Pokemon dark rising walkthrough

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As soon as you enter it will start raining. (Ohh God not again). Go through the path and enter the grassy area. From there head up and then towards a small grassy area. Press A on a open space inside the grass to receive a hidden Rare Candy.

From there head back and then up again to reach a house in fact a big house. As soon as you enter it, you will see DRAY running patiently here and there. He will tell you that FLORINA has been kidnapped by the Goons and Goonetes and GARY is chasing them while he is about to follow him along with you now. But before you two went after him, PETE will come from behind announcing the bad news that the Police has found the HeadQuarters and a fight is going on there. You will advise PETE to go back towards the HQ while you three rescue Florina first. DRAY will also tell you where they went so Go ahead and leave for next destination. You can access the PC inside the house.


Go up and keep following the path as there is no one who will battle you in the route. After a while you will reach the city.


Looks like the Thugs have complete control of the city. Go up and you will see DRAY asking a Thug about FLORINA. He will battle DRAY leaving you to go ahead but a Goonete will stop you and after asking a question which you should answer Yes will battle you. She has Lv 76 Weavile and a Lv 78 Scolipede. After her a Goon will battle you right away who only has a Lv 80 Jellicent. After him is a Goonete who has Lv 80 Crobat. After the fight the head of the Thugs will battle you.

He has Lv 85 Drapion and Toxicroak in a duo way. He also has a Lv 85 Houndoom and a Lv 85 Krookodile as a spare. After the battle they all will disappear. Talk with DRAY to receive a Full Restore. Go up and inside the Poke Center to heal your team. The staff here use Lv 85 Lucario and Zoroark. You can also use the PC services from now on. There is a cave located North-East in the city if you go in there it will sort of teleport you directly in DarkRising Headquarters grounds. This is a shortcut once you got the Emerald. If you Poke knows HM Cut then there is a bush located South-West in the city. Cut it and go through the path to eventually reach a Zinc. Prepare yourself and leave the city from North-West to enter the dangerous:


It is raining here also. Go towards a Hiker who has Lv 78 Golem, Crustle and a Lv 79 Probopass. Follow the path and climb the stairs. Go right and battle the Aroma Lady on the top. She has a Lv 36 Bulbasaur and 2 Lv 36 Ivysaurs. Go up in the stairs to duo battle the twins who use Lv 73 Whimsicott and Minccino. Follow the road towards left and move in the path. Talk with the roaming Swimmer who has Lv 76 Starmie, Lv 78 Walrein, Lv 79 Prinplup and a Lv 80 Lapras. Go up to battle a Cooltrainer with Lv 81 Grumpig only. Meet another trainer ahead who has a Lv 81 Scizor and a Lv 85 Blaziken. Go left and Surf in the sea. You will see Tornadus and Thundurus on separate Islands. Talk with each of them to battle them for capturing. When you are done either travel West or head back to the center for healing. Go West to reach:


The forest is not very Haunted like it's name. The path is also very simple and it becomes more if you have a Poke knowing CUT. Just keep moving until you reach a ledge.

Jump down and left to pick a Full Heal. Go back and jump down from the other ledge again and follow again the path going up. Follow it and after reaching a clearing Go up to pick an item: Max Ether.

Go down and then left and up and you will see FLORINA alone?. Talk with her and you will be battled by a wild Lv 90 Chandelure.

Whether you capture it or not you will be given an Iapapa Berry from Florina as well as you will escort her back where DRAY is.

When you both are back talk with DRAY who will tell you that everything is back to normal back at the HQ and you will also give back DARY the meteorite as you now know where is Emerald. DRAY will also give you a Moon Stone.

Go back towards the Haunted Forest and towards the cave you saw behind FLORINA. Save your game before entering the cave.

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