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Sent: 11.02 AM - 8/14 2001

Hey! Heard you used THE WORLD FOR FREE in your travels. Glad to see that. I haven't checked the whole site out yet, but do you have a link? Would you like to write something for the next book, due out early next year? Let me know. You can respond through the website.


Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 12.36 AM - 8/14 2001

Dear Ramon's Mum

Wishing you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you will have a lovely day. I know that Ramon will be missing you just as much as you are missing him and I expect you will get hundreds of Birthday messages from Ramon's "extended family" via his website. Have a great day. Lots of love Sylvia xxx (one of his Scottish hosts)

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 10.12 PM - 8/13 2001

To Ramon’s Mom,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your day is filled with happiness and God’s Blessings.
Your son is a great guy, and very mature. You must be very proud of him.
I bet you miss him a lot.
I wish you both the best. And I wish Ramon a safe and happy journey.
With Love,

Name: Michael
City, Country: Seattle, USA
Sent: 8.34 PM - 8/13 2001

Groeten van the North West corner of Amerika.

Much thanks for the first 100 days and this
is just a note to say, I really appreciate the
words and photos of the places you've been (many
of which I have been to in the past). Your camera eye
is superb! I also appreciate the Internet Community which is supporting you and offering a day (not me --- yet!) for you to stay. Although it's a strange community it is really a world wide neighborhood
which has transcended from the early Internet days
which was for geeks and freaks. (I am both!)

Best of luck and hope that your trip will be the

first of many Internet community travels and also I hope to see you in Seattle (Probably next year August - September) ... it's a bit damp (als Holland) October to June. Tot Ziens (for me it was 5 years in Amsterdam)

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Odense, Denmark
Sent: 8.20 PM - 8/13 2001

On August 14 my mother celebrates her birthday. She misses me and she knows I can't be there.

Surprise here if you want to, just like me.

You are welcome to send her an email through "" and I will forward these to her, all day long!

Name: Ronald
City, Country: Chang Hua, Taiwan
Sent: 7.03 PM - 8/13 2001

Hey man, you are incredibly great~~~

I am so impressed by your brilliant courage and passion~~~
if some day you come to Taiwan, please do come to my home and be my guest...
let you stay for a day~~~ it's certainly welcome~~~ ^^

Name: wei
City, Country: taipei,taiwan
Sent: 6.39 PM - 8/13 2001

you are so brave ......and you make me believe that DREAMS WILL COME TRUE ....:-)

i'll prey for you !!

Name: Coralie
City, Country: England
Sent: 5.59 PM - 8/13 2001

Hi Ramon
Congratulations ! 100 days wow !Take care of yourself, I do look in from time to time and am going on a journey with you - as my travel guide, seeing places I would never have the chance to otherwise , bless you !

kind regards

Name: Wendy Jervis
City, Country: Sheffield
Sent: 4.56 PM - 8/13 2001

Hi Ramon,

How the past fifty days have flown by! You were at our place for your fifty day anniversary and now you are at 100... Congratulations.

By the way... remember our Hamster? She died... :(

Take care and continue to travel safely.

Name: Willem
City, Country: Belgium
Sent: 1.26 PM - 8/13 2001

Ramon, is Judith/Juut your girlfriend at home?

Name: Judith
City, Country: Groningen, the netherlands
Sent: 1.19 PM - 8/13 2001

Hey Ramon!

100 days on the road!!! Congrats!! I wish you all the best and have a great time in Denmark, which is a very good choice, I guess. I hope you're fine and I hope you will find time to update your reports, but just enjoy life every single moment and take your time to rest! Though I AM waiting(!) for all those new reports.

Life in Groningen is still going nice and easy but some heavy weeks are coming up including a bit of playing tennis with my friend-for-ever-Gerrieke-who-likes-to-drink-a-lot. She comes over from Zwolle to have some nice weeks over here (also the "Keiweek" is a part of it! (For the ones who don't know: Keiweek is an introduction week in Groningen for new university students, a lot of bands are playing and the whole city is overwhelmed by students going out late all week and so on; a great but heavy week!)

We zullen er eentje op je drinken!

So far for now!

Take care and lots'a love,


Name: Lars B. Dybdahl
City, Country: Copenhagen, Denmark
Sent: 1.19 PM - 8/13 2001

Now that you are in Denmark, notice the sky. It is very, very seldom that you have the same types of clouds all over the sky, as you can often see it in countries like England and other places where the distance to the sea is much greater. In Denmark, you cannot get further away from the sea than 50 kilometers, so the clouds will always look different around you.


Name: Tilly
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 10.57 AM - 8/13 2001

Hey there Ramon,

We are all still following you here. We're very proud you already made a 100 days. Congratulations!! Send Lars to Zwolle to meet me ;)
Take care!!!!

Name: Brian Cox
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 7.05 AM - 8/13 2001

Hi Ramon

I've been very bad, not checking your progress for about two weeks. Well, Denmark seems like a great place. Good idea to go there in summer.

Two things I've noticed. One is that you are getting a lot of invitations from Taiwan and surrounding areas. I suppose you'll gradually shift eastwards, eventually crossing the international date line, and circumnavigate the globe before returning home. That last night in the White House seems more realistic now, hey!

The second thing I've noticed is that your host Lars Vinther Smidt is good looking. I'd be really happy to look like him. Ah well, I am no where close to as good looking, so that's perhaps why I'm single. :-(

In any case, looks are but one part of the whole person. There are lots of characteristics to consider, as I'm sure you are realising through your travels. This is certainly the best way to learn.

Which makes me think... I seem to remember the topic being discussed briefly before, but are you ok with not having a significant other with you? Or is the plan to use this project to meet some stunning woman when you do return home...? Whatever it is, keep on travelling, and all the best.

Please remember, before you venture too far east, come down south for a while. South Africa is waiting. And we have a good climate.

See ya


Name: Scitanul Emos
City, Country: Athen, Greece
Sent: 6.06 AM - 8/13 2001

Great idea & congratulation on your 100 days!

'Most of us will never do great things, but we can do small things in a great way.' - My home is your home for a day or two.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Odense, island Funnen, Denmark
Sent: 11.18 PM - 8/12 2001

I'll be heading south of Denmark after a tour around the country...

Name: N.
City, Country: Germany
Sent: 10.12 PM - 8/12 2001

Which country do you want to visit after Denmark?

Take care and have a good time!! See you in Germany!

Name: cherlene
City, Country: taipei.taiwan
Sent: 7.32 PM - 8/12 2001

hihi RAMON

Another person from taiwan....
I'm so happy i saw the article in newspaper,it's
about ur story.
U can see that u got so many new friends from
Come to see us some day.
enjoy ur life ~~~

Name: Henning
City, Country: Roskilde, Denmark
Sent: 4.44 PM - 8/12 2001

Hello Ramon. Heard You in the radio P3 this week. What a great idea You have got! Enjoy our little country and the mostly friendly people here. From me and my families travels I have learned that now other education is better in understanding the fantastic world and its PEOPLE. Take care and good luck. PS We will love to host You if back in Sjælland??

Name: Merete
City, Country: Charlottenlund, Denmark
Sent: 10.22 AM - 8/12 2001

Hi Ramon

I hope that you are enjoying yout time in Denmark. Maybe it's a good idea to go to and tell your story in the World Forum. It's a travel page with about 155.000 members all over the world and it's very much alive. I am sure you will receive a lot of invitations. We are going to Greece today, so unfortunately we can't invite you.

Good luck!


Name: Angelica de Bruin
City, Country: Utrecht, Holland
Sent: 3.05 AM - 8/12 2001

I guess that Lars Vinther Smidt is single... but how would that be possible? we are waiting!

Name: zwartewater fm
City, Country: Hasselt, The Netherlands
Sent: 3.04 AM - 8/12 2001

Nice idéé to travel on this opertunety (how do you write that?) but ok

and greets ilionair dj at zwartewater fm (local radio stadsion)

Name: Ron
City, Country: Almelo
Sent: 3.00 AM - 8/12 2001

Just heard you at 3.30 in the morning on dutch radio3, you must have been sleeping. it's a pitty for the deejay, because how can he expect some exiting adventure stories from you at that time. I enjoy your website and like how you keep hold on your privacy on the radio. They don't have to know all!

Name: Marcella de Ronde
City, Country: Hilversum, Netherlands
Sent: 1.47 AM - 8/12 2001

Where the heck does he finds the time for it?

Ramon logs in Dutch on
where he communicates with the Dutch at home...

Name: Bret
City, Country: USA
Sent: 1.38 AM - 8/12 2001

Hmmmmmmmm...... It's looking like "As the LMSFAD Message board Turns" Will Lars fall for MV from UK's solicitations? Will MV send Lars a picture to make the playing field level. Is Lars Single???? My vote is no. Most important is when will some Computer Company Sponsor Ramon with a LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!! Anybody out there with connection with Steven Jobs? Let's get going folks. network, network, network!

As always Ramon, enjoying your adventure. Oh! Smart choice on where to go next, but then we know how sharp you are. Keep on truckin'

Name: M.V.
City, Country: UK
Sent: 6.58 PM - 8/11 2001

Ramon, is your Copenhagen host Lars Vinther Smidth single?

If so, tell me and I'll come over too and search for him in Copenhagen! HE IS CUTE!

Name: John
City, Country: Taipei, Taiwan
Sent: 5.31 PM - 8/11 2001

Hi Ramon,

I am John from Taipei, Taiwan.
I also read about your travel form newspaper.
I think your story will be spread all the world.
Keep going!
I wish you could come to Taiwan.
We will be glad~!

Name: May
City, Country: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Sent: 3.42 PM - 8/11 2001

Hi Ramon,

I am May from Taiwan.
Today I read your travel story from newspaper.
And I just visiting your "Let me stay for a day" website. : )
That's so interesting.
I am also like to travel around in different country.
Your dream is very great, beautiful, and encourage young people to come true theirs.
Hope you could come to Asia country on someday.
Keep going!

Name: Mona Lee
City, Country: Kaoshiung,Taiwan,Repulic of China
Sent: 3.03 PM - 8/11 2001

As they said, your story is on our newspaper today.

I always dream about to do what you do.
If you come to Taiwan, please come over here. My parents fight a lots, but dont mind. that's interesting. that will be lots fun in my house. my friends are cool and all can carry on English, no problem! Think about it! Good luck!

Name: varonica_franco
City, Country: Taichung, Taiwan
Sent: 1.52 PM - 8/11 2001

Nice job,man !

Name: Jasi
City, Country: Austria
Sent: 10.10 AM - 8/11 2001

Hi Ramon !

Congratulations! 100 Days - that´s great.
Have a good time.
:) Jasi

Name: Jul;ie Richardson
City, Country: Glasgow
Sent: 10.08 AM - 8/11 2001

Just found out about your trip. Sorry to have missed you in Glasgow. If you're ever back get in touch.

Name: Sky Lee
City, Country: Taipei,taiwan.
Sent: 9.55 AM - 8/11 2001


Saw an article about you in paper,just came up here to
wish you good luck!
Hope to see you in Taiwan one day.

Name: Samuel Fernandez
City, Country: Curitiba, Brazil
Sent: 8.58 AM - 8/11 2001


If you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Go from here to there' and it will go. You could do anything.

Congratulation on your 100 days.


Name: Nomar G.
City, Country: Kalunberg, Denmark
Sent: 8.50 AM - 8/11 2001


"A man is but a product of his thoughts; what he thinks, that he becomes."...............Gandhi

City, Country: TAIPEI
Sent: 7.11 AM - 8/11 2001



Name: yi-chen
City, Country: miao-li Taiwan
Sent: 5.46 AM - 8/11 2001

i saw a article about u~I think what u r doing is amazing and I wish I could have such brave to do what what i want , just like u .

that's a pity that the aritcle said u don't have plan to visit asia yet.but taiwan is always waiting for u~~!

Name: Stephanie
City, Country: Taipei Taiwain
Sent: 1.02 AM - 8/11 2001

Hi brave man

Keep up the good working ,if any need ,we are
willing to help.

Name: Eileen and Brian
City, Country: Northern Ireland
Sent: 11.37 PM - 8/10 2001

Hi Ramon

Hope things are going well for you and that you are not sleeping on any park benches or under any trees.

We are sure you would have needed Johnny's sweatshirt it would be so useful now!!!!!!!!

We enjoyed your stay, and are still talking about you.

Brian has found a new career - scaring children at parties - with his tongue.....Your fee is in the post!

Take care and good luck
Brian and Eileen (aka Elena not)

City, Country: VOSGES - FRANCE
Sent: 8.27 PM - 8/10 2001

Dear Ramon, your project is wonderful, I send you an invitation, please come on, I go to take about your project with all my friends over the world. And if you don't go HAVE A NICE TRIPP - Hélène from france who are waiting for you

Name: Freya
City, Country: Norwich, England
Sent: 7.33 PM - 8/10 2001

Hey there! Just wanted to say well done and I'm looking forward to reading your next daily report :) Bye.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Sent: 6.32 PM - 8/10 2001

Just added more pictures with the August 6th report. Report will be following shortly, just can't find the time for it right now...

Name: Kathy
City, Country: Eastern Panhandle, WV
Sent: 4.26 PM - 8/10 2001

Some folks may be interested in some books of an earlier traveler who set out to travel for a long time with virtually no money back in 1933. His trip started in the Netherlands, too. Patrick Leigh Fermor walked from Amsterdam to Constantinople over the course of a year and a half. He's got at least 2 books that cover his journey - "A Time of Gifts" (sounds sort of familiar :-) ) and "Between the Woods and the Water." I just happened to hear a reading from the latter a couple of weeks ago on a BBC program that was on the radio in the middle of the night when I was trying to go to sleep.

Name: Sharlini
City, Country: K.TRG, M'sia
Sent: 4.25 PM - 8/10 2001

Ummm, happy 100 days and I'm glad you finally made it to Denmark! I was right, it WAS Denmark (more proof that I'm psychic-hehehe). Well, I think all your future hosts should always keep in mind the possibility of you staying for more than a day (and I bet most of them don't mind). *g* Take care, Ramon!


Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 10.21 AM - 8/10 2001

Message for Violetta.

I agree that Ramon should go on the TV as people who don't even know about his project would find his experiences interesting. Having been one of Ramon's ex-hosts, the favourable comments that everyone has written about him are true, he is a great guy, very interesting to talk to and also very intelligent. It was a pleasure having him, but his stay wasn't long enough!

Name: Violetta
City, Country: Burgesse, France
Sent: 2.40 AM - 8/10 2001

Over 100 days already! And even your parents are proud of you. I can't believe how your ex-hosts write about you, so nice! Really sweet. Now I also want to meet you in real life and maybe a lot of others, why don't you go on television? Than we can all enjoy it.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Copenhagen, Denmark
Sent: 10.15 PM - 8/9 2001

The messageboard had been taken away for a while, because it did not work properly. Hopefully everything is restored again and you can view or write comments or other thoughts again.

Regards, Ramon.

Name: Bret
City, Country: USA
Sent: 10.56 PM - 8/8 2001


I also want to congradulate you on your first 100 days, but I also want to thank your support team for keeping us plugged into your adventure.

So Ramons support team, please take a bow for a job well done. Thany You!!!

Name: Marc Vallhonesta
City, Country: Spain
Sent: 9.11 PM - 8/8 2001

Well, apart from saying that you had a great idea, I want to let you know that you appeared in "La Vanguardia", most important newspaper in Barcelona, and probably second in Spain.

"Stoppelenburg: El primer cibergorrón:

And I can translate it for you:

Title: the first cyber who want others to invite him

Published in La Vanguardia on 08/08/2001, section: Vivir en Verano (Live in Summer)/ La Red (The Net)

The Dutch guy Ramon Stoppenlenburg can be called a "cyber who wants other to invite him". This 24-years-old student wants to see the world for free.

Thus, his website is called ("dejame quedar un dia"). In it, he asks anyone to invite him to stay at his place and so to help him make his adventure, which started in May, successful. He doesn't only travel but he publishes in his Internet site a journal where he explains all the details of his travel with pictures and so he thanks his host. "I have to tell others your hospitality and your way of cooking" he says.

The Stoppelenburg travel started on the 1st of May in Holland and he has visited France, United Kingdom and Ireland. But, so far, it is not easy to tell when is he going to finish his odyssey. En his website he has hundreds of invitations -eleven of them in Spain- and only the ones posted before the 29 of April are published. In the list there are such far places from one to other as Chile, Thailand or Australia, but the traveller but find difficulties to satisfy so many people who want to host him, because he says "I won't take buses, trains or planes because I'll be hitchhiking most of the time". Anyway, a north American guy has been offered to take him in his yacht.

Stoppenlenburg inspired his initiative in another very popular site on the Net called ("enviame un dolar"), where visitors are asked to give this small amount. Last, some advice: the traveller has said that he would not mind a digital camera or a mobile phone"

My apologies for any mistake, any bad translation, etc.

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