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Kinkaid (All Teams) – Affirmative – Sex Workers/PLO

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Kinkaid (All Teams) – Affirmative – Sex Workers/PLO

Observatioin One Inherency

The United States conditions its public health assistance to Sub Saharan Africa based on the attempt to exclude those who work with or materially support sex work. This exclusion denies funding to empirically successful programs
COHEN 2005 [Susan A., Director of Government Affair at the Guttmacher Institute, March 2005, “Ominous Convergence: Sex Trafficking, Prostitution and International Family Planning”, The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy 8(1).]

And, Federal Courts have upheld the Pledge

Lynch 2007 [Andrea—four years in the communications program of the International Women’s Health Coalition, where she worked to build global support for sexual and reproductive health rights through developing resources for activists in Africa, Asia, and Latin America while building awareness of how US policies effect women, RH Reality Checks Blog,]

And, this reaction to AIDS serves imperialist and discriminatory agendas that deny agency to “at risk groups” in Africa

Freiberg 1991 [Allison, University of Washington, “Of AIDS, Cyborgs, and Other Indiscretions: Resurfacing the Body in the Postmodern.” PostModern Culture 1.3]


The Anti Prostitution Pledge is detrimental to public health assistance in Sub Saharan Africa. Without access to resources, sex workers are subject to rampant human rights abuses and are driven underground

Letter to President Bush Opposing Mandatory 'Anti-Prostitution Pledge,' May 18, 2005 [“U.S.: Restrictive Policies Undermine Anti-AIDS Efforts, Letter to President Bush Opposing Mandatory 'Anti-Prostitution Pledge,' which Threatens Lives of Sex Workers and Trafficking Victims,”]

And, the conditions of funding by the US creates a climate of discrimination and exclusion against sex workers pushing them underground into unsafe practices

Jordan 2007 [Ann, Director of the Initiative Against Trafficking in Persons, Global Rights Before the House Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism, March 20, 2007,]

And Human suffering hangs in the balance. The racist and sexist exclusion of sex workers from political rights threatens exclusion, genocide, and the worst forms of political violence based upon ostracization from politics and economic participation. We have an obligation to offer hospitality to the marginalized as an act of solidarity

Duarte 2005 [Andre, Prof. of Philosophy @ Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil:, Final Version April 27th]

As we know, Hannah Arendt is among those very few thinkers….of extending hospitality and solidarity towards others.



Contention Three Solvencey

1ST The US is key. Without an increase in funding NGOs won’t accept other agents

Kinney 2006 [Ph.D. Candidate, Jurisprudence & Social Policy, UC Berkeley, 2006 [Edi, “RECENT DEVELOPMENT: Appropriations for the Abolitionists: Undermining Effects of the U.S. Mandatory Anti-Prostitution Pledge in the Fight Against Human Trafficking and HIV/AIDS,” Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 21, lexis (158)]

2nd Only an Increase in public health assistance can overcome the shallow sentimentality of the status quo. The discursive power of the plan leads to real changes in the lives of the excluded.

Yamin 1996 [Alicia, J.D from Harvard Law, board member of Physicians for Human Rights, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Human Rights Quarterly 18.2 (1996) 398-438]

The value of employing a rhetoric of rights in the campaign….the meaning and potentialities of their lives within society.

Third, Ending the Exclusion of sex workers mobilizes larger struggles against oppression of the working poor. The plan has a global effect.
Kempadoo 1997 [Prof. UC Boulder. May 1997]

The Impact is staggering as 1/5 of the world suffers from the denial of health. Rights key to empowerment

Shah 1999 [Sheetal B, Shah, JD Candidate 1999, Vanderbilt, BA University of Michigan, 32 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 435, p. lexis]

The reality that one fifth of the world’s population….to live with human dignity.

Kinkaid KS – Negative


Reznick 04 (David, "A Critique of the AIDS Metanarrative")

"All human life…disease itself"

Kain 07 /Phillip J, "Nietzsche, Eternal Recurrence, and the Horror of

Existence" The Jorunal of Nietzsche Studies, 33(2007) 49-63/
One might find…meaninglessness of existence

Bruckner 86 /Pascal, "Tears of the White Man: Compassion as Contempt" p65-70/

That is the wellspring…responsible

Generic Der Derian 98

Owen and Ridley 200 /David, Why Nietzsche Still?, p149-51/

Brackner 86 /The Dangers of Self hatred/

Phillips 98 /Anita, A Defense of Masochism, p151-4/


The add is a fundamental forfeiture of our ethicao-political

responsibility to confront the material biolence of modern capitalism,
trading revolutionary politics for pragmatic accomplishes neither and
makes true social change impossible. You should reject the aff in
favor of departure from capitalist democracy.
-Zizek, 2002, Revolution at the gates p. 74

The aff's benevolence toward Africa is a means of guilt assuaging.

Their charity makes us all more comfortable and complacent economic
relations that garauntee africa's exploitation.
Zizek, "Nobdy has to be Vile" London Review of Books, Vol. 28, No. 7

Link – The affirmative's ironic mocking is the essence of modern

fetishism, it does not represent some radical detachment form the
system but is precisely what capitalism needs to function.

Capitalism makes death inevitable – their claims to the contrary are

lies – history is on our side
Internationalist Perspective, 2000 "Capitalism and Genoceide",
Internationalist Perspective, #36, Spring

Do not give into the impulse to prioritize survival over meaningful

social change. Capitalism has historically exploited. Ironically it is
just the urge to pursue survival in the face of everything decent that
puts all life on earth on the brink of extinction.

ALTERNATIVE: Reject the affirmative and withdraw from the ideology of

capitalism. The affirmative will amount to nothing more than a facile
call to act in a way that reproduces the existing order. There is no
roadmap away from capitalism but we must bwing with outright rejection
of its more covert manifestations, i.e. the aff. Only sacrificing the
strategies for political change most dear to us enables space for
thinking and acting differently.
Zizek 2004, Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, 769-87

And Glyn Saly, Conversations with Zizek, p. 14-19

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