Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

Author(s): Li, YF (Li, Ya-Fang); Xu, RL (Xu, Run-Lin); Wang, CF (Wang, Chang-Fu) Source

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Author(s): Li, YF (Li, Ya-Fang); Xu, RL (Xu, Run-Lin); Wang, CF (Wang, Chang-Fu)

Source: ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES  Volume: 51  Issue: 6  Pages: 745-754  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Seagrass burial by dredged sediments: Benthic community alteration, secondary production loss, biotic index reaction and recovery possibility

Author(s): Do, VT (Do, V. Tu); de Montaudouin, X (de Montaudouin, Xavier); Blanchet, H (Blanchet, Hugues); Lavesque, N (Lavesque, Nicolas)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 64  Issue: 11  Pages: 2340-2350  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.08.025  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Severe pollution of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in sediments from Lake Shihwa, Korea: Tracking the source

Author(s): Moon, HB (Moon, Hyo-Bang); Choi, M (Choi, Minkyu); Choi, HG (Choi, Hee-Gu); Kannan, K (Kannan, Kurunthachalam)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 64  Issue: 11  Pages: 2357-2363  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.08.018  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Decadal change in sublittoral macrofaunal biodiversity in the Bohai Sea, China

Author(s): Zhou, H (Zhou, Hong); Zhang, ZN (Zhang, Zhinan); Liu, XS (Liu, Xiaoshou); Hua, E (Hua, Er)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 64  Issue: 11  Pages: 2364-2373  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.08.014  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Photosynthetic response of two seaweed species along an urban pollution gradient: Evidence of selection of pollution-tolerant species

Author(s): Scherner, F (Scherner, F.); Barufi, JB (Bonomi Barufi, J.); Horta, PA (Horta, P. A.)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 64  Issue: 11  Pages: 2380-2390  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.08.012  Published: NOV 2012  


Author(s): Virzi, T (Virzi, Thomas); Boulton, RL (Boulton, Rebecca L.); Davis, MJ (Davis, Michelle J.); Gilroy, JJ (Gilroy, James J.); Lockwood, JL (Lockwood, Julie L.)

Source: CONDOR  Volume: 114  Issue: 4  Pages: 846-855  DOI: 10.1525/cond.2012.100197  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Oceanographic Conditions and Human Factors on the Water Quality at an Amazon Macrotidal Beach

Author(s): Pereira, LCC (Carneiro Pereira, Luci Cajueiro); Pinto, KST (Teixeira Pinto, Ketellyn Suellen); da Costa, KG (da Costa, Kelli Garboza); Vila-Concejo, A (Vila-Concejo, Ana); da Costa, RM (da Costa, Rauquirio Marinho)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Volume: 28  Issue: 6  Pages: 1627-1637  DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-11-00032.1  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Large Mammals in an Agroforestry Mosaic in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

Author(s): Cassano, CR (Cassano, Camila R.); Barlow, J (Barlow, Jos); Pardini, R (Pardini, Renata)

Source: BIOTROPICA  Volume: 44  Issue: 6  Pages: 818-825  DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2012.00870.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Abundance and Genetic Diversity of nifH Gene Sequences in Anthropogenically Affected Brazilian Mangrove Sediments

Author(s): Dias, ACF (Franco Dias, Armando Cavalcante); Silva, MDPE (Pereira e Silva, Michele de Cassia); Cotta, SR (Cotta, Simone Raposo); Dini-Andreote, F (Dini-Andreote, Francisco); Soares, FL (Soares, Fabio Lino, Jr.); Salles, JF (Salles, Joana Falcao); Azevedo, JL (Azevedo, Joao Lucio); van Elsas, JD (van Elsas, Jan Dirk); Andreote, FD (Andreote, Fernando Dini)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 78  Issue: 22  Pages: 7960-7967  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02273-12  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Host body microcosm and ectoparasite infracommunities: arthropod ectoparasites are not spatially segregated

Author(s): Pilosof, S (Pilosof, Shai); Lareschi, M (Lareschi, Marcela); Krasnov, BR (Krasnov, Boris R.)

Source: PARASITOLOGY  Volume: 139  Issue: 13  Pages: 1739-1748  DOI: 10.1017/S0031182012001205  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: An Application of Plant Functional Types for Predicting Restoration Outcomes

Author(s): Tozer, MG (Tozer, Mark G.); Mackenzie, BDE (Mackenzie, Berin D. E.); Simpson, CC (Simpson, Christopher C.)

Source: RESTORATION ECOLOGY  Volume: 20  Issue: 6  Pages: 730-739  DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2011.00828.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Identifying Preferential Associates to Initiate Restoration Plantings

Author(s): Johnston, CA (Johnston, Carol A.); Zedler, JB (Zedler, Joy B.)

Source: RESTORATION ECOLOGY  Volume: 20  Issue: 6  Pages: 764-772  DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2011.00837.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Does flooding affect spatiotemporal variation of fish assemblages in temperate floodplain wetlands?

Author(s): Beesley, L (Beesley, Leah); King, AJ (King, Alison J.); Amtstaetter, F (Amtstaetter, Frank); Koehn, JD (Koehn, John D.); Gawne, B (Gawne, Ben); Price, A (Price, Amina); Nielsen, DL (Nielsen, Daryl L.); Vilizzi, L (Vilizzi, Lorenzo); Meredith, SN (Meredith, Shaun N.)

Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY  Volume: 57  Issue: 11  Pages: 2230-2246  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02865.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Habitat overlap between predatory benthic fish and their invertebrate prey in streams: the relative influence of spatial and temporal factors on predation risk

Author(s): Worischka, S (Worischka, Susanne); Koebsch, C (Koebsch, Christoph); Hellmann, C (Hellmann, Claudia); Winkelmann, C (Winkelmann, Carola)

Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY  Volume: 57  Issue: 11  Pages: 2247-2261  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02868.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Can Nonloricate Ciliate Assemblages be a Surrogate to Analyze Taxonomic Relatedness Pattern of Ciliated Protozoan Communities for Marine Bioassessment? A Case Study in Jiaozhou Bay, Northern China

Author(s): Zhu, MZ (Zhu, Mingzhuang); Jiang, Y (Jiang, Yong); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Al-Rasheid, KAS (Al-Rasheid, Khaled A. S.); Xu, HL (Xu, Henglong)

Source: WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH  Volume: 84  Issue: 11  Pages: 2045-2053  DOI: 10.2175/106143012X13415215906816  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Fish trophic structure in estuaries, with particular emphasis on estuarine typology and zoogeography

Author(s): Harrison, TD (Harrison, T. D.); Whitfield, AK (Whitfield, A. K.)

Source: JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY  Volume: 81  Issue: 6  Pages: 2005-2029  DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03458.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Structure of hyperiid amphipod assemblages on Isla Gorgona, eastern tropical Pacific off Colombia

Author(s): Valencia, B (Valencia, Bellineth); Giraldo, A (Giraldo, Alan)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM  Volume: 92  Issue: 7  Pages: 1489-1499  DOI: 10.1017/S0025315411001780  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Recreational fish feeding inside Brazilian MPAs: impacts on reef fish community structure

Author(s): Feitosa, CV (Feitosa, Caroline Vieira); Chaves, LDT (Teixeira Chaves, Lais De Carvalho); Ferreira, BP (Ferreira, Beatrice Padovani); De Araujo, ME (De Araujo, Maria Elisabeth)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM  Volume: 92  Issue: 7  Pages: 1525-1533  DOI: 10.1017/S0025315412000136  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Harpacticoid copepod colonization of coral fragments in a tropical reef lagoon (Zanzibar, Tanzania)

Author(s): Callens, M (Callens, M.); Gheerardyn, H (Gheerardyn, H.); Ndaro, SGM (Ndaro, S. G. M.); De Troch, M (De Troch, M.); Vanreusel, A (Vanreusel, A.)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM  Volume: 92  Issue: 7  Pages: 1535-1545  DOI: 10.1017/S0025315411001597  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Do miners (Manorina spp.) affect bird assemblages in continuous savanna woodlands in north-eastern Australia?

Author(s): Kutt, AS (Kutt, A. S.); Vanderduys, EP (Vanderduys, E. P.); Perry, JJ (Perry, J. J.); Perkins, GC (Perkins, G. C.)

Source: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 37  Issue: 7  Pages: 779-788  DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2011.02338.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Abiotic factors influence microbial diversity in permanently cold soil horizons of a maritime-associated Antarctic Dry Valley

Author(s): Stomeo, F (Stomeo, Francesca); Makhalanyane, TP (Makhalanyane, Thulani P.); Valverde, A (Valverde, Angel); Pointing, SB (Pointing, Stephen B.); Stevens, MI (Stevens, Mark I.); Cary, CS (Cary, Craig S.); Tuffin, MI (Tuffin, Marla I.); Cowan, DA (Cowan, Don A.)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 82  Issue: 2  Pages: 326-340  DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01360.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Diverse and highly active diazotrophic assemblages inhabit ephemerally wetted soils of the Antarctic Dry Valleys

Author(s): Niederberger, TD (Niederberger, Thomas D.); Sohm, JA (Sohm, Jill A.); Tirindelli, J (Tirindelli, Joelle); Gunderson, T (Gunderson, Troy); Capone, DG (Capone, Douglas G.); Carpenter, EJ (Carpenter, Edward J.); Cary, SC (Cary, Stephen C.)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 82  Issue: 2  Pages: 376-390  DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01390.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Ecological effects on gut bacterial communities in wild bumblebee colonies

Author(s): Koch, H (Koch, Hauke); Cisarovsky, G (Cisarovsky, Gabriel); Schmid-Hempel, P (Schmid-Hempel, Paul)

Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 81  Issue: 6  Pages: 1202-1210  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2012.02004.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Individual animal variability in ruminal bacterial communities and ruminal acidosis in primiparous Holstein cows during the periparturient period

Author(s): Mohammed, R (Mohammed, R.); Stevenson, DM (Stevenson, D. M.); Weimer, PJ (Weimer, P. J.); Penner, GB (Penner, G. B.); Beauchemin, KA (Beauchemin, K. A.)

Source: JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE  Volume: 95  Issue: 11  Pages: 6716-6730  DOI: 10.3168/jds.2012-5772  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Plant species diversity and genetic diversity within a dominant species interactively affect plant community biomass

Author(s): Crawford, KM (Crawford, Kerri M.); Rudgers, JA (Rudgers, Jennifer A.)

Source: JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY  Volume: 100  Issue: 6  Pages: 1512-1521  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2012.02016.x  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Soil pH is the main factor influencing growth and rhizosphere properties of wheat following different pre-crops

Author(s): Wang, Y (Wang, Ying); Zhang, FS (Zhang, Fusuo); Marschner, P (Marschner, Petra)

Source: PLANT AND SOIL  Volume: 360  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 271-286  DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1236-1  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Ectomycorrhizal community responses to intensive forest management: thinning alters impacts of fertilization

Author(s): Teste, FP (Teste, Francois P.); Lieffers, VJ (Lieffers, Victor J.); Strelkov, SE (Strelkov, Stephen E.)

Source: PLANT AND SOIL  Volume: 360  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 333-347  DOI: 10.1007/s11104-012-1231-6  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Comparison of Estuarine Salinity Gradients and Associated Nekton Community Change in the Lower St. Johns River Estuary

Author(s): Guenther, CB (Guenther, Cameron B.); MacDonald, TC (MacDonald, Timothy C.)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 35  Issue: 6  Pages: 1443-1452  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-012-9544-5  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Host genetic and environmental effects on mouse intestinal microbiota

Author(s): Campbell, JH (Campbell, James H.); Foster, CM (Foster, Carmen M.); Vishnivetskaya, T (Vishnivetskaya, Tatiana); Campbell, AG (Campbell, Alisha G.); Yang, ZMK (Yang, Zamin K.); Wymore, A (Wymore, Ann); Palumbo, AV (Palumbo, Anthony V.); Chesler, EJ (Chesler, Elissa J.); Podar, M (Podar, Mircea)

Source: ISME JOURNAL  Volume: 6  Issue: 11  Pages: 2033-2044  DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2012.54  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Influence of geogenic factors on microbial communities in metallogenic Australian soils

Author(s): Reith, F (Reith, Frank); Brugger, J (Brugger, Joel); Zammit, CM (Zammit, Carla M.); Gregg, AL (Gregg, Adrienne L.); Goldfarb, KC (Goldfarb, Katherine C.); Andersen, GL (Andersen, Gary L.); DeSantis, TZ (DeSantis, Todd Z.); Piceno, YM (Piceno, Yvette M.); Brodie, EL (Brodie, Eoin L.); Lu, ZM (Lu, Zhenmei); He, ZL (He, Zhili); Zhou, JZ (Zhou, Jizhong); Wakelin, SA (Wakelin, Steven A.)

Source: ISME JOURNAL  Volume: 6  Issue: 11  Pages: 2107-2118  DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2012.48  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Distinctive Bacterial Communities in the Rhizoplane of Four Tropical Tree Species

Author(s): Oh, YM (Oh, Yoon Myung); Kim, M (Kim, Mincheol); Lee-Cruz, L (Lee-Cruz, Larisa); Lai-Hoe, A (Lai-Hoe, Ang); Go, R (Go, Rusea); Ainuddin, N (Ainuddin, N.); Rahim, RA (Rahim, Raha Abdul); Shukor, N (Shukor, Noraini); Adams, JM (Adams, Jonathan M.)

Source: MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 64  Issue: 4  Pages: 1018-1027  DOI: 10.1007/s00248-012-0082-2  Published: NOV 2012  


Author(s): Hansen, JF (Hansen, Jonathan F.); Hayes, DB (Hayes, Daniel B.)

Source: RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS  Volume: 28  Issue: 9  Pages: 1540-1550  DOI: 10.1002/rra.1540  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Effect of Rainfall-Induced Soil Geochemistry Dynamics on Grassland Soil Microbial Communities

Author(s): Cruz-Martinez, K (Cruz-Martinez, Karelyn); Rosling, A (Rosling, Anna); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yang); Song, MZ (Song, Mingzhou); Andersen, GL (Andersen, Gary L.); Banfield, JF (Banfield, Jillian F.)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 78  Issue: 21  Pages: 7587-7595  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00203-12  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Terrestrial Runoff Controls the Bacterial Community Composition of Biofilms along a Water Quality Gradient in the Great Barrier Reef

Author(s): Witt, V (Witt, Verena); Wild, C (Wild, Christian); Uthicke, S (Uthicke, Sven)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 78  Issue: 21  Pages: 7786-7791  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01623-12  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Australian family ties: does a lack of relatives help invasive plants escape natural enemies?

Author(s): Harvey, KJ (Harvey, Kerinne J.); Nipperess, DA (Nipperess, David A.); Britton, DR (Britton, David R.); Hughes, L (Hughes, Lesley)

Source: BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS  Volume: 14  Issue: 11  Pages: 2423-2434  DOI: 10.1007/s10530-012-0239-4  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Evolution in the deep sea: Biological traits, ecology and phylogenetics of pelagic copepods

Author(s): Laakmann, S (Laakmann, Silke); Auel, H (Auel, Holger); Kochzius, M (Kochzius, Marc)

Source: MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION  Volume: 65  Issue: 2  Pages: 535-546  DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2012.07.007  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Effects of extreme climatic events on small-scale spatial patterns: a 20-year study of the distribution of a desert spider

Author(s): Birkhofer, K (Birkhofer, Klaus); Henschel, J (Henschel, Joh); Lubin, Y (Lubin, Yael)

Source: OECOLOGIA  Volume: 170  Issue: 3  Pages: 651-657  DOI: 10.1007/s00442-012-2342-8  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Assessing the effects of selective logging on birds in Neotropical piedmont and cloud montane forests

Author(s): Politi, N (Politi, Natalia); Hunter, M (Hunter, Malcolm, Jr.); Rivera, L (Rivera, Luis)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 21  Issue: 12  Pages: 3131-3155  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-012-0358-3  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Amphibian and reptile communities of rainforest fragments: minimum patch size to support high richness and abundance

Author(s): Cabrera-Guzman, E (Cabrera-Guzman, Elisa); Reynoso, VH (Hugo Reynoso, Victor)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 21  Issue: 12  Pages: 3243-3265  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-012-0312-4  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Microhabitat use of juvenile coral reef fish in Palau

Author(s): Ticzon, VS (Ticzon, Victor S.); Mumby, PJ (Mumby, Peter J.); Samaniego, BR (Samaniego, Badi R.); Bejarano-Chavarro, S (Bejarano-Chavarro, Sonia); David, LT (David, Laura T.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES  Volume: 95  Issue: 3  Pages: 355-370  DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-0010-9  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Seasonal trends and fish-habitat associations around Pari Island, Indonesia: setting a baseline for environmental monitoring

Author(s): Madduppa, HH (Madduppa, Hawis H.); Ferse, SCA (Ferse, Sebastian C. A.); Aktani, U (Aktani, Unggul); Palm, HW (Palm, Harry W.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES  Volume: 95  Issue: 3  Pages: 383-398  DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-0012-7  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Goose barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes as biomonitor of metal contamination in the northwest coast of Portugal

Author(s): Reis, PA (Reis, Pedro A.); Salgado, MA (Salgado, Maria Antonia); Vasconcelos, V (Vasconcelos, Vitor)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT  Volume: 184  Issue: 11  Pages: 6987-7000  DOI: 10.1007/s10661-011-2474-z  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Application of taxonomic distinctness indices of littoral macroinvertebrate communities for assessing long-term variation in ecological quality status of intertidal ecosystems, northern China

Author(s): Xu, GJ (Xu, Guangjian); He, CB (He, Chongbo); Xu, HL (Xu, Henglong); Huang, Y (Huang, Yong); Sun, HS (Sun, Hushan)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH  Volume: 19  Issue: 9  Pages: 3859-3867  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-012-1017-7  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Combination of beehive matrices analysis and ant biodiversity to study heavy metal pollution impact in a post-mining area (Sardinia, Italy)

Author(s): Satta, A (Satta, Alberto); Verdinelli, M (Verdinelli, Marcello); Ruiu, L (Ruiu, Luca); Buffa, F (Buffa, Franco); Salis, S (Salis, Severyn); Sassu, A (Sassu, Antonio); Floris, I (Floris, Ignazio)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH  Volume: 19  Issue: 9  Pages: 3977-3988  DOI: 10.1007/s11356-012-0921-1  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Consistent effects of productivity and disturbance on diversity between landscapes

Author(s): Tonkin, JD (Tonkin, Jonathan D.); Death, RG (Death, Russell G.)

Source: ECOSPHERE  Volume: 3  Issue: 11  Article Number:   DOI: 10.1890/ES12-00243.1  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Watershed land use types as drivers of freshwater phytoplankton structure

Author(s): Katsiapi, M (Katsiapi, Matina); Mazaris, AD (Mazaris, Antonios D.); Charalampous, E (Charalampous, Evangelia); Moustaka-Gouni, M (Moustaka-Gouni, Maria)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 698  Issue: 1  Pages: 121-131  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1095-z  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Phytoplankton functional and morpho-functional approach in large floodplain rivers

Author(s): Stankovic, I (Stankovic, Igor); Vlahovic, T (Vlahovic, Tatjana); Udovic, MG (Udovic, Marija Gligora); Varbiro, G (Varbiro, Gabor); Borics, G (Borics, Gabor)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 698  Issue: 1  Pages: 217-231  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1148-3  Published: NOV 2012  

Title: Diversity and Composition of Demersal Fishes along a Depth Gradient Assessed by Baited Remote Underwater Stereo-Video

Author(s): Zintzen, V (Zintzen, Vincent); Anderson, MJ (Anderson, Marti J.); Roberts, CD (Roberts, Clive D.); Harvey, ES (Harvey, Euan S.); Stewart, AL (Stewart, Andrew L.); Struthers, CD (Struthers, Carl D.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 7  Issue: 10  Article Number: e48522  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048522  Published: OCT 31 2012  

Title: Effects of Non-Indigenous Oysters on Microbial Diversity and Ecosystem Functioning

Author(s): Green, DS (Green, Dannielle S.); Boots, B (Boots, Bas); Crowe, TP (Crowe, Tasman P.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 7  Issue: 10  Article Number: e48410  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048410  Published: OCT 29 2012  

Title: Use of Direct Gradient Analysis to Uncover Biological Hypotheses in 16S Survey Data and Beyond

Author(s): Erb-Downward, JR (Erb-Downward, John R.); Akha, AAS (Akha, Amir A. Sadighi); Wang, J (Wang, Juan); Shen, N (Shen, Ning); He, B (He, Bei); Martinez, FJ (Martinez, Fernando J.); Gyetko, MR (Gyetko, Margaret R.); Curtis, JL (Curtis, Jeffrey L.); Huffnagle, GB (Huffnagle, Gary B.)

Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  Volume: 2  Article Number: 774  DOI: 10.1038/srep00774  Published: OCT 26 2012  

Title: Short-term variability on mesozooplankton community in a shallow mixed estuary (Bahia Blanca, Argentina): Influence of tidal cycles and local winds

Author(s): Menendez, MC (Menendez, Maria C.); Piccolo, MC (Piccolo, Maria C.); Hoffmeyer, MS (Hoffmeyer, Monica S.)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 112  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 11-22  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.08.014  Published: OCT 20 2012  

Title: Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: Effect of sampling method

Author(s): Franco, A (Franco, A.); Perez-Ruzafa, A (Perez-Ruzafa, A.); Drouineau, H (Drouineau, H.); Franzoi, P (Franzoi, P.); Koutrakis, ET (Koutrakis, E. T.); Lepage, M (Lepage, M.); Verdiell-Cubedo, D (Verdiell-Cubedo, D.); Bouchoucha, M (Bouchoucha, M.); Lopez-Capel, A (Lopez-Capel, A.); Riccato, F (Riccato, F.); Sapounidis, A (Sapounidis, A.); Marcos, C (Marcos, C.); Oliva-Paterna, FJ (Oliva-Paterna, F. J.); Torralva-Forero, M (Torralva-Forero, M.); Torricelli, P (Torricelli, P.)

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