Initiation Into Hermetics

The Loading of the Magic Mirror

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2. The Loading of the Magic Mirror

The next task of the magician will be to become familiar with the loading of mirrors. He must be able to bind the desired power to the surface of any mirror with the help of imagination, drawing it whether out of himself or directly from the universe, to accumulate this power and to dissolve it again by imagination into the primary source. The following loadings are to be made:
1. with all four elements, one after the other.
2. with akasa
3. with the light
4. with the electric fluid
5.with the magnetic fluid.
As soon as the magician has gained a certain skill in loading the mirror, he is fit for further mirror experiments, for which I will quote some examples concerning the various methods.
3. The Magic Mirror as a Transit Gate to all Planes

When performing this experiment, take care that you are not disturbed by your surroundings.
Sit comfortably in front of your mirror and load its surface with the akasa, which you suck into your body by lung and pore breathing. The loading of the mirror with the personal akasa can take place whether by your hands or directly via the solar plexus. Now forget all about your body and think of yourself as a spirit, able to adopt any shape and size. Now imagine your body becoming so small that it is able to go right through the mirror. Doing this with the help of the imagination, you will then be on the astral plane. Stay there deliberately for some time, and have a good look around without losing your consciousness or falling asleep.
Having done so, return via the mirror and connect yourself again in complete darkness on the astral plane. After frequent repetition you will perceive light. A strange feeling of freedom,
timelessness and spacelessness will overcome you. Now you happen to be on the astral plane,
which is usually called the other world or the Beyond. After frequent exercises you will meet with deceased people and other beings, and if you wish to see one of the departed, you will be connected with this person instantly. After a few visits on that astral level you will know all about the laws valid there, and you will see the place that shall be yours once you have left your physical body. The fear of death will be abolished hereby once and forever.
Supposing that you concentrate yourself from the astral plane onto a higher plane, you will very soon perceive finer vibrations: a sensation of extreme lightness, sort of being etherized will overcome you, and you will be able to get in touch with beings of these higher spheres.

You will partake of cognitions, perceptions and experiences that none of the mortals could ever give you. You will always return to your own body with spiritual vibrations of a higher kind, which cannot be described in mere words. Which of the sphere you will be able to visit depends entirely on the mastering of the elements and on your spiritual and astral purity, the ennobling of your character. There are no restrictions as far as the acquirement of higher knowledge is concerned. Having collected you experiences there, you may come in contact with high Light-entitites, too, in exactly the same manner, but in this case the mirror is not to be loaded with akasa, but with concentrated light, similar to a sun. No doubt that with the aid of the mirror method you will be able to visit lower spheres too, for example that of the elements and the beings there. In this case, you have to load the mirror with the respective element of the plane you wish to visit. Passing through the mirror, the form of the respective plane has to be adopted equally. If you wish to visit the kingdom of the goblins, not only the mirror must be loaded with the earth element, but your own spirit has to be imaginatively transformed in the shape of a gnome and to be filled entirely with the earth element. The same thing comes to pass with the spirits of the air, the so-called fairies, the spirits of the water or mermaids and the spirits of the fire, the salamanders. Here as well, the experiences you will accomplish are so abundant and marvelous that books could be written about these problems. How the spirits of the different elements can be summoned to come down to our earth, and the way they can be made useful to do certain tasks, I will describe in my second volume, entitled The Practice of Magical Evocation.

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