Initiation Into Hermetics

The Magic Mirror as a Television

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13. The Magic Mirror as a Television

In our magic mirror we are able to observe occurrences or events that are happening to persons known or unknown, even at the greatest distances. Load the mirror with the akasa principle, induce a trance with akasa, and concentrate of the person whose actions you want to observe. Think of the magic mirror as being a big telescope through which you can see everything at the remotest distance. The magician will immediately see the person and the surroundings like a motion picture. At the outset the pictures perhaps will be a little muddy,
but after frequent repetition they will become very distinct and there will be a feeling of immediacy and nearness to the desired person that will become quite convincing, almost as if you were standing next to the person. Even a distance of 1000 miles of no importance at all.
In order to verify and be absolutely sure that everything one wishes to see corresponds to reality, one can imagine any different action of the same person. If one can manage this in full clearness with your astral senses, then the things we have seen were a deception, and the exercise must be repeated until one has obtained the faculty of distinguishing real facts for hallucinations and deceptions.
Under the guidance of a trained magician even an untrained person can take part in such a kind of television. Magicians especially trained and experienced in this field will even manage to take photographs using a red filter.

When you are not so much interested in the material occurrences that you are observing at a distance, but only in the psychic life, the character and feelings of a human being, then do not think of the material body of the person you want to see, but imagine the astral body only.
After a little while you will see the aura and the characteristics of this person in the various shades of color, from which you will be able to come to logical conclusions concerning his character and his faculties, according to the rules of analogy.
If you want to see only the spirit of a person in the mirror, imagine the material and astral body as not being there. Here too the images corresponding to the spirit will appear, and in this manner you can pursue the train of thoughts of a person even at the greatest distance.
As one can see from the example quoted here, the faculty of reading the thoughts of another person at the greatest distance can be managed without any difficulties, and it depends entirely on your own will how far you wish to extend this mastery.

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