Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

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Title: Floral morphology and pollinator fauna characteristics of island and mainland populations of Ligustrum ovalifolium (Oleaceae)

Author(s): Yamada, T (Yamada, Takayuki); Kodama, K (Kodama, Kosei); Maki, M (Maki, Masayuki)

Source: BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY  Volume: 174  Issue: 3  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 489-501  DOI: 10.1111/boj.12092  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Nematode assemblages from the Kandalaksha Depression (White Sea, 251-288 m water depth)

Author(s): Miljutin, DM (Miljutin, Dmitry M.); Miljutina, MA (Miljutina, Maria A.); Tchesunov, AV (Tchesunov, Alexei V.); Mokievsky, VO (Mokievsky, Vadim O.)

Source: HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH  Volume: 68  Issue: 1  Pages: 99-111  DOI: 10.1007/s10152-013-0371-2  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Development and validation of a mid-water baited stereo-video technique for investigating pelagic fish assemblages

Author(s): Santana-Garcon, J (Santana-Garcon, Julia); Newman, SJ (Newman, Stephen J.); Harvey, ES (Harvey, Euan S.)

Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY  Volume: 452  Pages: 82-90  DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2013.12.009  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: The influence of environmental factors on biological soil crust: from a community perspective to a species level approach

Author(s): Concostrina-Zubiri, L (Concostrina-Zubiri, Laura); Martinez, I (Martinez, Isabel); Rabasa, SG (Rabasa, Sonia G.); Escudero, A (Escudero, Adrian)

Source: JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE  Volume: 25  Issue: 2  Pages: 503-513  DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12084  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Morphological and molecular diversity at a regional scale: A step closer to understanding Antarctic nematode biogeography

Author(s): Velasco-Castrillon, A (Velasco-Castrillon, Alejandro); Stevens, MI (Stevens, Mark I.)

Source: SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY  Volume: 70  Pages: 272-284  DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.12.016  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: The value of plantation forests for plant, invertebrate and bird diversity and the potential for cross-taxon surrogacy

Author(s): Irwin, S (Irwin, Sandra); Pedley, SM (Pedley, Scott M.); Coote, L (Coote, Linda); Dietzsch, AC (Dietzsch, Anke C.); Wilson, MW (Wilson, Mark W.); Oxbrough, A (Oxbrough, Anne); Sweeney, O (Sweeney, Oisin); Moore, KM (Moore, Karen M.); Martin, R (Martin, Rebecca); Kelly, DL (Kelly, Daniel L.); Mitchell, FJG (Mitchell, Fraser J. G.); Kelly, TC (Kelly, Thomas C.); O'Halloran, J (O'Halloran, John)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 23  Issue: 3  Pages: 697-714  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0627-4  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite loci for Chinese catfish Silurus asotus

Author(s): Xiao, MS (Xiao, Mingsong); Bao, FY (Bao, Fangying)

Source: CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES  Volume: 6  Issue: 1  Pages: 163-165  DOI: 10.1007/s12686-013-0035-1  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Phytoplankton composition under contrasting oceanographic conditions: Upwelling and downwelling (Eastern Australia)

Author(s): Armbrecht, LH (Armbrecht, Linda H.); Roughan, M (Roughan, Moninya); Rossi, V (Rossi, Vincent); Schaeffer, A (Schaeffer, Amandine); Davies, PL (Davies, Peter L.); Waite, AM (Waite, Anya M.); Armand, LK (Armand, Leanne K.)

Source: CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH  Volume: 75  Pages: 54-67  DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2013.11.024  Published: MAR 1 2014  

Title: Biostimulation as an attractive technique to reduce phenanthrene toxicity for meiofauna and bacteria in lagoon sediment

Author(s): Louati, H (Louati, Hela); Ben Said, O (Ben Said, Olfa); Soltani, A (Soltani, Amel); Got, P (Got, Patrice); Cravo-Laureau, C (Cravo-Laureau, Cristiana); Duran, R (Duran, Robert); Aissa, P (Aissa, Patricia); Pringault, O (Pringault, Olivier); Mahmoudi, E (Mahmoudi, Ezzeddine)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH  Volume: 21  Issue: 5  Pages: 3670-3679  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-2330-5  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Rapid and reliable multivariate discrimination for two cryptic Eteline snappers using otolith morphometry

Author(s): Wakefield, CB (Wakefield, Corey B.); Williams, AJ (Williams, Ashley. J.); Newman, SJ (Newman, Stephen J.); Bunel, M (Bunel, Melanie); Dowling, CE (Dowling, Christopher E.); Armstrong, CA (Armstrong, Chella A.); Langlois, TJ (Langlois, Tim J.)

Source: FISHERIES RESEARCH  Volume: 151  Pages: 100-106  DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2013.10.011  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Fluorescent Random Amplified Microsatellites (F-RAMS) analysis of mushrooms as a forensic investigative tool

Author(s): Kallifatidis, B (Kallifatidis, Beatrice); Borovicka, J (Borovicka, Jan); Stranska, J (Stranska, Jana); Drabek, J (Drabek, Jiri); Mills, DK (Mills, DeEtta K.)

Source: FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS  Volume: 9  Pages: 25-32  DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2013.10.009  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Monthly to interannual variability of microbial eukaryote assemblages at four depths in the eastern North Pacific

Author(s): Kim, DY (Kim, Diane Y.); Countway, PD (Countway, Peter D.); Jones, AC (Jones, Adriane C.); Schnetzer, A (Schnetzer, Astrid); Yamashita, W (Yamashita, Warren); Tung, C (Tung, Christine); Caron, DA (Caron, David A.)

Source: ISME JOURNAL  Volume: 8  Issue: 3  Pages: 515-530  DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2013.173  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: An inverse latitudinal biodiversity pattern in asellote isopods (Crustacea, Peracarida) from the Southwest Atlantic between 35A degrees and 56A degrees S

Author(s): Doti, BL (Doti, Brenda L.); Roccatagliata, D (Roccatagliata, Daniel); Gappa, JL (Lopez Gappa, Juan)

Source: MARINE BIODIVERSITY  Volume: 44  Issue: 1  Pages: 115-125  DOI: 10.1007/s12526-013-0187-y  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Shifts of the feeding niche along the size dimension of three juvenile fish species in a tidal mudflat in southeastern Brazil

Author(s): Pessanha, ALM (Machado Pessanha, Andre Luiz); Araujo, FG (Araujo, Franciso Gerson)

Source: MARINE BIOLOGY  Volume: 161  Issue: 3  Pages: 543-550  DOI: 10.1007/s00227-013-2356-8  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Epibenthic macrofaunal community response after a mega-earthquake and tsunami in a shallow bay off central-south Chile

Author(s): Hernandez-Miranda, E (Hernandez-Miranda, Eduardo); Cisterna, J (Cisterna, Jose); Diaz-Cabrera, E (Diaz-Cabrera, Ernesto); Veas, R (Veas, Rodrigo); Quinones, R (Quinones, Renato A.)

Source: MARINE BIOLOGY  Volume: 161  Issue: 3  Pages: 681-696  DOI: 10.1007/s00227-013-2370-x  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Invasion success and development of benthic assemblages: Effect of timing, duration of submersion and substrate type

Author(s): Vaz-Pinto, F (Vaz-Pinto, F.); Torrontegi, O (Torrontegi, O.); Prestes, ACL (Prestes, A. C. L.); Alvaro, NV (Alvaro, N. V.); Neto, AI (Neto, A. I.); Martins, GM (Martins, G. M.)

Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH  Volume: 94  Pages: 72-79  DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.12.007  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Fatty acid and stable isotope characteristics of sea ice and pelagic particulate organic matter in the Bering Sea: tools for estimating sea ice algal contribution to Arctic food web production

Author(s): Wang, SW (Wang, Shiway W.); Budge, SM (Budge, Suzanne M.); Gradinger, RR (Gradinger, Rolf R.); Iken, K (Iken, Katrin); Wooller, MJ (Wooller, Matthew J.)

Source: OECOLOGIA  Volume: 174  Issue: 3  Pages: 699-712  DOI: 10.1007/s00442-013-2832-3  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Fruit bats can disperse figs over different land-use types on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Author(s): Helbig-Bonitz, M (Helbig-Bonitz, Maria); Rutten, G (Rutten, Gemma); Kalko, EKV (Kalko, Elisabeth K. V.)

Source: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY  Volume: 52  Issue: 1  Pages: 122-125  DOI: 10.1111/aje.12090  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Cuticular hydrocarbons distinguish cryptic sibling species in Euglossa orchid bees

Author(s): Pokorny, T (Pokorny, Tamara); Lunau, K (Lunau, Klaus); Quezada-Euan, JJG (Quezada-Euan, J. Javier G.); Eltz, T (Eltz, Thomas)

Source: APIDOLOGIE  Volume: 45  Issue: 2  Pages: 276-283  DOI: 10.1007/s13592-013-0250-5  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Abiotic surrogates for temperate rocky reef biodiversity: implications for marine protected areas

Author(s): Rees, MJ (Rees, Matthew J.); Jordan, A (Jordan, Alan); Price, OF (Price, Owen F.); Coleman, MA (Coleman, Melinda A.); Davis, AR (Davis, Andrew R.)

Source: DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS  Volume: 20  Issue: 3  Pages: 284-296  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Community composition has greater impact on the functioning of marine phytoplankton communities than ocean acidification

Author(s): Eggers, SL (Eggers, Sarah L.); Lewandowska, AM (Lewandowska, Aleksandra M.); Ramos, JBE (Barcelos e Ramos, Joana); Blanco-Ameijeiras, S (Blanco-Ameijeiras, Sonia); Gallo, F (Gallo, Francesca); Matthiessen, B (Matthiessen, Birte)

Source: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY  Volume: 20  Issue: 3  Pages: 713-723  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Habitat traits and food availability determine the response of marine invertebrates to ocean acidification

Author(s): Pansch, C (Pansch, Christian); Schaub, I (Schaub, Iris); Havenhand, J (Havenhand, Jonathan); Wahl, M (Wahl, Martin)

Source: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY  Volume: 20  Issue: 3  Pages: 765-777  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Infaunal macrobenthos of the oxygen minimum zone on the Indian western continental shelf

Author(s): Joydas, TV (Joydas, Thadickal V.); Damodaran, R (Damodaran, Rayaroth)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 35  Issue: 1  Pages: 22-35  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12052  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Alteration of benthic communities associated with copper contamination linked to boat moorings

Author(s): Neira, C (Neira, Carlos); Levin, LA (Levin, Lisa A.); Mendoza, G (Mendoza, Guillermo); Zirino, A (Zirino, Alberto)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 35  Issue: 1  Pages: 46-66  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12054  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Habitat selection in birds feeding on ocean shores: landscape effects are important in the choice of foraging sites by oystercatchers

Author(s): Schlacher, TA (Schlacher, Thomas A.); Meager, JJ (Meager, Justin J.); Nielsen, T (Nielsen, Tara)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 35  Issue: 1  Pages: 67-76  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12055  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Emergence patterns and ecological associations of some haematophagous blackfly species along an oligotrophic hydrosystem

Author(s): Ivkovic, M (Ivkovic, M.); Kesic, M (Kesic, M.); Mihaljevic, Z (Mihaljevic, Z.); Kudela, M (Kudela, M.)

Source: MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ENTOMOLOGY  Volume: 28  Issue: 1  Pages: 94-102  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Herbicides induce change in metabolic and genetic diversity of bacterial community from a cold oligotrophic lake

Author(s): Aguayo, P (Aguayo, P.); Gonzalez, C (Gonzalez, C.); Barra, R (Barra, R.); Becerra, J (Becerra, J.); Martinez, M (Martinez, M.)

Source: WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 30  Issue: 3  Pages: 1101-1110  DOI: 10.1007/s11274-013-1530-y  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Comparing activated sludge fungal community population diversity using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism

Author(s): Evans, TN (Evans, Tegan N.); Watson, G (Watson, Garth); Rees, GN (Rees, Gavin N.); Seviour, RJ (Seviour, Robert J.)

Source: ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 105  Issue: 3  Pages: 559-569  DOI: 10.1007/s10482-013-0108-x  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Subtle genetic connectivity between Mexican Caribbean and south-western Gulf of Mexico reefs: the case of the bicolor damselfish, Stegastes partitus

Author(s): Sanchez, CAV (Villegas Sanchez, C. A.); Espana, HP (Perez Espana, H.); Madrid, RR (Rivera Madrid, R.); Monreal, DS (Salas Monreal, D.); Gonzalez, JEA (Arias Gonzalez, J. E.)

Source: CORAL REEFS  Volume: 33  Issue: 1  Pages: 241-251  DOI: 10.1007/s00338-013-1083-4  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Impacts of bioremediation schemes for the mitigation of a low-dose anthracene contamination on free-living marine benthic nematodes

Author(s): Louati, H (Louati, Hela); Ben Said, O (Ben Said, Olfa); Soltani, A (Soltani, Amel); Cravo-Laureau, C (Cravo-Laureau, Cristiana); Preud'Homme, H (Preud'Homme, Hugues); Duran, R (Duran, Robert); Aissa, P (Aissa, Patricia); Mahmoudi, E (Mahmoudi, Ezzeddine); Pringault, O (Pringault, Olivier)

Source: ECOTOXICOLOGY  Volume: 23  Issue: 2  Pages: 201-212  DOI: 10.1007/s10646-013-1163-9  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Individual Distinctiveness in the Fine Structural Features and Repertoire Characteristics of the Songs of White-eared Ground-sparrows

Author(s): Sandoval, L (Sandoval, Luis); Mendez, C (Mendez, Carolina); Mennill, DJ (Mennill, Daniel J.)

Source: ETHOLOGY  Volume: 120  Issue: 3  Pages: 275-286  DOI: 10.1111/eth.12206  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Are prokaryotic cell shape and size suitable to ecosystem characterization?

Author(s): La Ferla, R (La Ferla, R.); Maimone, G (Maimone, G.); Caruso, G (Caruso, G.); Azzaro, F (Azzaro, F.); Azzaro, M (Azzaro, M.); Decembrini, F (Decembrini, F.); Cosenza, A (Cosenza, A.); Leonardi, M (Leonardi, M.); Paranhos, R (Paranhos, R.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 726  Issue: 1  Pages: 65-80  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1752-x  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: The influence of habitat homogenization on the trophic structure of fish fauna in tropical streams

Author(s): Zeni, JO (Zeni, Jaquelini O.); Casatti, L (Casatti, Lilian)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 726  Issue: 1  Pages: 259-270  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1772-6  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Effects of sewage pollution on the structure of rocky shore macroinvertebrate assemblages

Author(s): Cabral-Oliveira, J (Cabral-Oliveira, J.); Mendes, S (Mendes, S.); Maranhao, P (Maranhao, P.); Pardal, MA (Pardal, M. A.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 726  Issue: 1  Pages: 271-283  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1773-5  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Agricultural disturbance response models for invertebrate and algal metrics from streams at two spatial scales within the U.S.

Author(s): Waite, IR (Waite, Ian R.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 726  Issue: 1  Pages: 285-303  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1774-4  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: What does the giant squid Architeuthis dux eat?

Author(s): Regueira, M (Regueira, M.); Belcari, P (Belcari, P.); Guerra, A (Guerra, A.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 725  Issue: 1  Pages: 49-55  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1662-y  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Macrofauna in Mediterranean and Black Sea transitional aquatic ecosystems: A comparative study of the benthic populations sampled by box corer and leaf bags

Author(s): Sangiorgio, F (Sangiorgio, Franca); Quintino, V (Quintino, Victor); Rosati, I (Rosati, Ilaria); Rodrigues, AM (Rodrigues, Ana Maria); Pinna, M (Pinna, Maurizio); Basset, A (Basset, Alberto)

Source: ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS  Volume: 38  Pages: 159-169  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.10.009  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Bacterioplankton assemblages as biological indicators of shrimp health status

Author(s): Zhang, DM (Zhang, Demin); Wang, X (Wang, Xin); Xiong, JB (Xiong, Jinbo); Zhu, JL (Zhu, Jianlin); Wang, YN (Wang, Yinong); Zhao, QF (Zhao, Qunfen); Chen, HP (Chen, Heping); Guo, AN (Guo, Annan); Wu, JF (Wu, Jinfeng); Dai, HP (Dai, Haiping)

Source: ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS  Volume: 38  Pages: 218-224  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.11.002  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Classification of Retinal Ganglion Cells in the Southern Hemisphere Lamprey Geotria australis (Cyclostomata)

Author(s): Fletcher, LN (Fletcher, Lee Norman); Coimbra, JP (Coimbra, Joao Paulo); Rodger, J (Rodger, Jennifer); Potter, IC (Potter, Ian C.); Gill, HS (Gill, Howard S.); Dunlop, SA (Dunlop, Sarah A.); Collin, SP (Collin, Shaun P.)

Source: JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY  Volume: 522  Issue: 4  Pages: 750-771  DOI: 10.1002/cne.23441  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Fish assemblage associated with aquatic macrophytes bank in mananged lakes of Central Amazon, Amazonas, Brazil

Author(s): Soares, MGM (Mota Soares, Maria Gercilia); Freitas, CEC (Carvalho Freitas, Carlos Edwar); de Oliveira, ACB (Belarmino de Oliveira, Ana Cristina)

Source: ACTA AMAZONICA  Volume: 44  Issue: 1  Pages: 143-152  Published: MAR 2014  

Title: Biophysical Interactions Control the Size and Abundance of Large Phytoplankton Chains at the Ushant Tidal Front

Author(s): Landeira, JM (Landeira, Jose M.); Ferron, B (Ferron, Bruno); Lunven, M (Lunven, Michel); Morin, P (Morin, Pascal); Marie, L (Marie, Louis); Sourisseau, M (Sourisseau, Marc)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 9  Issue: 2  Article Number: e90507  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090507  Published: FEB 28 2014  

Title: The influence of channel deepening on estuarine turbidity levels and dynamics, as exemplified by the Ems estuary

Author(s): de Jonge, VN (de Jonge, Victor N.); Schuttelaars, HM (Schuttelaars, Henk M.); van Beusekom, JEE (van Beusekom, Justus E. E.); Talke, SA (Talke, Stefan A.); de Swart, HE (de Swart, Huib E.)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 139  Pages: 46-59  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.12.030  Published: FEB 20 2014  

Title: Exploring trophic strategies of exotic caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda): Comparison between habitat types and native vs introduced distribution ranges

Author(s): Ros, M (Ros, Macarena); de Figueroa, JMT (Manuel Tierno de Figueroa, Jose); Guerra-Garcia, JM (Manuel Guerra-Garcia, Jose); Navarro-Barranco, C (Navarro-Barranco, Carlos); Lacerda, MB (Baptista Lacerda, Mariana); Vazquez-Luis, M (Vazquez-Luis, Maite); Masunari, S (Masunari, Setuko)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 139  Pages: 88-98  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.12.033  Published: FEB 20 2014  

Title: Development of a quality index to evaluate the structure of macroalgal communities

Author(s): Gall, EA (Gall, E. Ar); Le Duff, M (Le Duff, M.)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 139  Pages: 99-109  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.12.028  Published: FEB 20 2014  

Title: The effects of dietary carbohydrate sources and forms on metabolic response and intestinal microbiota in sea bass juveniles, Dicentrarchus labrax

Author(s): Gatesoupe, FJ (Gatesoupe, Francois-Joel); Huelvan, C (Huelvan, Christine); Le Bayon, N (Le Bayon, Nicolas); Severe, A (Severe, Armelle); Aasen, IM (Aasen, Inga Marie); Degnes, KF (Degnes, Kristin F.); Mazurais, D (Mazurais, David); Panserat, S (Panserat, Stephane); Zambonino-Infante, JL (Zambonino-Infante, Jose L.); Kaushik, SJ (Kaushik, Sadasivam J.)

Source: AQUACULTURE  Volume: 422  Pages: 47-53  DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2013.11.011  Published: FEB 20 2014  

Title: Parasite Communities of Icefish (Chionodraco hamatus) in the Ross Sea (Antarctica): Influence of the Host Sex on the Helminth Infracommunity Structure

Author(s): Santoro, M (Santoro, Mario); Mattiucci, S (Mattiucci, Simonetta); Cipriani, P (Cipriani, Paolo); Bellisario, B (Bellisario, Bruno); Romanelli, F (Romanelli, Francesco); Cimmaruta, R (Cimmaruta, Roberta); Nascetti, G (Nascetti, Giuseppe)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 9  Issue: 2  Article Number: e88876  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088876  Published: FEB 18 2014  

Title: Microphytobenthic response to mussel farm biodeposition in coastal sediments of the northern Adriatic Sea

Author(s): Franzo, A (Franzo, Annalisa); Cibic, T (Cibic, Tamara); Del Negro, P (Del Negro, Paola); Solidoro, C (Solidoro, Cosimo)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 79  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 379-388  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.11.002  Published: FEB 15 2014  

Title: Commercial spruce plantations support a limited. canopy fauna: Evidence from a multi taxa comparison of native and plantation forests

Author(s): Pedley, SM (Pedley, Scott M.); Martin, RD (Martin, Rebecca D.); Oxbrough, A (Oxbrough, Anne); Irwin, S (Irwin, Sandra); Kelly, TC (Kelly, Thomas C.); O'Halloran, J (O'Halloran, John)

Source: FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT  Volume: 314  Pages: 172-182  DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.12.010  Published: FEB 15 2014  

Title: Dynamics of communities of bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in response to simazine attenuation in agricultural soil

Author(s): Wan, R (Wan, Rui); Wang, Z (Wang, Zhao); Xie, SG (Xie, Shuguang)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 472  Pages: 502-508  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.11.090  Published: FEB 15 2014  

Title: Impact of Technical Sources of Variation on the Hand Microbiome Dynamics of Healthcare Workers

Author(s): Rosenthal, M (Rosenthal, Mariana); Aiello, AE (Aiello, Allison E.); Chenoweth, C (Chenoweth, Carol); Goldberg, D (Goldberg, Deborah); Larson, E (Larson, Elaine); Gloor, G (Gloor, Gregory); Foxman, B (Foxman, Betsy)

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