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Timeframe – Overdue

We’re overdue for an extinction-class event

Cambier & Mead ‘7 (Doctors Jean-Luc & Frank, Air Force Research Laboratory, On NEO Threat Mitigation, Oct.

One can point out that these numbers are extremely low, about an order of magnitude lower than fatalities from automobile accidents nationwide; therefore, on the basis of average numbers of fatalities expected from NEO impacts, there seems to be little reason for the U.S. Congress to be overly concerned and spend significant resources on this issue. However, the problem is not with the average number of fatalities, but the peak number and associated consequences at each event. While the country could certainly recover from impacts of NEOs of diameter ∅=300 m and below, even up to 600 m diameter given sufficient time2, there is no recovery possible from impacts by larger size NEOs, and the day an “extinction”-class event occurs, there is no safety in deep underground bunkers. The last event of this category was 65 Myr ago, and the probability of having had no similar impact in that period of time is approximately 50%. Humans (arguably all mammals in general) can therefore consider themselves reasonably fortunate not to have been wiped out of existence during that gap.

At Least Every 100 years

Asteroid Headed Every 100 Years

Kulger 6-27-2011 Jeffrey Kluger senior editor, oversees, attorney, has taught science journalism TIME's science and technology reporting

The bad news is that the solar system remains a shooting gallery—not the way it was 4.6 billion years ago, when the planets were just forming and debris was everywhere, waiting to be gravitationally gathered in by whatever accreting planet it happened to pass. But still, space rocks abound—and not all are small enough to be eaten by the atmosphere. NASA estimates that about once every 100 years, a space rock larger than 50 meters (164 ft.) should be expected to reach Earth, causing local disasters or tidal waves. Every few hundred thousand years, an asteroid of 1 km (.62 mi.) could strike, causing the kind of global devastation that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Asteroids are so dangerous because they don't hit like a bullet fired at close range, leaving a clean hole wherever they strike. Instead, they come bearing all of the energy they accumulated in their high-speed flight and release it on impact. (To be precise, bullets do that too, but they're so small and their flight is so brief the energy release is not as significant.)

2012 Asteroid

Asteroid will hit Antartica in 2012 – This is a sign of whats to come

The European Union Times, 11. Jan 14th 2011. “Huge asteroid will hit Antarctica in 2012”(
If you caught Starfire Tor on CoastToCoastAM last week you may have heard her mention that ‘they’, the PowersThatBe know that an incoming near earth object is going hit earth sometime in the next 2 years. There is evidence to suggest the object is going to strike one of the poles… most likely the south pole. Special Scientific teams have been down in Antarctica mapping the ice shelf for probable weak points. The object is rumored to be 800 meters wide and when it hits the south pole the entire ice shelf will collapse within months. Magnetic pole changes, recent unusual Sun activity, birds and animal acting disoriented… all of these are signs of an approaching object and its gravitational influence on our inner solar system. The PowerThatBe and the super rich are making preparations. They have seed vaults and underground bunkers prepared. This is the reason they do not care about the world’s environment or the financial system. It won’t matter. A billion will die. The oceans will rise 70 meters. Mankind will lose half the food supply. You have 1 year to prepare. The Mayans, the Sumerians, the Babylonian civilization, native Americans and countless other cultures have foretold this event. The earth is going to get hit by a small object that is in tow of a much larger object. The larger object revisits the earth on a predictable cycle. It will flip the earth upside down. Americans Military forces now control all of the high mountain ranges and have been building bunkers for years, this is the reason for staying in Afghanistan. Only the super rich elite will be invited escape the apocalypse. 90% of the death and destruction will come from the panic and wars after the event. Trillions of Dollars have been sucked out of the economy to build news space shuttles and space projects. Most of the UFO sightings are these black-project vehicles. A University of British Columbia Professor published an online article that projected an 800m asteroid would hit Antarctica in the fall of 2012. His article was on the website for 2 days before it abruptly disappeared. The initial data was gathered by The Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The theorized asteroid was then tracked by Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mauna Kea, which (with the Adaptive Optics Bonnette) supplies probably the sharpest images currently obtainable from the ground. The South Pole Telescope One week after this mysterious article disappeared, “Canadian and American astronauts say the world needs to prepare for the big one — the asteroid impact that could one day devastate the Earth.Veteran Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is president of the Association of Space Explorers, which has prepared a detailed report on the asteroid threat. The Canadian Space Agency intends to launch NEOSSat next March to look for asteroids that may be hiding near the sun. The $15-million suitcase-sized satellite will circle about 700 kilometres above theEarth . A Canadian Space Agency official says NEOSSat is expected to detect hundreds of new asteroids during its first year of operation. It will also monitor the heavy traffic of satellites now orbiting the Earth to try to prevent possible collisions.” The article hypothesized a 94% probability that the asteroid would impact on the Filchner-Ronne ice shelf and cause 2/3 of ice on Antarctica to crumble into sea. The article surmised the total collapse of all Antarctic ice within 2-4 months after impact. “A deep enough impact would crack the ice shelf like a window and total structural collapse would be inevitable, a few months at the outside.” If the ice on Antarctica was added the the world’s ocean it would raise them by 70 meters. Extremely Important ECM Announcement Coming Tomorrow the Website Earth Changes Media has some kind of news on the 2012 Asteroid.

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