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US-Kuwait relations high

US-Kuwait relations are extremely high over a number of issues

BBC 4/30 [2010, BBC Monitoring Middle East – Political, Kuwait's deputy premier meets senior US legislators, lexis]
WASHINGTON, April 29 (KUNA) - Kuwaits Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Shaykh Dr Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah met here Thursday With top US lawmakers to discuss a number of bilateral and regional issues. Shaykh Dr Mohammad met with Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Senator John Kerry, Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Howard Berman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee John mccain. Kuwaits Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister told KUNA and Kuwait Television Following his meetings that he discussed mutual issues that Kuwait and the US Share, namely the political and economic developments and reforms which Kuwait Is carrying out, the most recent is the developmental projects and Privatization and the progress in the human rights and women rights in Kuwait. He added that this "major development" in Kuwait was of praise by the Lawmakers he met. Shaykh Dr Mohammad said the regional security was also discussed, such as the Iraqi and Iranian issues, where "we affirmed and stressed the importance that The Iranian file is resolved through international legitimate channels and that The use of force is rejected, and there should be an international conformity Of any movement towards the Iranian nuclear file and everyone should be subject To the IAEA considerations, especially in light of the NPT review conference, Which is due in New York next week." He indicated that they also discussed the Mideast Peace Process and the actions of the Israeli Prime Minister which "not Only hinder but fully damage" the Peace Process, saying "the Arabs remain Adherent to peace, where the burden now lies on Israel," affirming "our Agreement with the visions of the US Administration in this regard." "We also Discussed Syria, where we see that Syria plays an important role," Shaykh Dr. Mohammad indicated, where he said that Israels allegations against Syria are Used by Israel "to cover up for its crimes against the Palestinian people, Therefore we have to re-affirm that resolving these matters are through the Revival of life to the Mideast peace process." Meanwhile, Senator John Kerry Told the press before his meeting with Shaykh Dr Mohammad that Kuwait has a "very special" relationship with the United States. "We are so proud of the efforts that we’ve made back in the 1990s to stand up For our shared values that were ultimately the liberation of Kuwait," he Affirmed. He added that Kuwait has been "as steadfast a friend as we can find anywhere. They are helping us in so many different ways in a difficult region." The Senator stressed that Kuwaitis "take risks to do so, but in the end we can look Forward to one of those unshakeable friendships that really make a statement About both of us." "We also have a significant interest in hoping the tensions With Iran can find a diplomatic solution. I think everybody feels the world Would be better served if that happens," Kerry remarked. For his part, Senator John mccain said in separate remarks that he is honoured To have the friendship and the relationship that "we have between our Countries." He indicated that "one of the experiences Ill never ever forget is Coming to the country right after the victory in operation Desert Storm (in 1991) and I was deeply moved by the damage that was inflicted on your country By Saddam Husseins army." "I was deeply moved by the courage of your people and I was especially struck by a number of things. I thought that at that time we Would never again see conflict in the region," mccain affirmed.

US-Kuwait relations good: Patriot missile link

Kuwait constitutes a full quarter of the US’s Patriot missile system in the Gulf- its key to deter Iranian aggression

BBC 2010 [2/5, BBC Monitoring Middle East – Political, Bahraini official defends Patriot missile deployment in Gulf, lexis]
US officials had affirmed that the United States erected missile defensive systems on land and in the waters of the Gulf region to confront the Iranian threat. Officials have added: These operations consisted of erecting launching pads for defensive Patriot missiles on the land in Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain in addition to the navy ships, which are equipped with missile defensive systems in the area of the Mediterranean Sea. The Bahraini official added: "I do not think that the deployment of defensive missile systems should be construed as an aggressive stand as some are trying to portray it." He pointed out that the main aim of the deployment of the system is purely defensive. We will not hit them (Iran). It is a protection to our countries; it is a defensive not an offensive system. Are the Gulf countries barred from protecting themselves? "This is the premise from which we proceed." Iranian officials have repeatedly threatened the Gulf countries that Iran's missiles will reach them if war breaks out between the United States and Tehran. Meanwhile, the GCC countries have constantly stressed that they oppose any military blow to Iran. The Gulf countries have also affirmed that they will not allow their territories to be used to launch attacks against Tehran. Last August, Mohamed Ali Jafari, the commander of the [Iranian] Revolutionary Guard Corps [IRGC], said that "his forces will boost their presence in the Gulf of Aden for defensive necessities and that his country's missiles are very accurate and can hit their targets anywhere." Iran also threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz if a military confrontation erupts between it and the United States. But what about Iran's reaction to the defensive weapons system and why is this huge attack on it? Nabil al-Hamar replies: "Tehran is grossly exaggerating its reaction. The odd thing is that they possess - as they have asserted - the most modern offensive weapons, whose range can reach all the Gulf countries. Why are they preventing the Gulf countries from protecting their lands? Nobody said that these defensive weapons are specifically directed against Iran. Why did Iran conclude that it is intended by this step?" Iran launched a strong attack on the defensive system step. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mihman-Parast told official Iranian Television: "We view these measures as a plot and a ploy by foreign countries to plant fears from Iran." The chairman of the Institute for Political Development in Bahrain affirms that the Gulf governments are expected by their people to defend them and their lands. "It is not logical that everyone else procures the most modern weapons and when it is the turn of the Gulf countries to defend their territories, the issue is deemed as aimed against Iran only. They have offensive weapons and we have defensive weapons and we refuse to remain exposed to any one." Nabil al-Hamar also emphasizes the wishes of the Gulf countries to have robust neighbourly relations with Tehran. He points out that the Gulf countries have not taken any hostile stand against "neighbourly Iran." Nevertheless, Al-Hamar emphasizes at the same time that the quest of the countries in the region to protect their security and people should not be construed as a message addressed to Tehran or anyone else. He says: "Every country in the world has the right to look after its interests and protect its security as long as they have not attacked anyone or taken hostile stands against them. The Gulf countries did not do that at all neither against Iran or anyone else". According to the commander of the US Central Command - that manages military operations stretching from the Gulf to Central Asia - the expeditious deployment of anti-missile batteries includes the deployment of eight batteries, two batteries in each of Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. He adds that his country is deploying ballistic Aegis missiles, which are equipped with an anti-missile radar system and has the capability of targeting medium-range missiles mounted on mobile vehicles. This defensive system is being deployed while a state of worry is prevailing in the Gulf region resulting from the long-running dispute between the West and Tehran on Iran's nuclear programme and at a time when the West is urging a fourth round of UN sanctions against Tehran for refusing to stop enriching uranium. But the United States and Israel have not ruled out military action if the diplomatic solution fails to resolve the dispute on Iran's nuclear programme that the West suspects is aimed at making bombs. A state of extreme worry is prevailing in the Gulf Street concerning a military confrontation between the United States and Iran where the Gulf region would be the arena of such a confrontation. This is especially true in light of repeated Iranian statements that all targets in the region will be legitimate targets for Iranian attacks. The geographic proximity of the Arab Gulf shores to the Iranian shores raises the worry that the Gulf countries will be directly affected by any potential Iranian attack.
The impact is nuclear use and escalation

Sharad Joshi, Student, International Relations, March 2000, Strategic Analysis,

The introduction of nuclear weapons in an already hostile region could increase the possibility of actual use of nuclear weapons in a tense situation. The continuous hostility of varying levels over the past five decades, might lead to the inclusion of nuclear and other WMD in existing “war-fighting” doctrines. 18 If the states in the region see WMD simply as weapons to be used in a conflict, the probability of these weapons being used increases drastically. The Arabs have tried to counter Israel’s nuclear superiority, by developing a sizeable chemical and biological weapons arsenal. The greater the number of powers in a region possessing WMD, the greater the risk of escalation. Wars in history have more often than not been limited; but the main reason for this has been constraints due to resources and technological know-how. Instances are very rare of a war being limited due to considerations of the consequences of existing capabilities. 19 The indiscriminate effect of Weapons of Mass Destruction makes it very difficult to keep a war involving such weapons, limited.

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