Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

Author(s): Perez-Bilbao, A (Perez-Bilbao, Amaia); Calapez, AR (Calapez, Ana Raquel); Feio, MJ (Feio, Maria Joao) Source

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Author(s): Perez-Bilbao, A (Perez-Bilbao, Amaia); Calapez, AR (Calapez, Ana Raquel); Feio, MJ (Feio, Maria Joao)

Source: LIMNOLOGICA  Volume: 46  Pages: 45-57  DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2013.12.006  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: No differences between littoral fish community structure of small natural and gravel pit lakes in the northern German lowlands

Author(s): Emmrich, M (Emmrich, Matthias); Schalicke, S (Schaelicke, Svenja); Huhn, D (Huehn, Daniel); Lewin, C (Lewin, Christian); Arlinghaus, R (Arlinghaus, Robert)

Source: LIMNOLOGICA  Volume: 46  Pages: 84-93  DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2013.12.005  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Seasonal variation in the diversity and composition of phyllostomid bat assemblages in continuous and fragmented forests in Los Chimalapas, Oaxaca, Mexico

Author(s): Garcia-Garcia, JL (Luis Garcia-Garcia, Jose); Santos-Moreno, A (Santos-Moreno, Antonio)

Source: REVISTA MEXICANA DE BIODIVERSIDAD  Volume: 85  Issue: 1  Pages: 228-241  DOI: 10.7550/rmb.36744  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Distribution patterns of riodinid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) from southern Brazil

Author(s): Siewert, RR (Siewert, Ricardo R.); Iserhard, CA (Iserhard, Cristiano A.); Romanowski, HP (Romanowski, Helena P.); Callaghan, CJ (Callaghan, Curtis J.); Moser, A (Moser, Alfred)

Source: ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES  Volume: 53  Article Number: 15  DOI: 10.1186/1810-522X-53-15  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Land-use abandonment owing to irrigation cessation affects the biodiversity of hay meadows in an arid mountain region

Author(s): Riedener, E (Riedener, Eliane); Rusterholz, HP (Rusterholz, Hans-Peter); Baur, B (Baur, Bruno)

Source: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 185  Pages: 144-152  DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2013.12.023  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Title: Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Atlantic forest areas under different land uses

Author(s): Pereira, CMR (Rabelo Pereira, Camilla Maciel); da Silva, DKA (Alves da Silva, Danielle Karla); Ferreira, ACDA (de Almeida Ferreira, Araeska Carenna); Goto, BT (Goto, Bruno Tomio); Maia, LC (Maia, Leonor Costa)

Source: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 185  Pages: 245-252  DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2014.01.005  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Title: A genomic perspective on a new bacterial genus and species from the Alcaligenaceae family, Basilea psittacipulmonis

Author(s): Whiteson, KL (Whiteson, Katrine L.); Hernandez, D (Hernandez, David); Lazarevic, V (Lazarevic, Vladimir); Gaia, N (Gaia, Nadia); Farinelli, L (Farinelli, Laurent); Francois, P (Francois, Patrice); Pilo, P (Pilo, Paola); Frey, J (Frey, Joachim); Schrenzel, J (Schrenzel, Jacques)

Source: BMC GENOMICS  Volume: 15  Article Number: 169  DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-169  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Title: Consensus among multiple trophic levels during high-and low-water stands over the last two millennia in a northwest Ontario lake

Author(s): Karmakar, M (Karmakar, Moumita); Kurek, J (Kurek, Joshua); Haig, H (Haig, Heather); Cumming, BF (Cumming, Brian F.)

Source: QUATERNARY RESEARCH  Volume: 81  Issue: 2  Pages: 251-259  DOI: 10.1016/j.yqres.2013.12.006  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Ecological Impact Assessment of Groins in Varna Bay (Black Sea, Bulgaria) a Prerequisite for Application of Environmentally Friendly Shore Protection Structures

Author(s): Konsulova, T (Konsulova, Tsenka); Doncheva, V (Doncheva, Valentina)

Source: ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA  Volume: 66  Issue: 1  Pages: 73-81  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Use of intertidal areas by shrimps (Decapoda) in a brazilian Amazon estuary

Author(s): Sampaio, HA (Sampaio, Hebert A.); Martinelli-Lemos, JM (Martinelli-Lemos, Jussara M.)

Source: ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS  Volume: 86  Issue: 1  Pages: 333-345  DOI: 10.1590/0001-3765201420120039  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Seasonal Cycle of Phytoplankton Community Composition in the Coastal Upwelling System Off Central Oregon in 2009

Author(s): Du, XN (Du, Xiuning); Peterson, WT (Peterson, William T.)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 37  Issue: 2  Pages: 299-311  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9679-z  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Aboveground Biomass Patterns of Dominant Spartina Species and Their Relationship with Selected Abiotic Variables in Argentinean SW Atlantic Marshes

Author(s): Montemayor, DI (Montemayor, Diana I.); Canepuccia, AD (Canepuccia, Alejandro D.); Pascual, J (Pascual, Jesus); Iribarne, OO (Iribarne, Oscar O.)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 37  Issue: 2  Pages: 411-420  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9688-y  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Response of Lake Pontchartrain Fish Assemblages to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

Author(s): O'Connell, MT (O'Connell, Martin T.); O'Connell, AMU (O'Connell, Ann M. U.); Schieble, CS (Schieble, Christopher S.)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 37  Issue: 2  Pages: 461-475  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9675-3  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Climate-moderated responses to wildfire by macroinvertebrates and basal food resources in montane wilderness streams

Author(s): Rugenski, AT (Rugenski, Amanda T.); Minshall, GW (Minshall, G. Wayne)

Source: ECOSPHERE  Volume: 5  Issue: 3  Article Number: 25  DOI: 10.1890/ES13-00236.1  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Habitat Use and Dispersal of a Reintroduced Etheostoma sitikuense (Citico Darter) Population

Author(s): Gibbs, WK (Gibbs, W. Keith); Miller, JE (Miller, Jason E.); Cook, SB (Cook, S. Bradford); Kulp, MA (Kulp, Matt A.)

Source: SOUTHEASTERN NATURALIST  Volume: 13  Issue: 1  Pages: 40-55  DOI: 10.1656/058.013.0103  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Development of a Multimetric Index for Fish Assemblages in a Cold Tailwater in Tennessee

Author(s): Ivasauskas, TJ (Ivasauskas, Tomas J.); Bettoli, PW (Bettoli, Phillip W.)

Source: TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY  Volume: 143  Issue: 2  Pages: 495-507  DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2013.866982  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Title: Feeding Habits Variability and Trophic Position of Dolphinfish in Waters South of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico

Author(s): Torres-Rojas, YE (Torres-Rojas, Y. E.); Hernandez-Herrera, A (Hernandez-Herrera, A.); Ortega-Garcia, S (Ortega-Garcia, S.); Soto-Jimenez, MF (Soto-Jimenez, M. F.)

Source: TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY  Volume: 143  Issue: 2  Pages: 528-542  DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2013.866981  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Title: Monitoring benthic biodiversity restoration in Lyme Bay marine protected area: Design, sampling and analysis

Author(s): Stevens, TF (Stevens, T. F.); Sheehan, EV (Sheehan, E. V.); Gall, SC (Gall, S. C.); Fowell, SC (Fowell, S. C.); Attrill, MJ (Attrill, M. J.)

Source: MARINE POLICY  Volume: 45  Pages: 310-317  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.09.006  Published: MAR 2014  


Author(s): Jedlicka, JA (Jedlicka, Julie A.); Greenberg, R (Greenberg, Russell); Raimondi, PT (Raimondi, Peter T.)

Source: WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY  Volume: 126  Issue: 1  Pages: 60-68  Published: MAR 2014  


Author(s): Zhou, DQ (Zhou, Daqing); Chu, LM (Chu, L. M.)

Source: WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY  Volume: 126  Issue: 1  Pages: 69-80  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Biological Impacts of the Port Complex of Suape on Benthic Reef Communities (Pernambuco-Brazil)

Author(s): Costa, DL (Costa, Diego Leonel); Santos, AM (Santos, Andre Melo); da Silva, AF (da Silva, Aylla Fernandes); Padilha, RM (Padilha, Renata Meirelles); Nogueira, VO (Nogueira, Viviane Oliveira); Wanderlei, EB (Wanderlei, Ericka Brasil); Belanger, D (Belanger, David); Gomes, PB (Gomes, Paula Braga); Perez, CD (Perez, Carlos Daniel)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Volume: 30  Issue: 2  Pages: 362-370  DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-13-00055.1  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Convergence of gut microbiomes in myrmecophagous mammals

Author(s): Delsuc, F (Delsuc, Frederic); Metcalf, JL (Metcalf, Jessica L.); Parfrey, LW (Parfrey, Laura Wegener); Song, SJ (Song, Se Jin); Gonzalez, A (Gonzalez, Antonio); Knight, R (Knight, Rob)

Source: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY  Volume: 23  Issue: 6  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 1301-1317  DOI: 10.1111/mec.12501  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Plant genetics and interspecific competitive interactions determine ectomycorrhizal fungal community responses to climate change

Author(s): Gehring, C (Gehring, Catherine); Flores-Renteria, D (Flores-Renteria, Dulce); Sthultz, CM (Sthultz, Christopher M.); Leonard, TM (Leonard, Tierra M.); Flores-Renteria, L (Flores-Renteria, Lluvia); Whipple, AV (Whipple, Amy V.); Whitham, TG (Whitham, Thomas G.)

Source: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY  Volume: 23  Issue: 6  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 1379-1391  DOI: 10.1111/mec.12503  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Ontogenetic variation in epibiont community structure in the deep-sea yeti crab, Kiwa puravida: convergence among crustaceans

Author(s): Goffredi, SK (Goffredi, Shana K.); Gregory, A (Gregory, Ann); Jones, WJ (Jones, William J.); Morella, NM (Morella, Norma M.); Sakamoto, RI (Sakamoto, Reid I.)

Source: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY  Volume: 23  Issue: 6  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 1457-1472  DOI: 10.1111/mec.12439  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Evaluating a State-and-Transition Model Using a Long-Term Dataset

Author(s): Perlinski, AT (Perlinski, Anthony T.); Paige, GB (Paige, Ginger B.); McClaran, MP (McClaran, Mitchel P.)

Source: RANGELAND ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT  Volume: 67  Issue: 2  Pages: 173-182  DOI: 10.2111/REM-D-12-00036.1  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Seasonal changes in the demersal nekton community off the Changjiang River estuary

Author(s): Jiang, YZ (Jiang Yazhou); Ling, JZ (Ling Jianzhong); Li, JS (Li Jiansheng); Yang, LL (Yang Linlin); Li, SF (Li Shengfa)

Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF OCEANOLOGY AND LIMNOLOGY  Volume: 32  Issue: 2  Pages: 278-289  DOI: 10.1007/s00343-014-3097-3  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Structure and Floristic Composition of Forest Management Systems Associated with the Edible Fruit Tree Oecopetalum mexicanum in the Sierra de Misantla, Veracruz, Mexico

Author(s): Lopez-Acosta, JC (Lopez-Acosta, J. C.); Lascurain, M (Lascurain, M.); Binnquist, CL (Lopez Binnqueist, C.); Covarrubias, M (Covarrubias, M.)

Source: ECONOMIC BOTANY  Volume: 68  Issue: 1  Pages: 44-58  DOI: 10.1007/s12231-014-9260-0  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Changes in the nature of dissolved organics during pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment: a multivariate statistical study combining data from three analytical techniques

Author(s): Plant, EL (Plant, Emma L.); Smernik, RJ (Smernik, Ronald J.); van Leeuwen, J (van Leeuwen, John); Greenwood, P (Greenwood, Paul); Macdonald, LM (Macdonald, Lynne M.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH  Volume: 21  Issue: 6  Pages: 4265-4275  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-2351-0  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Effects of riparian buffer strips on ground beetles ( Coleoptera, Carabidae) within an agricultural landscape

Author(s): Stockan, JA (Stockan, Jenni A.); Baird, J (Baird, John); Langan, SJ (Langan, Simon J.); Young, MR (Young, Mark R.); Iason, GR (Iason, Glenn R.)

Source: INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY  Volume: 7  Issue: 2  Pages: 172-184  DOI: 10.1111/icad.12043  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Patterns of variation in parasite component communities and infracommunities of a littoral fish species from the northern coast of Chile

Author(s): Henriquez, V (Henriquez, Vania); Gonzalez, MT (Teresa Gonzalez, M.)

Source: JOURNAL OF HELMINTHOLOGY  Volume: 88  Issue: 1  Pages: 89-96  DOI: 10.1017/S0022149X12000788  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Differential responses of a benthic meiofaunal community to an artificial oil spill in the intertidal zone

Author(s): Kang, T (Kang, Teawook); Min, WG (Min, Won-Gi); Rho, HS (Rho, Hyun Soo); Park, HS (Park, Heung-Sik); Kim, D (Kim, Dongsung)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM  Volume: 94  Issue: 2  Pages: 219-231  DOI: 10.1017/S0025315413001501  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Distribution and sources of phytosterols in coastal and river sediments of south-central Chile

Author(s): Saavedra, L (Saavedra, Luisa); Quinones, RA (Quinones, Renato A.); Becerra, J (Becerra, Jose)

Source: LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH  Volume: 42  Issue: 1  Pages: 61-84  DOI: 10.3856/vol42-issue1-fulltext-5  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Characterization of culturable bacterial flora in yolk-sac larvae of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) with "gaping jaws" syndrome

Author(s): Urtubia, R (Urtubia, Rocio); Gallardo, P (Gallardo, Pablo); Lavin, P (Lavin, Paris); Brown, N (Brown, Nick); Gonzalez, M (Gonzalez, Marcelo)

Source: LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH  Volume: 42  Issue: 1  Pages: 97-110  DOI: 10.3856/vol42-issue1-fulltext-7  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Long term changes in the fish fauna of Lago de Patzcuaro in Central Mexico

Author(s): Ramirez-Herrejon, JP (Ramirez-Herrejon, Juan P.); Zambrano, L (Zambrano, Luis); Mercado-Silva, N (Mercado-Silva, Norman); Torres-Tellez, A (Torres-Tellez, Adriana); Pineda-Garcia, F (Pineda-Garcia, Fernando); Caraveo-Patino, J (Caraveo-Patino, Javier); Balart, EF (Balart, Eduardo F.)

Source: LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH  Volume: 42  Issue: 1  Pages: 137-149  DOI: 10.3856/vol42-issue1-fulltext-11  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Lanternfish (Myctophidae) from eastern Brazil, southwest Atlantic Ocean

Author(s): Braga, AD (Braga, Adriana da Costa); Costa, PAS (Costa, Paulo A. S.); Martins, AS (Martins, Agnaldo S.); Olavo, G (Olavo, George); Nunan, GW (Nunan, Gustavo W.)

Source: LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH  Volume: 42  Issue: 1  Pages: 245-257  DOI: 10.3856/vol42-issue1-fulltext-20  Published: MAR 2014  


Author(s): Tonkin, JD (Tonkin, J. D.); Death, RG (Death, R. G.)

Source: RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS  Volume: 30  Issue: 3  Pages: 329-337  DOI: 10.1002/rra.2650  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: First report on the contribution of small-sized species to the copepod community structure of the southern Patagonian shelf (Argentina, 47-55 degrees S)

Author(s): Antacli, JC (Carolina Antacli, Julieta); Hernandez, DR (Raul Hernandez, Daniel); Sabatini, ME (Elena Sabatini, Marina)

Source: SCIENTIA MARINA  Volume: 78  Issue: 1  Pages: 17-26  DOI: 10.3989/scimar.03906.31C  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Variability in the structure of epiphytic microalgae assemblages on the leaves of Posidonia oceanica in relation to human disturbance in a meadow off Tunisia

Author(s): Mabrouk, L (Mabrouk, Lotfi); Ben Brahim, M (Ben Brahim, Mounir); Hamza, A (Hamza, Asma); Mahfoudhi, M (Mahfoudhi, Mabrouka); Bradai, MN (Bradai, Med-Najmeddine)

Source: SCIENTIA MARINA  Volume: 78  Issue: 1  Pages: 27-39  DOI: 10.3989/scimar.03939.06A  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Feeding of European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) in the northwestern Mediterranean: from late larvae to adults

Author(s): Costalago, D (Costalago, David); Palomera, I (Palomera, Isabel)

Source: SCIENTIA MARINA  Volume: 78  Issue: 1  Pages: 41-54  DOI: 10.3989/scimar.03898.06D  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Importance of Crayfish Prey to Nesting White Ibis (Eudocimus albus)

Author(s): Boyle, RA (Boyle, Robin A.); Dorn, NJ (Dorn, Nathan J.); Cook, MI (Cook, Mark I.)

Source: WATERBIRDS  Volume: 37  Issue: 1  Pages: 19-29  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Interactive effects of aluminium and phosphorus on microbial leaf litter processing in acidified streams: A microcosm approach

Author(s): Clivot, H (Clivot, Hugues); Charmasson, F (Charmasson, Faustine); Felten, V (Felten, Vincent); Boudot, JP (Boudot, Jean-Pierre); Guerold, F (Guerold, Francois); Danger, M (Danger, Michael)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION  Volume: 186  Pages: 67-74  DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.11.024  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Diversity of fungi associated with hair roots of ericaceous plants is affected by land use

Author(s): Hazard, C (Hazard, Christina); Gosling, P (Gosling, Paul); Mitchell, DT (Mitchell, Derek T.); Doohan, FM (Doohan, Fiona M.); Bending, GD (Bending, Gary D.)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 87  Issue: 3  Pages: 586-600  DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12247  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Selection of Clostridium spp. in biological sand filters neutralizing synthetic acid mine drainage

Author(s): Ramond, JB (Ramond, Jean-Baptiste); Welz, PJ (Welz, Pamela J.); Le Roes-Hill, M (Le Roes-Hill, Marilize); Tuffin, MI (Tuffin, Marla I.); Burton, SG (Burton, Stephanie G.); Cowan, DA (Cowan, Don A.)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 87  Issue: 3  Pages: 678-690  DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12255  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Determinants of the microbial community structure of eutrophic, hyporheic river sediments polluted with chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons

Author(s): Hamonts, K (Hamonts, Kelly); Ryngaert, A (Ryngaert, Annemie); Smidt, H (Smidt, Hauke); Springael, D (Springael, Dirk); Dejonghe, W (Dejonghe, Winnie)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 87  Issue: 3  Pages: 715-732  DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12260  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Microbial Community Structure and Activity under Various Pervious Pavements

Author(s): Fan, LF (Fan, Lan-Feng); Wang, SF (Wang, Sih-Fu); Chen, CP (Chen, Chang-Po); Hsieh, HL (Hsieh, Hwey-Lian); Chen, JW (Chen, Jui-Wen); Chen, TH (Chen, Ting-Hao); Chao, WL (Chao, Wei-Liang)

Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING  Volume: 140  Issue: 3  DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000798  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Title: Community structure and species diversity of Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) at two sites in the deep sea of the Angola Basin (Southeast Atlantic)

Author(s): George, KH (George, Kai Horst); Veit-Kohler, G (Veit-Koehler, Gritta); Arbizu, PM (Arbizu, Pedro Martinez); Seifried, S (Seifried, Sybille); Rose, A (Rose, Armin); Willen, E (Willen, Elke); Brohldick, K (Broehldick, Karin); Corgosinho, PH (Corgosinho, Paulo H.); Drewes, J (Drewes, Jan); Menzel, L (Menzel, Lena); Moura, G (Moura, Gisela); Schminke, HK (Schminke, Horst Kurt)

Source: ORGANISMS DIVERSITY & EVOLUTION  Volume: 14  Issue: 1  Pages: 57-73  DOI: 10.1007/s13127-013-0154-2  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Sampling trace organic compounds in water: A comparison of a continuous active sampler to continuous passive and discrete sampling methods

Author(s): Coes, AL (Coes, Alissa L.); Paretti, NV (Paretti, Nicholas V.); Foreman, WT (Foreman, William T.); Iverson, JL (Iverson, Jana L.); Alvarez, DA (Alvarez, David A.)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 473  Pages: 731-741  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.12.082  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Title: Watershed-Scale Fungal Community Characterization along a pH Gradient in a Subsurface Environment Cocontaminated with Uranium and Nitrate

Author(s): Jasrotia, P (Jasrotia, Puja); Green, SJ (Green, Stefan J.); Canion, A (Canion, Andy); Overholt, WA (Overholt, Will A.); Prakash, O (Prakash, Om); Wafula, D (Wafula, Denis); Hubbard, D (Hubbard, Daniela); Watson, DB (Watson, David B.); Schadt, CW (Schadt, Christopher W.); Brooks, SC (Brooks, Scott C.); Kostka, JE (Kostka, Joel E.)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 80  Issue: 6  Pages: 1810-1820  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03423-13  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Biogeography of the Sediment Bacterial Community Responds to a Nitrogen Pollution Gradient in the East China Sea

Author(s): Xiong, JB (Xiong, Jinbo); Ye, XS (Ye, Xiansen); Wang, K (Wang, Kai); Chen, HP (Chen, Heping); Hu, CJ (Hu, Changju); Zhu, JL (Zhu, Jianlin); Zhang, DM (Zhang, Demin)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 80  Issue: 6  Pages: 1919-1925  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03731-13  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Comparison of microbial communities in sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) exposed to trace erythromycin and erythromycin-H2O

Author(s): Wang, SQ (Wang, Shanquan); Fan, CA (Fan, Caian); Low, A (Low, Adrian); He, JZ (He, Jianzhong)

Source: APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 98  Issue: 6  Pages: 2667-2673  DOI: 10.1007/s00253-013-5205-2  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Influence of male courtship intensity and male-male competition on paternity distribution in Hermann's tortoise, Testudo hermanni hermanni (Chelonia: Testudinidae)

Author(s): Cutuli, G (Cutuli, Giulia); Cannicci, S (Cannicci, Stefano); Vannini, M (Vannini, Marco); Fratini, S (Fratini, Sara)

Source: BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY  Volume: 111  Issue: 3  Pages: 656-667  DOI: 10.1111/bij.12243  Published: MAR 2014  
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