The International Correspondence Chess Federation 2014 Congress Sydney, Australia Table of Contents

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Archivist Report

Archivist Report
Utrecht, July 16th 2014
A major refresh of the server archives has been made available on the 1st of July including Chess960. The refresh was offered as one big collection of individual pgn files per period. Rebuilding personal databases based on this big collection was advised at the same time in order to ‘unlock’ previously hidden games.
Last year I ended my report with a proposal to change the export functionality:
For future uploads I intend to propose an addition to the current export facility. The main point for such an enhancement would be facilitating exports based on availability date instead of end date of a game. Currently games that have ended in a specific month are excluded from the archive for that month when the tournament has set this visibility restriction. Upon completion of the tournament such games should be included in the monthly upload even though the games have ended in an earlier month. This enhancement would eliminate the need for a period refresh of the main archives.”
As of July 2014, this proposal has been accepted for a future update. Depending on priorities of other change requests, the July 2014 refresh of the game archive might be the last of its kind.
During the past year, monthly updates of standard CC archives have been uploaded. Due to the increased game load, archive exports have been plagued by timeout errors during the monthly uploads but especially while preparing the total refresh. These timeouts have been eliminated by changing the export process into one that can run in the server ‘background’. Thanks go out to Martin Bennedik for quickly fixing this issue.
Processing the backlog in older email- and postal archives has been put on hold as well as providing email- and postal archives with standardized player and tournament names. Currently I not only lack the time to process these archives but also the right software for normalizing the game data. Recently I discovered that my current software from Chessbase does not export pgn files in the right format. It uses UTF8 instead which is not conforming to the pgn standard. Since uploads in the propriety Chessbase format is not an option for ICCF, the email, and postal archives remain as they are now. I have not been in contact with the postal archivist last year but given my lack of time, I will ask him if he would like to take over the task of improving the old archive. Learning to use alternate software like Scid might well be necessary in order to get the right pgn exports.

Ron Langeveld

ICCF Archivist
World Tournament Director
Dear Delegates, Officials, and Friends of ICCF,
To my great regret, health problems prevent me from being amongst you at this Congress in Sydney. In my absence, the ICCF President, Eric Ruch, will represent me.

This report includes the following:

1. Introduction

2. Special Leave Office

3. Disciplinary matters

4. Tournaments Proposals (Appendix I)

5. Calendar of Events (Appendix II)
1. Introduction

The growth of the number of events played on the ICCF server continued this year (international tournaments, national events, as well as friendly matches).

2. Special Leave Office

During the ICCF Congress in 2013, a decision was taken to withdraw the option of special leave. Special leave discontinued for all tournaments started after 01/01/2014 but it is still available under the current ICCF rules for all tournaments, which have been started before that date.

In November 2013, I succeeded Michael Millstone as Chairman of the Special Leave Office (SLO) for the management of these last tournaments where special leave is still available. I shall not comment upon the individual examples, explanation, and arguments, which Michael Millstone highlighted during Krakow Congress, but after my 1st years’ experience as Chairman of the SLO I, confirm their accuracy. I thank Michael Millstone and Ian M. Pheby (SLO Deputy Chairman) for the help, which they provide me in my responsibilities as Chairman of the SLO.
3. Disciplinary Matters

As a likely consequence of the growth of the number of events played on the ICCF server and its popularity, we unfortunately have had to deal with an increase in the number of instances of malpractice e.g. a proposal to buy result, account hacking, impersonation, etc. Some of these cases were Webserver games and were directly handled by the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee in association with those with technical expertise. For other cases, the facts were simpler to establish, and did not require the intervention of the Disciplinary Committee.

The work of the Tournament Director and that of those responsible in charge of the investigations is often difficult. To help them it is necessary that the Arbiter Manual undergo a full revision to take into account all of the latest developments of the server.
4. Tournaments proposals

(See Appendix I)
5. Calendar of Events

(See Appendix II)

I wish to thank all of the people who have helped me in my WTD duties. I should like to list all of their names but to do so would result in a never-ending list and also risk missing out someone.

Amici Sumus
Frank Geider

ICCF World Tournament Director

Appendix I – Tournament Proposals

Many acceptable proposals for invitational individual and team tournaments have been received by the World Tournaments Director and the following have been confirmed:
Please, do not forget that according ICCF Tournament Rules (Paragraph 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, and 13.8):

13.2 - Applications for ICCF recognition of international tournaments must be submitted to the World Tournament Director (WTD) who has delegated authority to approve such tournaments, or give recommendations to Congress. The WTD should report to the next Congress on all approved applications for formal ratification and inclusion in the Minutes. Where, in the opinion of the WTD, there could be a potential problem (for example, involving a breach of these guidelines or another ICCF member federation) he will have the right to refer the application to the next Congress for debate and possible approval. Approvals of applications for multiple tournaments/groups from any federation may be subject to a referral to the Congress if the WTD considers it appropriate.
13.3 - Applications for invitation tournaments should be submitted at least 6 months before the intended start date of the tournament and all approvals granted will lapse if a tournament has not been started within 6 months of the approved start date. In such a situation, a renewed approval application is required and invitations should not be issued until renewed approval has been granted.
13.4 - Applications for open tournaments must be submitted to the ICCF World Tournament Director (WTD) at least four months before it is due to start. It should not be advertised until ICCF approval has been formally confirmed. The WTD will consider the number of similar events, which are planned concurrently, and any ICCF open tournaments that are due to start, before giving formal ICCF approval.
13.8 - All approval requests must include details of the prizes offered, and the Source of the prize fund. Where a federation has previously met problems paying prizes promptly, it will be a condition of approval that the entire prize fund be deposited with ICCF prior to the start date. In these circumstances, the deposited monies will be invested securely and any interest accrued will be credited to the national federation, and the ICCF Financial Director will be responsible for the prompt payment of all prizes. All other financial details

(Appearance fees...) must be included in the request sent to the WTD.
85th Anniversary Correspondence Chess League of Australia (AUS)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, IV or V, 13 players,

Start Date: 1 December 2014

No entry fees or prize money

TO: Brian Jones
Australian Masters

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Category VI or V, 13 players,

Start Date: 1 July 2015

No entry fees or prize money

TO: Brian Jones
Australian Candidate Masters

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Category III, 13 players,

Start Date: 1 July 2015

No entry fees or prize money

TO: Brian Jones
Belarus - Blue Lakes-3 (BLR)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. VI - VIII, 15 Players (5 representatives of Belarus, 10 foreign participants),

Start Date: December 2014
José Paredes Memorial (ESP)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,
Section A

Cat. VI, 15 players

Start date: Spring 2014

TO: Adrián de Blois

Section B

Cat. V, 15 players

Start date: Spring 2014

TO: Adrián de Blois

2nd Coppa Latina World - CLW II (FRA)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational team tournament,

Team from Latin countries (ARG, BEL, BRA, CHI, CPV, CUB, ECU, FRA, GUA, ITA, LUX,


6 boards per team,

Start date: 1st quarter 2015
Germany Masters 03-1 (GER)

Soon approved event in Krakow Congress 2013 (Category change and second group)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament (7 Germany, 8 other NF),

Cat. VI, 15 players,

Start date: Spring 2014
Germany Masters 03-2 (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament (7 Germany, 8 other NF),

Cat. VI, 15 players,

Start date: Spring 2014
Germany Candidate Master 01-A (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, 13 players,

Start date: September 2014
Germany Candidate Master 01-B (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, 13 players,

Start date: September 2014

Germany Candidate Master 01-C (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, 13 players,

Start date: September 2014
Germany Candidate Master 01-D (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, 13 players,

Start date: September 2014
Germany Candidate Master 01-E (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, 13 players,

Start date: September 2014
Germany Candidate Master 01-F (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, 13 players,

Start date: September 2014
Germany Grandmasters 04 (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament (7 Germany, 8 other NF),

Cat. XII, 13-17 players,

Start date: Spring 2015
Germany Masters 04 (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament (7 Germany, 8 other NF),

Cat. VIII, 13-17 players,

Start date: Spring 2015
Germany Candidate Master 02-A (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, 13-17 players,

Start date: Spring 2015
Germany Candidate Master 02-B (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. III, 13-17 players,

Start date: Spring 2015
BdF Diamant 6 (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament for Ladies (5 Germany and 10 other NF),

Cat. XII, 13-17 players,

Start date: Spring 2015

BdF Smaragd 6 (GER)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament for Ladies (5 Germany and 10 other NF),

13-17 players,

Start date: Spring 2015
Hessel Visser Memorial (NED)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

ICCF standard rules for webserver play (10 moves in 50 days with duplication after 20 days is used)

Start date: 01 March 2015,
Hessel Visser Memorial A

Cat. I (possibly II), 13 players,

Players who wish to participate in the A tournament must have a maximum elo rating of 2299 (last rating list),

No Fee

No money prizes

TO: J van Doorn

TD:To be determined
Hessel Visser Memorial B

Cat. none, 13 players,

Players who wish to participate in the B tournament must have a maximum elo rating of 2149 (last rating list),

No Fee

No money prizes

TO: J van Doorn

TD:To be determined
Hessel Visser Memorial C

Cat. none, 13 players,

Players who wish to participate in the C tournament must have a maximum elo rating of 1999 (last rating list),

No Fee

No money prizes

TO: J van Doorn

TD:To be determined
Vayser Memorial (RUS)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. X+, 13-17 players,

Start date: 01 quarter 2014

Vladimir Vayser (1944-2013) – Grandmaster ICCF.

Tolush Memorial (RUS)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,.

Cat. VII+, 13-17 players,

Start date: 01 quarter 2014.

Aleksander Tolush (1910-1969) – International ICCF, Grandmaster FIDE, he took part in 4th World Correspondence chess.

Latash Memorial (RUS)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. X+, 13-17 players

Start date: 01 December 2013.

Albert Latash (1936-2013) – International Arbiter ICCF, International Arbiter FIDE.

Samarin Memorial (RUS)

ICCF Webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Cat. X+, 13-17 players,

Start date: IV quarter 2014.

Igor Samarin (1956-2014) – Grandmaster ICCF.

Krystyna Radzikowska Memorial (POL)

ICCF webserver,

Invitational tournament,

13-15 players, Cat. VII-XI,

Start date: 2015,

Prize fund: 1000€,


TO: Mariusz Wojnar.

Krystyna Radzikowska (1931-2006) – LIM-1995, OTB WGM-1984; 9 (!) times OTB Lady Champion of Poland (1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1966, 1969); 4th Ladies Olympiad final (1992-1997), board 1 – bronze medal for Poland.
Jubilee 30 years Swiss CC (SUI)

ICCF webserver

Invitational tournament,

Start Date: 2nd Quarter 2015,

TO Ulrich Baumgartner.
Section A

13-15 players, Cat. XII+,

Prizes CHF 800, 500, 300.
Section B

13-15 players,

Cat. IX+, Prizes CHF 500, 400, 300
Section C

13-15 players, Cat. V+,

Prizes CHF 400, 300, 200
2015 USA Invitational (ICCF-US)

ICCF webserver,

Invitational tournament,

Tie Breaks: 1) Baumbach, 2)SB, 3)Head-to-Head

Section A

Cat. XI+, 13-17 Players,

Start Date: March 31 2015

Prizes USD 1000, 500, 100,

Sponsor: ICCF-US

TO: Dennis Doren (510567).

Section B

Cat. VII+, 13-17 players

Start Date: August 31, 2015

Prizes USD 300,

Sponsoring ICCF-US,

TO: Anthony Kain (514323)

Section C

Cat. IV+, 13-17 players

Start Date: August 31, 2015

Prizes: None

Sponsor: ICCF-US

TO: Anthony Kain (514323)

Silviu Nenciulescu Memorial (ROU)
ICCF Webserver,
Invitational tournament,
TO: SIM Miron Sferle,
TD: IA Valer-Eugen Demian.

Silviu Nenciulescu Memorial A
Cat. VIII+,
13 players (max. 7 Romanian players),
Start date: 20 April 2015,
Start fee: none,
Prizes: Trophy for first place, Diplomas for second and third places.
Silviu Nenciulescu Memorial B 
Cat. IV+,
13 players (max. 7 Romanian players,)
Start date: 20 April 2015,
Entry fee: none,
Prizes: Diplomas for the first three places.

Silviu Nenciulescu (1954-2014)
Chess wise National Master Silviu Nenciulescu was one of the most well-known chess players from Romania. He also had an extensive contribution as a member of the Correspondence Chess Commission, as a tournament organizer and national team captain. In recognition for his overall activity, Romanian Chess Federation awarded him Diploma of Honor in 2000.

Professional wise Chemistry Professor Silviu Nenciulescu had outstanding teaching career at the most popular schools in Pitesti, Romania. In parallel, his work generated no less than 11 books and several articles.

Congress voted unanimously to approve the World Tournament Director’s report and list of proposed tournaments.

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