to write you interesting reports (tell me if they are of not), but every so often I have to give in a day in return…" You are doing great, kid. And you are learning about style in our language. And your education in world geology and politics keeps expanding. One of the side benefits of your glorious venture!!!

Keep on keeping on! buena suerta, bon chance, Gruss Got! etc.l


Name: Maurelio Maria Fernandez
City, Country: Spain
Sent: 10.12 AM - 10/10 2001

Ramon, I have to agree with your 'personal opinion' in your October 7 report.

It is true that the western civilised world has been entering other countries and cultures with their products, without any understanding but with only one reason: making even more money.

Partly we are ALL to blame for what happens in the world today. We should indeed just 'trade' with countries, and respect the cultural differences and let every country produce its own unique products.

Which we mostly don't let them... I definitely can't blame them too for being angry and Anti-USA (read: Anti-western civilisation).

Good luck Ramon.

Name: Acadia
City, Country: USA
Sent: 11.31 PM - 10/9 2001

I hope my Dad will check out your site, Ramon. The only place on earth he would like to revisit is Africa. It is the only place from his time in the Airforce that he talks about. The red sky looks exactly the way he describes it.

Name: Liam
City, Country: Ireland
Sent: 5.29 PM - 10/9 2001


Dont forget to call visit the 'Kingdom in the sky'...Lesotho will impress you

Name: marie
City, Country: usa
Sent: 10.45 AM - 10/9 2001

If you look back at the log for this messageboard you will see that Ramon himself posts non-travel related messages. As well as commenting on world events in his daily log.

We are all here to live vicariously through Ramon. He has given us a medium through which to give him our opinions/feelings on what he wrote, or information we want to share.

If the bounds have been breached Ramon himself can set the record straight, as he has in the past, or he can delete messages he feels are inappropriate, as he has in the past.

Patience and use of the scroll bar can get you by those posts you do not want to read.

Name: Sue Benning
City, Country: California, USA
Sent: 8.23 AM - 10/9 2001

LOVED the sunset and sky pictures especially, and now I can finally believe they are real, and not tricks of some photographer! And thank you for the "virtual safari", and the interesting facts about giraffes!

With the worldwide recession and the drop in travel and tourism (due to fears of terrorism), you will probably be invited to more and more first class hotels and be taken to more tourist attractions (like the safari)--which will be better advertising than they could get anywhere else, for the money. But more important, your faithful viewers like me) will benefit the most from your new experiences!

Thanks again, and take care.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.15 AM - 10/9 2001

Hi all

There is a trend to use Ramon's messageboard as an outlet for feelings and comments about the USA/Afganistan/whatever activities. Yes, this is real, and yes, it is a war, so it does affect us all.

But please, let's try to keep the messages on Ramon's messageboard about Ramon and his travels. We all have opinions, some quite aggressive, about the conflict, but this is not the place to express them.

Please try to keep the messages relevant to Ramon's project. That is, after all, why it is here.

Ramon, what do you think about this?

Keep well


Name: Clara
City, Country: Iowa
Sent: 4.26 AM - 10/9 2001

Men, philosophers of all ages have tried to find the secret of existence, the meaning of it all. Because if they could find the real meaning of life, then all this human effort, this wonderful potentiality of human beings, could then be moved in the correct direction and we would march forward with great success. So therefore, we tried these different ideas. But the question of the meaning of the whole world, of life, and of human beings and so on, has been answered very many times, by very many people. Unfortunately, all the answers are different; and the people with one answer look in horror at the actions and behavior of the people with another answer. Horror, because they see the terrible things that are done; the way man is being pushed into a blind alley by this rigid view of the meaning of the world. In fact, it is really perhaps by the fantastic size of the horror that it becomes clear how great are the potentialities of human beings,..." "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out" Richard Feynman

Name: Richard Reekers
City, Country: Nijmegen // Rotterdam The Netherlands
Sent: 2.04 PM - 10/8 2001

7 oktober 2001, 6.30 pm (EST) -- So now it has begun. In the following days and months we are to learn how much the troubles will effect the eventual course of the 21st century. At these times little images encourage hope and confidence. Such as the CNN-pictures with "courtesy of Al Jazeera". Two logo's, not conflicting with eachother and neatly presented aside the horror. Guest and host informing us.

This is not about religion. This is something between poor and rich. After the storm we've got to act. Not only rebuilding the damage on both sides, but working together for a better basement and structure of our a mutual home.


"Judgement Day won't come until the desert is transformed into a sea of flowers" -- Mohammed

Name: Stella
City, Country: Christchurch New Zealand
Sent: 12.35 PM - 10/8 2001

keep up the travelling..good to see.

Hope you can join us here one day in New Zealand

Name: var
City, Country: Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Sent: 11.25 AM - 10/8 2001

Hi Ramon!

I was reading your comments about you having to remove 35 (!) adresses from you database on account of the terrorist attack in the US... I got 'kippevel' all over... I can see why it is difficult to cope with that... Hope that you'll get a few new invites by the time you get to going to the US; live goes on and all that...

When are we going to see you on the chatbox again? Its been a bit quiet there recently.

Groeten and the best of luck,


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.29 AM - 10/8 2001

Hi Ramon

I am really glad that you enjoyed your camping in the game reserve. Hopefully you stopped to watch the other animals for as long as you stopped for the so-called big 5.

When in a game reserve, one should realise that each plant, each animal, and indeed, each river, hill, and so on, all play a crucial roll in the environment.

Each contributes something that is crucial to the ecosystem. Did you see the dung beetles in the elephant droppings? Did you see the lilac-breasted roller showing you how it got that name? I hope so.

Well, look after yourself in Joburg. Travel well, and see as much as you can.


Name: Martin van Tuijl
City, Country: Roden, The Netherlands
Sent: 3.16 AM - 10/8 2001

With all respect and love to all the victims in NY and Washington, is this maybe something to think about? Is this maybe something why things are going so bad right now? Like to read your comments about this...


Name: Erin
City, Country: Versailles, France
Sent: 10.22 AM - 10/7 2001

Hey Ramon!

Hope you remember your mad Aussie host from France! :) Jurgen says hi, too.
I'm so glad youre in South Africa! Have just scrolled through all the pics, and they're great. You seem to be having a wonderful experience, and I'm really happy for you.
Take care.

Name: Robert
City, Country: Denmark
Sent: 12.14 AM - 10/7 2001

I side with you on the fact that many people are subjected to similar attacks around the world and my heart goes with them, but I'm hereby refering to the 35 or so readers (of this site) who invited Ramon to thier homes and didn't live to see it into reality due terrorism. Do you get my point?

City, Country: dbk Tom
Sent: 11.01 PM - 10/6 2001

Hi Ramon, I've just send this article to TV NZ.

Hope something comes of it

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Johannesburg, South Africa
Sent: 10.13 PM - 10/6 2001

The South African newspaper The Citizen has published about me on October 3rd on a full page. As they don't have a website (yet), somebody provided me the complete text by email. Thank you!

You can read the whole story here.

Name: Roberto
City, Country: Italy
Sent: 5.05 PM - 10/6 2001

I would like to respond to Roberts request for a page on this website for all victims and family of the recent attacks of the WTC.

Probably you are now only thinking about the +5,000 victims of terrorism in the USA. I regret it that you don't look further. There are much more victims of terrorism on this planet!!!

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.12 AM - 10/6 2001


Thanks for the reference to those web sites. I suggest others in this board take a look see. Especially Erwan's. Lots of info.

Absolutely incredible information. Thanks! :-)

Name: Genny
City, Country: Toronto, Canada
Sent: 6.22 AM - 10/6 2001

In a follow up to Erwan's article, another website to visit is:

This was created by a women's group to document the human rights violations in Afghanistan. Given the conditions under which Afghan women live, it's incredible that this site exists at all. A picture's worth a thousand words so this is not for the faint of heart.

PS Ramon, I love reading about your trip! I hope you get invited to stay with some black families. It would be interesting to get your perspective of how the majority of South Africans live. I am hoping to be living in a bigger place by the time you make it to Ontario. If so, I'll definitely invite you over!

Name: Robert
City, Country: Copenhagen, Denmark
Sent: 2.19 AM - 10/6 2001

Hi all
I’ve been following Ramon’s journey since he came to Denmark and to be frank, I’ve enjoyed every little bit of everything but his October 2 (second day) report from South Africa have touched so much that I’ve decided to express my mind about something special.

Though some of us will criticize him for accepting an invitation from a big (corporation) guy. I don’t see anything wrong about that. We all have to bear in mind that not all big guys are bad. While some might suck you and me others have refresh us in a way or the other. Correct me if I’m wrong, most of the things that we now take for granted, including our dear mighty internet, might not be in its current stage without them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a teacher (not a corporate executive) and I love my job 100%, but, please allow Ramon to be a little bit human.

What’s really pushing me to write this message:

I felt sad to read of some 35 friends who invited Ramon for a day but couldn’t see their dreams into reality due to this horrible incident that occurred in the United States on September 11.

Thinking over it made me so much sad. Surely, these people were my friends or family we never knew. They were people we’d been reading same things with, enjoyed same things with, think over same things, share same feelings etc. In reality they were some friends or (let me stay for a day) family members who were going on with daily life like you and I and never made it to the next day. Yes, this is the world we live in. Oh, what a life.

I’m hereby suggesting two things:
1. Let’s build a page on this site for these friends. A page where people, especially their family members and love ones, can send in regular information about them (including pictures, their daily life, etc.).

I think their wish/dreams that we may someday read about them on this site should be a reality and live after them. Their invitation to Ramon should be appreciated.

2. We should raise founds and build a monument , an internet cafe, or anything special , in the United States to uplift their names and soul.

Okay, here goes my mind guys. Please write yours and let’s get to work. Anything is welcomed.

Much love.

Name: Niki
City, Country: Liverpool
Sent: 11.04 AM - 10/5 2001

Muhammed, looks to me like Ramon has hitch hiked only a handfull of times - read the reports, he's got it so easy............

Name: Suzanne and Paul
City, Country: Isle of Man
Sent: 7.52 PM - 10/4 2001

Remember us? You do - great!Paul's birthday next week we will get some raunchy photos of Manx ladies for you - used your free flight to SA then? only just manged to re connect our pc - the legend of Ramon lives on in the IOM people keep asking us about you xxx

Name: Salome
City, Country: Cape Town, SA
Sent: 1.05 PM - 10/4 2001

Welkom in Afrika :-)

I have been reading your reports since day 1 - and can not believe you are in SA already - Wow ! I live in a suburb outside Cape Town called Table View. I have posted my invite and hope to see you soon.
Lekker bly :-)

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 12.11 PM - 10/4 2001

Absolutely, I echo the sentiments of Muhammed. Ramon, keep up the great efforts, you really are making a good impression on those whose lives you pass.

Name: Muhammed
City, Country: Durban South Africa
Sent: 9.25 AM - 10/4 2001

May I offer another pespective to the recently expressed views concerning Ramon's acceptance of the hospitality offered to him by certain commercial tourism enterprises.

As an ex-hitcher I do know that life on the road in a strange country can be rough. With no home comforts, inclement weather, hours of waiting for transport, wavering sleep patterns can altogether take its toll on your health, energy and moods. As Ramon travels without a budget, he is normally even worse off, not even able to buy the little luxuries which I could afford and took for granted.

Yet, despite the hurdles, Ramon ventures on, faithfully at work on his keyboard, cheerfully producing a graphic and entertaining travelogue of his experiences for our enjoyment. The pressures to carry a demeanour of politeness to ones hosts while writing about them will always be present. Not an easy task.

Having considered this, I believe that it would be a pleasant change from the rigours of his sojourn for Ramon to be accorded the cosiness once in a while. He deserves to go on a splurge every now and again if only for his efforts in helping to promote communication and understanding between different cultures. Note his very charitable and mature comments regarding the recent tragedies in the U.S.

Ramon, Ons verwelkom jou hier in Zuidafrika !

Enjoy the luxuries offered to you to get your batteries recharged for the challenging road ahead.

Name: fatih
City, Country: istanbul, turkey
Sent: 9.01 AM - 10/4 2001

go on. I congratulate you.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.30 AM - 10/4 2001

Hi Ramon

I feel so incredibly proud reading your report from Joburg. I lived there for seven years, and, although I prefer both Cape Town and Durban, the places you mention are still significant to me in some way.

That "concrete highway" is a major arterial, in fact, it is the so-called "Cape to Cairo" road. I commuted on it between home and work, and believe me, it gets bumper to bumper with traffic.

It is always interesting to read your reports, but so much more so when the places you discuss are so familiar. I'll make every effort to read your reports every day while you are in SA.

Each day I'm sure you will find something great about this confused country. Without realising it, you might even change the entire world's opinion on SA.

Who are you to change the world? You, Ramon, are precisely the man we need.

Go well


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