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Turkey-Israel relations – brink

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Turkey-Israel relations – brink

Israel and Turkey are on the brink – they will dialogue about the flotilla to improve relations

AFP 7/1 [2010, Agence France Press, US welcomes Turkey-Israel talks to ease rift,]
WASHINGTON — The United States welcomed Thursday secret talks by Israel and Turkey to repair relations, saying its two allies have played a "valuable" role by working together. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said the United States has spoken with each country about their relationship, which was badly damaged by a deadly Israeli raid on a Turkish aid flotilla of pro-Palestinian activists. "A relationship between Turkey and Israel is not only in the best interest of the region, it... supports our interests in the region as well," Crowley told reporters. He said Turkey and Israel had often worked together in the past in what he called a "valuable relationship." "We certainly support this kind of dialogue that hopefully can help repair the fractures that have existed in recent weeks and months," the spokesman added. He did not elaborate on US involvement. But a senior Israeli source quoted in the Haaretz daily said the White House had been directly involved in pushing the talks, of which Israel's hawkish Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was not informed. Turkey's Hurriyet daily said "the ground for the secret talks was laid" last week when Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with US President Barack Obama in Toronto. Turkey is one of the few Muslim-majority nations to recognize the Jewish state. But Ankara withdrew its ambassador, canceled military exercises and twice denied use of its airspace to Israeli military aircraft following the raid that killed eight Turks and a dual US-Turkish citizen. The secret talks in Brussels came days before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington for a meeting with Obama, with whom he has had rocky ties. Crowley said he anticipated Netanyahu would give Obama "a report on the early stages of the Israeli investigation into the flotilla tragedy" and that the two would discuss "recent progress" on the Gaza Strip. In the wake of international outrage over the flotilla raid, Israel said it would lift its embargo on the crowded Palestinian coastal enclave -- which is ruled by the Islamist movement Hamas -- but maintain a naval embargo to keep out weapons. Crowley acknowledged it would take more time to start direct negotiations between Israel and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, who is based in the West Bank. Obama, meeting on Tuesday with Saudi King Abdullah, called for "bold" action in the Middle East to establish a Palestinian homeland alongside a secure Israel. "Having both sides commit to direct negotiations would, in fact, be the kind of bold step that we are looking for," Crowley said. "But we recognize that some spadework has to be done to prepare the ground for each side to be confident that they can take that step."

AT: Turkey-Israel reliations

Turkey-Israeli relations are always low-no impact

Walker 6/29 [2010, Joshua, Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy where the yearlong report on Turkish foreign policy "Getting to Zero: Turkey, its Neighbors, and the West" was recently published, Turkey: still America’s best ally in the Middle East?,]
As the two oldest democracies in the region experiencing dynamic demographic and economic growth with vastly differing consequences, Israeli-Turkish relations will continue to ebb and flow. The present crisis is serious, but it is not unprecedented. The norm for Israeli-Turkish relations is tension, contrary to the rosy pictures now being painted retrospectively about historic relations to legitimate sensational claims. The fact is that Turkey's nationalist military government downgraded relations with Israel in the 1980s and it was only as a result of domestic politics and the PKK threat from Syria that brought about the "strategic alignment" in the 1990s that was always predicated on progress toward a permanent peace and two-state solution. In this context, the role of the United States is not to take sides, but help mediate the immediate crises with a perspective on longer-term strategic objectives.

Kurdish separatism bad – regional stability

Kurdish separatism would be the worst thing ever for Turkey and the region

Uysal, 7/2 [2010, Ahmet, associate professor at Eskişehir Osmangazi University’s department of international relations, Kurdish separatism is a threat to the future of the Middle East,]
Not distancing themselves from violence also limits the BDP’s popularity even among Kurds as it won about 15 percent of the Kurdish vote since most Kurds still vote for the AK Party. In other words, the Kurdish region is the main battleground for the separatist PKK and the pro-integration AK Party. While the former wants a further division in the already divided Middle East, the latter seeks integration within the country and with its neighbors, including Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Iraq and its Kurdish region are considered for such regional integration. The separatist Kurds, not all of them of course, want to dismantle the current Turkish, Iranian, Syrian and Iraqi territories and establish a communist Kurdish state in their place. The foundation of a Kurdish state is an impossible project, but it is sufficient to create problems in the region. Such a state has no chance of survival, as Kurdish leaders of northern Iraq (e.g., Massoud Barzani and Jalal Talabani) have realized, but they continue to play the PKK card for an increased role in Iraq. In recent months their relations with Turkey have improved significantly, but they have to put more pressure on the PKK that is stationed in northern Iraq. Frequent terrorist attacks help hard-liners and make a peaceful solution impossible in addition to poisoning relations with neighbors.

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