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Name: Munk
Sent: 1.07 PM - 3/12 2002

Well, at least Ramon's photo does not show what kind of a dump I'm living in. O, and by the way, the awful curtains in the background have been discarded. I don't have new ones yet, though...

Name: David & Ivan
City, Country: Brisbane, Australia
Sent: 11.06 AM - 3/12 2002

I think you have come up with the idea that everyone else wishes they had. You will be the most talked about guy in our country for a while. We wish you every sucess with your travels and hope that all this negativity is not being relayed any where other than on your website. Australia is not known for it.

I hope you decide to come and stay with us and we will take you 4WD along the beach. One that you will never forget.
I wish I had the guts to do what your doing.
Good on ya mate!

Name: Munk
Sent: 10.10 AM - 3/12 2002

Hey Bret,

Photography's coming along fine, I prefer colour. Just started another project with two friends. Next week also session for some aerial pictures for newspapers in the area. And yes, I didn't think anyone would remember. Have some great shots on Ramon too, but that's a different story... :)

Haha! Me first with one with Munk

Name: Brendan
City, Country: Canberra Australia
Sent: 7.27 AM - 3/12 2002

how do you do it man

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 7.12 AM - 3/12 2002

Hi Ramon

Jeez! Oz really is a country of contrasts. Some love you, some hate you! Hey guys, relax. Get over your jealousy. Ramon is a wonderful, friendly, and honest man, I know, I hosted him for a couple of days.

Ramon, it is hard to describe the feelings when I visit your website. Nostalgia? In a strange sort of way, I s'pose that's the best word.

It is good to read your stories, and see your photographs. And it's good to see all your fans, our friends from your website. Donatella, Bret, Sylvia, Joan, and all the others. Welcome back, folk.

Ramon, I'm truly impressed with your comments about how some places over there remind you of some places over here in SA. Did SA make such a good impression on you? I hope so. Perhaps one day, when your project is done, you'll bring Irena here, and show her our country.

Keep well, Ramon, and keep as friendly, honest, and loyal as you were here in Durban. To the ozzies, look after our hero, guys!

Hamba kahle.


Name: Simon
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 2.57 AM - 3/12 2002

Hi Ramon,

As a foreigner who has just applied for Permanent Residency in Australia, I am actually quite horrified by some of the abuses you have to put up with from certain Australians. I don't see your project as 'free-loading', or 'lazy'. It is a matter of perspective, and a matter of looking at it from a positive point of view. Some people feel 'used' and 'threatened' by the fact that you do not have to pay for anything because they regard this as unfair TO THEM. I suppose it hits too close to home for Australians as far as 'dole-bluggers' are concerned. However, I see your action as something brilliantly refreshing, simply because you DO NOT FORCE anyone to do anything, or to give you anything. Unlike bludgers who constantly rely on tax-payers' hard-earned money, YOU GIVE US THE CHOICE.

I remember the segment on Channel Nine when the female interviewer asked if she has to pay for your lunch at the lunch bar, and you said, "If you want to." She agreed. I don't see that as an obligation, but just a decision instigated by a freedom of choice.

Ramon, you are an instrument for self-reflection, human goodness and decency. By being who you are and what you do, we as a community of strangers are forced to look within ourselves to see just how comfortable we are to 'open doors to strangers' and to welcome them with love and compassion, and the desire to share, learn and experience. Every person who has given positive feedback here, and who has open their doors to you, deserves credit for being able to show any signs of love and encouragement admist a world of bitterness, jealousy and anger.

Ramon, you are always welcome at our place should you ever come to Perth. Australia has become my second home, next to Singapore. I want it to be as close to home for you too.

Best wishes, and all the best, Simon

Name: Scott
City, Country: Woolgoolga Australia
Sent: 2.21 AM - 3/12 2002

I reakon you should come visit coffs harbour as we are between brisbane and sydney and offer the best beaches in the world. We also have the Big Banana and trust me its worth a look as its a great icon. then 30km norht is woolgoolga where i live and we have beaches and the indian temple with our on version on the RAJ MAHAL. Woolgoolga has the largest population of indians outside india and you wouldnt know it as there arent a billion of them walking around. Woolgoolga or Woopi as the locals call it is a great little town.ome visit it.

Thanks and good luck SCOTT

Name: Scott
City, Country: Woolgoolga Australia
Sent: 2.20 AM - 3/12 2002

I reakon you should come visit coffs harbour as we are between brisbane and sydney and offer the best beaches in the world. We also have the Big Banana and trust me its worth a look as its a great icon. then 30km norht is woolgoolga where i live and we have beaches and the indian temple with our on version on the RAJ MAHAL. Woolgoolga has the largest population of indians outside india and you wouldnt know it as there arent a billion of them walking around. Woolgoolga or Woopi as the locals call it is a great little town.ome visit it.

Thanks and good luck SCOTT

Name: Peter Power
City, Country:
Sent: 1.48 AM - 3/12 2002

go home you freeloader !

Name: Martin
City, Country: Roden, The Netherlands
Sent: 1.38 AM - 3/12 2002

Fran: You made a good point. But, maybe Ramon will do that thing you are looking for? His project is a challenge for all of us; would you open the door to a complete stranger?

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.17 PM - 3/11 2002

Ramon, by the looks of the message board you have officially landed in Australia. I have a cousin somewhere in Australia, so I'm trying to get the word out to give you an invite.

Tell your mum to check Ramons site out and some of his reports from all around. She'll soon realize what a great guy he is, and easy to accomadate.

Hows the photography going? And you thought nobody would remember. What's your favorite, color or Black and White?

To all our new board members from OZ, WELCOME! Keep it pleasant or Ramon will have his way with you. Hahahah. Take Care, looking forward to hearing from more of you all.

Name: fran
City, Country: australia
Sent: 10.58 PM - 3/11 2002

I am disappointed fellow Australians won't be so generous to help out our own homeless people by letting them 'stay for a day'. Then again, it's more aesthetically pleasing to help anglo saxon's I suppose. Don't get me wrong, Ramon is on to a good rort, but we should be helping our own first.

Name: Dana
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 10.22 PM - 3/11 2002

Ramon I think you are the greatest most inspiring person, I wish I had the guts to travel at other peoples expense. I want ot have you stay but my mum said no. Any way good luck on the rest of your trip!!

Name: Chris
City, Country: Austin, TX USA
Sent: 8.32 PM - 3/11 2002

Ramon, I'm glad to see you have resumed your travels. I missed being able to read of your adventures. I'm quite an old lady in your book I'm sure, being in my fifties and with sons your age. I just wish I'd had the internet and your imagination when I was young like you! Now who knows? Maybe you will inspire some old babyboomers like me to go have some more adventures! There's only one thing my motherly self would urge you, and that's to please at least try not to publicly thumb your nose at anybody's laws. I mean especially the remark about the hitchhiking. Of course, if something is prohibited by law, you wouldn't ever think of doing it, now would you (wink wink)? I'm sure you get my point .... Be safe and continue to have a good time and keep telling good stories so the rest of us can keep vicariously enjoying your adventures!

Name: Martin
City, Country: Roden, Netherlands
Sent: 5.25 PM - 3/11 2002

W@SP: Who needs a job when you get it all for free?

Cheers Ramon!

Name: W@SP
City, Country: AUSTRALIA
Sent: 4.51 PM - 3/11 2002





Name: Anne
City, Country: Perth, West Oz :)
Sent: 4.31 PM - 3/11 2002

I think that what you are doing is great and to all the people who are saying all those aweful things : it makes me ashamed of being an Ozzie, but you must all be jealous that you didn't think of doing this before Ramon did!!

Good onya Ramon, Enjoy every minute of this GREAT country of ours!!

If you ever get across to the West, you are MOST WELCOME to spend a day or a week with us!!! Voor niks!!

We wish you safe travelling.

Cheers mate!

Anne :)

Name: Mick
City, Country: Darwin, Australia
Sent: 4.02 PM - 3/11 2002

Excellent !!! you must be having a great time travelling, meeting great people..

Any chance of coming to Darwin?
Keep up the great travelling bug, keep safe..

Name: Jaimes
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 3.30 PM - 3/11 2002

mate - you are a living legend !!!

if you ever make it across to Perth, I'll buy you a beer ... keep up the great "work"


Name: Chantal
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 2.42 PM - 3/11 2002

Don't get homesick!!Because at home they miss you just as much!!!!

Name: Melanie
City, Country: Sydney, Australia
Sent: 2.19 PM - 3/11 2002

G'day! I just saw your segment on A Current Affair. I think what you are doing is unreal. Hope you have a wonderful trip!!!

Name: Ross
City, Country: Brisbane Australia
Sent: 2.05 PM - 3/11 2002

I was surprised and disappointed to read a number of emails from other Australians criticising Ramon for what he is doing .

This guy is being completely open and honest about what he is doing - no one is being ripped off or forced to accomodate him if they do not wish to .
Perhaps some of the knockers will realise (when they are old enough to travel without their parents ??)that reciprocal hospitality is one of the pleasures of back-packing ie some-one may accomodate you on your travels and you may have the opportunity to do the same for a fellow traveller .

Hi Ross, thanks for your reply. Fortunately some of the 'knockers' on this messageboard have been the same person and posted under different names. Good that I get to see who REALLY posts a message ;-)

Name: lily
City, Country: australia....northern territory
Sent: 1.58 PM - 3/11 2002

g'day ramon...i see you have no invites to the "topend" of oz...i live in darwin...a stones throw from kakadu are more than welcome to pop in, damper is fresh, beer is cold, weather is fine....we may even spot a croc or three!! it is "wet" season" here at present, so not really ideal time to visit. if u can hold off 'til after june, you won't be disappointed...the land of the "never never" has to be an integral part of any oz experience!!

Name: Bec
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 1.13 PM - 3/11 2002

Well, i'm sad to say that sometimes i feel ashamed to be the same nationality as the mindless, closed minded, selfish people on here bagging you. I am proud of our country and welcome anyone to spend time here. It is a fantastic place and Australians (most) will treat you with the respect you deserve for having thought of an idea like this and showing us that it isn't just money that gets us everywhere... You are a genius!! Just watch how many people follow your lead (probably some of the people bagging you on here!!!)

Enjoy our country...

Name: Sally
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 12.44 PM - 3/11 2002

Anyone who has anything bad to say is just jealous!! i think youre excellent, if i could do what youre doing i would do it without a second thought!! hope you receive the best of hospitality in australia and have fun!

Name: Matt Holme
City, Country: Brisbane, Australia
Sent: 12.33 PM - 3/11 2002


Do not listen to anyone who is bagging you for your excellent idea. They are obviously jealous, have a second rate job, and just can't stand it that someone else has thought of a terrific idea. It is obvious that the people who invite you to stay at their houses are genuinely wanting to meet you. You're not only giving yourself a great experience, but you're obviously becoming quite a celebrity. You'll probably make quite a profit from your idea in the future. I hope you do, because you deserve it for the terrific idea.

And to the people who are giving you crap... I'm sure Ramon is happy with you. You're visiting his site, and making it very interesting. This means the hits are increasing... they'll be more publicity, and inturn Ramon can find himself more sponsors and therefore go on more trips. Well done guys!

Congratulations Ramon, keep it up!

Name: Spencer
City, Country: New Zealand
Sent: 12.11 PM - 3/11 2002

... well Inez, you visited the website so you were obviously affected by the news article.

Name: Inez
City, Country: Leiden, the Netherlands
Sent: 12.06 PM - 3/11 2002

Gosh...are all these messages because of the item on Channel 9 about Ramon? Please go and get a life like Munk said. You all have obviously not understood what Ranon's project is about.. it's pathetic!

Name: Mike
City, Country: Ballarat
Sent: 12.04 PM - 3/11 2002

Well done,

I watched you on Tv. and said I wish I thought of that when I was younger. Keep up the good work.

Name: Brett
City, Country: New Zealand
Sent: 12.03 PM - 3/11 2002

It seems that some of the poor skippy australian poofs dont like your idea Ramon, I think its because they are too slow to think of the idea themselves. Being a country formed by evicted convicts I find their comments about you being a cheep bastard funny.I on the other hand say well done & good luck to you!!

Name: Kristy
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 12.02 PM - 3/11 2002

You're a geneous. This idea is great and it is working which is the best thing about it. I hope you are enjoying your travels. I plan to travel but it is still impossible for me to do so because I want to achieve my year 12 certificate. ENJOY!!!!

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 11.23 AM - 3/11 2002

Well, well. Some poor people seem to be wasting their precious time, telling somebody they do not know at all, what they think of him BY TYPING AN ANONYMOUS POSTING IN A MESSAGEBOARD. Get a life! Ramon certainly has one...

Name: theo the great
City, Country: melb
Sent: 11.06 AM - 3/11 2002

you really sucked in a lot of people.get out of my country and do'nt EVER come back. you are using people and you deserve to be locked are a lazy morron,and i hope u get lost for good.get lost and earn you money like us normal working people then travel the world you scum.

Name: Jack
City, Country: Melbourne
Sent: 10.37 AM - 3/11 2002

The idea is stupid. The concept is dumb. Your website is boring as hell. You have really sucked in a lot of people. To see the world and have some other poor bastard pay for it, well all I can say is BRILLIANT. P.S. Who will read your book - your English is terrible!

Name: Dan
City, Country: QLD
Sent: 10.28 AM - 3/11 2002

Ramon surely Australia is not the only country where you have to pay for internet time.

You seem to be hung up on this issue of paying for things.poor you .somethings in life you have to pay for

Fortunately my webproject doesn't rely on people like you Dan, then I'd be home within a week. And fortunately some people have a sense of humor, you don't, Dan.

Name: Lynda
City, Country: Gympie, Queensland
Sent: 10.28 AM - 3/11 2002

What a way to see the world. Have a great time in Australia!

Name: Ron
City, Country: Sydney Down Under
Sent: 10.17 AM - 3/11 2002

Hi Ramon
Welcome to Oz

Have a wondefull time and enjoy your stay in Oz.
I put your site on our Dutch website in Oz
Dutch On-Line Promotions Sydney

Name: Dan
City, Country: Newcastle, Australia
Sent: 10.12 AM - 3/11 2002

Hey Ramon,

Good on ya mate, Anyone who says your a cheap bastard is just gealous that they didn't think of your idea 1st, Goodluck on ya adventures and take care....

Name: Ken
City, Country: Brisbane Australia
Sent: 9.56 AM - 3/11 2002

When Ramon has finished his trip he can always become a Member Of Parliament as would have the experience to free load off people just like Members of Parliament.

Name: Inez
City, Country: Leiden, the Netherlands
Sent: 9.25 AM - 3/11 2002

Hi Ramon,

Great reports, great pics. You even took pics in the hospital! It looks all too familiar to me.
Enjoy the rest of your trip!


Name: Evert
City, Country: Wageningen, The Netherlands
Sent: 9.13 AM - 3/11 2002

Hi Ramon,

Congratulations that it is a year ago that you started this project!!!!
Tomorrow, it is exactly a year ago that I read about your project on the dutch news-website . Since then I surfed often to your website and read most of your reports.
You did not only had the idea for this project, but you also realised it. So I am very proud on you.
Good luck for the coming months and I will follow you in my heart.

Name: Jill Henderson
City, Country: NZ
Sent: 4.37 AM - 3/11 2002

Hi Ramon,

It certainly was inspiring to meet you on Saturday on the four wheel drive, I really enjoyed listening to you and learning about your endeavours throughout the world.

I have always been interested in people from other cultures, I suppose that's why in the 50's when all the other little girls got blonde blue eyed walkie talkie dolls for Christmas I ordered a black doll. Then there was the time spent corresponding with penfriends hence Helen.

Good on you, enjoy yourself. I believe people make their own luck, and you certainly have!

At this stage we can't offer you a bed, only floor space, as we are full up in our temporary accommodation, but would love to take you out to dinner

whilst you are in Sydney and show you another side of the city.


Name: Terry Ross
City, Country: Sydney, Australia
Sent: 4.35 AM - 3/11 2002

Hello Ramon.

I just finished going through your web page and I'm very impressed at how thorough you are with details. Your photos are great and add a nice touch. To have spent just 2 days with you was a fantastic experience and to see the photos enhances some great memories. It would be great to see you before you leave Oz, you can contact me if you need a bed and a good meal. Have a great stay in our marvelous country and thanks again for letting us be a part of your journey.

Terry....the Channel 9 cameraman.

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