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Hi Brian. What is the whole thing about Big Brother? I really don't know anything for sure now. Some deejay has launched 'the idea' of inviting me into the BB House in the UK, but that's all what happened. And if they really end the show this week, they have to hurry...

Name: Kim
City, Country: Toronto, Canada
Sent: 10.22 PM - 7/21 2001

Hey..u r in Uk now...

hope u can Jump to America later~~!!
see ya..~~

Hi Kim! As soon as I can find somebody to get me (sponsored) to the US, I might go there! Jay Leno wants me to come over, but he won't do a plane...
Maybe I just go swimming...

Name: Raffa
City, Country: Poznan,Poland
Sent: 4.02 PM - 7/21 2001

Hi Ramon!

here is your frend from Calella.what´up.I had hear about your project,and I want inviait you to me. let me now what you think about that.
raffa from poland

Hey, Raffa! Great to meet old friends again by the internet! For the others: Raffa and I worked together in the propaganda team of a Spanish discoteque for a couple of summers! Raffa, Poland is on my route!

Name: Richard
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 1.49 PM - 7/21 2001

What is all this Big Brother stuff? We can't hear Capitol Radio in Scotland. Please give us a clue....

Sent: 1.11 PM - 7/21 2001

And suddenly the Big Brother website is HACKED!


Sent: 12.59 PM - 7/21 2001


BIG BROTHER SUCKS! (Just go in there and you'll find out!)

Name: Theodor
City, Country: London
Sent: 12.57 PM - 7/21 2001


Tell us more about you going into the Big Brother house, please. Also heard it on the radio and couldn't believe it when I first heard it!

What a way to do things, Ramon! I love your life style!


Name: Ronald
City, Country: Battersea, England
Sent: 12.49 PM - 7/21 2001

Just heard about you on the Capital radio, I hope you do the BB thing as nothing happens in our lives anyway. Summers can be boring. Cheer up everybody in the Big Brother house, will you!!

Name: Barbara Holton
City, Country: Bretford, England
Sent: 12.46 PM - 7/21 2001


Yeah! Send in some intelligence forces!
But will you be evicted after one day?

(don't you seduce Helen too, Paul may get jealous!)

Name: Ian Hannaway
City, Country: Stockton-on-Tees, England
Sent: 12.43 PM - 7/21 2001

LOL Ramon, I know I shouldn't giggle when you make a boo boo, but the photograph descriptions on day 79 at Iain's farmhouse are just too funny. Looking forward to meeting u in the near future, try and come to Stockton beetween the 28th July and the 4th August as we have a big riverside festival going on in the town during that week, bye for now,


Name: Oscar Finnes
City, Country: London, London (UK)
Sent: 12.41 PM - 7/21 2001

Hey Ramon,

Rumours on the RADIO are saying you have been invited into the UK BIG BROTHER HOUSE!!!!! TELL US ABOUT THAT BEFORE YOU GO THERE PLEASE!!!!

Name: su-a
City, Country: seoul,korea
Sent: 9.25 AM - 7/21 2001

wow! your idea is so great.i contact this place by ddanzi(a kind of newspaper).i am studing for entering educational i am very poor at english.after visiting your home page,i feel that so much..+.+

Name: Hamish Mcdougal
City, Country: Isle of Skye, United Kingdom of Scotland
Sent: 1.43 AM - 7/21 2001

Ramond, Come and visit us here in the Isle of Skye - you have nay seen Scotland until you have seen the Mountains and the Islands!!!!!! And have you had a wee dram yet? hic! We can can give you a grand tour of the Talisker Distillery here in Skye - the finest malt in all the land! Go West young man, Go West!

I would love to visit the Scottish Isle of Skye, but unfortunately I don't have any invitation from that place yet.

Know I'll be in the neighborhood on Saturday 21st, as I stay for a day in Fort William.

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 12.22 AM - 7/21 2001

Thanks for your message to your ex-hosts written whilst you were at Stonehaven. I think you realise we soon grow fond of you and hate to say goodbye when you leave for your next destination, always feeling that your visit is far too short. There is never enough time to show you around and for you to meet people who would also have found you to be an interesting person. I think that we all wish that you could have stayed much longer, but of course we realise that if you did, that it would take you about ten years to complete your world travel! As you can see, this project is gaining momentum from all over the world, with all your offers of accommodation pouring in. It has been a HUGE pleasure to share a day with you. I know that your parents must worry about you and if they read this messageboard, I hope that they will realise that we all want to take care of you for a day in the best way that we can. Take care!

Name: Bret
City, Country: USA
Sent: 10.08 PM - 7/20 2001


I don't think your being arrogant. Your being real and honest. How hard is it to keep up with all of our own
family and friends? I don't think your host's expect you to keep in touch with them. (at least they should'nt)
It's just not feasible on a one to one basis. They can stay in touch with you through this message board, which
I think is why you put it up. This allows them along with the rest of us to share your life and travels, and from time to time say hi! without all the formalities. I really appreciate your honesty, and thoughtfullness to your ex-hosts along with your new hosts.

To All ex-host and future host: Thank you for allowing Ramon into your homes and letting us share in your

lives for that day or days. I shall be looking forward to reading all the posts from you about how fun it was to have Ramon over. Take Care All.

Name: cram
City, Country: Madras, India
Sent: 4.28 PM - 7/20 2001

Hey Ramon

I have posted my invite to you, but I don't see my city on your locations list. Man, you are welcome anytime in my home in my city.

Have a great trip, wherever you are.

Ciao for now


the locations-page says very clearly that it has not been updated since APRIL 29. So that's it. I am trying another solution, but till then the placestogo-page only is an example of where I am invited till April 29.

Name: Melanie Scheider, Radio Eins
City, Country: Berlin
Sent: 3.51 PM - 7/20 2001

Lieber Ramon,

I hope that you speek german, so that we can do an interview with you. Radio Eins would like to know, how it works to travel in your style. Pleas give us a call, if possible:

Radio eins, Melanie Scheider 049 / 331 - 731 - 4064

Thanks an hope to hear from you


I am sorry but I don't speak that good German.

I once was invited for a radio interview on German Radio but it could not go on, because I refused to speak German and the host of the program told me that his audience just doesn't understand English.

I found that a good reason not to do that interview. Why should I promote my ENGLISH website to people who would not even understand it?

It is just very clear to me. Please understand not everybody speaks every language on this planet.
Respect, Ramon.

Name: Ian Sanders
City, Country: Aberdeen, Scotland
Sent: 12.29 PM - 7/20 2001

To Ramon, thanks for visiting

To Elaine and Fraser, thanks for the presents. Much appreciated

Name: yvette
City, Country: korea
Sent: 8.15 AM - 7/20 2001

keep going on..

your trip seems like very exciting
5years ago i've been in europe.
it was so great.
furthermore,'s too..
your story remind me many things in europe..
take care.,
i live in korea, if you have any schedule..
i hope to see you.

Name: Rodolfo
City, Country: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sent: 10.01 PM - 7/19 2001

Hi Man, fabulous you idea!! I'd like to know how about the girls ? Are they hot like here in Brazil ?? Good Luky!!

See You

Hot girls in the United Kingdom? I don't really know. I think they are hidden from me...

Name: Melinda
City, Country: Crystal, USA
Sent: 5.13 PM - 7/19 2001

I have been to Holland, Scotland, and Seattle and have also found that the weather in these places to be alike.

Name: Elaine and Fraser Martin
City, Country: Stonehaven, Scotland
Sent: 4.53 PM - 7/19 2001

Hello Ramon, Fraser and I would just like to say it was a pleasure meeting up with you. We enjoyed your company and would like to wish you every success in you travels. We will follow your progress through the website. Take care of yourself. And we would like to thank Jos and Annemarie Tissen for the lovely print they gave us via Ramon. Thankx

Name: Sylvain Quenel SYWALK
City, Country: FRANCE,Toulouse
Sent: 3.02 PM - 7/19 2001


I'm an eighteen old french guy,and i'm walking all over the world,during 6 years,only with feets and boats.


(first in french,later in english and dutch...)

And your site is EXCELLENT !!!

If somebody go to france,go to my family(8 houses around the france).

Name: Brian
City, Country: South Africa
Sent: 6.30 AM - 7/19 2001

Hi Ramon

You can feel hugely proud of the newspaper report from The Scotland Herald. Are other newspaper reports as positive as this one about you?

Keep strong, Ramon


Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Sent: 2.23 AM - 7/19 2001


I couldn't have said it better but the following phrase." Love is not blind; it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.

Please stop the preaching and tell me what this is about clearer, because a lot of people, including I, don't get the clue of most of your posting.

Name: David
City, Country: Sopron, Hungary
Sent: 11.27 PM - 7/18 2001

Hi CB,

No worries mate. I read your post totally wrong the first time. Still feel like a fool for the initial reply. I thought you were saying "shame on me" besides saying I was a scientologist.

Anyway our quirks are what make us unique right? Yeah, that's a good thing for me to say for myself right now :-).

I agree about personal character and choices, etc.

However if you take behaviour into a cultural context you can see trends and it can help you understand why people sometimes behave/react in certain ways to certain situations. Particularly if you compare to another cultural context and can predict an "average" reaction to the same situation in another cultural context - and can see a difference.

Anyway got to go, take it easy, ciao,

Name: Patricia Fagan
City, Country: Warwick, USA
Sent: 9.32 PM - 7/18 2001

Tragedy in Eastern Canada

Gander NLFD (AP) Canada's Worst Air Disaster
occurred earlier today when a Cessna 152,
a small two-seater plane, crashed into a
cemetery early this morning in central Newfoundland.
Search and rescue workers have recovered
826 bodies so far, and expect that number
to climb as digging continues into the evening.

Patricia Fagan

Name: C.B.
City, Country: USA
Sent: 6.24 PM - 7/18 2001

David, I actually thought you were a sociologist. I have never heard of scientology until you mentioned it. I stay away from cult things. In a way, I believe that the behavior of a person, no matter where they are from, is more of an individual choice or character. Collectively, yes they may group together and behave culturally wise.

Drinking heavily or staying up all night may be acceptable in certain societies or cultures, but not everyone will do it. Don’t you think? To each his own.
Everyone knows what’s bad or good, what’s wrong or right no matter where he or she are from.

It was nice and interesting to hear your opinion about the behavior of host and guest. And yes, I get your point. And as I have always said to my children, as they left the house, “Behave and be nice” everyone.

Name: Jos and Annemarie Tissen
City, Country: Forbes by Alford, Scotland
Sent: 4.16 PM - 7/18 2001

Hiya Ramon, (Malon)

We hope you enjoyed your time with us as much as we enjoyed our time with you! It was fan-bloody-tastic!!
It was really really nice to have you over and we will have fond memories.

Always welcome.

Doehoeg, (the dutch byeeee)
Jos, Annemarie, Jasper and Ben Tissen

Name: Theodor
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 1.15 PM - 7/18 2001

Just read your updated FAQ-page: "Scared? Why should I be scared? People are just made scared by television."

And you are totally right there. But I do think hitchhiking is not really a safe thing in other parts of this world?

Do any Americans have an opinion about hitchhiking through the States? And what about Africa or Asia? I don't thing the no-budget going around is very easy out there...

But I am enjoying your project daily, sometimes even twice a day! Hey - you give me something to enjoy in my life! Thanks!

Name: David
City, Country: Sopron, Hungary
Sent: 12.00 PM - 7/18 2001

sorry CB, I thought you said scientologist.

I should read these things before I post.
anyway I will be writing the book.
sorry CB

Name: David
City, Country: Sopron, Hungary
Sent: 11.58 AM - 7/18 2001

Hi there,

10-4 CB! Breaker 1-9! Scientology is a very dangeous cult, however if you want to find out all its secrets check out

However, after reading my post again I agree that it does have somewhat of a scientology-like feeling to it (unintentionally I assure you).

However seriously, if you think that none of my points have merit then you are fooling yourself.

Nothing turns off people more than someone that thinks that his culture and society are perfect and resists any attempt at expressing an objective viewpoint that highlights negative aspects thereof. Sound familiar? If so, there is help. Just wait for my book: "A Completely Objective, Perfect, and Scientific (*But Non-Scientology Related*) Review of Anglo-Saxon Culturally-Influenced Behaviour Patterns In the Modern World: Past, Present, and Future, and How Understanding Can Make You a Better Person"

You get the first copy for free, as a goodwill gesture from me to you. You see! There is somebody who cares out there.

There will be lots of illustrations, for example, arrows with a fist to a face and feet to a groin to show examples of particularly bad reactions to cultural clashes to underline my point.


P.S. I remember a conversation once in Seattle, I and another American friend were making fun on the US mail system, how much it sucks. Then my Scottish friend joined in and said how great the Royal Mail is (delivers twice a day, etc), and my American friend suddenly changed and got really upset and started saying how great the US mail is; he could not stand to think that another country could be better in something. I have seen this happen in the reverse as well. Anyway I have no clue how the US mail stands up to the Royal mail and I don't really care, but it's just another example to prove my point. What is my point? Wait for the book and see.

Name: noorie
City, Country: pakistan
Sent: 10.30 AM - 7/18 2001

hi ramon
i think that that u r doing a magnificent job that no media has ever been able to do. u r getting right into the minds and hearts of people and telling the world what we really are inside. u are binding the whole world together by ur trip and ur website.

may God bless u.

Name: Maria
City, Country: Belgium/Finland
Sent: 9.52 AM - 7/18 2001

Hi Ramon! I have been following your project ever since I heard your interview on the Belgian Radio 2 and I think it's just fantastic! And very fascinating to follow.

I'm a Finn living on the Belgian coast and I was just wondering whether you have had any response/invitations from Finland? I have sent info about your website to some of my friends living in Finland as well as to two big newspapers in Finland (Helsingin Sanomat and Ilta-Sanomat) not knowing if there have already been articles/interviews in the Finnish press or on the radio.

Hopefully there will be some reaction/interest as Scandinavia is surely worth a visit!! I would personally love to invite you to Finland but well, as I don't live there anymore ... I have invited you to Belgium, though, so should you have your ways back over here you are welcome at any time!!

I wish you all the best on your future journeys! And what comes to all the negative messages: I couldn't agree more as with the people saying that well - you can't please them all or get along with everyone. Just stay yourself. To me you give the impression of being a very nice and funny person and I think I would enjoy it very much having you as a guest. Take care!

Sent: 5.20 AM - 7/18 2001

61 countries? I heard noises - this www is really haunted.

Name: Marbella
Sent: 3.30 AM - 7/18 2001

David [as below], I want to buy the book!


Name: C.B.
City, Country: USA
Sent: 1.49 AM - 7/18 2001

David, are you a sociologist? Thank you for your lengthily and detailed explanation about the culture and social behavior of the human species in this world. I think your diagnosis of the June 30 report just about wraps it all up. Everyone, both Anglo-Saxons and continental Europeans, behave yourself. Shame on you.

Name: carol fitzpatrick
City, Country: Dundrum, N.Ireland
Sent: 10.18 PM - 7/17 2001

Mark Southgate,

Thanks a million for going to so much trouble to gather together all that info on Edinburgh for me.
The websites should prove really helpful, and thanks for the thought but yes, we have booked what looks to be a really nice hotel in the city centre.
Armed with all this information I,m looking forward to our trip even more.
Thanks again,

Name: Mark Southgate
City, Country: Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)
Sent: 7.12 PM - 7/17 2001

Carol Fitzpatrick,

Hi! Good to hear that you are planning a weekend break to this fine city.

Depends what type of food and what type of pubs you like, but I can personally recommend the Cumberland Bar (Cumberland Street, New Town); the Baillie (St. Stephen Street, my local!); and the Guildford Arms in west register street (New Town, just off Princes Street) - if you like the 'traditional' type of pub.

I would avoid the Grassmarket on a Saturday or Sunday night unless you want to spend your evening with lots of drunk people in their late teens and early twenties. However, if you are in the Grassmarket during the day, the 'Bow Bar' is another good traditional pub, and another good pub in the Old Town is up near the castle - I think it's called the Ensign Ewart, and has live music at weekends - a good 'craic' apparently.

As for restaurants, if you like fish, 'Fishers' is very good. They are on The Shore in Leith (near the sea), but also have a new branch in the New Town. 'Blue' and the 'Atrium' above the Traverse Theatre are also both good - they are in the same building and have the same owner, but the Atrium is quite a bit more expensive. If you want a restaurant with a view, the 'Tower' apparently has great views of the Castle and the Old Town. I have also heard good reports of 'Martins' restaurant in the New Town; 'Sweet Melindas' and 'Hole in the Wall' - both in the Old Town/Marchmont. Perhaps, if any locals are reading this they could suggest some more places, as I have only been here a few weeks. Oh yeah, and Valvonna and Crolla (the deli) is a great place for lunch - but a bit out of the way and also very busy at weekends.

Some places to see - Royal Botanical Gardens in Stockbridge; Camera Obscura at the top of the Royal Mile is good fun; Arthurs Seat or Calton Hill will give you a great view of the city - Calton Hill is quicker, just follow the East end of Princes Street and go up the steps. If you do go up Arthurs Seat (in Holyrood Park), there is a great pub in Duddingston - its the oldest pub in Edinburgh and at the bottom of the hill, by the loch on the south side of Arthurs Seat/Holyrood Park. All the usual 'tourist' stuff is good too - the Castle of course, and tours of Mary Kings Close are recomended if you don't mind creepy tales of haunted streets! (Mary Kings Close is a series of underground passages in the Old Town which were streets that were sealed off during the plague and are said to be haunted). A trip on the Maid of the Forth boat to see Incholm Island and the Forth Bridge is good too, if the sun is shining!

I have family visiting over the next few weekends, so I can't offer you anywhere to stay, but I assume you have somewhere booked?

Finally, there is a Jazz and Blues Festival on from July 27 to August 5th, if you like that sort of music. See: for details. From 5th of August the Edinburgh Festival starts and it gets VERY busy!

Anyway, I hope all this helps - sorry to take up so much space on Ramons message board! Also, some useful web sites for you to try for more info:

Pauls Guide to Edinburgh (a personal, local view)
Edinburgh the Best (recommends 'the best' pubs, restaurants, etc (from Peter Irvines Book)
Edinburgh Restaurants:
Time Out Guide to Edinburgh:
Independent '50'Best Things in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh Pubs:

Hope this helps - enjoy your stay!

Mark Southgate.
Edinburgh, Scotland.

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