Initiation Into Hermetics

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6. Thought-Reading

A lot of publicity has been made about the problem of thought-reading. This seems to be a matter of course for the magician and he regards it as a concomitant of inferior value for his mental development. Thought-reading can be performed by pictures, intuitions, inspirations,
and so on, according to the mental attitude of the magician. It is not necessary to underline the fact that a subject’s thoughts can be read not only if he is close by the magician, but also at a far distance, which is nothing else but the result of working in the akasa. Every idea,
every word and every act finds its exact pattern in the akasa, as detailed in the chapter dealing with the akasa. If the magician concentrates on the spirit of the person in question, loading himself with akasa, he can read the actual thoughts, and if he looks back with his innermost desire, he can also read the thoughts of the remotest past without any effort. As soon as he has achieved a certain skill in thought-reading, after a long training, he will be able to read any thought, even th e most hidden one. The forming of thoughts is an intellectual or imaginative act. Imaginative thoughts are easier to read. A perfect kind of thought-reading can be obtained only if the magician has gained absolute mastery over his spirit and therefore over his world of ideas too. This is the fundamental condition. Otherwise he will be able to read thoughts only partially, or only if they are effective ones. Thought-reading is no problem at all; it requires the contact from mind to mind. The magician has to feel himself a spirit, and all he needs to do is to establish the connection between himself and the person in question by imagining the subject’s spirit, without the body and soul, in order to seize all the thoughts he wants to know.
7. Psychometry

Psychometry means the faculty to read the present time as well as the past and, if it should be necessary, the future too of any object whatever, investigating all the events related with this object at whatever period. This ability is a concomitant of developed astral senses and easy to manage if the magician has undergone all the practical training taught in this course, and if he has learned how to sue his astral senses in seeing, hearing and feeling. All he has to do is to take the object that is to be investigated in his hand or to put it on that part of the body that is important for the exploration. If he means to see the happenings in pictures, to

investigate them visually, he ought to press the object to his forehead; if he wants to perceive them acoustically, he must put it in the region of the heart, and if he wishes to search out the object intuitively or emotionally, he must bring it close to the solar plexus, or simply hold the object in his hand. After concentrating on what he really wants to know, he induces akasa or a trance, and now he is capable of reading the different events of the past, present or future with is mental eyes, ears or feelings. The magician also is allowed to sue is magic mirror. In this manner he can unroll all the events connected with an antique object, like in a motion picture, and he will learn all related anyhow to the object. Naturally he has got the opportunity to see not only the sender of a letter but also the thoughts that happen to be I the person’s mind at the given time. In a nutshell, he can read between the lines of any letter.
To the field of psychometry also belongs the faculty to communicate with any person that came in touch with any object, because an object, no matter of what nature it happens to be,
always represents the connecting link between the body, soul and spirit of the magician and the person in question. No doubt the magician is able to read thoughts with the help of an object even at the greatest distances. At the same time, he is able to learn all about the psychic side of the person concerned, and to detect the qualities of character and the mental development in the world of akasa without any effort. The same can be said about the material side, and he can fathom the past, present and future once he has established the communication between his spirit and that of the person with respect to akasa.
Psychography is a variant of psychometry, but it is of little importance to a magician.
Through the connecting link the sender of the letter can be detected in all phases of his existence, but the object itself can serve to establish the contact with the respective person,
influencing him mentally or physically and psychically. From these arguments it has become patent that psychometry is nothing else but a subvariant of clairvoyance, which has already been dealt with in a previous chapter.

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