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Name: Carlos Alberto Teixeira
Country: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana
Sent: 10.46 PM - 7/11 2001

Dear Ramon. I always send you good energies, for your journey is a blessed one. You are an example for us all. Please read your mailbox, because we need some high-resolution pictures of you to be published in our newspaper here in Rio. You are getting pretty famous down here, did you know? Well, take care, buddy. -- c.a.t.

Name: Marbella
Country: Northern Ireland
Sent: 9.48 PM - 7/11 2001

Wow hunky guy on Ulster Television!

Can't I join you?
Love, Marbella.

Name: Gianfranco
Country: Roma,Italy
Sent: 5.19 PM - 7/11 2001

Thanks,Ramon,from all the "GIAFILAR" comunity......We are travelling with you,me in particular,(I have not summer holiday this year),anyway if you came in Roma I can "Let you stay for a day" at my home,you are welcome (maybe you can help me at work :)...) Regards to all .........Please,no comment on my scolastic english......Spaghetti Forever

Name: Carol Fitzpatrick
Country: N. Ireland
Sent: 11.27 AM - 7/11 2001

Hi Ramon,

Greetings from Dundrum. Hope you made it to Belfast alright. You made the front page of our local newspaper, The Mourne Observer today as well as a big piece and a photo on page 14. Try to get your hands on a copy in Belfast today. It was an absolute pleasure having you to stay. To anyone reading this, I'd recommend that you invite Ramon into your home. You'll be enriched by the accounts of his experiences and it's very exciting to be a part of this global project.
Carol, Terry, Ciara & Katy.

Name: shaun
Country: Ireland
Sent: 11.24 AM - 7/11 2001

WALTER!!! Yikes , dont you know Ramon goes ballistic if anyone puts their email here , thats in case we get together and give our own opinion on himself!

Bet next I look here it will be gone as will this message ..delEted or xxxxx job!
Good luck on your travels RAMON

RE FROM RAMON: Anybody is free to give your opinion about me or this project on this messageboard, but just say your things with a good argument, especially if you are going negative. Those who don't give arguments only dare to say things (mostly) anonymous and just like to provoke. Which I just discourage. And hey - it's JUST a message board...

Name: walter
Country: france
Sent: 9.38 AM - 7/11 2001

hi Ramon! hope you are allright!

can you send me maud and samuel's adress in saint ouen please? the newest street fashion magazine is out and i want to send them their free copy.
thank you very much, and hope to see you again once in paris - the guest room is waiting.
greetings to everybody

Name: Brian
Country: South Africa
Sent: 6.36 AM - 7/11 2001

Hey all

Try to keep within the spirit of this project. We all read the messageboard, and it seems that there are lots of negative messages. This world is full of those already, just watch any news program.

Let's try to keep positive here. Ramon is doing an incredible thing. Not only learning about life in other countries, but also teaching the rest of us too.

Keep going Ramon. Focus on the positive messages, experiences, and people, and use their inspiration to keep you strong.

Ramon, we still want to see you here in South Africa in a month or three.

All the best


PS I like your quote about life and toilet paper.

Name: C.B.
Country: USA
Sent: 10.44 PM - 7/10 2001

How about I don't send spam mail, and it's not hotmail who sends spam mail, it is certain people who do.

Country: Ireland
Sent: 8.06 PM - 7/10 2001

Probably Hotmail is know for all spamming mails? Just try another mailbox like or something.

Name: C.B.
Country: USA
Sent: 7.16 PM - 7/10 2001

May I ask, why can’t I send you an email to your address?

My letters are returned to me with the following explanation:
“The recipient does not accept mails from over foreign mailservers”

Name: Niamh
Country: Cork
Sent: 5.17 PM - 7/10 2001

Ron, is that an invite?

Name: toni
Country: stray scot in ireland
Sent: 5.17 PM - 7/10 2001

hey ramon,

just to say thanks- my mother downloaded one of the photos of me & was well impressed to see someone thinks i'm a very nice girl (grin). i haven't seen her for about 6 months so she had probably forgotten what i look like
sien jou
ps ronnie fernandez are you inviting niamh to go visit?

Name: rebecca
Country: ireland
Sent: 5.00 PM - 7/10 2001

There is obviously two sides to this story and we will never know the whole truth but enough allready, Shit happens!

Lets just enjoy the rest of the journey where ever it may lead!

Name: Pete
Country: Northern Ireland
Sent: 6.23 PM - 7/9 2001

Hi Ramon, Hope the media has not put you off staying for a while in Northern Ireland - I can gaurantee you will enjoy your visit. If you are staying with locals they will be able to advise you on where, and where not to go, and you will be as safe if not safer than in many other parts of the world. Hope to see you if you stop off in Larne


Name: Journo Jim
Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 5.39 PM - 7/9 2001

Good man , Ramon!

You made it all the way to Northern Ireland! you could have picked a better time of year, of course, as it is always tense there around mid-July, but do enjoy yourself and enjoy the countryside and the people, both of which are mostly beautiful and not like the media image of terror and war.
Northern Ireland is possibly the most maligned country in Europe. I just hope that by turning up during the marching season, it does not spoil your enjoyment of a strange and special place.
Catch you later,

Name: Nicole Bourque
Country: Canada
Sent: 4.58 PM - 7/9 2001

Bravo Ramon. I am a 62 year old grandma from Montréal, Québec, which is the only french province in Canada. I enjoy reading you everyday adventure in the world. I like your quotings on life, you are a very bright young man. I wouldn't mind having you for a son. I hope you will visit us in Québec. Happy travelling.. Bon voyage!!!!!!!

Name: Quirine
Country: Netherlands
Sent: 11.19 AM - 7/9 2001

Hi Ramon,

ff in het nederlands hoor. je hebt echt een te gekke site en ik wens je nog veel plezier en zal zeker je reis blijven volgen!
I was stunned by the idea of you walking for 6 hours through London! ramon, enjoy every minute of this wonderful time. and keep in mind: 'make new friend, but keep the old' do not forget about your friends back here in this "kikkerlandje"!!

Name: Sophie
Country: Brussels, Belgium
Sent: 10.54 AM - 7/9 2001

Dear Ramon,

You are doing great! Stay yourself, believe in yourself and have fun. Please ignore dumb messages because when you stayed with me I noticed no arrogance whatsoever.
And have these people never gotten drunk before - they should just get a life!
Take care of yourself ok? And if you ever need another place to say here, you are more than welcome to come back.

Kindest regards,


Name: Nina
Country: Panama
Sent: 1.25 AM - 7/9 2001

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.-- Mark Twain.

Name: Bret
Country: USA
Sent: 1.10 AM - 7/9 2001

Andy in Heath Hays,UK RIGHT ON!! I'm enjoying every bit of Ramons travels and learning lots along the way. Sad to see we have a bunch of whiners here in the USA. Just ignore them and they'll go away.

Question for Ramon: How many miles do you expect to get out of one pair of shoes? Just curious. Keep on truckin Ramon.

Name: Larry
Country: Canada
Sent: 12.59 AM - 7/9 2001

What a fantastic idea Ramon! I have been on your site for over an hour (I have a 1440 modem) and will come back to spend a few more hours there. Very interesting stuff. Adventure IS ALIVE and well in the year 2001!

All the best!

Name: Marcello
Country: Zürich,Switzerland,Europe(just for the US)
Sent: 8.11 PM - 7/8 2001

Hi Ramon, hi all of you, hanging on the messageboard.

I think Ramon is doin' a great thing.
Enjoy your trip and keep in touch with all the nice spots you reach!
"the masel"

Name: Andy
Country: Heath Hayes, UK
Sent: 7.38 PM - 7/8 2001

Its been a while since I communicated Ramon, so Hi! Mom & dad say Hi too! How are you enjoying Ireland? I would just like to say to any cynics out there, like the Yanks previously referred to, that you have no idea what Ramon is like until you have met him so lay off him! For your information, he was the model guest and his company was a pleasure. He was a guest in our house, but he still offered to do things and always left things as he found them. Sorry if I am going on a bit but I feel very aggravated that anyone can criticise him. Also, it was said that he may be getting caught up in all the media attention and 'stardom', but that is simply not the case and, anyway, who wouldn't? I just wish people on this Earth would stop being so negative and always looking for negatives. This concept is ingenious and extremely positive, why don't you look at it as such and not pick faults?!?! Right, now i've got that off my chest I would just like to say Good luck for the rest of your travels and I hope to see you again someday. Regards,


Name: Jasper
Country: The Netherlands
Sent: 6.27 PM - 7/8 2001

To Merlin, United Kingdom

Thanks for you advise, no more errors :)

Name: Alex
Country: Thailand
Sent: 6.16 PM - 7/8 2001

I have made my invitation to you. I don't think you can make your way here(South East Asia) by this year.Anyway i really hoping to see you here staying at my house and listen to your story,if you can make it here.Maybe i can have the chance to meet you in a few years time.Good Luck

Name: Pat
Country: UK
Sent: 12.38 PM - 7/8 2001

My final point on the matter that Ramon is free-loading and lazy is that this is what the project is meant to be, surely? It's slightly tongue-in-cheek much like the one of Ramon's favorite American sites: There is something refreshingly honest about that American sense of forthrightness and humor.
Just a note to Onno Vandelaak - I think she meant to
write "craic" [meaning good fun] instead of "crack" which has a different meaning.
Take care all of you and look after Ramon.

Name: Onno Vandelaak
Country: Ireland
Sent: 10.09 AM - 7/8 2001

To all future hosts.........

Ramon realy behaved himself!!!!!! and was great crack

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: Ireland
Sent: 11.07 AM - 7/7 2001

The location list has not been updated since April 29 'as it says'. New invitations go directly into my database, typing them on the site will take too much time. I am still looking for a solution.


Name: Jean Mier-Bölinger
Country: Germany
Sent: 7.49 AM - 7/7 2001

We confirmed our invitation yesterday but do not see it

on the locations list. Has my son confirmed it correct
ly? Please advise.

Name: DD
Country: Ireland
Sent: 3.37 AM - 7/7 2001

Hey Raymond,

I think I saw you swimming yesterday, July 6, at Dog's beach. Was that you?

Name: Merlin
Country: United Kingdom
Sent: 11.38 PM - 7/6 2001

To Jasper in The Netherlands:

The latest service pack for IE5.5 (update) changes your Advanced Internet Options. Do stop the bugging-erros, go to 'tools' - 'internet options' - 'advanced' and make sure you have the "Disable script debugging"-box checked. This will end all the errors you get.
I wish you happy surfings!

Name: Bret
Country: USA
Sent: 11.25 PM - 7/6 2001


Thanks for the link to this messageboard. I'm sorry I missed out on all the flack over the June 30th report. I went back to reread it and I feel empathy for you and your host. It's the alcohol. I hope things have been "smoothed" over with Niamh and Fiona. They really seem like great people. As are all the people that invite you into their homes. It really speaks well of humanity, especially in these selfish times. This is a great learning experience for all. The opinions of others, either rational or irrational help us learn about one another. This is all Good Ramon! Keep on truckin.

Name: Jasper
Country: Ntherlands
Sent: 11.06 PM - 7/6 2001

I just installed the latest service pack for IE5.5 from the Microsoft website, and somehow I get a lot of error messages when opening you site? something about a incorrect end of line... ";"....

What should I do?

PS: Sometimes I can't read your reports 'cos of these errors.

Name: Sandi
Country: Canada
Sent: 8.05 PM - 7/6 2001


I've enjoyed "sharing" your trip since you started. Your reports are so much fun to read BECAUSE your English is not quite 100% - I love that! And I appreciate that it must take alot of extra effort to do this in English instead of your mother tongue.

I've got to get back to work, but I'll continue to follow your journey. Take care! (and watch out for those wild women - they'll get you in trouble every time!)

Name: Juut
Country: The Netherlands
Sent: 5.04 PM - 7/6 2001

Hee, Ramon, you're still doing great! Go for it and I know you won't let anybody interrupt your way of life. Let them be. You are strong enough, I know that for sure! So, enjoy every minute and please take care. Lots'o'love, juut

Name: Neutral
Country: UK
Sent: 10.57 AM - 7/6 2001

This was hilarious Ramon ...."Thas still no answer to me question. If yer travelling the world, whot the feck a ye doing in fecking Coachford?"

Name: Rebecca
Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 10.37 AM - 7/6 2001

Hea Ramon,

I don't know how long your planning to spend in Ireland but if your still here you really should make your way to the Beach Party at Donnabate beach, Dublin on 4th August, there always a great experience.
Take Care!

Name: GurkForceOne
Country: Italy
Sent: 9.25 AM - 7/6 2001

hi there
just a probably useless word to say something to a bunch of frustrated 'cowboys' so patriotic with the fact that no US citizens would accept Ramon supposed arrogance (thing that i obviously do not believe)...

Why the hell do u spend time typing silly and so naif critics on Ramon's supposed arrogance (by the way do u know him so well, or you've read just a line on one of his reports?). What I mean is that you must have enjoyed alot this forum and these reports: finally you had a chance to take out all that rage you have (where u mistreated by your mum?). If you did not liked what Ramon said or wrote during an hangover, why didn't you just skip the line or change website instead of taking the time to ruin someone's experience 'round the globe?... I mean I'm really looking forward to know what are the reasons that take all of this people to write about something that they do not care about (in fact you want him back home) On the first place you practically say that maybe Ramon got too much into this 'star' thing and should be 'more an individual' and then you say that his words are a public offense and shouldn't have been written on this website (like as he was a public figure); if you understand what I mean, don't you think it is a bit of contraddiction. It is all Ramon's personal experience 'round the world and his reports are personal opinions and experiences, so why take the time to spend some words against him. If you do not like it, well move out of the way, this is his website, not your baby-pool and I personally find interesting to read opinions on places he goes to and not 'public politically correct declarations on country well approved general situation'. On the other hand I'd like to say that you're saying that u're speaking for the whole US (and I found this a bit offensive), while I know so many people from NY and LA that surely will at least be able to speak in a proper manner and that are wonderfull individuals who do not spend all of their time ruining other people experiences by spreading negative words based on NO knowledge of the person.
As u USerians would say: 'Don't give me that folks!'
Enjoy life and be interested in other opinions and cultures, it will make your life better!

Lots of love XXX kiss kiss kiss :)

P.S.: America is a big continent not only USA


And by the way I expect you all at the next G8

Name: Jeanne L.
Country: France
Sent: 12.27 AM - 7/6 2001

Ramon, I enjoy your reports very much! Everyday at lunch I try to keep up with your traveling, it's really great reading. I am not going on a holiday for a long time, so I luv it!

Great question for all the message posters here:
"If a trainstation is where the train stops, what is a work station?"
Au revoir!

Name: Nina
Country: Panama
Sent: 12.15 AM - 7/6 2001

I know people’s feelings were hurt. Everyone was, and is attacking each other with bitter words. But you know what? It’s a shame, it’s a big shame. There are so many people in this world who are starving, who are homeless, jobless, who have no freedom. And here are people, who have the luxury to even have a computer, saying all these mean things day after day.

Why don’t we take a moment to give thanks to God for the home you live in, the food on your table, the job you have. Why waste time dwelling over something that has already happened and cannot be changed? Look around you and see the lovely positive things in your life.

Instead of wasting energy being mad and angry, do something nice for someone who needs help. And you will see how much better you will all feel. Relax and take it easy. Sometimes life is to short. Please, let’s stop all the attacks, bitter words and arguing. I know you can do it.

Thank you.

Country: IRELAND
Sent: 11.33 PM - 7/5 2001


Name: Karen
Country: Texas - USA
Sent: 10.44 PM - 7/5 2001

Ramon - your trip out to the islands was great. Your reports are getting better all the time - it's like we are there with you! And the photos of Ireland are just gorgeous. I hope I'll get to visit there someday.

Take your time and enjoy it - like you said this is the time of your life - why rush it? There are so many people to meet and places to see!

Name: Isabelle
Country: Canada
Sent: 7.19 PM - 7/5 2001

I Think what you're doing is great. But i really have to wonder, at this rythm, how long is it going to take you to travel all around the world? Seems to me you stay too long in the country you visit. On another subjet, i have to say your english

look fine to me. I know it's not always easy when english is not your marternal language( my maternal language is french).So you continue and do your best and forget the rest. Good luck!!

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