Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 69  Issue: 1  Pages: 47-+  DOI: 10.3354/ame01616  Published: 2013   8973

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Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 69  Issue: 1  Pages: 47-+  DOI: 10.3354/ame01616  Published: 2013  

Title: Influence of monsoon-driven hydrographic features on siphonophore assemblages in the Taiwan Strait, western North Pacific Ocean

Author(s): Hsieh, HY (Hsieh, Hung-Yen); Yu, SF (Yu, Shwu-Feng); Lo, WT (Lo, Wen-Tseng)

Source: MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH  Volume: 64  Issue: 4  Pages: 348-358  DOI: 10.1071/MF12151  Published: 2013  

Title: Fish dietary patterns in the eutrophic Lake Volvi (East Mediterranean)

Author(s): Bobori, DC (Bobori, Dimitra C.); Salvarina, I (Salvarina, Ioanna); Michaloudi, E (Michaloudi, Evangelia)

Source: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH-THESSALONIKI  Volume: 19  Pages: 139-149  Published: 2013  

Title: Orthoptera assemblages associated with macrophytes of floodplain lakes of the Parana River

Author(s): Capello, S (Capello, Soledad); Marchese, M (Marchese, Mercedes); De Wysiecki, ML (De Wysiecki, Maria L.)

Source: REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENTOMOLOGIA  Volume: 57  Issue: 1  Pages: 59-66  DOI: 10.1590/S0085-56262013000100010  Published: JAN-MAR 2013  

Title: Exploring patterns of variation in amphipod assemblages at multiple spatial scales: natural variability versus coastal aquaculture effect

Author(s): Fernandez-Gonzalez, V (Fernandez-Gonzalez, V.); Aguado-Gimenez, F (Aguado-Gimenez, F.); Gairin, JI (Gairin, J. I.); Sanchez-Jerez, P (Sanchez-Jerez, P.)

Source: AQUACULTURE ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS  Volume: 3  Issue: 2  Pages: 93-105  DOI: 10.3354/aei00054  Published: 2013  

Title: Dramatic diversity losses in epiphytic lichens in temperate broad-leaved forests during the last 150 years

Author(s): Hauck, M (Hauck, Markus); de Bruyn, U (de Bruyn, Uwe); Leuschner, C (Leuschner, Christoph)

Source: BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION  Volume: 157  Pages: 136-145  DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.06.015  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Organic pollutant levels in an agricultural watershed: the importance of analyzing multiple matrices for assessing streamwater pollution

Author(s): Gonzalez, M (Gonzalez, Mariana); Miglioranza, KSB (Miglioranza, Karina S. B.); Grondona, SI (Grondona, Sebastian I.); Barni, MFS (Silva Barni, Maria Florencia); Martinez, DE (Martinez, Daniel E.); Pena, A (Pena, Aranzazu)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS  Volume: 15  Issue: 4  Pages: 739-750  DOI: 10.1039/c3em30882k  Published: 2013  

Title: Addressing assumptions: variation in stable isotopes and fatty acids of marine macrophytes can confound conclusions of food web studies

Author(s): Dethier, MN (Dethier, Megan N.); Sosik, E (Sosik, Elizabeth); Galloway, AWE (Galloway, Aaron W. E.); Duggins, DO (Duggins, David O.); Simenstad, CA (Simenstad, Charles A.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 478  Pages: 1-+  DOI: 10.3354/meps10310  Published: 2013  

Title: Spatial structure on ocean-exposed sandy beaches: faunal zonation metrics and their variability

Author(s): Schlacher, TA (Schlacher, Thomas A.); Thompson, L (Thompson, Luke)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 478  Pages: 43-55  DOI: 10.3354/meps10205  Published: 2013  

Title: Non-equilibrium processes structuring benthic bacterial communities following deposit feeding by a sea cucumber

Author(s): Rafalowski, S (Rafalowski, Stacey); Plante, C (Plante, Craig)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 478  Pages: 115-126  DOI: 10.3354/meps10162  Published: 2013  

Title: Pattern of genetic isolation in the crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus within the Tuscan Archipelago (Mediterranean Sea)

Author(s): Fratini, S (Fratini, Sara); Ragionieri, L (Ragionieri, Lapo); Cutuli, G (Cutuli, Giulia); Vannini, M (Vannini, Marco); Cannicci, S (Cannicci, Stefano)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 478  Pages: 173-183  DOI: 10.3354/meps10247  Published: 2013  

Title: Diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria in tropical and cold-water coral reef sponges

Author(s): Cardoso, JFMF (Cardoso, Joana F. M. F.); van Bleijswijk, JDL (van Bleijswijk, Judith D. L.); Witte, H (Witte, Harry); van Duyl, FC (van Duyl, Fleur C.)

Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 68  Issue: 3  Pages: 215-+  DOI: 10.3354/ame01610  Published: 2013  

Title: Variation in susceptibility of Banksia (including Dryandra) to Phytophthora cinnamomi

Author(s): Shearer, BL (Shearer, B. L.); Crane, CE (Crane, C. E.); Cochrane, JA (Cochrane, J. A.)

Source: AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY  Volume: 42  Issue: 3  Pages: 351-361  DOI: 10.1007/s13313-012-0189-4  Published: 2013  

Title: Life-history reference points for management of an exploited tropical seahorse

Author(s): Morgan, SK (Morgan, Sian K.); Vincent, ACJ (Vincent, Amanda C. J.)

Source: MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH  Volume: 64  Issue: 3  Pages: 185-200  DOI: 10.1071/MF12171  Published: 2013  

Title: Prescribed fire in eucalypt woodlands: immediate effects on a microbat community of northern Australia

Author(s): Inkster-Draper, TE (Inkster-Draper, Tamara E.); Sheaves, M (Sheaves, Marcus); Johnson, CN (Johnson, Christopher N.); Robson, SKA (Robson, Simon K. A.)

Source: WILDLIFE RESEARCH  Volume: 40  Issue: 1  Pages: 70-76  DOI: 10.1071/WR12133  Published: 2013  

Title: Relationships between the crown health, fine root and ectomycorrhizae density of declining Eucalyptus gomphocephala

Author(s): Scott, PM (Scott, P. M.); Shearer, BL (Shearer, B. L.); Barber, PA (Barber, P. A.); Hardy, GESJ (Hardy, G. E. St. J.)

Source: AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY  Volume: 42  Issue: 2  Pages: 121-131  DOI: 10.1007/s13313-012-0152-4  Published: 2013  

Title: Seascape genetics of the New Zealand greenshell mussel: sea surface temperature explains macrogeographic scale genetic variation

Author(s): Wei, KJ (Wei, Kaijian); Wood, AR (Wood, Ann R.); Gardner, JPA (Gardner, Jonathan P. A.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 477  Pages: 107-121  DOI: 10.3354/meps10158  Published: 2013  

Title: Larval exposure to shared oceanography does not cause spatially correlated recruitment in kelp forest fishes

Author(s): Krug, JM (Krug, Jenna M.); Steele, MA (Steele, Mark A.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 477  Pages: 177-188  DOI: 10.3354/meps10144  Published: 2013  

Title: Associations of demersal fish with sponge grounds on the continental slopes of the northwest Atlantic

Author(s): Kenchington, E (Kenchington, E.); Power, D (Power, D.); Koen-Alonso, M (Koen-Alonso, M.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 477  Pages: 217-+  DOI: 10.3354/meps10127  Published: 2013  

Title: Avian assemblages in bamboo and non-bamboo habitats in a tropical rainforest

Author(s): Rother, DC (Rother, Debora Cristina); Alves, KJF (Alves, Kaizer Jose Ferreira); Pizo, MA (Pizo, Marco Aurelio)

Source: EMU  Volume: 113  Issue: 1  Pages: 52-61  DOI: 10.1071/MU12017  Published: 2013  

Title: Strong preference for decapod prey by the western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus

Author(s): Dumas, JP (Dumas, Jean-Philippe); Langlois, TJ (Langlois, Timothy J.); Clarke, KR (Clarke, K. Robert); Waddington, KI (Waddington, Kris I.)

Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY  Volume: 439  Pages: 25-34  DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2012.10.008  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: A comparison of the stock structures of two exploited demersal teleosts, employing complementary methods of otolith element analysis

Author(s): Fairclough, DV (Fairclough, D. V.); Edmonds, JS (Edmonds, J. S.); Jackson, G (Jackson, G.); Lenanton, RCJ (Lenanton, R. C. J.); Kemp, J (Kemp, J.); Molony, BW (Molony, B. W.); Keay, IS (Keay, I. S.); Crisafulli, BM (Crisafulli, B. M.); Wakefield, CB (Wakefield, C. B.)

Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY  Volume: 439  Pages: 181-195  DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2012.10.023  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Comparing sampling strategies for surf-zone fish communities

Author(s): Monteiro-Neto, C (Monteiro-Neto, Cassiano); Prestrelo, L (Prestrelo, Luana)

Source: MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH  Volume: 64  Issue: 2  Pages: 102-107  DOI: 10.1071/MF12070  Published: 2013  

Title: Somatic and molt production in Euphausia mucronata off central-southern Chile: the influence of coastal upwelling variability

Author(s): Riquelme-Bugueno, R (Riquelme-Bugueno, Ramiro); Escribano, R (Escribano, Ruben); Gomez-Gutierrez, J (Gomez-Gutierrez, Jaime)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 476  Pages: 39-+  DOI: 10.3354/meps10142  Published: 2013  

Title: Post-flood dietary variation in the Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus in the St Lucia Estuary, South Africa

Author(s): Dyer, DC (Dyer, David C.); Perissinotto, R (Perissinotto, Renzo); Carrasco, NK (Carrasco, Nicola K.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 476  Pages: 199-214  DOI: 10.3354/meps10140  Published: 2013  

Title: Community structure of cultivable protists in different grassland and forest soils of Thuringia

Author(s): Domonell, A (Domonell, Anne); Brabender, M (Brabender, Marian); Nitsche, F (Nitsche, Frank); Bonkowski, M (Bonkowski, Michael); Arndt, H (Arndt, Hartmut)

Source: PEDOBIOLOGIA  Volume: 56  Issue: 1  Pages: 1-7  DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2012.07.001  Published: 2013  

Title: Manipulating earthworm abundance using electroshocking in deciduous forests

Author(s): Szlavecz, K (Szlavecz, Katalin); Pitz, SL (Pitz, Scott L.); Bernard, MJ (Bernard, Michael J.); Xia, LJ (Xia, Lijun); O'Neill, JP (O'Neill, John P.); Chang, CH (Chang, Chih-Han); McCormick, MK (McCormick, Melissa K.); Whigham, DF (Whigham, Dennis F.)

Source: PEDOBIOLOGIA  Volume: 56  Issue: 1  Pages: 33-40  DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2012.08.008  Published: 2013  

Title: Consequences of Corymbia (Myrtaceae) hybridisation on leaf-oil profiles

Author(s): Hayes, RA (Hayes, R. Andrew); Nahrung, HF (Nahrung, Helen F.); Lee, DJ (Lee, David J.)

Source: AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY  Volume: 61  Issue: 1  Pages: 52-59  DOI: 10.1071/BT12224  Published: 2013  

Title: Defining a pelagic typology of the eastern English Channel

Author(s): Delavenne, J (Delavenne, Juliette); Marchal, P (Marchal, Paul); Vaz, S (Vaz, Sandrine)

Source: CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH  Volume: 52  Pages: 87-96  DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2012.10.016  Published: JAN 1 2013  

Title: Microphytobenthos along the Louisiana continental shelf during mid-summer hypoxia

Author(s): Baustian, MM (Baustian, Melissa M.); Rabalais, NN (Rabalais, Nancy N.); Morrison, WL (Morrison, Wendy L.); Turner, RE (Turner, R. Eugene)

Source: CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH  Volume: 52  Pages: 108-118  DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2012.10.014  Published: JAN 1 2013  

Title: Floral diversity increases beneficial arthropod richness and decreases variability in arthropod community composition

Author(s): Bennett, AB (Bennett, Ashley B.); Gratton, C (Gratton, Claudio)

Source: ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS  Volume: 23  Issue: 1  Pages: 86-95  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Bird assemblage response to restoration of fire-suppressed longleaf pine sandhills

Author(s): Steen, DA (Steen, David A.); Conner, LM (Conner, L. M.); Smith, LL (Smith, Lora L.); Provencher, L (Provencher, Louis); Hiers, JK (Hiers, J. Kevin); Pokswinski, S (Pokswinski, Scott); Helms, BS (Helms, Brian S.); Guyer, C (Guyer, Craig)

Source: ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS  Volume: 23  Issue: 1  Pages: 134-147  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: When small changes matter: the role of cross-scale interactions between habitat and ecological connectivity in recovery

Author(s): Thrush, SF (Thrush, Simon F.); Hewitt, JE (Hewitt, Judi E.); Lohrer, AM (Lohrer, Andrew M.); Chiaroni, LD (Chiaroni, Luca D.)

Source: ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS  Volume: 23  Issue: 1  Pages: 226-238  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Influence of aboveground vegetation on seed bank composition and distribution in a Great Basin Desert sagebrush community

Author(s): Pekas, KM (Pekas, K. M.); Schupp, EW (Schupp, E. W.)

Source: JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS  Volume: 88  Pages: 113-120  DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2012.08.013  Published: JAN 2013  


Author(s): Saucede, T (Saucede, Thomas); Bonnot, A (Bonnot, Alain); Marchand, D (Marchand, Didier); Courville, P (Courville, Philippe)

Source: JOURNAL OF PALEONTOLOGY  Volume: 87  Issue: 1  Pages: 105-122  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Frugivorous bats drink nutrient- and clay-enriched water in the Amazon rain forest: support for a dual function of mineral-lick visits

Author(s): Ghanem, SJ (Ghanem, Simon J.); Ruppert, H (Ruppert, Hans); Kunz, TH (Kunz, Thomas H.); Voigt, CC (Voigt, Christian C.)

Source: JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 29  Pages: 1-10  DOI: 10.1017/S0266467412000740  Part: 1  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Evidence of trawl disturbance on mega-epibenthic communities in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea

Author(s): Mangano, MC (Mangano, M. Cristina); Kaiser, MJ (Kaiser, Michel J.); Porporato, EMD (Porporato, Erika M. D.); Spano, N (Spano, Nunziacarla)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 475  Pages: 101-117  DOI: 10.3354/meps10115  Published: 2013  

Title: Epibenthic Assessment of a Renewable Tidal Energy Site

Author(s): Sheehan, EV (Sheehan, Emma V.); Gall, SC (Gall, Sarah C.); Cousens, SL (Cousens, Sophie L.); Attrill, MJ (Attrill, Martin J.)

Source: SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL  Article Number: 906180  DOI: 10.1155/2013/906180  Published: 2013  

Title: Effect of environmental variations on sharks and other top predators in the deep Mediterranean Sea over the last 60 years

Author(s): Cartes, JE (Cartes, J. E.); Fanelli, E (Fanelli, E.); Lloris, D (Lloris, D.); Matallanas, J (Matallanas, J.)

Source: CLIMATE RESEARCH  Volume: 55  Issue: 3  Pages: 239-251  DOI: 10.3354/cr01137  Published: 2013  

Title: Species richness and temporal partitioning in the beetle fauna of oak trees (Quercus robur L.) in Richmond Park, UK

Author(s): Stork, NE (Stork, Nigel E.); Hammond, PM (Hammond, Peter M.)

Source: INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY  Volume: 6  Issue: 1  Pages: 67-81  DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2012.00188.x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Altitudinal variation in the taxonomic composition of ground-dwelling beetle assemblages in NW Patagonia, Argentina: environmental correlates at regional and local scales

Author(s): Werenkraut, V (Werenkraut, Victoria); Ruggiero, A (Ruggiero, Adriana)

Source: INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY  Volume: 6  Issue: 1  Pages: 82-92  DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2012.00190.x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Efficiency of sampling invertebrates in groundwater habitats

Author(s): Gutjahr, S (Gutjahr, Simon); Bork, J (Bork, Joerg); Schmidt, SI (Schmidt, Susanne I.); Hahn, HJ (Hahn, Hans Juergen)

Source: LIMNOLOGICA  Volume: 43  Issue: 1  Pages: 43-48  DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2012.08.001  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Seasonal mercury concentrations and delta N-15 and delta C-13 values of benthic macroinvertebrates and sediments from a historically polluted estuary in south central Chile

Author(s): Diaz-Jaramillo, M (Diaz-Jaramillo, Mauricio); Munoz, C (Munoz, Claudia); Rudolph, I (Rudolph, Ignacio); Servos, M (Servos, Mark); Barra, R (Barra, Ricardo)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 442  Pages: 198-206  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.039  Published: JAN 1 2013  

Title: The use of protozoa in ecotoxicology: Application of multiple endpoint tests of the ciliate E. crassus for the evaluation of sediment quality in coastal marine ecosystems

Author(s): Gomiero, A (Gomiero, A.); Dagnino, A (Dagnino, A.); Nasci, C (Nasci, C.); Viarengo, A (Viarengo, A.)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 442  Pages: 534-544  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.023  Published: JAN 1 2013  

Title: Sediment community responses to marine vs. terrigenous organic matter in a submarine canyon

Author(s): Hunter, WR (Hunter, W. R.); Jamieson, A (Jamieson, A.); Huvenne, VAI (Huvenne, V. A. I.); Witte, U (Witte, U.)

Source: BIOGEOSCIENCES  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Pages: 67-80  DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-67-2013  Published: 2013  

Title: Temporal biomass dynamics of an Arctic plankton bloom in response to increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide

Author(s): Schulz, KG (Schulz, K. G.); Bellerby, RGJ (Bellerby, R. G. J.); Brussaard, CPD (Brussaard, C. P. D.); Budenbender, J (Buedenbender, J.); Czerny, J (Czerny, J.); Engel, A (Engel, A.); Fischer, M (Fischer, M.); Koch-Klavsen, S (Koch-Klavsen, S.); Krug, SA (Krug, S. A.); Lischka, S (Lischka, S.); Ludwig, A (Ludwig, A.); Meyerhofer, M (Meyerhoefer, M.); Nondal, G (Nondal, G.); Silyakova, A (Silyakova, A.); Stuhr, A (Stuhr, A.); Riebesell, U (Riebesell, U.)

Source: BIOGEOSCIENCES  Volume: 10  Issue: 1  Pages: 161-180  DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-161-2013  Published: 2013  

Title: Vertically migrating micronekton and macrozooplankton communities around Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands

Author(s): Suntsov, A (Suntsov, Andrey); Domokos, R (Domokos, Reka)

Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS  Volume: 71  Pages: 113-129  DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.10.009  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Day and night trophic variations of dominant fish species in a lagoon influenced by freshwater seeps

Author(s): Arceo-Carranza, D (Arceo-Carranza, D.); Vega-Cendejas, ME (Vega-Cendejas, M. E.); de Santillana, MH (Hernandez de Santillana, M.)

Source: JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY  Volume: 82  Issue: 1  Pages: 54-68  DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03463.x  Published: JAN 2013  


Author(s): Spezzaferri, S (Spezzaferri, Silvia); Ruggeberg, A (Ruggeberg, Andres); Stalder, C (Stalder, Claudio); Margreth, S (Margreth, Stephan)

Source: JOURNAL OF FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH  Volume: 43  Issue: 1  Pages: 21-39  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Response of the benthic food web to short- and long-term nutrient enrichment in saltmarsh mudflats

Author(s): Pascal, PY (Pascal, Pierre-Yves); Fleeger, JW (Fleeger, John W.); Boschker, HTS (Boschker, Henricus T. S.); Mitwally, HM (Mitwally, Hanan M.); Johnson, DS (Johnson, David S.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES  Volume: 474  Pages: 27-41  DOI: 10.3354/meps10090  Published: 2013  

Title: Semi-automated assignment of vegetation survey plots within an a priori classification of vegetation types

Author(s): Oliver, I (Oliver, Ian); Broese, EA (Broese, Elizabeth A.); Dillon, ML (Dillon, Martin L.); Sivertsen, D (Sivertsen, Dominic); McNellie, MJ (McNellie, Megan J.)

Source: METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION  Volume: 4  Issue: 1  Pages: 73-81  DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210x.2012.00258.x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Spatial and Temporal Variation in Rocky Intertidal Communities along the Main Hawaiian Islands

Author(s): Cox, TE (Cox, Traci Erin); Philippoff, J (Philippoff, Joanna); Baumgartner, E (Baumgartner, Erin); Zabin, CJ (Zabin, Chela J.); Smith, CM (Smith, Celia M.)

Source: PACIFIC SCIENCE  Volume: 67  Issue: 1  Pages: 23-45  DOI: 10.2984/67.1.3  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Genetic Delineation of Local Provenance in Persoonia longifolia: Implications for Seed Sourcing for Ecological Restoration

Author(s): Stingemore, JA (Stingemore, Jessica A.); Krauss, SL (Krauss, Siegfried L.)

Source: RESTORATION ECOLOGY  Volume: 21  Issue: 1  Pages: 49-57  DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2011.00861.x  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Spatio-temporal variation in a seed bank of a semi-arid region in northeastern Brazil

Author(s): da Silva, KA (da Silva, Kleber A.); dos Santos, DM (dos Santos, Danielle M.); dos Santos, JMFF (dos Santos, Josiene M. F. F.); de Albuquerque, UP (de Albuquerque, Ulysses P.); Ferraz, EMN (Ferraz, Elba M. N.); Araujo, ED (Araujo, Elcida de L.)

Source: ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY  Volume: 46  Pages: 25-32  DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2012.10.008  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Relation between the Structure of Mangrove Forests and Geomorphic Types of Lagoons of the Baja California Peninsula

Author(s): Gonzalez-Zamorano, P (Gonzalez-Zamorano, Patricia); Lluch-Cota, SE (Lluch-Cota, Salvador E.); Nava-Sanchez, EH (Nava-Sanchez, Enrique H.)

Source: JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH  Volume: 29  Issue: 1  Pages: 173-181  DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00044.1  Published: JAN 2013  

Title: Predicting the similarity of parasite communities in freshwater fishes using the phylogeny, ecology and proximity of hosts

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