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California’s economy continues to thrive – 10 independent factors prove

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California’s economy continues to thrive – 10 independent factors prove

Steel (Chief executive officer of the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce, based in San Diego) 7/5/12

(David, “Why California is still the place for business,”

But facts are stubborn things. And here’s one that hasn’t changed: California employs more Americans and has more businesses than any other state. Despite the national recession and state budget challenges, the Golden State continues to be a fertile place for innovation and business growth. And, according to the PPIC and other independent studies, the state’s pioneering laws to protect our air and water, not to mention access to skilled labor and a superior quality of life, are what continue to draw and keep businesses here. Here’s a Top Ten list of why California continues to dominate America’s business sector. 1. The hub of high-tech. America’s fastest-growing business sector is the technology industry. California has more high-tech jobs than any other state, with 931,000 people employed in high-paying jobs. The next closest states are Texas, with 492,000, and New York, with 312,000. 2. Small-business heaven. California’s 3.5 million small businesses account for 99 percent of the state’s employers and employ 52 percent of the workforce. 3. A progressive and dynamic economy. California is one of the top 10 states in the areas of high-wage services, fastest-growing companies and initial public offerings. It also is home to 53 of the U.S. Fortune 500 companies. While technology gets the headlines, California is the No. 1 state for agriculture revenues, with $34.8 billion in revenue representing 12.3 percent of the U.S. total. 4. The innovation marketplace. Since 1963, when patent records were first established, 432,404 patents have originated in California. That represents 17 percent of all the patents issued in the history of the U.S. and more than twice the number originating from the next closest state. 5. Where the dollars are. California is the No. 1 state for venture capital, receiving four times more venture capital than the nation’s average. Last year, California received 51.3 percent of all venture capital invested in the U.S. – far more than any other state. 6. A magnet for international commerce. California ranks No. 1 for attracting foreign direct investment. Foreign companies employ nearly 561,000 California workers and were responsible for 4.6 percent of the state’s total private-industry employment in 2009. California also ranks No. 1 in the nation for the highest number of employees supported by U.S. subsidiaries, with 572,500 jobs and counting, and of those jobs, 133,700 are in manufacturing. 7. Location, location, location. California’s Pacific Rim location is the base of the largest trade network in the world, giving businesses access to the global economy. California’s export shipments of merchandise in 2011 totaled $159.4 billion, a 25 percent increase over 2009, and returning California’s export totals to pre-recession levels. All 12 metropolitan areas in California exported over $1 billion in merchandise exports in 2012. 8. Start me up. In 2011, California was home to 36.3 percent of the nation’s business startups (compare that to just 4.87 percent in Texas). That is a 123.76 percent increase from 2010 – nearly six times the U.S. average. 9. The home of the clean-energy economy. With its pioneering clean-vehicle, climate and renewable energy policies, California continues to lead America’s transition to a clean-energy economy. Investments in clean tech rose 30 percent in North America in 2011 to $6.81 billion, accounting for 76 percent of global investments. California garnered more than half (54 percent) of all U.S. clean-tech capital, with $3.96 billion. A study by the University of California forecast about $11.2 billion worth of public and private investments in energy efficiency in California by the year 2020, which is expected to create about 211,000 jobs in 2020. 10. The best place to live in America. Period.

Economic Recovery

California economy is recovering but fragile – new forecast proves

Jablon (Associated Press) 6/20/12

(Robert, “Forecast: California economy poised to pick up speed while US lags,”

LOS ANGELES — California will make steady gains in employment and its jobless rate will dip below double digits next year as the housing market finally halts its plunge, UCLA forecasters said Wednesday. The state added 34,000 new jobs in May but its unemployment rate will remain around 10.6 percent through 2012, according to the quarterly UCLA Anderson Forecast. That will drop to an average of 9.7 percent in 2013 and dip to 8.3 percent in 2014, forecasters said. Those figures are far higher than the nation’s unemployment rate, projected to be 8.2 percent this year and 7.9 percent in 2013. The U.S. economy will remain weak for years, the forecast said. That will contrast to California’s economy, which forecasters said will gain speed in the next two years. It could take seven or eight years for the U.S. to recover all the jobs that it lost during the 2008-2009 recession, forecast Director Ed Leamer wrote. America’s educational system must do better if it wants to compete in a global market where many jobs have been automated or moved overseas, Leamer wrote. “Good jobs in the United States in the 21st century will require humans to do things that are not suited to the capabilities of faraway foreigners, robots or microprocessors,” he wrote. “We need a workforce that can think creatively and solve the new problems, not merely recall the solutions to old problems.” California’s housing market remains a drag on the state economy but it may recover more quickly than the U.S. market as a whole, forecasters said. The real estate market is either “still in the trough or still declining,” forecast Senior Economist Jerry Nickelsburg said. “While there is some data giving rise to optimism, there is no real indication that the housing market is on the cusp of a recovery,” he said. However, California’s housing market could recover in the next two years, with building permits reaching 130,000 permits in 2014, or double the U.S. rate, Nickelsburg said. Multifamily housing will be popular as people unable to afford to buy homes choose to rent, he said. Nationally, the percentage of people owning homes will keep falling, from a peak of 69 percent in 2004 to 65 percent by the end of the year, but the rate of foreclosures appears to have peaked and sales of existing homes are on the rise, forecast Senior Economist David Shulman said.

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