It has been said of the principle of air that it does not represent an element proper and this affirmation goes for the principle of earth likewise. Now this means that out of the interaction of the three foresaid elements the earthy principle has been born as the last element which by its specific quality, the solidification involves all the three elements. It is this quality in particular which has given a concrete shape to the three aforesaid elements. But at the same time the action of the three elements has been limited with the result of space, measure, weight and time having been born. The reciprocal action of the three elements together with that of the earth, thus, has become tetrapolar so that the earthy principle may be labeled now as a 4-pole magnet. The fluid in the polarity of the earthy element is electromagnetic. All the life created can therefore be explained by the fact that all elements are active in the fourth, i.e., the earth element. Through realization in this element came out the Fiat, “It shall be”. Details concerning the specific influences of the elements in the various spheres and kingdoms, such as the kingdoms of nature, of animals and of human beings will be found in the following chapters. The main point is that the reader gets a general impression about the workshop and the effect of the elemental principles in the entire Universe. 6. The Light
Light is established on the principle of fire. Light without fire is unconceivable and for this particular reason it is an aspect of the fire. Each fiery element can be converted into light and the other way around. Therefore light involves all the specific qualities such as shining, penetrating, expanding. The opposite of light is darkness, which has come out of the principle of water. Darkness has the contrasting specific qualities of the light. Without darkness, light would not only remain quite unrecognizable, but without darkness there would never be any light at all. Evidently light and darkness must have been produced by the mutual play of two elements, consequently those of fire and water. Light in its outcome therefore has the positive quality whereas darkness has the negative one. This interplay evidently is working in all regions.