Initiation Into Hermetics

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2. Suggestion

In the chapter concerning the subconscious I have talked about this theme by describing the self-suggestion. These instructions go for the suggestion of other people too. What is necessary here is to utter the suggestion formula strictly in the present tense and imperative form.
A magician will always transfer the desired suggestion into the subconscious in the case of somebody who does not yet have mental maturity. The suggestion can be induced aloud or by telepathy. It is very easy indeed for a magician to practice suggestion at the greatest distance.
He can do it in two ways, whether by visiting the subject mentally in order to influence him,
best while he is asleep, or also removing the distance between himself and the subject with the help of akasa in order to work with suggestion. It is obvious that any long distance suggestion also can be carried out with a magic mirror. The effect of a suggestion also can be timed, i.e., given in such a way as to be carried out at a fixed moment in the future, the time of the suggested effect having been transferred to the subconscious of the subject.
3. Telepathy

The field of telepathy is akin to suggestion. Certainly it is a mere trifle for a magician to suggest his thoughts to any person. All he needs to consider is the fact that he has to transmit the thoughts not to the body or the soul but simply to the spirit of the subject. He imagines the subject’s spirit, to which he transmits the thought, omitting the material and astral body.
Here it is left entirely to the magician whether to suggest to the subject that it is his (the magician’s) thought or that of any other person, or else to allow the subject to think that it is his own idea. Not only ideas but feelings as well can be transferred, near or far. The magician must transmit good and noble thoughts only with the help of his magic powers. I am convinced that no scholar or magician will degrade himself with any kind of misuse.
Naturally the thoughts also can be suggested against the will of a person. Mastering the elements, the magician can wipe out the thoughts of the subject who is to be influenced by way of telepathy, suggesting to him thoughts that might appear desirable to the magician.

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