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Soft power low – china

US is losing soft power over its China policy

Kurlantzick, 7/12 [Joshua, fellow for southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, 2010, Newsweek How Obama Lost His Asian Friends, lexis]
Although the White House has hardly ignored China, and Obama has sought out Hu for lengthy private conversations, the White House's conciliatory policy toward Beijing has alienated America's Asian friends, like India and Singapore. The Obama administration at first refused to meet the Dalai Lama when he visited Washington; during a visit to China last year Obama pointedly avoided mentioning thorny human-rights issues, and he has subsequently declined to take a publicly aggressive stance on China's alleged currency manipulation. His reluctance to play tough with China prompted Asian elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew, during a visit to Washington last autumn, to urge the president on, saying, "If you [the U.S.] do not hold your ground in the Pacific, you cannot be a world leader."

soft power low - indonesia

US soft power low –Obama chooses domestic issues to trump relations with Indonesia

Kurlantzick, 7/12 [Joshua, fellow for southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, 2010, Newsweek How Obama Lost His Asian Friends, lexis]
The Obama administration had hoped to make its greatest inroads in Asia with Indonesia, raising the bilateral relationship to the level of ties with India or Singapore, close economic and security partners of America. The proposed comprehensive partnership includes cooperation on everything from climate change to trade. Even the Pentagon, which cut ties to the Indonesian military after massacres in East Timor two decades ago, was pushing for renewed links including increased U.S. assistance for Kopassus, the Indonesian special forces. But then, citing pressing business at home--first the health-care-reform bill, then the Gulf of Mexico oil spill—Obama started canceling his visits. In doing so, notes Walter Lohman of the Heritage Foundation think-tank, he revealed that he had not planned well for the possibility that domestic challenges like health-care reform might overlap with his foreign trips. Now Obama can no longer count on good will in Jakarta, where many leaders were reportedly furious. Already, Indonesians had removed a statue of him that had been built in a public park in Jakarta. Since the president was supposed to travel to Australia as well on these jettisoned visits, he also wound up snubbing one of America's oldest allies in the Pacific.

soft power low – india

Soft power low with India

Kurlantzick, 7/12 [Joshua, fellow for southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, 2010, Newsweek How Obama Lost His Asian Friends, lexis]
India, which during the Bush administration overcame decades of anti-Americanism to build a close friendship with Washington, has also fared poorly with Obama. Although Obama hosted Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for a state dinner, the president infuriated New Delhi by issuing a statement last November calling on China and the U.S. to work together to promote peace in South Asia, signaling to India that Washington was inviting China to meddle in India-Pakistan affairs. Evan Feigenbaum of the Council on Foreign Relations argues that New Delhi and Washington have also developed sharp disagreements over America's Pakistan and Afghanistan policy, which has only further alienated New Delhi. And the new U.S.-India strategic dialogue, launched in June, appears to be little more than a talk shop, even though New Delhi wanted the White House to use this forum to publicly back India's bid for a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council. At the time of the dialogue, the American assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian affairs, Robert Blake, even admitted to reporters, "We're really not focused that much on deliverables" at the dialogue.


US-China relations low – Military exercises

US military exercises in the Yellow Sea will tank relations

South China Morning Post 6/29 [2010, Beijing's subtle message to US over Korea drill, lexis]

Beijing yesterday sent a subtle but carefully constructed message to Washington, which is soon to engage in a joint military exercise with South Korea in sensitive waters off the Korean Peninsula, by making public a naval drill planned in the nearby East China Sea. The low-key announcement, made yesterday in a local newspaper, would nonetheless further dent the battered military ties between the two superpowers, analysts said. Beijing meant to underscore its resentment over the likely presence of a US aircraft carrier in the Yellow Sea next month, but not doing so through the highest-level government mouthpieces such as Xinhua suggested efforts to avoid making the issue an even bigger controversy. Even so, the already-strained military relations between the two countries are expected to take another plunge given media reports that Washington is considering sending an aircraft carrier to the joint military drill with Seoul in the Yellow Sea off the South Korean coast, according to military analysts.

US-China relations – link NU – US-SK military drills

US-South Korea military drills are pissing off China

South China Morning Post 7/4 [2010, China 'very opposed to' US-Korea Yellow Sea drill, lexis]
Beijing strongly opposes a joint military drill between the US and South Korea in the Yellow Sea later this month, a senior PLA official says. General Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff in the People's Liberation Army, said: "Since it is in the Yellow Sea, it is very close to China's waters. We are very opposed to such a drill." Ma made the remark during an interview with Phoenix Television on July 1. Official news portals, including that of the Communist Party's mouthpiece People's Daily, gave prominent coverage to it yesterday. His comment represents the strongest opposition voiced by Beijing so far. Previously, Beijing had said it is "extremely concerned" about the drill. The PLA is staging live-fire naval exercises in the East China Sea, close to the Yellow Sea, in an apparent protest against the possible presence of a US aircraft carrier on its doorstep. The PLA drill will end tomorrow.

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