Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

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Title: Temporal changes in intertidal macrofauna communities over eight decades: A result of eutrophication and climate change

Author(s): Schuckel, U (Schueckel, Ulrike); Kroncke, I (Kroencke, Ingrid)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 117  Pages: 210-218  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2012.11.008  Published: JAN 20 2013  

Title: Effects of tidal inundation on benthic macrofauna associated with the eelgrass Zostera muelleri

Author(s): Nicastro, A (Nicastro, Andrea); Bishop, MJ (Bishop, Melanie J.)

Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  Volume: 117  Pages: 238-247  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2012.11.011  Published: JAN 20 2013  

Title: Eukaryotic diversity at pH extremes

Author(s): Amaral-Zettler, LA (Amaral-Zettler, Linda A.)

Source: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 3  Article Number: 441  DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00441  Published: JAN 17 2013  

Title: Characterization of soil bacterial community structure and physicochemical properties in created and natural wetlands

Author(s): Peralta, RM (Peralta, Rita M.); Ahn, C (Ahn, Changwoo); Gillevet, PM (Gillevet, Patrick M.)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 443  Pages: 725-732  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.11.052  Published: JAN 15 2013  

Title: Delta-associated molluscan life and death assemblages in the northern Adriatic Sea: Implications for paleoecology, regional diversity and conservation

Author(s): Weber, K (Weber, Kristina); Zuschin, M (Zuschin, Martin)

Source: PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY  Volume: 370  Pages: 77-91  DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.11.021  Published: JAN 15 2013  

Title: Dose-dependent response of a benthic system to biodeposition from suspended blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) culture

Author(s): Robert, P (Robert, Pauline); Mckindsey, CW (Mckindsey, Christopher W.); Chaillou, G (Chaillou, Gwenaelle); Archambault, P (Archambault, Philippe)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 66  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 92-104  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.11.003  Published: JAN 15 2013  

Title: Novel observations of benthic enrichment in contrasting flow regimes with implications for marine farm monitoring and management

Author(s): Keeley, NB (Keeley, Nigel B.); Forrest, BM (Forrest, Barrie M.); Macleod, CK (Macleod, Catriona K.)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 66  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 105-116  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.10.024  Published: JAN 15 2013  

Title: Restriction of sponges to an atoll lagoon as a result of reduced environmental quality

Author(s): Knapp, ISS (Knapp, Ingrid S. S.); Williams, GJ (Williams, Gareth J.); Carballo, JL (Luis Carballo, Jose); Cruz-Barraza, JA (Antonio Cruz-Barraza, Jose); Gardner, JPA (Gardner, Jonathan P. A.); Bell, JJ (Bell, James J.)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 66  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 209-220  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.08.017  Published: JAN 15 2013  

Title: Conversion of the Amazon rainforest to agriculture results in biotic homogenization of soil bacterial communities

Author(s): Rodrigues, JLM (Rodrigues, Jorge L. M.); Pellizari, VH (Pellizari, Vivian H.); Mueller, R (Mueller, Rebecca); Baek, K (Baek, Kyunghwa); Jesus, ED (Jesus, Ederson da C.); Paula, FS (Paula, Fabiana S.); Mirza, B (Mirza, Babur); Hamaoui, GS (Hamaoui, George S., Jr.); Tsai, SM (Siu Mui Tsai); Feigl, B (Feigl, Brigitte); Tiedje, JM (Tiedje, James M.); Bohannan, BJM (Bohannan, Brendan J. M.); Nusslein, K (Nuesslein, Klaus)

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA  Volume: 110  Issue: 3  Pages: 988-993  DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1220608110  Published: JAN 15 2013  

Title: Modulation of Systemic Immune Responses through Commensal Gastrointestinal Microbiota

Author(s): Schachtschneider, KM (Schachtschneider, Kyle M.); Yeoman, CJ (Yeoman, Carl J.); Isaacson, RE (Isaacson, Richard E.); White, BA (White, Bryan A.); Schook, LB (Schook, Lawrence B.); Pieters, M (Pieters, Maria)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 1  Article Number: e53969  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053969  Published: JAN 11 2013  

Title: Impacts on Coralligenous Outcrop Biodiversity of a Dramatic Coastal Storm

Author(s): Teixido, N (Teixido, Nuria); Casas, E (Casas, Edgar); Cebrian, E (Cebrian, Emma); Linares, C (Linares, Cristina); Garrabou, J (Garrabou, Joaquim)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 1  Article Number: e53742  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053742  Published: JAN 10 2013  


Author(s): Hamaied, S (Hamaied, S.); Achouri, MS (Achouri, M. S.); Charfi-Cheikhrouha, F (Charfi-Cheikhrouha, F.)

Source: VIE ET MILIEU-LIFE AND ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 63  Issue: 3-4  Pages: 159-168  Published: 2013  

Title: Applicability of Multivariate Statistics for nutritional studies: bioassay rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae L)

Author(s): Gonzalez, DAL (Lugo Gonzalez, Dennis Alexander); Aguilar, VH (Hugo Aguilar, Victor); Casotto, M (Casotto, Meris); Laurentin, A (Laurentin, Alexander); Gomez, A (Gomez, Ana)

Source: ARCHIVOS LATINOAMERICANOS DE NUTRICION  Volume: 63  Issue: 3  Pages: 232-239  Published: 2013  

Title: Small changes in vegetation structure create great changes in amphibian ensembles in the Colombian Pacific rainforest.

Author(s): Cortes-Gomez, AM (Cortes-Gomez, Angela M.); Castro-Herrera, F (Castro-Herrera, Fernando); Urbina-Cardona, JN (Nicolas Urbina-Cardona, J.)

Source: TROPICAL CONSERVATION SCIENCE  Volume: 6  Issue: 6  Pages: 749-769  Published: 2013  

Title: Effects of laying power cables on a Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile prairie: the study case of Fiume Santo (NW Sardinia, Italy)

Author(s): Bacci, T (Bacci, Tiziano); Rende, SF (Rende, Sante Francesco); Nonnis, O (Nonnis, Ornella); Maggi, C (Maggi, Chiara); Izzi, A (Izzi, Alessia); Gabellini, M (Gabellini, Massimo); Massara, F (Massara, Francesca); Di Tullio, L (Di Tullio, Lorenzo)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: 65  Pages: 868-873  DOI: 10.2112/SI65-147.1  Part: 1  Published: 2013  

Title: Short and medium-term changes of Pseudodiaptomidae copepods in the Amazonian Mangrove Coast: The Paracauari River estuary (Brazil)

Author(s): da Costa, KG (da Costa, Kelli Garboza); Bessa, RDC (Costa Bessa, Regiane do Socorro); Pereira, LCC (Carneiro Pereira, Luci Cajueiro); da Costa, RM (da Costa, Rauquirio Marinho)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: 65  Pages: 1116-1121  DOI: 10.2112/SI65-189.1  Part: 2  Published: 2013  

Title: Diel variation in the zooplankton of a highly dynamic Amazonian estuary

Author(s): Leite, ND (Leite, Natalia da Rocha); Magalhaes, A (Magalhaes, Andre); Palma, MB (Palma, Marilia Borges); Montes, MF (Montes, Manuel Flores); Pereira, LCC (Carneiro Pereira, Luci Cajueiro); da Costa, RM (da Costa, Rauquirio Marinho)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: 65  Pages: 1146-1151  DOI: 10.2112/SI65-194.1  Part: 2  Published: 2013  

Title: Zooplankton spatial and temporal distribution in an equatorial estuary (Amazon littoral, Brazil)

Author(s): Palma, MB (Palma, Marilia Borges); da Costa, KG (da Costa, Kelli Garbosa); Magalhaes, A (Magalhaes, Andre); Montes, MDF (Flores Montes, Manuel de Jesus); Pereira, LCC (Carneiro Pereira, Luci Cajueiro); da Costa, RM (da Costa, Rauquirio Marinho)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: 65  Pages: 1182-1187  DOI: 10.2112/SI65-200.1  Part: 2  Published: 2013  

Title: Zooplankton dynamics in a tropical Amazon estuary

Author(s): de Souza, AN (de Souza Junior, Antonio Nivaldo); Magalhaes, A (Magalhaes, Andre); Pereira, LCC (Carneiro Pereira, Luci Cajueiro); Rauquirio, MD (Rauquirio, Marinho da Costa)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: 65  Pages: 1230-1235  DOI: 10.2112/SI65-208.1  Part: 2  Published: 2013  

Title: Temporal variation of zooplankton on a tropical Amazonian beach

Author(s): Pinheiro, SCC (Campelo Pinheiro, Samara Cristina); Magalhaes, A (Magalhaes, Andre); da Costa, VB (da Costa, Vanessa Bandeira); Pereira, LCC (Carneiro Pereira, Luci Cajueiro); da Costa, RM (da Costa, Rauquirio Marinho)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: 65  Pages: 1838-1843  DOI: 10.2112/SI65-311.1  Part: 2  Published: 2013  

Title: Developing risk set-back lines for coastal protection using shoreline change and climate variability factors

Author(s): Goble, BJ (Goble, Bronwyn J.); MacKay, CF (MacKay, C. Fiona)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Special Issue: 65  Pages: 2125-2130  DOI: 10.2112/SI65-359.1  Part: 2  Published: 2013  

Title: Resilience of Arctic mycorrhizal fungal communities after wildfire facilitated by resprouting shrubs

Author(s): Hewitt, RE (Hewitt, Rebecca E.); Bent, E (Bent, Elizabeth); Hollingsworth, TN (Hollingsworth, Teresa N.); Chapin, FS (Chapin, F. Stuart, III); Taylor, DL (Taylor, D. Lee)

Source: ECOSCIENCE  Volume: 20  Issue: 3  Pages: 296-310  DOI: 10.2980/20-3-3620  Published: 2013  

Title: Temporal changes in the Macroinvertebrate Fauna of two Glacial Lakes, Cootapatamba and Albina, Snowy Mountains, New South Wales

Author(s): Timms, BV (Timms, Brian V.); Morton, J (Morton, Jason); Green, K (Green, Ken)

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES  Volume: 135  Pages: 44-53  Published: 2013  


Author(s): Fu, VWK (Fu, Vivian Wing Kan); Karraker, NE (Karraker, Nancy E.); Dudgeon, D (Dudgeon, David)

Source: HERPETOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS  Volume: 27  Pages: 1-22  Published: 2013  

Title: Distribution of berried female blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus Linneaus, 1758) in the coastal waters of Trang province, southern Thailand

Author(s): Nitiratsuwan, T (Nitiratsuwan, Thongchai); Tanyaros, S (Tanyaros, Suwat); Panwanitdumrong, K (Panwanitdumrong, Kansinee)

Source: MAEJO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 7  Special Issue: 1  Pages: 52-59  Published: 2013  


Author(s): Wogerbauer, CM (Woegerbauer, Clara M.); Kelly-Quinn, M (Kelly-Quinn, Mary)

Source: BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT-PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY  Volume: 113B  Issue: 3  Pages: 211-226  DOI: 10.3318/BIOE.2013.18  Published: 2013  

Title: Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for Dioscorea zingiberensis and cross-amplification in other Dioscorea species

Author(s): Yan, QQ (Yan, Q. -Q.); Sun, XQ (Sun, X. -Q.); Guo, JL (Guo, J. -L.); Hang, YY (Hang, Y. -Y.); Li, MM (Li, M. -M.)

Source: GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH  Volume: 12  Issue: 3  Pages: 3788-3792  DOI: 10.4238/2013.September.19.10  Published: 2013  

Title: An integrated ichthyofaunal survey in a heavily-modified, cross-border watershed

Author(s): Koutrakis, ET (Koutrakis, Emmanuil T.); Sapounidis, A (Sapounidis, Argyrios); Apostolou, A (Apostolou, Apostolos); Vassilev, M (Vassilev, Milen); Pehlivanov, L (Pehlivanov, Luchezar); Leontarakis, P (Leontarakis, Panos); Tsekov, A (Tsekov, Angel); Sylaios, G (Sylaios, Georgios); Economidis, PS (Economidis, Panos S.)

Source: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH-THESSALONIKI  Volume: 20  Pages: 326-338  Published: 2013  

Title: Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA loci for wild Brassica juncea (Brassicaceae)

Author(s): Li, Y (Li, Y.); Sun, XQ (Sun, X. Q.); Yan, QQ (Yan, Q. Q.); Guo, JL (Guo, J. L.); Qiang, S (Qiang, S.); Song, XL (Song, X. L.); Li, MM (Li, M. M.)

Source: GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH  Volume: 12  Issue: 4  Pages: 5392-5395  DOI: 10.4238/2013.November.8.1  Published: 2013  

Title: Geographic variation in the diet of the powerful owl (Ninox strenua) at a local scale

Author(s): Bilney, RJ (Bilney, Rohan J.)

Source: AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY  Volume: 61  Issue: 5  Pages: 372-377  DOI: 10.1071/ZO13048  Published: 2013  

Title: Variations in pelagic bacterial communities in the North Atlantic Ocean coincide with water bodies

Author(s): Hahnke, RL (Hahnke, Richard L.); Probian, C (Probian, Christina); Fuchs, BM (Fuchs, Bernhard M.); Harder, J (Harder, Jens)

Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 71  Issue: 2  Pages: 131-140  DOI: 10.3354/ame01668  Published: 2013  

Title: Linking bacterivory and phyletic diversity of protists with a marker gene survey and experimental feeding with BrdU-labeled bacteria

Author(s): Fay, SA (Fay, Scott A.); Gast, RJ (Gast, Rebecca J.); Sanders, RW (Sanders, Robert W.)

Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 71  Issue: 2  Pages: 141-153  DOI: 10.3354/ame01674  Published: 2013  

Title: Fatty acid composition as biomarkers of freshwater microalgae: analysis of 37 strains of microalgae in 22 genera and in seven classes

Author(s): Taipale, S (Taipale, Sami); Strandberg, U (Strandberg, Ursula); Peltomaa, E (Peltomaa, Elina); Galloway, AWE (Galloway, Aaron W. E.); Ojala, A (Ojala, Anne); Brett, MT (Brett, Michael T.)

Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 71  Issue: 2  Pages: 165-178  DOI: 10.3354/ame01671  Published: 2013  

Title: Seasonal change in the use of resources of the Reptilian assemblages in the Zapatosa's Wetland Complex, Departamento del Cesar (Colombia)

Author(s): Medina-Rangel, GF (Fabian Medina-Rangel, Guido)

Source: CALDASIA  Volume: 35  Issue: 1  Pages: 103-122  Published: 2013  

Title: Spring rotifer community structure in the Alcantara River (Sicily, Italy), using different mesh size nets: relation to environmental factors

Author(s): Rodriguez, LP (Rodriguez, Lina Pilar); Granata, A (Granata, Antonia); Guglielmo, L (Guglielmo, Letterio); Minutoli, R (Minutoli, Roberta); Zagami, G (Zagami, Giacomo); Brugnano, C (Brugnano, Cinzia)

Source: ANNALES DE LIMNOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY  Volume: 49  Issue: 4  Pages: 287-300  DOI: 10.1051/limn/2013061  Published: 2013  

Title: Long-Term Changes in Fish Assemblage Structure in the Yellow River Estuary Ecosystem, China

Author(s): Shan, XJ (Shan, Xiujuan); Sun, PF (Sun, Pengfei); Jin, XS (Jin, Xianshi); Li, XS (Li, Xiansen); Dai, FQ (Dai, Fangqun)

Source: MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES  Volume: 5  Issue: 1  Pages: 65-78  DOI: 10.1080/19425120.2013.768571  Published: JAN 1 2013  

Title: The Effects of Front-Associated Wind Events and Resultant Sediment Resuspension on Dietary Habits and Caloric Intake of Bay Anchovy and Age-0 Atlantic Croaker in Mobile Bay, Alabama

Author(s): Jackson, JB (Jackson, Jered B.); Cowan, JH (Cowan, James H., Jr.)

Source: MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES  Volume: 5  Issue: 1  Pages: 103-113  DOI: 10.1080/19425120.2013.790862  Published: JAN 1 2013  

Title: Decapod Crustaceans associated with an artificial reef (Adriatic Sea)

Author(s): Santelli, A (Santelli, A.); Punzo, E (Punzo, E.); Scarcella, G (Scarcella, G.); Strafella, P (Strafella, P.); Spagnolo, A (Spagnolo, A.); Fabi, G (Fabi, G.)

Source: MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE  Volume: 14  Issue: 3  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 64-75  Published: 2013  

Title: Organic biomarkers in deep-sea regions affected by bottom trawling: pigments, fatty acids, amino acids and carbohydrates in surface sediments from the La Fonera (Palamos) Canyon, NW Mediterranean Sea

Author(s): Sane, E (Sane, E.); Martin, J (Martin, J.); Puig, P (Puig, P.); Palanques, A (Palanques, A.)

Source: BIOGEOSCIENCES  Volume: 10  Issue: 12  Pages: 8093-8108  DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-8093-2013  Published: 2013  

Title: Evaluating Patterns of Fish Assemblage Changes from Different-Aged Reforested Mangroves in Lingayen Gulf

Author(s): Peralta-Milan, SA (Peralta-Milan, Shielameh A.); Salmo, SG (Salmo, Severino G., III)

Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT  Volume: 16  Issue: 1  Pages: 11-19  Published: 2013  

Title: Combining management based indices with environmental parameters to explain regional variation in soil carbon under dryland cropping in South Australia

Author(s): Macdonald, LM (Macdonald, Lynne M.); Herrmann, T (Herrmann, Tim); Baldock, JA (Baldock, Jeffrey A.)

Source: SOIL RESEARCH  Volume: 51  Issue: 7-8  Pages: 738-747  DOI: 10.1071/SR13156  Published: 2013  

Title: Foraging behaviour of brown trout in wild populations: can population density cause behaviourally-mediated foraging specializations?

Author(s): Sanchez-Hernandez, J (Sanchez-Hernandez, Javier); Cobo, F (Cobo, Fernando)

Source: ANIMAL BIOLOGY  Volume: 63  Issue: 4  Pages: 425-450  DOI: 10.1163/15707563-00002423  Published: 2013  

Title: Effect of landscape and stand variables on tree species diversity in the understory of Pinus taeda plantations in Misiones province

Author(s): Dummel, CJ (Dummel, Claudio J.); Pinazo, MA (Pinazo, Martin A.)

Source: BOSQUE  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 331-342  DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002013000200009  Published: 2013  

Title: Global genetic diversity in oilseed Brassica rapa

Author(s): Annisa (Annisa); Chen, S (Chen, S.); Cowling, WA (Cowling, W. A.)

Source: CROP & PASTURE SCIENCE  Volume: 64  Issue: 10  Pages: 993-1007  DOI: 10.1071/CP13206  Published: 2013  

Title: An inter-catchment comparison of groundwater biota in the cotton-growing region of north-western New South Wales

Author(s): Korbel, KL (Korbel, K. L.); Lim, RP (Lim, R. P.); Hose, GC (Hose, G. C.)

Source: CROP & PASTURE SCIENCE  Volume: 64  Issue: 11-12  Pages: 1195-1208  DOI: 10.1071/CP13176  Part: 2  Published: 2013  

Title: Vertical Diversity of Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) Associated with Lithraea caustica (Anacardiaceae) in Patches of Sclerophyllous Forest in Central Chile

Author(s): Briones, R (Briones, Raul); Jerez, V (Jerez, Viviane); Benitez, HA (Benitez, Hugo A.)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY  Volume: 15  Pages: 41-52  Part: 3  Published: 2013  

Title: Effects of 17-alpha-estradiol on a free-living marine nematode community: a microcosm experiment

Author(s): Essid, N (Essid, N.); Boufahja, F (Boufahja, F.); Beyrem, H (Beyrem, H.); Aissa, P (Aissa, P.); Mahmoudi, E (Mahmoudi, E.)

Source: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC SCIENCE  Volume: 38  Issue: 3  Pages: 305-311  DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2013.832652  Published: 2013  

Title: Phytoplankton community structure in the Lena Delta (Siberia, Russia) in relation to hydrography

Author(s): Kraberg, AC (Kraberg, A. C.); Druzhkova, E (Druzhkova, E.); Heim, B (Heim, B.); Loeder, MJG (Loeder, M. J. G.); Wiltshire, KH (Wiltshire, K. H.)

Source: BIOGEOSCIENCES  Volume: 10  Issue: 11  Pages: 7263-7277  DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-7263-2013  Published: 2013  

Title: Dissimilarity in plant species diversity between salt marsh and neighboring environments decreases as environmental harshness increases

Author(s): Canepuccia, AD (Canepuccia, Alejandro D.); Perez, CF (Perez, Claudio F.); Farina, JL (Farina, Juan L.); Alemany, D (Alemany, Daniela); Iribarne, OO (Iribarne, Oscar O.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 494  Pages: 135-148  DOI: 10.3354/meps10556  Published: 2013  

Title: Spatial differences in larval abundance within the coastal boundary layer impact supply to shoreline habitats

Author(s): Nickols, KJ (Nickols, Kerry J.); Miller, SH (Miller, Seth H.); Gaylord, B (Gaylord, Brian); Morgan, SG (Morgan, Steven G.); Largier, JL (Largier, John L.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 494  Pages: 191-203  DOI: 10.3354/meps10572  Published: 2013  

Title: Trophic ecology of an abundant predator and its relationship with fisheries

Author(s): Barnett, A (Barnett, Adam); Yick, JL (Yick, Jonah L.); Abrantes, KG (Abrantes, Katya G.); Awruch, CA (Awruch, Cynthia A.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 494  Pages: 241-248  DOI: 10.3354/meps10577  Published: 2013  

Title: Abundance and diversity of the aquatic beetles in a Mediterranean stream system (Northern Tunisia)

Author(s): Touaylia, S (Touaylia, Samir); Garrido, J (Garrido, Josefina); Boumaiza, M (Boumaiza, Moncef)

Source: ANNALES DE LA SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE  Volume: 49  Issue: 2  Pages: 172-180  DOI: 10.1080/00379271.2013.815033  Published: 2013  

Title: Spatiotemporal distributions of rare bacterioplankton populations indicate adaptive strategies in the oligotrophic ocean

Author(s): Vergin, KL (Vergin, Kevin L.); Done, B (Done, Brad); Carlson, CA (Carlson, Craig A.); Giovannoni, SJ (Giovannoni, Stephen J.)

Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 71  Issue: 1  Pages: 1-U129  DOI: 10.3354/ame01661  Published: 2013  

Title: Structural and functional patterns of active bacterial communities during aging of harpacticoid copepod fecal pellets

Author(s): Cnudde, C (Cnudde, Clio); Clavano, CJS (Clavano, Chelmarie Joy Sanchez); Moens, T (Moens, Tom); Willems, A (Willems, Anne); De Troch, M (De Troch, Marleen)

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