Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

Author(s): Locke, SA (Locke, Sean A.); McLaughlin, JD (McLaughlin, J. Daniel); Marcogliese, DJ (Marcogliese, David J.) Source

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Author(s): Locke, SA (Locke, Sean A.); McLaughlin, JD (McLaughlin, J. Daniel); Marcogliese, DJ (Marcogliese, David J.)

Source: OIKOS  Volume: 122  Issue: 1  Pages: 73-83  DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20211.x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: How invader traits interact with resident communities and resource availability to determine invasion success

Author(s): Mata, TM (Mata, T. M.); Haddad, NM (Haddad, N. M.); Holyoak, M (Holyoak, M.)

Source: OIKOS  Volume: 122  Issue: 1  Pages: 149-160  DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20401.x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Variation in the chemical composition of cone volatiles within the African cycad genus Encephalartos

Author(s): Suinyuy, TN (Suinyuy, Terence N.); Donaldson, JS (Donaldson, John S.); Johnson, SD (Johnson, Steven D.)

Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY  Volume: 85  Pages: 82-91  DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2012.09.016  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Intercomparison of zooplankton (net) sampling systems: Results from the ICES/GLOBEC sea-going workshop

Author(s): Skjoldal, HR (Skjoldal, Hein Rune); Wiebe, PH (Wiebe, Peter H.); Postel, L (Postel, Lutz); Knutsen, T (Knutsen, Tor); Kaartvedt, S (Kaartvedt, Stein); Sameoto, DD (Sameoto, Douglas D.)

Source: PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY  Volume: 108  Pages: 1-42  DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.006  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Cultivation of Domesticated Rice Alters Arthropod Biodiversity and Community Composition

Author(s): Chen, YH (Chen, Yolanda H.); Langellotto, GA (Langellotto, Gail A.); Barrion, AT (Barrion, Alberto T.); Cuong, NL (Ngo Luc Cuong)

Source: ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA  Volume: 106  Issue: 1  Pages: 100-110  DOI: 10.1603/AN12082  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Macrophyte presence and growth form influence macroinvertebrate community structure

Author(s): Walker, PD (Walker, Peter D.); Wijnhoven, S (Wijnhoven, Sander); van der Velde, G (van der Velde, Gerard)

Source: AQUATIC BOTANY  Volume: 104  Pages: 80-87  DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2012.09.003  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Water chemistry distinguishes wetland plant communities of the Great Lakes coast

Author(s): Johnston, CA (Johnston, Carol A.); Brown, TN (Brown, Terry N.)

Source: AQUATIC BOTANY  Volume: 104  Pages: 111-120  DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2012.08.005  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Monitoring of a Posidonia oceanica bed (Punta Manara, Eastern Ligurian Sea, Italy) and the associated molluscs twenty years after: What's new?

Author(s): Nurra, N (Nurra, Nicola); Belci, F (Belci, Fabio); Sartor, RM (Sartor, Rocco Mussat); Pessani, D (Pessani, Daniela)

Source: AQUATIC BOTANY  Volume: 104  Pages: 162-169  DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.12.002  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Associated mollusc communities of a Posidonia oceanica meadow in Cap Zebib (off North East Tunisia)

Author(s): Belgacem, W (Belgacem, Walid); Langar, H (Langar, Habib); Pergent, G (Pergent, Gerard); Ben Hassine, OK (Ben Hassine, Oum Kalthoum)

Source: AQUATIC BOTANY  Volume: 104  Pages: 170-175  DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.09.012  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Morphometric and molecular identification of individual barnacle cyprids from wild plankton: an approach to detecting fouling and invasive barnacle species

Author(s): Chen, HN (Chen, Hsi-Nien); Hoeg, JT (Hoeg, Jens T.); Chan, BKK (Chan, Benny K. K.)

Source: BIOFOULING  Volume: 29  Issue: 2  Pages: 133-145  DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2012.753061  Published: 2013  

Title: Truffle-like fungi sporocarps in a eucalypt-dominated landscape: patterns in diversity and community structure

Author(s): Danks, M (Danks, Melissa); Lebel, T (Lebel, Teresa); Vernes, K (Vernes, Karl); Andrew, N (Andrew, Nigel)

Source: FUNGAL DIVERSITY  Volume: 58  Issue: 1  Pages: 143-157  DOI: 10.1007/s13225-012-0193-6  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Ecology of Phlebotomines (Diptera: Psychodidae) in a Transitional Area Between the Amazon and the Cerrado in the State of Maranhao, Brazil

Author(s): Campos, AM (Campos, A. M.); Matavelli, R (Matavelli, R.); dos Santos, CLC (dos Santos, C. L. C.); Moraes, LS (Moraes, L. S.); Rebelo, JMM (Rebelo, J. M. M.)

Source: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY  Volume: 50  Issue: 1  Pages: 52-58  DOI: 10.1603/ME12074  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Response of diatom assemblages to 130 years of environmental change in Florida Bay (USA)

Author(s): Wachnicka, A (Wachnicka, Anna); Collins, LS (Collins, Laurel S.); Gaiser, EE (Gaiser, Evelyn E.)

Source: JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY  Volume: 49  Issue: 1  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 83-101  DOI: 10.1007/s10933-011-9556-3  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Effects of chronic bottom fishing on the benthic epifauna and diets of demersal fishes on northern Georges Bank

Author(s): Smith, BE (Smith, Brian E.); Collie, JS (Collie, Jeremy S.); Lengyel, NL (Lengyel, Nicole L.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 472  Pages: 199-217  DOI: 10.3354/meps10031  Published: 2013  

Title: Impacts of exotic mangroves and chemical eradication of mangroves on tide pool fish assemblages

Author(s): MacKenzie, RA (MacKenzie, Richard A.); Kryss, CL (Kryss, Caitlin L.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 472  Pages: 219-237  DOI: 10.3354/meps09961  Published: 2013  


Author(s): Dukerschein, JT (Dukerschein, J. T.); Bartels, AD (Bartels, A. D.); Ickes, BS (Ickes, B. S.); Pearson, MS (Pearson, M. S.)

Source: RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS  Volume: 29  Issue: 1  Pages: 79-89  DOI: 10.1002/rra.1575  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Association between individual genetic diversity of two oak host species and canopy arthropod community structure

Author(s): Tovar-Sanchez, E (Tovar-Sanchez, E.); Valencia-Cuevas, L (Valencia-Cuevas, L.); Castillo-Mendoza, E (Castillo-Mendoza, E.); Mussali-Galante, P (Mussali-Galante, P.); Perez-Ruiz, RV (Perez-Ruiz, R. V.); Mendoza, A (Mendoza, A.)

Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH  Volume: 132  Issue: 1  Pages: 165-179  DOI: 10.1007/s10342-012-0665-y  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: The Influence of In Situ Chemical Oxidation on Microbial Community Composition in Groundwater Contaminated with Chlorinated Solvents

Author(s): Sercu, B (Sercu, Bram); Jones, ADG (Jones, Antony D. G.); Wu, CH (Wu, Cindy H.); Escobar, MH (Escobar, Mauricio H.); Serlin, CL (Serlin, Carol L.); Knapp, TA (Knapp, Timothy A.); Andersen, GL (Andersen, Gary L.); Holden, PA (Holden, Patricia A.)

Source: MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 65  Issue: 1  Pages: 39-49  DOI: 10.1007/s00248-012-0092-0  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Seasonal timing of inundation affects riparian plant growth and flowering: implications for riparian vegetation composition

Author(s): Greet, J (Greet, Joe); Cousens, RD (Cousens, Roger D.); Webb, JA (Webb, J. Angus)

Source: PLANT ECOLOGY  Volume: 214  Issue: 1  Pages: 87-101  DOI: 10.1007/s11258-012-0148-8  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Linking hydrolytic activities to variables influencing a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating urban wastewater under real operating conditions

Author(s): Gomez-Silvan, C (Gomez-Silvan, C.); Arevalo, J (Arevalo, J.); Perez, J (Perez, J.); Gonzalez-Lopez, J (Gonzalez-Lopez, J.); Rodelas, B (Rodelas, B.)

Source: WATER RESEARCH  Volume: 47  Issue: 1  Pages: 66-78  DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2012.09.032  Published: JAN 1 2013  

Title: Sediment Contamination in Lyons Creek East, a Tributary of the Niagara River: Part I. Assessment of Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Author(s): Milani, D (Milani, Danielle); Grapentine, LC (Grapentine, Lee C.); Fletcher, R (Fletcher, Rachael)

Source: ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY  Volume: 64  Issue: 1  Pages: 65-86  DOI: 10.1007/s00244-012-9817-9  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Hydrocarbon Biomarkers Responses in the Bivalve, Tivela mactroides, Exposed to Polluted Sediments

Author(s): Sardi, AE (Sardi, A. E.); Ramos, R (Ramos, R.); Garcia, EM (Garcia, E. M.)

Source: BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY  Volume: 90  Issue: 1  Pages: 1-8  DOI: 10.1007/s00128-012-0862-x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Influence of dietary carbon on mercury bioaccumulation in streams of the Adirondack Mountains of New York and the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA

Author(s): Riva-Murray, K (Riva-Murray, Karen); Bradley, PM (Bradley, Paul M.); Chasar, LC (Chasar, Lia C.); Button, DT (Button, Daniel T.); Brigham, ME (Brigham, Mark E.); Eikenberry, BCS (Eikenberry, Barbara C. Scudder); Journey, CA (Journey, Celeste A.); Lutz, MA (Lutz, Michelle A.)

Source: ECOTOXICOLOGY  Volume: 22  Issue: 1  Pages: 60-71  DOI: 10.1007/s10646-012-1003-3  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Cadmium chelation by frustulins: a novel metal tolerance mechanism in Nitzschia palea (Kutzing) W. Smith

Author(s): Santos, J (Santos, Jose); Almeida, SFP (Almeida, Salome F. P.); Figueira, E (Figueira, Etelvina)

Source: ECOTOXICOLOGY  Volume: 22  Issue: 1  Pages: 166-173  DOI: 10.1007/s10646-012-1013-1  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Effect of municipal wastewaters on bottom sediment geochemistry and benthic foraminifera of two Red Sea coastal inlets, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Author(s): Abu-Zied, RH (Abu-Zied, Ramadan H.); Basaham, AS (Basaham, Ali S.); El Sayed, MA (El Sayed, Mohamed A.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES  Volume: 68  Issue: 2  Pages: 451-469  DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-1751-7  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Changes in the soft-bottom macrobenthic diversity and community structure from the ports of Mumbai, India

Author(s): Mandal, S (Mandal, Sumit); Harkantra, SN (Harkantra, Sadanand N.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT  Volume: 185  Issue: 1  Pages: 653-672  DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2582-4  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Effects of an Acute Hypoxic Event on Microplankton Community Structure in a Coastal Harbor of Southern California

Author(s): Stauffer, BA (Stauffer, Beth A.); Schnetzer, A (Schnetzer, Astrid); Gellene, AG (Gellene, Alyssa G.); Oberg, C (Oberg, Carl); Sukhatme, GS (Sukhatme, Gaurav S.); Caron, DA (Caron, David A.)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 36  Issue: 1  Pages: 135-148  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-012-9551-6  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Managing wetlands as off-river storages: impacts on zooplankton communities

Author(s): Watkins, SC (Watkins, S. C.); Ning, NSP (Ning, N. S. P.); Gawne, B (Gawne, B.); Nielsen, DL (Nielsen, D. L.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 701  Issue: 1  Pages: 51-63  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1256-0  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Do productivity and disturbance interact to modulate macroinvertebrate diversity in streams?

Author(s): Tonkin, JD (Tonkin, Jonathan D.); Death, RG (Death, Russell G.); Collier, KJ (Collier, Kevin J.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 701  Issue: 1  Pages: 159-172  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1248-0  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Invasive Salix fragilis alters benthic invertebrate communities and litter decomposition in northern Patagonian streams

Author(s): Serra, MN (Noel Serra, Maria); Albarino, R (Albarino, Ricardo); Villanueva, VD (Diaz Villanueva, Veronica)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 701  Issue: 1  Pages: 173-188  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1270-2  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: A Metier-Sustainability-Index (MSI25) to evaluate fisheries components: assessment of cases from data-poor fisheries from southern Europe

Author(s): Tzanatos, E (Tzanatos, Evangelos); Castro, J (Castro, Jose); Forcada, A (Forcada, Aitor); Matic-Skoko, S (Matic-Skoko, Sanja); Gaspar, M (Gaspar, Miguel); Koutsikopoulos, C (Koutsikopoulos, Constantin)

Source: ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE  Volume: 70  Issue: 1  Pages: 78-98  DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fss161  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Effects of a large-scale and offshore marine protected area on the demersal fish assemblage in the Southwest Atlantic

Author(s): Alemany, D (Alemany, Daniela); Iribarne, OO (Iribarne, Oscar O.); Acha, EM (Acha, Eduardo M.)

Source: ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE  Volume: 70  Issue: 1  Pages: 123-134  DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fss166  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Stock identification of wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans using morphometrics and parasites

Author(s): Zischke, MT (Zischke, Mitchell T.); Griffiths, SP (Griffiths, Shane P.); Tibbetts, IR (Tibbetts, Ian R.); Lester, RJG (Lester, Robert J. G.)

Source: ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE  Volume: 70  Issue: 1  Pages: 164-172  DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fss164  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Body regional distribution and stratification of fatty acids in the blubber of New Zealand sea lions: implications for diet predictions

Author(s): Lambert, A (Lambert, Antoine); Meynier, L (Meynier, Laureline); Donaldson, LC (Donaldson, Laura C.); Roe, WD (Roe, Wendi D.); Morel, PCH (Morel, Patrick C. H.)

Source: JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY  Volume: 183  Issue: 1  Pages: 145-156  DOI: 10.1007/s00360-012-0693-4  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Response of marine diatom communities to Late Quaternary abrupt climate changes

Author(s): Cermeno, P (Cermeno, Pedro); Maranon, E (Maranon, Emilio); Romero, OE (Romero, Oscar E.)

Source: JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH  Volume: 35  Issue: 1  Pages: 12-21  DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbs073  Published: JAN-FEB 2013  

Title: Comparing community structure on shells of the abalone Haliotis midae and adjacent rock: implications for biodiversity

Author(s): Zeeman, Z (Zeeman, Zanne); Branch, GM (Branch, George M.); Farrell, D (Farrell, Daniel); Maneveldt, GW (Maneveldt, Gavin W.); Robertson-Andersson, D (Robertson-Andersson, Deborah); Pillay, D (Pillay, Deena)

Source: MARINE BIOLOGY  Volume: 160  Issue: 1  Pages: 107-117  DOI: 10.1007/s00227-012-2067-6  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Diversity patterns of uncultured Haptophytes unravelled by pyrosequencing in Naples Bay

Author(s): Bittner, L (Bittner, Lucie); Gobet, A (Gobet, Angelique); Audic, S (Audic, Stephane); Romac, S (Romac, Sarah); Egge, ES (Egge, Elianne S.); Santini, S (Santini, Sebastien); Ogata, H (Ogata, Hiroyuki); Probert, I (Probert, Ian); Edvardsen, B (Edvardsen, Bente); De Vargas, C (De Vargas, Colomban)

Source: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY  Volume: 22  Issue: 1  Pages: 87-101  DOI: 10.1111/mec.12108  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Pelagic fish and zooplankton species assemblages in relation to water mass characteristics in the northern Bering and southeast Chukchi seas

Author(s): Eisner, L (Eisner, Lisa); Hillgruber, N (Hillgruber, Nicola); Martinson, E (Martinson, Ellen); Maselko, J (Maselko, Jacek)

Source: POLAR BIOLOGY  Volume: 36  Issue: 1  Pages: 87-113  DOI: 10.1007/s00300-012-1241-0  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Short- and long-term effects of olive mill wastewater land spreading on soil chemical and biological properties

Author(s): Di Bene, C (Di Bene, Claudia); Pellegrino, E (Pellegrino, Elisa); Debolini, M (Debolini, Marta); Silvestri, N (Silvestri, Nicola); Bonari, E (Bonari, Enrico)

Source: SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY  Volume: 56  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 21-30  DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.02.019  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Restructuring the Sea: profound shifts in the world's most invaded marine ecosystem

Author(s): Edelist, D (Edelist, Dor); Rilov, G (Rilov, Gil); Golani, D (Golani, Daniel); Carlton, JT (Carlton, James T.); Spanier, E (Spanier, Ehud)

Source: DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS  Volume: 19  Issue: 1  Pages: 69-77  DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12002  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Dragonflies: climate canaries for river management

Author(s): Bush, A (Bush, A.); Theischinger, G (Theischinger, G.); Nipperess, D (Nipperess, D.); Turak, E (Turak, E.); Hughes, L (Hughes, L.)

Source: DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS  Volume: 19  Issue: 1  Pages: 86-97  DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12007  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Impacts of partial marine protected areas on coastal fish communities exploited by recreational angling

Author(s): Alos, J (Alos, Josep); Arlinghaus, R (Arlinghaus, Robert)

Source: FISHERIES RESEARCH  Volume: 137  Pages: 88-96  DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2012.09.007  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: The impact of regulatory obligations on fishers' income: Identifying perceptions using a market-testing tool

Author(s): Hadjimichael, M (Hadjimichael, Maria); Kaiser, MJ (Kaiser, Michel J.); Edwards-Jones, G (Edwards-Jones, Gareth)

Source: FISHERIES RESEARCH  Volume: 137  Pages: 129-140  DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2012.09.013  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Diversity in Mediterranean farm ponds: trade-offs and synergies between irrigation modernisation and biodiversity conservation

Author(s): Fuentes-Rodriguez, F (Fuentes-Rodriguez, Francisca); Juan, M (Juan, Melchor); Gallego, I (Gallego, Irene); Lusi, M (Lusi, Mirian); Fenoy, E (Fenoy, Encarnacion); Leon, D (Leon, David); Penalver, P (Penalver, Patricio); Toja, J (Toja, Julia); Casas, JJ (Jesus Casas, J.)

Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY  Volume: 58  Issue: 1  Pages: 63-78  DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12038  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Do isolation and local habitat jointly limit the structure of stream invertebrate assemblages?

Author(s): Campbell, RE (Campbell, Rebecca E.); McIntosh, AR (McIntosh, Angus R.)

Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY  Volume: 58  Issue: 1  Pages: 128-141  DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12045  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Phenotypic landscapes: phenological patterns in wild and cultivated barley

Author(s): Hubner, S (Huebner, S.); Bdolach, E (Bdolach, E.); Ein-Gedy, S (Ein-Gedy, S.); Schmid, KJ (Schmid, K. J.); Korol, A (Korol, A.); Fridman, E (Fridman, E.)

Source: JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY  Volume: 26  Issue: 1  Pages: 163-174  DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12043  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: A sedentary fish on the move: effects of displacement on long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier) movement and habitat use

Author(s): Caldwell, IR (Caldwell, Iain R.); Vincent, ACJ (Vincent, Amanda C. J.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES  Volume: 96  Issue: 1  Pages: 67-75  DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-0023-4  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Environmental factors associated with fish distribution in an urban neotropical river (Upper Tiete River Basin, Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Author(s): Furlan, N (Furlan, Natalia); Esteves, KE (Esteves, Katharina Eichbaum); Quinaglia, GA (Quinaglia, Gilson Alves)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES  Volume: 96  Issue: 1  Pages: 77-92  DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-0024-3  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Ocean acidification reduces induction of coral settlement by crustose coralline algae

Author(s): Webster, NS (Webster, Nicole S.); Uthicke, S (Uthicke, Sven); Botte, ES (Botte, Emanuelle S.); Flores, F (Flores, Florita); Negri, AP (Negri, Andrew P.)

Source: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY  Volume: 19  Issue: 1  Pages: 303-315  DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12008  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Flow regulation is associated with riverine soil seed bank composition within an agricultural landscape: potential implications for restoration

Author(s): Greet, J (Greet, Joe); Cousens, RD (Cousens, Roger D.); Webb, JA (Webb, J. Angus)

Source: JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE  Volume: 24  Issue: 1  Pages: 157-167  DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01445.x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Faunal differences between the invasive brown macroalga Sargassum muticum and competing native macroalgae

Author(s): Engelen, AH (Engelen, Aschwin H.); Primo, AL (Primo, Ana L.); Cruz, T (Cruz, Teresa); Santos, R (Santos, Rui)

Source: BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS  Volume: 15  Issue: 1  Pages: 171-183  DOI: 10.1007/s10530-012-0276-z  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: The impact of conifer plantation forestry on the Chydoridae (Cladocera) communities of peatland lakes

Author(s): Drinan, TJ (Drinan, T. J.); Graham, CT (Graham, C. T.); O'Halloran, J (O'Halloran, J.); Harrison, SSC (Harrison, S. S. C.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 700  Issue: 1  Pages: 203-219  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1230-x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Change in a lake benthic community over a century: evidence for alternative community states

Author(s): Karatayev, AY (Karatayev, Alexander Y.); Burlakova, LE (Burlakova, Lyubov E.); Vander Zanden, MJ (Vander Zanden, M. Jake); Lathrop, RC (Lathrop, Richard C.); Padilla, DK (Padilla, Dianna K.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 700  Issue: 1  Pages: 287-300  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1238-2  Published: JAN 2013  


Author(s): Palacio, FX (Palacio, Facundo X.); Montalti, D (Montalti, Diego)

Source: ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL  Volume: 24  Issue: 2  Pages: 157-168  Published: 2013  
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