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Name: julie
Country: UK
Sent: 12.22 PM - 7/1 2001

Alan - Ireland is a beautiful country.

I only feel that the "celtic tiger" economy
is changing it too fast.

Name: Alan MacDonald
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 12.01 PM - 7/1 2001

Just a quick question.

How did the media exposure on 2FM and TV3 help with your invitation list for Ireland?

Hopefully you'll be able to stay longer and see more of our beautiful country :)



Name: Renate
Country: Germany
Sent: 7.28 AM - 7/1 2001

Have you ever read Bill Bryson´s travel reports?

If not-it´s a must! I found a link to your site in the "Tomorrow" magazine...Your idea is great-a cool way to get to learn about people and countries-and about oneself! :-)

Name: jose gregorio
Country: venezuela
Sent: 11.39 PM - 6/29 2001

Hi im no speakin ingles fine but quiero who com in imy country whats day you com in here, mi name is jose gregorio im goin so day for holanda and dear speaking for you onli espero your response in my email esperare your response is sure your goin in my country. your friends jose gregorio.

Name: Kieran
Country: Ireland
Sent: 10.37 PM - 6/29 2001

Hi Ramon, Best of Luck Mate on your trip. I wish I had thought of it !! I'll be following your adventures and forwarding your site address to mates. Be good, and most of all, enjoy the time and the travel.

Kieran O'Connell........Ireland !!!!!!!!

Name: julie
Country: UK
Sent: 8.36 PM - 6/29 2001

ALAN - let me tell you: you have a great little website


Name: Alan MacDonald
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 8.24 PM - 6/29 2001


Its weird.

I have a little website, and Ramon linked to it in his report on staying with me. Last Wednesday the hit counter was about 120, now its over 500.

Which presented a problem, as the website was sort of just a placeholder, I mainly used the domain for an email address.

Still, it was just the incentive I needed to put up a blogger. So, the initial post is up, its still a bit flaky, and I fully expect it to have me cursing over the weekend, but if anyone wants to look, its at

Now, its 20:26, I finished work at 18:30, and I'm /still here/ *sob*.

Going home NOW!



Name: René
Country: Switzerland
Sent: 6.22 PM - 6/29 2001

Hi Ramon
I heard about you today in the radio here in Switzerland. What a great idea you had with your project! I invy you man because I also love traveling.

I guess you'll make one of the experiences of your life you'll never ever forget. Have a nice trip and keep up the good work with your reports and pictures!

Name: Sonja Hupfauf
Country: Deutschland
Sent: 4.56 PM - 6/29 2001

Hätte noch ein Zimmer frei aber habe familie und wenig Zeit ! Wurde gerne im gegezug nach Spanien fahren ! Bitte um aufnahme in den Club

Name: Jim
Country: Dublin,Ireland
Sent: 12.59 PM - 6/29 2001

I'm glad to see you got onto the Gerry Ryan show after all! To everyone else - this was what Ramon very much wanted to appear on when he first came to Ireland last week.

I was on the TV3 morning show on wednesday myself and the researchers couldn't believe that I was the guy you had stayed with. You're a total celebrity in Ireland now!
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, also.
If you're in Dublin tonight, give me a call and we'll have a drink. My girlfriend's back from America and wants to meet you!
All the best,

Name: Siobhan Jackson
Country: Ireland
Sent: 10.43 PM - 6/28 2001

heard you talking to Gerry Ryan on the radio yesterday. Best of luck with your adventures. I would love to accomodate you but unfortunately have more children than space! Do try and visit Co. Wicklow which is not known as the Garden County of Ireland for nothing. I will treat you to a coffee and a snack if you visit Shankill!

I will keep up to date with your website
Good Luck again!

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: Ireland
Sent: 9.25 PM - 6/28 2001


Yep, I sometimes forget to mention the Gifts.. Will come back to that soon...Ramon.

Name: Jeannie-D
Country: France
Sent: 8.57 PM - 6/28 2001

Get better soon ........................ you don't mentiobn the gifts any more - that part was always interesting to see what people could think up.

....and don't bother about your spelling - the important thing is to read your daily trip - practice makes perfect


Name: Lynnie
Country: Ireland
Sent: 8.49 PM - 6/28 2001

Was only referring to your comment about needing the towel to get your brain started and I assume it's wet. Wasn't talking about your shape!

Almost expected to run into you today while shopping in Waterford. I will someday.

Also expected to see Ramon on the road between Wexford and Waterford. Didn't :-(

Keep warm and dry Ramon! Nice interview today.


Name: Shane
Country: Ireland
Sent: 7.38 PM - 6/28 2001

I heard your interview on the radio this morning with Gerry Ryan on 2FM and was intriqued by what you are doing.

I have travelled the world extensively myself but always with plenty of local currency and a credit card or two!!!
I must take my hat off to you for having the balls to do what youre doing.

Name: Alan MacDonald
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 2.24 PM - 6/28 2001


Lynnie : Hmm, potato radio or orange clock? .oO(thinks)

I dunno, I suppose a certain amount of roundness, a little soupcon of rotundity in my personal space is evident.

However, I must point out that I am not bright orange, nor do I smell of clay.

Apart from that, pretty accurate


PS, hmm, I also know what time it is, and I can pick up 2FM on my fillings. At least i *think* the voices in my head are 2FM.

Could be wrong

Name: carol
Country: waterford.ireland
Sent: 2.14 PM - 6/28 2001

Good luck to you Ramon.A wonderful idea. As a mother of three fine Sons ,my wish for you Ramon is mind yourself , keep safe, return to your family with wonderful memories

idir an da linn beir bua agus beannacht

Name: Ann Phelan
Country: Ireland
Sent: 11.35 AM - 6/28 2001

Ramon-you must try some REAL soda bread while your here - hope u get well soon-


Name: Lynnie
Country: Ireland
Sent: 10.53 AM - 6/28 2001

Alan, you're just like those potato radios or orange clocks!

Name: Heiner Stegmann
Country: Germany
Sent: 10.15 AM - 6/28 2001

Good luck for u. Thats a great idea. Of course we have a bed for a night for u.


Name: Alan MacDonald
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 9.56 AM - 6/28 2001


Lynnie : At least your mind works .. I have to wrap my head in a towel to get it started.

Lisabeth : 'A bit weirdo'. Yep. That about sums it up!



Name: Fergus Fromwalking
Country: Netherlands
Sent: 9.42 AM - 6/28 2001

Get well soon, Ramon. I read your reports and enjoy them a lot. Cheers on those Guinesses !


Name: Lisabeth
Country: Germany
Sent: 8.46 AM - 6/28 2001

Ramon , I think Alan macdonald is a bit weirdo very careful.

Name: Kathy
Country: USofA
Sent: 12.50 AM - 6/28 2001

Hey Jim -

Your newspaper doesn't seem to be online. Is there any way we can see the artiocle you wrote about Ramon??

Name: Anonymous
Sent: 11.32 PM - 6/27 2001

Ramon will be in the media!

Thursday 9-12am: Radio 2FM: "Gerry Ryan Show"
Friday morning: TV3 Ireland "Breakfast Show"

Name: Lynnie
Country: Ireland
Sent: 9.10 PM - 6/27 2001

I guess it just shows how my mind works. Doesn't say much for me, does it?

Quit hogging Ramon and give him to me!

Name: Alan MacDonald
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 8.03 PM - 6/27 2001


Now thats one I didn't get asked.


d)Underwear. Hmmm... No. I'm pretty sure I know now at this stage where they go. Otherwise i'd be getting strange looks when I walk down the street.


Wait a minute!



Name: Lynnie
Country: Ireland
Sent: 6.49 PM - 6/27 2001

Gee Alan, I thought it was a pair of underwear!


Name: Wilma
Country: Canada
Sent: 6.09 PM - 6/27 2001

Hi Ramon!

Message from a Dutchy in Vancouver. Just to let you know that this is a brilliant city. Make sure you get here one day. Unfortunately I won't be able to invite you since I have to leave this place in August. Unless you hurry up a bit.....


Name: Alan MacDonald
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 3.48 PM - 6/27 2001

Hi all!,

OK, in answer to a few questions I got at work today, which made me think that you lot are probably thinking the same things, I'd just like to point out that that's a towel on my head in the photograph,(
and not:

a) Whipped Cream. That would be a waste. Look carefully at the guy in the photograph. Consider the waistline. Do I look like someone who would put whipped cream on my head instead of eating it?

b) A Plastic Bag. Come on. He's only staying a few days. I'm not suicidal. Yet!

c) Shaving Foam. Sorry. I'm just not that weird. Honest.

I hope that that clears up what I'm sure were a few very important questions that everyone had.



Name: Jim
Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 12.10 PM - 6/27 2001

My article about having Ramon stay for a day is published in the Evening Herald (Irish national newspaper) today. I think it was a first for me and for Ramon - for each of us it was the first time we had to write about someone we knew was going to write about us also!

I hope loads of people read the article and invite Ramon to stay in Ireland longer. He's a great guy to have around!
Look after yourself down in Waterford and get well soon, my friend.

Name: Sharlini
Country: Malaysia
Sent: 8.14 AM - 6/27 2001

Get well soon, Ramon! Don't worry about your reports, either...we'll be patient. =) Say, do you accept little gifts from hosts for yourself? Yes, I do understand that you may not be back home for years and you might be carrying more than you can bear if you did. I guess food is the best gift for someone with a project like yours.

Take care, Ramon.

Name: Brian
Country: South Africa
Sent: 7.09 AM - 6/27 2001

Hi, Zym in Singapore

This is Ramon's project, so best he comments on the idea, and directs how his project is run. If he wants, I am willing to help out. Although I live in Durban, I am good mates with two DJs on a big radio station in Johannesburg (also SA), and have contacts in TV as well.

Ramon, it's your call.


Name: Brian
Country: South Africa
Sent: 7.03 AM - 6/27 2001

Hi Ramon

Hey man, I really hope you are ok. Your illness, it's just a common cold, I hope. Nothing too serious. I s'pose that climatic changes will upset a person's immunity system, and bugs will wreck havoc for a couple of days.

Keep warm, and take in lots of Vitamin C. Get well soon, and happy travels. I hope your host is compassionate and underastands your situation. Think of it as an experience...

All the best,


Name: Zym
Country: Singapore
Sent: 3.35 AM - 6/27 2001

To Brian from S.Africa -

Maybe some international news network (like CNN)will be interested.If not,go for regional TV network(eg.we've Channel News Asia from Singapore to cover the asia section).
Or we should seek Ramon's opinion on whether he wants to be spotted or have people chasing him down the streets.It may reduce traffic on the website,though.

Name: Lynnie Obermiller
Country: Ireland
Sent: 6.07 PM - 6/26 2001

You're in Waterford - so close! Are you coming to see me next? Coralie says you will love Wexford, so you must! You'll have your own bedroom and bathroom. (not a bribe or anything!) ;-) I might be going to Waterford to do some errands tomorrow or the next day. I have put credit on my mobile - I didn't know I had run out - so that should be working now.

Hope to see you soon,

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 5.17 PM - 6/26 2001

S.N., Good question. I always ask if I could be allowed to smoke at somebody's place. I don't even look at ashtrays. And if people say NO, I totally respect that and WON'T smoke at all. I am not addicted, I think...


Name: S.N.
Country: MY
Sent: 5.10 PM - 6/26 2001

Hi Ramon!

If you don't see ashtrays in a house, do you get the hint and smoke outside? Or are you planning to quit? Just curious! =) Some people are particular about secondhand smoke...then again, if they were worried, would they invite you?

Keep it up, Ramon!


Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 4.46 PM - 6/26 2001

Alan MacDonald, sitting right next to me right now: I was only criticising your taste in music because I heard that same CD for the third time this afternoon.

Pictures of the last days are currently uploaded, stories are coming up. Just cooled down the keyboard with some fresh water. Fingers are hurting.

And Canada? I think that'll take a while. I am not going more west now...


Name: Han Neng
Country: Singapore
Sent: 4.14 PM - 6/26 2001

Nina, well said.

Name: Lisabeth
Country: Germany
Sent: 1.41 PM - 6/26 2001

Ramon, just my thoughts but I think that Coralie is getting too scary...

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 12.40 PM - 6/26 2001

Please Coralie, stop posting your TELEPHONE NUMBER and EMAILADDRESS E V E R Y T I M E. Even if you know I'll take it off, for SAFETY REASONS (!!) only. But if you really want to receive prank calls, I'll keep it on.

Nina, thanks for the support and Amanda: thanks for the compliment! What if I am invited in Big Brother?


Name: Amanda
Country: England
Sent: 12.00 PM - 6/26 2001

Well done Ramon, I would love to be able to write in Dutch!!! Keep It up, I have followed you since you were with Bam Bam at Kiss100. Thrilling - Better than Big Brother! Enjoy

Name: Coralie
Country: England
Sent: 8.55 AM - 6/26 2001


If either of you are near this way The midlands ..please do call as I can letyoustayfor a few days ....and give you the presents and surprises for Ramon , as I am sure by virtue of the fact that you are related to this innovative young gent ...we'd love to have you , and all my work will not go in vain .
My mobile phone number is XX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX
I know this will be taken off but I do hope you will see it .....
I love your theory of english Nina true ..and I love Ramons english is brilliant! You will also LOVE Ireland and especially Wexford..I've been there.
Kind Regards
Coralie & Dave

Name: Brian
Country: South Africa
Sent: 7.18 AM - 6/26 2001

Hi there, Ramon

Hey man, I'm sure that everyone can understand what you say on this board. If they don't like your spelling, they don't have to read it. Keep up the good work, Ramon, and so what if there arae typo's in your messages. We all do that...

Oh, and Nina, I do like your story about English. Really funny.

go well, Ramon


Name: Ludo
Country: Belgium
Sent: 10.59 PM - 6/25 2001

To Rosa (IRL), Marcelo (IT), Marloes(NL) and al the others, about a Ramon fanclub-website.

My weblog and the map are eating away all the webspace I 've got at the moment. Not to speak of the time, I work fulltime and it's nothing net-related, so all my html is done by burning midnight oil...
But if one of you would take up this gauntlet, please checkout
And inspiration for a layout can be found on

Post the url here and see me join the club :)

Name: Nina (again)
Sent: 9.19 PM - 6/25 2001

Last one:If GH stands for P as in Hiccough

If OUGH stands for O as in Dough
If PHTH stands for T as in Phthisis
If EIGH stands for A as in Neighbour
If TTE stands for T as in Gazette
If EAU stands for O as in Plateau
The right way to spell POTATO should be GHOUGHPHTHEIGHTTEEAU!

Name: Nina
Sent: 9.18 PM - 6/25 2001

Lets face it: English is a terrible language.

There is no egg in the eggplant, no ham in the hamburger and neither
pine,nor apple in the pineapple. English muffins were not invented in England. French fries were not invented in France.

We sometimes take English for granted. But if we examine its paradoxes we find that Quicksand takes you down slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

If writers write, how come fingers don't fing.

If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth.

If the teacher taught, why didn't the preacher praught.
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what the heck does a humanitarian eat!?

Why do people recite at a play, yet play at a recital?

Park on driveways and drive on parkways?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language where a house

can burn up as it burns down and in which you fill in a form by filling it out.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the

creativity of the human race (which of course isn't a race at all).
That is why when the stars are out they are visible, but when the
lights are out they are invisible. And why it is that when I wind up my watch it starts but when I wind up this story it ends?

Name: Nina
Sent: 9.18 PM - 6/25 2001

Lets face it: English is a terrible language.

There is no egg in the eggplant, no ham in the hamburger and neither
pine,nor apple in the pineapple. English muffins were not invented in England. French fries were not invented in France.

We sometimes take English for granted. But if we examine its paradoxes we find that Quicksand takes you down slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

If writers write, how come fingers don't fing.

If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth.

If the teacher taught, why didn't the preacher praught.
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what the heck does a humanitarian eat!?

Why do people recite at a play, yet play at a recital?

Park on driveways and drive on parkways?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language where a house

can burn up as it burns down and in which you fill in a form by filling it out.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the

creativity of the human race (which of course isn't a race at all).
That is why when the stars are out they are visible, but when the
lights are out they are invisible. And why it is that when I wind up my watch it starts but when I wind up this story it ends?

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