fall asleep, for if this should become a habit, you would have great difficulty fighting against sleep while doing your exercises.
In the previously mentioned imagination you transferred yourself with your consciousness to the sensory area; now imagine that the magnetic power of the water you have accumulated within yourself will enliven the finest particles of your sensation-field and produce the astral clairfeeling. You must be able to imagine the magnetic attractive power of the water so intensely that it becomes an incontestable reality. If by long meditation you have the firm conviction that you duly enough enlivened this sensory field, dissolve the water element within your body into the universal element again,
take off the fluid condenser, and reduce the concentrated element to the universal element. Now the exercise is at an end. In case you would like to use the sensation field practically at one time or another, the transfer of consciousness into this field will be sufficient to put this faculty into action immediately.
To further the display of the astral senses of seeing, hearing and feeling, I deem it opportune to recommend that you continue these exercises even if you can spend only very little time on them. The real success will not be far off. We shall omit the development of the other senses
(taste and smell) for the time being because they are not important enough for the practical use of any magician. It is up to the scholar now to think out a scheme for himself to develop the other senses with the help of these three training methods. The faculties acquired by this astral development of the senses are so far reaching that there is no need at all to talk much about it. The enjoyment in the success can be compared
in a way to a blind person who,
deprived of eyesight for years, suddenly is able to see again.
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