The working group on risk management in

Disseminating Climate Information

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wg11 risk
3.3.2. Disseminating Climate Information: India is one of the few countries possessing long term climatological records, spanning over 130 years. This rich climate database could be utilized to draw up patterns of climate risks, that could be used in drought management and mitigation planning. Some examples are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.
Additionally, to generate farmer friendly weather information, there is a need to develop systems, which interpret, translate and communicate probabilistic forecast information to farm sector managers and end users and receive feedback with the active participation of
State Governments / local institutions and civil society organizationsA continuous feedback from end users of climate information, could help improve quality timeliness and relevance of weather information. The recent experiences in other countries, in using tools for communication could be utilized to evolve appropriate communication strategies, to reach improved weather information products to the farmers.

To sum up, there is a need to establish an end to end climate information generation and application system, with feedback mechanisms to connect end users and weather information providers, to make use of the latest advances needed to enhance downscaled predictions and utilization of past climate data, for planning drought management and mitigation practices.
In consonance with the adoption of a climate variability management approach, there is a need to redesign institutional arrangements, at the Local / District / State / National levels, with a capacity to track parameters relating to climate and the societal systems on a continuous basis regardless of occurrence of drought to guide policy making and programme implementation, so as to anticipate and manage climate risks, instead of responding to crisis situations.

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