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59-2.02A General

Section 59-2.02 includes specifications for preparing and painting steel soldier piles.

Where shown, prepare and paint steel soldier piles under the specifications for painting new structural steel in section 59-2.01.

59-2.02B Materials

Not Used

59-2.02C Construction

Repair damaged areas of the undercoat before installing piles.

Protect the exposed exterior flange and flange edges of undercoated piles from lean concrete backfill to minimize undercoating repairs.

After removing lean concrete backfill, repair damaged or deteriorated undercoat by blast cleaning and repainting with the same inorganic zinc coating as used for the undercoat.

Apply final or finish coats after installation and excavation are complete.

Caulk open joints between concrete and steel soldier piles with sealing compound or other authorized material.

59-2.02D Payment

Not Used

59-2.03–59-2.05 RESERVED


59-3.01 GENERAL

Section 59-3 includes specifications for preparing and painting galvanized metal surfaces.


Coatings must comply with either State Specification PWB-174A or with section 91-2.02.


Clean galvanized surfaces by pressure washing or steam cleaning.

Roughen galvanized areas after cleaning by abrasive blasting. Use an abrasive no larger than 30 mesh. Do not remove galvanizing.

Apply 2 finish coats in at least 2 applications. Apply the 1st finish coat the same day abrasive blasting is performed unless otherwise authorized. Apply the 2nd finish coat after the 1st finish coat has dried at least 12 hours unless otherwise authorized. The dry film thickness of each finish coat must be at least 2 mils. The dry film thickness of all coats must be from 4 to 8 mils.

The 2nd finish coat color must match color no. 14090 of FED-STD-595.

59-3.04 PAYMENT

Not Used


59-4.01 GENERAL

Section 59-4 includes specifications for preparing and painting sign structures.

Preparing and painting of sign structures must comply with sections 59-2 and 59-3.

Instead of submitting proof of the certification complying with SSPC-QP 1, you may submit documentation with the painting quality work plan showing compliance with the requirements in section 3 of SSPC-QP 1.

Instead of submitting proof of the certification complying with SSPC-QP 2, you may submit documentation with the painting quality work plan showing compliance with the requirements in sections 4.2 through 4.4 of SSPC-QP 2, Category A.

Instead of submitting proof of the certification complying with AISC-420-10/SSPC-QP 3, enclosed shop, you may submit documentation with the painting quality work plan showing compliance with the requirements in sections 5 through 18 of AISC-420-10/SSPC-QP 3.


Not Used


59-4.03A General

You may prepare and paint sign structures before or after erection. After erection, repair any damaged paint.

The total dry film thickness of finish coats on contact surfaces of galvanized HS bolted connections (1) must be from 1 to 4 mils and (2) may be applied in 1 application.

59-4.03B Undercoating of Ungalvanized Surfaces

Blast-cleaned surfaces must receive a single undercoat consisting of an inorganic zinc coating as specified in AASHTO M 300, Type I or Type II, except:

1. The first 2 sentences of section 5.6 do not apply.

2. Section 5.6.1 does not apply.
If you propose to use a coating that is not on the Authorized Material List for inorganic zinc-rich primer, submit the required documentation specified in section 5.6 of AASHTO M 300. Allow 30 days for the Engineer's review.

59-4.03C Testing of Inorganic Zinc Coating

Perform adhesion and hardness testing at least 72 hours after application of the single undercoat of inorganic zinc coating.

59-4.03D Finish Coats

The exposed area of inorganic zinc coating must receive at least 2 finish coats of exterior grade latex paint.

The 1st finish coat color must match no. 24558 of FED-STD-595. The 2nd finish coat color must match no. 24491 of FED-STD-595.

59-4.04 PAYMENT

Not Used


59-5.01 GENERAL

59-5.01A Summary

Section 59-5 includes specifications for coating steel surfaces with a thermal spray coating.

59-5.01B Definitions


59-5.01C Submittals

59-5.01C(1) General

Submit a certificate of compliance for each shipment of wire feedstock.

59-5.01C(2) Coating Quality Work Plan

Submit 3 copies of a coating quality work plan for thermal spray coating activities. Allow 20 days for the Department's review.

Submit the work plan after attending the precoating meeting and include:

1. Names of the coating contractor and any subcontractors to be used

2. 1 copy each of applicable ASTM and SSPC specifications or qualification procedures

3. Materials, methods, and equipment to be used

4. Proof of certification for each thermal spray coating operator

5. Methods to control environmental conditions

6. Methods to protect the coating during shipping, handling, and storage

7. Procedures for containing blast media

8. Examples of proposed daily reports for testing to be performed, including type of testing, location, time, weather conditions, test personnel, and results

59-5.01D Quality Assurance

59-5.01D(1) General

Each thermal spray coating operator must be certified under AWS C2.16/C2.16M.

59-5.01D(2) Precoating Meeting

Before starting coating activities, conduct a precoating meeting to discuss coating quality work plan requirements. Meeting attendees must include the Engineer and all coating subcontractors.

59-5.01D(3) Test Coupons

Thermal spray coating operators must prepare 3 test coupons for bend testing before each work shift. Test coupons must:

1. Be 2 by 6 inches by 1/16-inch thick

2. Be of the same material as the surface to be coated

3. Pass bend test requirements before the operator starts production work

Bend test coupons under section 6.5 of SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C 2.23M/NACE no. 12. Coupons must exhibit no cracking with lifting from substrate.

59-5.01D(4) Quality Control

The Engineer selects the test locations.

If repairs are required, retest rejected areas after completing repairs.

Test the surface profile of blast-cleaned steel under ASTM D4417, Method C. Perform 3 tests for the first 200 sq ft of blast-cleaned steel and 1 test for every 200 sq ft thereafter.

Test blast-cleaned steel for soluble salts before coating. Levels of soluble salts must not exceed 10 μg/sq cm. Perform 3 tests for the first 200 sq ft placed during a shift and 1 test for every 200 sq ft thereafter.

Inspect surfaces for visual cleanliness under SSPC-SP 10/NACE no. 2 before applying coating.

Test coating thickness under section 6.3 of SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C 2.23M/NACE no. 12. Perform 1 test for every 150 sq ft of coating and 1 test for each faying surface.

Perform cut testing under SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C 2.23M/NACE no. 12. Perform 3 tests of 3 cuts for every 1,000 sq ft of coating. Surfaces must exhibit no peeling or delamination.

Test coating adhesion to steel before applying seal coating. Thermal spray coating must have an adhesion to substrate of at least 850 psi. Perform 3 tests for every 200 sq ft of coating.

Repair areas represented by tests failing adhesion or cut testing by removing and reapplying coating.

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