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Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 7.59 PM - 2/7 2002

Hi Ramon
When are you planning to get going again and where will it be? Is your romance still going strong?

Good Luck!

I will be going on my leave again very soon, it all depends on a sponsor that will get me 'there'.
The romance is going great, Irena is a great lady.
You can expect a new update on the mailinglist next week.

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 9.06 PM - 2/3 2002

Ramon, Thanks for revealing Mister Iran to us. It seems some of us are always coming to say sorry for the sheer stupidity of fellow countrymen. It is probably this same ignorance that has gotten us in the situation that we're in. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your continued travels.

Name: Sharlini
City, Country: Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Sent: 5.35 PM - 2/1 2002

Hey Ramon!

How's it going? It would be really cool if you could visit this part of the world, especially during Chinese New Year (Feb 12 & 13). You'd be brought to open houses and you'd be stuffed with lots of food! Malaysia is all about food! =)


Name: Martine
City, Country: The Netherlands
Sent: 1.03 AM - 1/31 2002

Ramon, congratulations with winning the DutchBloggies 2002 with the "Best Initiative of the Year"! Keep up the good work!

Name: Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
City, Country: Axis of evil, Iran
Sent: 11.29 PM - 1/30 2002

Ramon please visit us. We feed you lamb stew.

We have many visitors coming from America soon.

Strange how Americans make fun of themselves. Mister from Iran, strange how you surf on a connection of Cox Communications, based in Atlanta, Georgia (US), not??? An e-mail has been sent out to them about your action...

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 5.56 AM - 1/29 2002

Hi Ramon

Just in case you thought we'd given up on you, we haven't. Your loyal and faithful fans still check up on your web page, not as often, but we still do visit.

There must be some thoughts going through your mind about whether or not your lovely lady will accompany you in chapter two of the adventure. And you say that you're going half way around the world? Indonesia? Oz? Malaysia? Singapore? Hmmmm...

This will understandably be a huge decision, so we don't mind if you need some time to work it out. It's almost like having a family, I s'pose. You have to consider all involved before you just decide to go somewhere.

Quality takes time, and all of us, fans, followers, back-up, sponsors, and you, all appreciate a good quality project. So, we are happy to wait.

I'll be watching carefully...

sala kahle


Don't worry, Brian, I will be on the road very soon. And of course, without Irena, because it's LetMEstayforaday and I just can't create myself a family and travel. This is a great project that I will finish anyway.
Fortunately Irena and I go along very very good and also she has her ambitions. While she does her things, I'll do mine and we'll keep very close contact. Wherever I might go, she might come over for a break... :-)

Name: Marc
City, Country: Barcelona Spain
Sent: 1.57 PM - 1/27 2002

Hi Ramon!how are you?

today i have seen your web on Tv and i decided to visit your web.I thing that your travell is amazing, have you ben i barcelona?I hope it will like you, the people is very fun and the weather is really good!!!
I hope you will visit Gaudi's houses, the sagrada familia and Macba
I Wish you the best!!good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Name: Helena El Masri
City, Country: UK
Sent: 4.53 PM - 1/26 2002

Hi Ramon,

As promissed now and then I check on your progress and I was very happy to learn you are in love.

Follow your heart always and you will be happy!


Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 7.21 AM - 1/25 2002

Hi Ramon! Glad to see you are still kickin' it. I am fantastically happy for you. I hope your next leg of your trip will be as or even more successful as the first and that all your dreams come true.


Name: Erwan
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 8.09 PM - 1/24 2002

Do u guys think Ramon should continue his travels where they stopped (Spain) or somewhere else ?

If somewehe else, where would you want him to go ? (most likely this should have to be some yet unvisited European country)

Honestly I can say that I had a very difficult time in Spain. The media>invitations-process didn't work out like in the other countries I've visited. But I can always go back and continue a southern Europe tour.
At this moment I am planning to get out of Europe again and make a long flight half around the world. But where? I don't know yet. But sponsors can tell me...

Name: Liam
City, Country: United Kingdom
Sent: 1.34 PM - 1/24 2002

You have proven your point with your journey to date. I appreciate the stresses you must have been through and perhaps you sould remould the project to simply visit each remaining country using a selection of the the submitted addresses (dare I say for more than one day!). You will still be the first to navigate the globe through this media and you might even hold on to your sanity

Name: alex cain
City, Country: milledgeville georgia USA
Sent: 7.31 AM - 1/20 2002

So many places, so much time. You should at least put a big toe in the U.S. before you end this.

Name: James
City, Country: Arnold, CA
Sent: 6.41 AM - 1/20 2002

Enjoyed Ramon alternates writing about the Christmas in Barcelona, but more about the view of Ramon from the outside. A different perspective. We learn about you Ramon from your writing, but we now have some inside ideas about you from your friends. Thanks. Thanks also for the continued sunset photos. the reflection in the windows was a nice twist on the theme.


Name: Jeanine
City, Country: Grahamstown, South Africa
Sent: 2.22 PM - 1/19 2002

Well ... glad to see you visit your own site during your break! :-) Geesh Ramon and the dutch site is also taking a break, there's absolutely nothing for me to do! :-) So .... I just hang around in empty space :-) How are you doing, enjoying your break back home in the company of family and friends and of course the beautiful Irena? I'm so happy for you, just what you needed ... have biiiiig fun, you of all people deserve that.

Go well ... and am looking forward to continue being your biggest fan :-)

Name: Jeanine
City, Country: Grahamstown, South Africa
Sent: 9.58 PM - 1/18 2002

So .... Ramon is taking a break and found love too with a gorgeous lady ... what do we do in the mean time? Any suggestions? Or have all the Ramon followers taken a break too? :-)

Go ahead, Jeanine! You deserve a break too... You even had me visiting your place in SA! :-)

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 1.48 PM - 1/16 2002

Hi Dorion,

No, Ramon has not given up, that's for sure. And last year is only sixteen days ago, by the way. He's having a well-earned period of rest and relaxation after hurrying from place to place for seven months. I was at his place only yesterday, and believe me, he needed a break to continue the LetMeStayForADay adventure the way he wants to: enthousiastic, optimistic and making the most of it for not only himself, but most of all the people worldwide who read his daily reports. In short: Ramon has certainly not given up, he's reloading for the second part of his journeys.

Thanks Munk, for the clearification. Dorion, please know I have the latest news about posted on the frontpage of this website and I keep people up to date through the mailinglist.

Name: Dorion Ozykowski
City, Country: Rainy River,Ontario,Canada
Sent: 12.30 PM - 1/16 2002

Was wonderin'whether Ramon has given up?Nothin'posted,since LAST year,and I get the feelin'that he's homesick,and no longer wants to continue.Am i right??

Name: Henk
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 9.58 AM - 1/15 2002

Nice, so will Zwolle be a famous place in the World!!!

Name: miranda
City, Country: china wuhan
Sent: 9.18 AM - 1/12 2002

well i am a high school student now,so i can't offer u a free trip to my city.but if u come here,i will be ur tour guide.and i want to do the same thing as u one day.

Name: Marjolein
City, Country: Holland
Sent: 9.09 PM - 1/11 2002

I just discovered this site today and I totally loved the entire concept!

Ramon, you are what we in Holland call een kei. A rock (of course you know what it means just translating for the rest of the people on the post) keep going with the flow and updating the site. Good luck with your travels! Groetjes! Marjolein

Name: Zoki
City, Country: Yugoslavia (USA now)
Sent: 10.49 AM - 1/11 2002

Oh how wonderful Christmas you had. I am glad you fell in love with her. Love is what makes us happy and what keeps this world moving.

See ya around


Name: Connie
City, Country: USA
Sent: 1.57 AM - 1/10 2002

Way to go. Glad to hear you are so happy & in love. Enjoy your R&R and I look forward to reading some updates from time to time. Take care and all the best for a wonderful, happy, healthy 2002!!!

Name: kyongmi Chong
City, Country: Korea
Sent: 1.51 PM - 1/9 2002

Your christmas stories are so moving:)

Have a good relax and Keeping going,,

Name: Allen
City, Country: San Jose, California, USA
Sent: 3.46 AM - 1/9 2002

When do you plan on doing the States, more precisely, the West Coast?

Name: donatella gazzoni
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 10.17 PM - 1/8 2002

Hi Ramon, at last I've read your latest news, and I've known that you're givin' up this adventure for a few time. Although I ain't one of your "personal friends", but I'd like to say that you've taken the right decision (this is just my opinion..): of course, following by the web someone who's trippin' around in such a particular conditions is interesting, and you become curious and curious (as you were watchin' a film, or something like that). But, above all, this is YOUR life and nobody could be disappointed because you decide about it (it's only up to you). I've followed your experience so far as you were a kind of "younger brother" (I'm 26, so we're almost the same age), and I'll keep on givin' a glance at this site now & then. I hope to find some news about you, but mostly I wish you good luck (with your newborn "love affair" - hope you've found your twin soul - and with your life!!). Relax and enjoy the moment. My best wishes and greetings!! CIAO, Donatella

Name: annemarie tissen
City, Country: alford, schotland
Sent: 7.19 PM - 1/8 2002

Irena, lucky girl!!

Take care for the both of you.

Name: Karen
City, Country: London
Sent: 12.12 PM - 1/8 2002

Ramon, I think you made the right decision to take some time off and reflect on all that has happened in the last 7,5 months. Good luck with your new love and I will definetely be checking your site every now and then to see what you are up to!

Name: Laurens
City, Country: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Sent: 11.40 AM - 1/8 2002

Hi Ramon!

I enjoyed reading your daily reports very much and I will sure miss them. But I hope you will have a great time back home. And I think I can speak for all of us if I say we all hope to hear from you soon again!

Name: L.S.O.M.
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Sent: 9.23 AM - 1/8 2002

Ramon dear,

Its 2002! It takes 2 to make any relationship a success and one a failure. May the 9 fruits of that spirit be with you too. Bless you young man.

Hi LSOM. From the beginning I have problems understanding you, but this time I tried to get some help. Unfortunately the lady at my local fruitshop also didn't know anything about 9 spirits fruits, so the just gave me a pineapple. I hope that might help out too....

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 7.02 AM - 1/8 2002

Back again...

True friends are hard to find. I've just read the Christmas reports, and, well, there is a reflection of true friendship.

When Ramon was on the phone to his friends while he was at my place, I could see that these people were special to him. From the last few reports, this has become incredibly clear.

Ramon, you and your backup team are the epitome of friendship. It always pleases me to see people in the company of those dear to them.

Friendship: A relationship of mutual love, trust, and respect.


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.19 AM - 1/8 2002

Hi Ramon

Mmmmmm, free, what was it you said at my place? (Just kidding with you!) :-)

Congrats, mate! You are one ahead of me. It is great to see that you have met someone special, and I really hope that all works out nicely for you two.

Remember, you are the most important person in your life, and if this romance moves into something serious enough, then you may have to call it on your project. Do what is best for you, and don't break her heart just to continue.

Life is a mysterious thing that bowls curved balls all the time. A good man is one who can adapt to his changing environment and accept those curved balls at a moment's notice.

All the best, Ramon, we are all behind you.


Name: Sieto van der Heide
City, Country: Leeuwarden, Nehterlands
Sent: 2.17 PM - 1/7 2002

Hello Ramon,

Great to see you're taking a vacation. I think everybody sees you flying around the world thinking it's an 'all-time-holiday' thing, but I can imagine you need a break too, once in a while.

I'll look forward to the time when you do start traveling again, but until then; enjoy your time off!

Sieto van der Heide, aka 'var' in #letmestayforaday

Name: toeli
City, Country: los angeles
Sent: 7.40 AM - 1/7 2002

heard about you on npr. good story. coming to la anytime soon?

Name: Journo Jim
City, Country: Rostrevor, Northern Ireland
Sent: 8.10 PM - 1/5 2002

To Ramon (and all your online buddies),

Happy holidays and a wonderful New Year.
Ramon, you were my second favourite house guest in 2001 (after my daughter!) and I look forward to catching up with you somewhere in 2002. Good to hear that you're in love too. It may be difficult to resume travelling with l'amour in your heart, but it is good for you. I'm hoping all works out well! You are the Guardian's net personality of the year, by the way. It was announced in today's paper.
Catch you later, Jim.

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 7.25 PM - 1/5 2002

hi ramon! first of all.. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I haven't been looking at your website lately (I'm quite busy whit an exam at university.. when will it finish at all?..) and now I was surfing and I read this marvellous news: you've found someone to share your experience with! of course, I wish you all the best for your story, I think it'll give you new (precious!) energies and make more enjoyable your trip. have fun!! CIAO, donatella

Name: Sylvia (ex-host)
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 6.07 PM - 1/5 2002

I have just had a look at your recent pictures and Irena looks gorgeous! I especially like the 'artistic' black/white close up of her on Dec 27, also the colour picture of her in the Santa hat.

I can't wait for the next instalment since she has flown back to be with you. Is she going to accompany you on your travels? Good Luck to both of you.

Name: Jasper
City, Country: The Natherlands...
Sent: 5.48 PM - 1/5 2002

Start a new project with your love...

"Let us stay for a day".com

Have fun! :)

Name: Jackie
City, Country: Ohio, USA
Sent: 12.26 AM - 1/5 2002

She is gorgeous Ramon and it will be time for you to settle down by the time you finish this trip. Good luck! Now what will you do? Have her come visit every now and then" Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Name: Sandi
City, Country: Canada
Sent: 10.27 PM - 1/4 2002

Happy New Year to All!

. . . and congratulations, Ramon, for starting the new year "in love"! She looks like a very beautiful girl. I wish you all the best - enjoy for as long as it lasts!

I've been checking this website after the holiday season and was pleasantly surprised to see that Gerben was kind enough to keep us updated - thank you so much for your efforts! I hate to admit it, but I was feeling a little lost without my daily "fix". I've been following your travels since the beginning, and feel like I've come to know you and your many hosts.

I look forward to see what the new year will bring. Continued good luck in your travels!

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 10.01 PM - 1/4 2002

What exactly do you mean by "I fell in love"? Is it temporary or a permanent thing? How do you know it is love? Did you know her before? If it is real love, are you going to take Irena with you for the rest of your travels?

Name: Han de Man
City, Country: zwolle, netherlands
Sent: 4.18 PM - 1/3 2002

ill want to say its nice to read your name in the newspapers back home in zwolle. and i want to give the best wishes from HAN & DAWN + hear you soon!

Name: Nico
City, Country: Holland
Sent: 10.29 AM - 1/3 2002

Hi Ramon,

In today's newspaper (de Zwolsche Courant) is an article about you!
I got interested, and wanted to take a look at your site...
It's al way cool!

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.22 AM - 1/3 2002

Hi all

Here's wishing each of you the best of the best for 2002. Ramon, keep up the incredible job you are doing.

Donatella, thanks for your message, it is appreciated. Maybe you are another kind person on The Messageboard.

Now, I'll start the slow process of catching up with all the reports I've missed in the last few weeks. It'll take a while, methinks. Been on holiday, you see...

Keep well, each of you


Name: Sandra
City, Country: Holland
Sent: 10.01 PM - 1/2 2002

Hi Ramon,

I just wanted to let you know that I admire what you are doing. I am adventurous as well and when I read all this I am kind of jealous. Keep up the good work and enjoy everything!


Name: Richard Threehouse
City, Country: Bay City Mi USA
Sent: 9.46 PM - 1/2 2002

Just working on genealogy of my last lame Threehouse / Destroismaisons And ran a cross this page and so far what I seen it good If you ever need help in Michagin you can call on me

Dick Bay City Mi USA

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