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A. Interpretation – the affirmative must mandate an increase in public health by allocating at least one billion dollars.

United States Congreence of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services, 2003, “Testimony on 2003 Foreign Assistance”,

The Administration has proposed an increase …

including HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis;

B. Violation – neither their plan text nor their solvency advocate says they allocate 1 billion dollars to public health.
C. Standards:

1. Bright line—our interpretation provides the clearest delineation between topical and not topical cases—That’s necessary to know the bounds of the resolution and helps debate.

2. Limits—our interpretation limits the topic to cases, which provide a lot of financial support—that limits out small squirrelly affirmatives, which we wouldn’t have, any links to.
3. Predictable ground—our interpretation ensures negative links to core of the topic disads and counterplans like spending and NGOs—that ensures fairness and education.
D. Topicality is a voting issue for fairness and education and should be evaluated in a competing interpretations framework, becuase they are least arbritary


European Union

The EU's ability to use human rights, democracy, and good goverance, makes it uniquely key for solving public health problems in Sub – Saharan Africa

Louis Michel, European Union Development Policy, 2006.

The question of development is more pressing…

we can, and will, make this happen.

Public Health PIC

Expansive visions of public health imbue large amounts of permanent authority upon public health officials justifying massive campaigns targeted against any number of social factors. Health care law prevents public health radicalization

Hall 3, Fred D. and Elizabeth L. Turnage Professor of Law, Wake Forest University.

(Mark A. “The Scope and Limits of Public Health Law”, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 46.3 Supplement (2003) S199-S2090;,plo9ki)

Abstract: Public health law needs to differentiate more clearly between …

additional powers to deal with the threat.
Expansive views of public health justify sweeping measures to install biopolitical leadership and prevents an effective response to traditional health problems.

Hall 3, Fred D. and Elizabeth L. Turnage Professor of Law, Wake Forest University.

(Mark A. “The Scope and Limits of Public Health Law”, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 46.3 Supplement (2003) S199-S2090;,plo9ki)

What Is Public Health? The nub of the issue is that the scientific boundaries …

measures to remedy causes of poor health.
This management of life culminates in nuclear omnicide.

Foucault 78 (Michel, History of Systems of Thought chair at University of Paris, “The History of Sexuality”, p 136-137)

Since the classical age the West has undergone a very profound …

the race, and the large-scale phenomena of population.

Consult Egypt

TEXT: The United States Federal Government should enter into prior, binding consultation with the government of Egypt over the following proposal: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

The United States Federal Government will continuously advocate the proposal but will allow the government of Egypt to propose changes to implementation. All of the Egyptian proposals will be accepted.

Our counterplan is competitive – our net benefits prove the distinction between the counterplan and any permutation and our solvency evidence makes a clear distinction between unilateral implementation and consultation. Any permutation severs out of the immediacy and the nature of fiat, because the counterplan can be altered or vetoed. We have resolutional support – resolved means to make a firm decision about – that’s 7.
Our CP solves – Egypt wants to enhance ties towards the rest of Africa and wants involvement in third party public health and infrastructure initiatives

ESIS ‘5 [Egyptian State Information Service. “Foreign Policy.]

As regards bilateral relations, Egypt is always keen …

companies in African countries.

Genuine bilateral consultation with Egypt boosts US-Egyptian relations which are key to Middle East stability

Satloff 97 (US Policy Toward Egypt, April 10,

What is missing in …

stability and economic prosperity are right and should be pursued.

Relations are key to promoting stability and preventing Egyptian conflict

State Department 3 (Feb 6, Lexis)

Assistance Secretary of State William J. Burns says …

meet the aspirations of its people, and help create a stable, prosperous Egypt for the 21st century.”

Egyptian instability causes nuclear war

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 92

When fundamentalist Muslims in Egypt …

all the help it can get from other countries.



A. LOST pass now –

American Daily 12/21

The Law of the Sea Treaty …

to unnecessary diplomatic endeavors.

B. Foreign aid drains capital.

Robert Nolan, Foreign Policy Association, Aiding Africa, June 9, 2005.

If some level of consensus …

something most are loath to do.

C. Political capital is key to ratification of LOST

William Norman Grigg, author of Liberty In Eclipse: The Rise of the Homeland Security State, 3/5/07. “Sink the Law of the Sea Treaty!”

It’s impossible to believe that a liberal Democrat ...

political capital to enact his legislative agenda.

D. Naval Mobility:

1. It’s collapsing now --- LOST accession key to prevent this. US ratification of LOST is also key to other countries following suit and following the treaty’s mandates.

Oxman '07 (Bernard H., Professor of Law University of Miami School of Law, CQ Testimony, 10-4, Lexis)

The Convention provides the legal framework … costly to respect and costly to resist.

2. Naval mobility prevents global WMD conflicts

Peele '97 (Reynolds B., Lieutenant, USMC, The Importance of Maritime Chokepoints, Parameters, Summer)

Sir Walter Raleigh once observed … US security and economic interests can be protected.

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