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Sent: 5.46 AM - 7/28 2001

just got the update.

I would say NZ maybe ore I hope

Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Sent: 3.33 AM - 7/28 2001

In bed nursing a sore tooth? You can run but you can't hide. That's one of the many problems if you are not 'gentle' to yourself.

Take care.

LSOM, it was all because of a crushed filling. Which is replaced now. Shit happens, even if I am gentle...

Name: Ian & Tony
City, Country: Stockton-On-Tees, UK
Sent: 5.26 PM - 7/27 2001

Hello to the Lawson Family From Cleadon Village! Ramon is staying with us at the moment (in bed nursing a very sore tooth), and we just wanted to say a big thank you for the gift you sent to us :) We are very tempted to drink it as we both like a tipple, but I guess we must keep it and look at it once in a while when we feel the need for a "wee dram". Anyway, thank you again and we wish you and your family every happiness,

Ian & Tony

Name: Journo Jim
City, Country: Irkutsk, Siberia
Sent: 4.52 PM - 7/27 2001

Hi Ramon,

I'm really glad to hear that you got to see so much of Northern Ireland, and at an interesting time, if a little tense. To everyone, it really is as Ramon says an otherworldly place, and the more people from elsewhere who go to see it, I think the more the local people will stop focusing on their own little differences and realise that there is a big world out there.
Ramon, I hope you're enjoying my traveller's tales as much as I am enjoying yours.
See you soon somewhere, I hope.
All the best,
journo Jim

Jim Clarke was my host in Dublin. Currently he is travelling from Moskou to China, by train...

Name: Miriam
City, Country: San Jose, CA, USA
Sent: 8.26 PM - 7/26 2001

Hi Ramon,

I was wondering when your report about your day in Antwerpen will finally be published!

Yeah, me too! And I miss a day in London-report too...

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.18 AM - 7/26 2001

Hey Ramon

20 December is far away. hopefully, if you can't get here in October, you can be here then. That would be cool. And your toothache will be a thing of the past as well. Durbs is waiting...

Hey, another thing, one of SA's official languages (believe it or not, we have ELEVEN!) is Afrikaans. This is quite similar to Dutch, so you will feel even more at home here...

See ya!


Name: Anonymous
Sent: 6.08 AM - 7/26 2001


Buckingham Palace has about 600 rooms!

They should start a Bed & Breakfast! Think about all the people who'd like to stay in there!

Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Sent: 5.39 AM - 7/26 2001


Do practise more patience. Forget White House for the time being - why not Buckingham Palace (official town residence of the British monarch since 1837, located near Saint James' Park, London.)
Be gentle with your tooth problem.

No, don't forget the White House and I do have patience. Please know it is JUST ONE of the fun things in this project. Buckingham Palace, knock-knock.

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 4.20 AM - 7/26 2001

Come on Ramon, let’s be nice now, there are all sorts of written explanations on your website. If people seem to ask you, what may seem to be a silly question to you,please don’t be so sarcastic in your reply to them.

Some people have limited access to Internet, so they may rush thru reading material a bit quickly, and then later ask you a question you have probably explained a million times. Plus some people around the world do not understand English that well to be able to understand all of what is said on your website
(I’m referring to the people who ask, why their invitation isn’t posted on your where to go list)

Be a little more nicer in your replies, and have patience, lot’s of patience. I have a son your age, and that’s what I would advise him, if it were he.

Keep on having fun, hope your tooth problem goes away fast.

I am patient and I know a lot of different people visit my website. But understand also that everybody has a bad day once in a while. The only difference is, when I have a bad day and I express myself online, I will be crusified immediately for everything I write.

And that's something I will never understand...

Name: Keri
City, Country: Arizona, USA
Sent: 12.40 AM - 7/26 2001

Awwwwwww...poor thing!!! :( Sorry bout your toothache!!! ALMOST as sorry about that Dentist's visit! hehe ;)

Another example of the fact that some people get happier when other people have some problems...?

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Stockton-On-Tees, England (UK)
Sent: 11.58 PM - 7/25 2001

Because of my toothache thing (and the attached splitting headache) my latest reports are prosponed. I'll update them all on Thursday 27, I'll notify about it through my mailinglist.
And by the way, I've been to the dentisssssssst. It was great. :-(

Name: coralie
City, Country: England
Sent: 8.47 PM - 7/25 2001

hi Ramon
just wishing you a great journey


Thank you, Coralie.

Name: Sharlini
Sent: 6.22 PM - 7/25 2001

Whoops...I meant to say bullets being fired into the sky! Hehehe. But one thing's for sure, when you get to Asia, there will be plenty of food for you to taste! Do you like spicy food?

Name: Sharlini
City, Country: K.T., Malaysia
Sent: 6.20 PM - 7/25 2001

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Ramon. How's the tooth? As for your it after or before Christmas? I saw on TV that in the Philippines, they celebrate Christmas on a huge scale, fireworks, guns being fired into the sky...maybe you could find your way there in Dec. Since it might take awhile for you to get to this end of the world, I'd say Dec. 2002! =)

Name: nejib belkadhi
City, Country: tunis tunisia
Sent: 5.01 PM - 7/25 2001

i sent you an invitation and i still can't see my location on the places to go page!

please send me an answer.
good luck.

I will have to repeat this everytime... The location list says it has only been updated until April 29, two days before I departed. New invitations will go into my database only and won't appear online for now. I don't understand myself, how large can I make the font that says this on the location-page?

Name: bartender "juut"
City, Country: the Netherlands
Sent: 2.45 PM - 7/25 2001

Hey, Ramon!

Is there a way to order a couple of those hot "LMSFAD"-woman t-shirts without having a creditcard? It would be nice to be wearing that while working... Would be BIG advertisement for you, as you know what I mean...

Take care and cheers!


Name: Alan MacDonald
City, Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 10.07 AM - 7/25 2001

Hi Ramon,

If you say that your teeth started hurting last Friday, I'll scream, 'cos thats when mine started to go as well.

Hmmmm - Sympathy Toothache! Urg.

[offtopic] Hey! Everybody! Watch out for SirCam worm. It bites! Don't open attachments!



Name: Sharlini
City, Country: Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Sent: 7.41 AM - 7/25 2001

Hi Ramon!

I dreamt about losing my teeth last night...must have been about you. *g* Hey, it's my birthday! =) When is your birthday and how did/will you spend your birthday? Maybe your future hosts could take note...


Happy Birthday! How I will spend mine? It's far away in December, I don't know yet. Any suggestions?

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.37 AM - 7/25 2001

Hi Ramon

You know, there is a reason they're called dentissssstssssss. ;-)

Maybe a kind host will take you to a dentist and host you for a couple of days, until you can eat properly again. People, that is a hint!

Keep well, and watch out, the mafia are right there...



Name: Tricia
City, Country: England
Sent: 4.34 AM - 7/25 2001

i wish you well and a safe journey through your project

Name: Sam
City, Country: Denver, Colorado, USA
Sent: 4.31 AM - 7/25 2001

Dear Ramon,

I really enjoy reading your daily reports, but will you or your webmaster please consider the following suggestion: make the link name change color when I have clicked on each day's report. That way I can easily tell which reports have already been read, and which are still waiting to be enjoyed.
Thanks and happy travels.
I have a lot of wishes about my website myself. The person who made the whole Php/MySQL-database working, Tom, does not have enough time to work on it.
I thought about that, but what about forward+back-buttons on my reports. Any Php/MySQL-wizard is welcome to contact me and help him out...

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Cleadon Village, Scotland (UK)
Sent: 3.50 AM - 7/25 2001


I have a problem. Well, it's not a fine one. Nothing interesting happened, nature is just playing with my teeth. It basically means I need to find a dentist within a few days, to prevent worse...


Name: Zym
City, Country: Singapore
Sent: 3.20 AM - 7/25 2001

To Brian from South Africa-

wow!I read your message & found out that you're really getting things going.That's great!But don't forget to put all that down on film or something so that I can watch it here in Singapore.All the best.

Name: Brian
City, Country: South Queensferry
Sent: 11.25 PM - 7/24 2001

Hey Ramon

Not seen anything of your report for a few days. Hope everything OK and that Fort William mafia didn't catch you! When can we expect your new report and pictures please? Can't wait!

Name: trevie
City, Country: uk
Sent: 10.21 PM - 7/24 2001

Hello Ramon. Do you think you would ever goto the South pole or even to the international Space station for the night??? Now that would be a challenge.

I am not sure that you will get into BigBrother house for a day as they are evicting people not inviting.

maybe next year. but it will be longer than a day..probably 64 odd days.


RAMON: in a space station? I think that my plan to stayforaday in THE WHITE HOUSE in Washington DC, USA, has more chances. Just wait untill I get to the USA, I have some nice plans for over there.

Name: Bret
City, Country: USA
Sent: 8.48 PM - 7/24 2001


If you haven't already called the "mafia", DON'T! Don't make it easy for them. I like the idea of them actually finding you. Just leave them little hints on the message board so we can all laugh at their inability to find you. OH! the Drama! hahaha Sounds like your having fun of this nonsense, as we are also. Good luck "mafia". Keep us up to date Ramon on what happens.

To the "Mafia", tic tic tic tic tic tic tic

Okay, contact has been made. But only through my mailbox. This mafia is really old fashion, asks me if I can come over to their hideaway. Haha. Nope sorry, have some hosts to visit first. Why don't you just pick me up?

Name: Munk
City, Country: Jicin (Czech Republic)
Sent: 11.42 AM - 7/24 2001

Hi Ramon,

This shabby little town's got internetcafe. Coming our way anztime soon? Weather's perfect to fly. By the way: Dennis wrecked his car near here last week. It was Munkfixed and they're on their way east again... Both OK, sister pissed because one of the accident drivers drove on. We gave chase with the police and made him pay... :-)

Regards, Munk

Hey Munkman (one of my best friends in Holland, currently flying around in Czech). Dennis is the boyfriend of his little sister Anne-Marie, and she is my flatmate in my hometown. All bits and pieces together: I think they are having adventures also. About me coming to Czech? Mmm, I might. You'll never now untill you get this secret phone call...

Name: Brian
City, Country: South Africa
Sent: 6.23 AM - 7/24 2001

An after-thought.

The charity could be chosen by one of the people who guessed correctly. Which one? And you could have a separate page on the website just for voting...

all the best


Name: Brian
City, Country: South Africa
Sent: 6.20 AM - 7/24 2001

Hi Ramon

A poll to see where you are going? Mmmmmm... I guess youare going back to England, and then to France, or possibly Belgium. I vote that you come to SA. Ok, I s'pose we can wait until later in the year.

Hey, you could use that idea. How about a company sponsoring the guesses, and paying a certain amount of money to a charity for each correct guess. More money if the person guesses the town, less if they just get the country right.

The charity would be in the country where you are going, and could be chosen by a prominent radio station. But then, which of the many prominent radio stations would get to choose...?

Or, South Africa has plenty charities that desparately need cash, especially if it is Pounds or Euros, or UD$. I can give their names.

Keep strong, Ramon, and careful for the kidnappers!

Looking forward to seeing you here in sunny South Africa (ok, it's cloudy today, but normally it's sunny!)


Your idea is good, but unfortunately not every company understands the word SPONSORING.

Name: Newsflash
City, Country: An even more secret hideaway in the UK
Sent: 12.50 AM - 7/24 2001

Oops, seems that we had some troubles in kidnapping Ramon. He just passed through our fingers at junction 14 on the M74 towards Carlisle today. Ramon, please give us a call. WE REALLY NEED TO KIDNAP YOU!

Mmm. Okay guys, guess you are still in kidnapping school as you have a lot more to learn...
Well, if you are really after me, find me near Elvanfoot, UK.

Name: Newsflash
City, Country: A secret hideaway in the UK
Sent: 10.29 PM - 7/23 2001

This is the Fort William Mafia: Ramon has been kidnapped under orders of Bam Bam (The Godfather from KissFM, London). He will be relocated to the big brother house in due course, as planned. Watch this space - we are going global!

Hey mafia-guys, I hoped you'd be more professional, because I am currently safe and peaceful somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Daer, near Elvanfoot (UK). Haha. Probably having troubles finding me, don't you!
I doubt if you find me before the BB-show ends this Friday... But good luck anyway!

Name: hinano
City, Country: osaka.Japan
Sent: 8.57 PM - 7/23 2001

how about come to join us? 2002 world cup is holding in japan.if u want to,we are very happy.

I can't promise anything, but I'll sure be happy if I get to the East first. :-)

Name: Keri
City, Country: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Sent: 7.34 PM - 7/23 2001

Well...I'm not too sure about the "Ladies Only" parking. I'm a lady, but I certainly don't expect my own parking space!!! :) However, I know that at a big shopping mall here in Phoenix, there are parking spaces reserved for "Expectant Mothers" Very interesting. I mean, I can understand that one, but to have one JUST for ladies??? I think this Political Correctness has gone a BIT far!!! :)

Name: Co Co
City, Country:
Sent: 5.02 PM - 7/23 2001


i 4got what the magazine writes about u.....sorry~>"<
i saw the "locations"...when will you come to taiwan?
i really really wanna help you^^....
dont worry abput your taiwanese~my English is poor too~!
but i will try my best to help you...^ ^

About me getting to another location, please read my FAQ-page.

Name: juut
City, Country: the netherlands
Sent: 11.58 AM - 7/23 2001

Hey, about that "Ladies-only-thing", Ramon,

I totally agree; I don't believe this is a serious thing, nowadays. Unbelievable. It might be like Bret says, just a try-out, or a way of trying to get some inside info about travel accidents. Can't think of anything else. Or...perhaps it's just that women in Scotland, like in the Netherlands are usually driving smaller cars, so those parking floor might have smaller places. In that case they could have created some "small-cars-only" board. It's just that I cannot be serious about this as it really is unbelieveable!!
Who's going to explain??
Ramon, good luck!!

Name: Bret
City, Country: USA
Sent: 4.57 AM - 7/23 2001

I don't know what to make of the "ladys only parking" except to think that it might be some kind of a courtesy thing for women. On a more facetious tone. It could be a research project to see who has the higher rate of accidents in a parking lot, male or female. I personaly think it's to inspire women to get in their cars and come shopping. "Your parking spot is close by!" Like you Ramon, I'd like to know the reasoning for this. You have to admit it is kind of funny. Does anybody from Scotland know why this is? Ladies this is all in fun, so please no flaming. Keep on truckin Ramon!

Name: Peter
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 12.58 AM - 7/23 2001

Where are you heading next Ramon? Or do we have to wait and see? Hope you find a way out of Fort William!

I can't say where I am going, cause it may change any day again. But I'll try to put up a poll pretty soon, where everybody can guess or vote for my next country...

Name: Brian
City, Country: South Queensferry, UK
Sent: 5.27 PM - 7/22 2001

Hey Ramon

Hope you are having some great hospitality at the Crofters. Heard any bagpipes yet? Had any haggis while you have been in Bonnie Scotland?

Name: Co Co
City, Country: Taiwan
Sent: 5.22 PM - 7/22 2001

hi RAMON~*

how are you? my name is CoCo, i come from TaiWan,and i saw this site in taiwan`s magazine... sorry for my bad English... will you come to taiwan? i wanna help you...thought my Eng is poor~~lol anywayz....good luck 2 you~!!!

I wish I could understand what the magazine all writes about me, my Taiwanese is very poor...

Name: Alan
City, Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 1.44 PM - 7/22 2001

Hi Ramon,

That Big Brother thing sounds like great craic -> it would certainly be pretty good publicity. As you say, though, they'd have to get shifting to get you on in time before it ends.
Did you manage to get any invitations from Iceland after?

Iceland: zero points...

Name: Brian
City, Country: South Queensferry UK
Sent: 12.13 PM - 7/22 2001

Hello Ramon

I have been told about your website by a friend who is following your travels by 'net and he tells me that you have have an invite into the Big Brother House. Is this right and if so when, because it finishes this coming Friday. Good Luck with your travels and I like to read your stories.

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