Initiation Into Hermetics

The Magic Mirror for Room Impregnation & Treatment of Sick People

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7. The Magic Mirror for Room Impregnation & Treatment of Sick People

A similar procedure is followed in the impregnation of rooms with the help of the magic mirror. Load your mirror with the fluid corresponding to your wish such as light,
biomagnetism, akasa, etc., feeding its accumulation directly from the universe so strongly with the imagination that the radiance is spreading over the entire room already while performing this accumulation. In this manner you can, if necessary, irradiate the room in which you are living for days, even for months in order to obtain success, health, inspiration,
peace, etc. You will also be able to reinforce the loading if necessary by condensing the dynamides by means of frequent repetition. It is a matter of course that all kinds of diseases also can be healed in this manner, provided that the mirror has been loaded in the correct way.
You can also seat a sick person in front of the mirror and he or she will feel well again after a few minutes, according to the power accumulated I the mirror.
8. The Magic Mirror as a Transmitter & Receiver

The mirror can be used fabulously for this purpose as well; you can perform experiments of animating pictures and transferring sounds. Similarly to the transmitter and receiver of a radio, our mirror also can be used in this line. I will quote two practices briefly that the magician can execute without any effort at all, provided that he has followed me to this point step by step. The first practice refers to the reciprocal animation of thoughts or pictures between two equally skilled magicians. The distance does not play any part at all; 10 or 1000
miles do not matter. The possibility of communication varies in that it can take place by means of thought, pictures, letters, words or senses. The practice always remains the same and all work is accomplished with the aid of the akasa principle. Following is the description of the mirror acting as transmitter, without the person who is to be influenced knowing anything about transmitting.
At the beginning it will be advantageous if the magician gets accustomed to a certain routine with his partner, who is supposed to be on the same level of development, or at least manages

to work with the akasa principle. Fix the exact transmitting and receiving times in accordance with your partner. Both can take place at the same time. First of all is the practice of transmitting: The sending person has to load the mirror with akasa and to induce a state of trance with the help of the akasa principle. Then with the help of imagination he will eliminate the concept of time and space between himself and the receiver and thus have the feeling of standing next to his partner. Later on this sensation will occur quite automatically,
as we know already from experience with previous experiments. Try at first to transmit simple shapes and patterns such as a triangle or a circle together with the desire that the partner on the other end will be able to see them in his mirror. The receiver has nothing to do but load his mirror with akasa before the transmission, to trance himself with the help of the akasa principle and to concentrate on the fact that he will distinctly see everything in the mirror that his partner is transmitting. Provided both partners are on the same level of training, the picture projected to the mirror by the transmitting partner will turn out visible to the receiving partner. As soon as the time for transmission and reception has run out, change over to become the receiver yourself, and repeat the experiment of telepathy in the reverse order. It is always a good point if the magician is versed with the transmission as well as the receiving practice. Nobody ought to be discouraged by failures at the beginning, but he should continue to exercise with tenacity; success will surely show up after several attempts.
As soon as one is able to receive simple pictures, one may reinforce the exercise by selecting more complicated pictures, later on pictures of living persons, of places and landscapes,
similarly to the manner in which you were handling the preliminary exercises concerning the mirror imagination. Providing you are quite familiar with this experiment, you may pass to transfer ideas without imagination, i.e., ideas that have been registered with the intellect only.
Supposing one has gained sufficient experience as a transmitter and a receiver, one may try to write short words into the mirror with the help of the imagination to be read in the receiver’s mirror. Words may be followed by sentences, and finally one will be able to transfer written messages from one mirror to the other. Having attained the faculty of optical transference,
you may proceed to the acoustic transference. Speak one or two rods into the mirror with the desire that the receiver might hear these words. Here likewise the receiver remains in a trance state waiting for the message to arrive. At first he will feel it very similar to a sort of thinking aloud, but from one exercise to the next he will hear it more distinctly, and finally as clearly as having a conversation over the phone. Later again it will be as if the words were spoken directly into the receiver’s ears. As son as one has become familiar with the transmitting and receiving practices, short sentences can be transmitted and received, until one has become able to transmit and receive full messages and news by constant training. Many adepts in the
Orient are using this method to send messages to each other. In the Orient this faculty is called “messages through the air”. This is to be understood in a symbolic way, since it is in fact done with the akasa principle. Consequently it is quite obvious that various feelings also can be mediated between the transmitter and the receiver. This problem needs no further description
If the magician masters the faculty to transmit to and receive from an equally trained partner,
he will also be able to intercept dialogues or pictures transferred between other practicants in the same way as happens in the case of broadcasting, a fact that is called radio-piracy in the magic terminology too.
Now I will describe the magic mirror as a transmitter destined to transfer ideas, words and pictures to people who are not magically trained at all, who have not the faintest notion that such a transmission takes place or that they might eventually be influenced in this manner. In such a case the magician has only to blow his intention into the akasa-loaded mirror,

including the command that this or that might be transmitted to the person or persons. If the magician interposes the akasa principle between the mirror and the unprepared person, the latter will receive the message according to his intellect. Should anyone not be sufficiently experienced in this practice, the message will at first have the effect that the influenced person becomes restless at the given minute and feels the urge to think very intensely of the sender, the magician. Later the receiving person will feel the message as a thought of his won,
being unable to differentiate whether it was transmitted or originated in the own mind. But if the magician is interested in specializing in this kind of transmitting, he can suggest to the person in question that the messages or thoughts are coming directly from him. This practice will exert its influence on the receiving person whether instantly or in the course of the transmission. The magician can also bring about a transmission through the mirror, the effect of which is to be delayed or to be perceived by the receiver only when he has become fit for it.
This moment usually comes if the respective person is not disturbed, restrained or diverted by external influences, and receives the message shortly before falling asleep or in the morning before awakening. In such cases the magician concentrates the idea, desire or message into the mirror, together with the command that everything he is transmitting should be perceived by the individual only if the necessary preparedness is happening. As long as the message has not been received, it will remain effective and adhere to the surface of the mirror. As soon as the message has been sent out, when the mirror has served its purpose and the thought or the message has been correctly received by the person to be influenced, the surface of the mirror becomes perfectly pure once more. The magician can attend to his various duties without taking any notice of his wireless work and the mirror will produce its effect automatically until the message really has been perceived.

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