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Name: Wayne
City, Country: Brisbane
Sent: 6.45 AM - 3/25 2002

One question Andy,

what do you do for a job? I got laid off a couple of months ago, and now I just started my own business, I'm working 60 hours a week, and not paying myself YET. I'm having a real go, not sitting behind my PC typing in puerile (sorry, that means childish, Andy) messages to another bloke who's having a go too.

What do you think of that? Working for nothing AND not on the dole. [Oh yeah, and I'm a Kiwi - I bet they're ALL bludgers in your little head].

Have a good look at yourself - if you can handle it.

Now onto better things:

Ramon - the only people you will get any abuse from are the ones who are p....d off they didn't think of the idea first. You are proving that the majority of the people of the world actually like eachother.
Stay safe and have fun.

PS just saw Andy's best mate Thomas' message - they have done pretty well by using their common brain cell !! 8-D

Name: thomas jackson
City, Country: Australia,sydney
Sent: 3.27 AM - 3/25 2002

Hey guys,

Are u nuts????I fully support Andy. we shouldn't be supporting this free loader at all. If I get my hands on this bastard I will slaughter him. Death to all free loaders.

I haven taken this message as a serious death-threat and will contact this persons ISP as soon as possible and provide his local police with all details. Someway people don't get that I can get their full name and address from the web.
Mr. Jackson is online in Auckland, New Zealand, his provider is Asian Pacific Information Network
A search on the web results in the facts that he even supports Central United F.C. and he's probably just a simple university student...
Speak to you soon Thomas, or should I mention your real name here?

Name: Sandy Mulholland
City, Country: Victoria Point,QLD Australia
Sent: 1.29 AM - 3/25 2002

Dear Ramon,

Re the knockers. Ignore ignorant people like that. I am sure you have already found out that the majority of Aussies do not share their sentiments. Basically small minded people like that are a minority.
Hope you enjoyed your stay on the Central Coast of NSW, Gosford is my home town and I have 2 children living and working there. It is a beautiful area and I miss it very much, and my kids too. Stay happy, and hope to see you soon.
Regards, Sandy

Name: Amanda
City, Country: Canberra, Australia
Sent: 12.58 AM - 3/25 2002

Hi Guys!!

I think its just fabulous that you all are rebuking what Andy has said but I think that he has received enough attention. He's obvioulsy a pathetic individual who felt the need for attention, be it positive or negative. Let's concerntrate of the amazing adventure that Ramon has embarked on!! Am I jealous?? Absolutely! Am I supportive...of course. Happy travells and positive thinking!!!

Name: Simon
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 2.39 PM - 3/24 2002

Hmm, to Andy, let me remind you again 'sponging off' occurs both ways. If there are people WILLING TO GIVE, it is not sponging. Dole-bluggers of the Australian tax system are spongers. We (tax payers) have NO SAY where our tax goes to. THAT IS SPONGING. This is a gift, and it normally happens from people who have a heart of love... then again, you will not have a clue what this means, do you. As for Todd (USA), yes, I agree the homeless and Ramon are 'in common' to the extent that they 'have no where to stay'. The difference is that Ramon IS DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT: using this skills and intelligence, personality and talent. That, to me, is 'getting off his lazy arse and working for it' by using his brain and marketing skills(this is for Angry Aussie Andy again).

Have fun, Ramon. As far as I am concerned, you are running an 'e-business' via this website, and you are definitely the wisest and smartest businessman I have ever met. No outlay, but heaps of income. Isn't that every business's dream????

Name: Acadia
City, Country: Maine, USA
Sent: 1.28 PM - 3/24 2002

Australia, now there is the place I would go if I had only one choice. I am glad you are there, allowing me to continue my vicarious world travels. Wonderful pictures, as usual Ramon.

I am glad the Andys of the world are in the minority.
But they can cause a stir since they are the loud ones. The kind people of the world generally go about their business quietly and matter-of-factly.

Name: Todd
City, Country: USA
Sent: 5.25 AM - 3/24 2002

I find this all very interesting. All your doors are open for Ramon, while you step over and ignore the homeless person in the street.

Go figure.

Name: Bridget
City, Country: Adelaide Australia
Sent: 2.20 AM - 3/24 2002

Andy you represent yourself and only yourself when you say *we* in Australia do not want Ramon here, if that was the case then no one would be hosting him, obviously you were asleep when the Olympics were on and they declared it the *Best Ever* because of our hospitality of which you know nothing about. So you f off and go get a life and I am sure there are corporate executives out there who would love to employ Ramon for his ingenuity, thrill of adventure and great marketing skills and go getter mentality, Andy you could learn a lot from Ramon.

Ramon have a wonderful stay in Australia and where ever you will travel to because for one Andy out there, there are a billion people who would love to have you in their home and share your sense of adventure.
Up yours Andy!!

Name: Kjell
City, Country: Lensvik, Norway
Sent: 4.37 PM - 3/23 2002

Good luck on your journey!!!

We're sorry that you could not stay with us while you were in Norway. Perhaps you'll make it to Scandinavia later?
Anyway - Take care and once again good luck!!!

Name: Andrzej Maciejewski
City, Country: Moscow, Ontario, Canada
Sent: 7.14 AM - 3/23 2002

There will always be those (like Andy) who will never see beyond a set standard. If you've seen and remember "Easy Rider" movie you will know what I mean. Whitout people like Ramon the world would be a very boring and sad place. Go ahead Ramon, do what you are doing and keep our fantasy alive! Those who dont like what you are doing are simple jelous.

Anyway, we would love you to visit our Moscow (pop.60) in Ontario, Canada.

Name: Kerry
City, Country: Melbourne
Sent: 5.57 AM - 3/23 2002

You are a disgrace Andy and it makes me wonder just how "Australian" you are. Speak for yourself when you tell Ramon that we don't want him here, and not on behalf of the "true" Australians that are more than happy for him to be doing what he's doing. The jealousy has certainly come out in your words Andy!!!.

Good luck with your travels Ramon. Its an ingenious idea and I (along with the majority of Australians) wish you all the very best. Enjoy our beautiful country and the hospitality of the "nice" people here :-))

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 5.36 AM - 3/23 2002

Hey Andy, if you really want to prove your point, why don't you invite Ramon to stay for a day? You can be a total jerk, not give him anything, write all about him blood sucking off of you in this message board. You could even make him sleep in your yard on the dirt (if you have a yard), and then Ramon can write about your hospitality for letting him stay for a day in your yard. My guess is Ramon would gratefully thank you for your yard and for the invitation.

Andy, I think you got the message. F off! :-)

Name: Jane
City, Country: Perth W.A
Sent: 5.10 AM - 3/23 2002

Ramon -- please dont give another thought to Angry Ant Andrew.. He certainly isnt speaking for all of Australia, and definately not me ....Just between me and u ....I think hes jealous he didnt think of Traveling the world for free before u did !!

Happy journey thru-out my country and take your memories home to share with people in your own country --good luck.

Name: Emma Marie
City, Country: New York
Sent: 4.12 AM - 3/23 2002

Wow Andy, thank God you don't represent the whole of Australia. I spent 2 months going around Oz, and found the Australians to be a very caring and hospitable group of people. I'm lucky I did not run into you. I might be laying out in the outback somewhere, never to be found. Such anger makes one wonder what you do to people!!!!! Ramon, enjoy every minute of your stay and you will continue to find what wonderful, friendly people the Australians are. Stay well.

Name: Irene
City, Country: Cornubia, Australia
Sent: 2.53 AM - 3/23 2002

Well well well Andy, you must have been in a caring, sharing mood when you wrote that message! For you were so diplomatic, and what a charming choice of words, so convincing too! The dulcet tones still ring in my ears. I actually got out my little poem note book and scribbled down some of those beautiful expressions you shared with everybody. Very classy Andy. NOT.

Enjoy your journey, Ramon :-)

Name: Wild Bill
City, Country: Leadville Colorado, USA
Sent: 2.45 AM - 3/23 2002

You go Guy - Andy is just a narrow minded person that has a lack of soul & sense of adventure. I would do what you are doing in a heartbeat if I wasn't already locked in with a terrific job. Good luck to you - And come see me when you get to Colorado.

Name: Tracey
City, Country: Gosford,NSW, Australia
Sent: 2.16 AM - 3/23 2002

I am horrified at the previous message left by "Andy"

He is obviously from "Mars" not Australia & definately one jelous moron.
Good luck to you, enjoy your stay down under & remember, we Aussi's are friendly people but i guess every city has one big loser!

Name: andy
City, Country: sydney, australia
Sent: 1.44 AM - 3/23 2002

Hey free loader.

The Aussie way is to support our fellow human being and not to sponge off of them. Fuck off out of OZ you scum sucker. We (Australia) DO NOT want you here in this country! If you want something then just get off your lazy arse and work for it!

p.s. Fuck off, your still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 9.37 PM - 3/22 2002

hello ramon, how are you? gosh..the poll.. nice idea, though I personally think they'd better put a 4th choice, that is "(ramon should do) what he considers the best for himself". anyway.. I thicked the 3rd one, because it seemed the most consistent with the original aim of your "enterprise"..

I keep on reading your reports from the mailinglist, and I wish you lots of enjoyment.
ciao, donatella

Name: Tamar
City, Country: Barcelona, Spain
Sent: 8.25 PM - 3/22 2002

Hi Ramon,

I was really amazed when I first read your traveling story while reading a very popular spanish magazine.

You're a very smart guy, you're lucky to travel this way !!!!

Just keep it up and have fun !

Greetings from Barcelona,


Name: Jens
City, Country: Germany
Sent: 7.26 PM - 3/22 2002

wow kinda impressive, $35 for that tour.. very nice :)

they just introduced your idea and your site on our local radio station.
I'll go to the US next year, perhaps this is the way to travel in the future ;)
keep it up!

greets from germany


Name: Oliver
City, Country: Germany
Sent: 6.43 PM - 3/22 2002

this goes out 2 u Andy ... It sound kinda jealous u sittin`in the world`s famous sandpit and ramon is goin`2 see the whole without a dime in his pocket ?!?!?!

Name: Oliver
City, Country: Germany
Sent: 6.35 PM - 3/22 2002

I`ve never heard that some1 tried 2 see the world in u`r way. It`s shurly the proof that poeople r not that kinda stonehearded. I really hope that u have a lotta interesting places 2 see and a hole lotta more interesting people 2 meet on u`r trip.

Name: Monica
City, Country: Melbourne Australia
Sent: 10.28 AM - 3/22 2002

I agree with you Karen. I think that what Ramon is doing is like a job. He does not really have a lot of time because he does write all those reports and has to find all the places he has been invited too and then work out a schedule and then get there. So he probably works more hours than Andy. Andy should worru about his own life and let others live theirs the way they choose.

Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 9.23 AM - 3/22 2002

Andy, why is it bothering you so much what Ramon is doing? Are you also that upset by people who are travelling and all expenses being paid for by their parents or something? As those travellers are also not working for their money...don't see what all the fuss is about; Ramon and his hosts are having a good time, most people who log onto the website enjoy reading it, so I don't see any problems! And Ramon is not begging for money, it is offered to him by people who like his idea and are willing to support him. And has it ever occured to you that writing the reports every day can be seen as work?

Name: andy
City, Country: Sydney Australia
Sent: 9.05 AM - 3/22 2002

This free loading wanker is not - r - not welcome in Australia so why is he here??? I put you in the same bracket as those scum sucking, dole bludging wastes of space scattered throughout OZ. If you want something then work for it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here you go: how pathetic...

Name: dbk Tom
City, Country: New Zealand
Sent: 6.28 AM - 3/22 2002

Hi Ramon,I think Greg is right.

Take your time ,and I've got a address of a dutch joker you have to go and see in Ausy.
He left Holland in 1950 and his family never heard from him for 40 years.
Lived in the outback near Perth,but has a Computer in a shed,and lives in his 4 wheel drive.
If you want a good story go and see him.
dbk Tom

Name: Greg James
City, Country: Pemberton, Australia
Sent: 2.14 AM - 3/22 2002


First, your idea is great! The original and the best!
Second, Australia is a BIG place, with sooooo much great stuff to see. So make sure you don't hang around too long in the same area or in boring places - get moving, and see all Australia has to offer! Make sure you make it to the Top End, Tasmania, WA and New Zealand ... sorry, I forgot for a moment that it's not just the eastern-most state of Australia! Honestly, though, any *gutsy* traveller will make sure they really get around, without leaving big things unseen. The BIG things may actually also be the LITTLE things - you never know! It's a bigger task than you think to travel around this Great Southern Land - do yourself a favour and make sure you do it right! Give yourself time, before you burn out! So, like I say, get moving man!
Third, I love your travel/stay 'Ethics Contract' with yourself - I can it into your reports! The day will come, though, when you are tempted to throw it in for a moment, and do something you'll regret. DON'T! Stay strong. I'm sure it takes a lot of energy to keep your standards high. If you get tired or tempted, 'Take 5 and 5' (take 5 steps back and just think for 5 minutes). Take breaks. When you come and stay with us, you can unwind, drink in nature, get away from the mad rush of the Western World and City Life, and ... RELAX! I'm sure you'll need it by then. If you need some counselling, we're here for you man!

Good luck, stay safe, and be happy! :-)


Name: sherina
City, Country: kl, malaysia
Sent: 1.07 PM - 3/21 2002

hi. fair enough ;-) i went to vote. some people have perhaps taken you seriously though as they opted for no.2 but hey, maybe they think it's funny as well.

don't know if this bit would be OT here, feel free to delete it it so. back in 1997 i came to know of this (23 year old then) french guy who started his travel from the hospital he was born in (outskirts of paris). he was to travel for 1000 days with a total amount of USD1000 around the world, and arrive back where he started new year of 2000. he was one of the first people i came to know online. i knew it when he left, and he left messages when he was in india volunteering at one of mother theresa's organisation. i also got an email when he was in malacca (malaysia), but i was on my own travel then. lost touch after that, and have no idea whether he made it. i hope so.

Name: sherina
City, Country: kl, malaysia
Sent: 12.44 PM - 3/21 2002

haven't had the time to read your reports, but the latest email that popped in my mailbox for the poll just cracked me up. why? well i just had a funny feeling when it was going to come to getting sponsors for the GF to travel as well - isn't that a bit much? shouldn't australia be quite affordable? i'd probably get bashed for this opinion, but it's just too 'funny'. i'm all for all the travels you've been doing though - so keep at it.

Don't misunderstand me, it is a question in a poll, which means I am just looking for opinions. It's not a fact that I am searching for a sponsor for Irena. It's not a fact that IF she comes this way, she will travel with me. Oh no, she has a life herself too! She is in the army and can go on leave for a little little while.... And of course it's funny, otherwise I would not have asked it ;-)

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 11.21 PM - 3/20 2002

Hi Ramon
Pleased to see that you are still having a brilliant time and being well looked after. It looks like you are receiving many invitations and getting good publicity, which should bring in even more invites.

My real reason for writing was to ask if you still have the "Let Me Stay For A Day Gift" from your present host to your next host?

The Gift-thing was worrying me too much as it is another thing for me to think about and there were certain times in the past that I just totally forgot about it. When the chain was broken several times, I didn't felt any need -personally- to restart it again. Sorry if I disappoint you.

Name: Ron
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 12.27 PM - 3/20 2002

By the amount of invitations Ramon received in Oz the Big Bang Party will be in 2004

So plenty of time to book your airtline ticket to Sydney

Name: Martin
City, Country: Roden, Netherlands
Sent: 3.34 AM - 3/20 2002

Brian, i WILL look you up when i get to SA. Even if the lmsfad team is jealous and don't come up with the details, i'll gues i will find you. :-)

Ron: If you get to talk to Channel 9, ask them to throw in a couple off tickets! I know some people from the Netherlands, SA, US, who would love to be a part of the BIG bang. Could be a nice item for Channel 9 :-)

Name: Janske
City, Country: Bergeijk, The Netherlands
Sent: 11.39 PM - 3/19 2002

To Brett, Brian and all other future members of the Board of Supporters!

Nice idea, it's good to see so many people supporting Ramon on his trips far away for us Dutchies... Now we know for certain he's not coming back real soon! ;) Somewhere it's relief to know he's not at his own...

Name: Crescent Songs
Sent: 10.36 PM - 3/19 2002

Can you contribute to another site, namely ** **...; as a travel writer.

I think an approach would be met with approval, but that would depend on them and not just guesswork on our part .Just an idle thought, for what it's worth?
How are your legs holding out on these bitumen strip roads out in the Aussie Bush Country, or is it lifts all the way.
Seize the moment as is appropriate, Mate.
Try to get to PERTH, WA, if you haven't done that yet. You won't regret it, I promise you.
Best regards.
G & T.(Crescent Songs).

Name: Ron
City, Country: Sydney
Sent: 1.03 PM - 3/19 2002

Well .........who knows lol

Ill have to talk to channel 9 first

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