compatibilitate = {n} compatibility
compatir [-pat-/-pass-] = {v} to feel compassion; compatir a to feel compassion for, commiserate with {Hence:} compatibile &; compassion
compatre = {n} (spiritual kinsman by the sacrament of baptism) godfather, etc.
compatriota = {n} compatriot
compeller [-pell-/-puls-] = {v} to compel (1. to drive together; 2. to urge with force) {Hence:} compulsion; compulsive; compulsori; compulsar
compendio = {n} compendium {Hence:} compendiose
compendiose = {adj} summarized, compendious
compenetrar = {v} to compenetrate {Hence:} compenetration
compenetration = {n} compenetration
compensabile = {adj} compensable (= that can be counterbalanced or compensated for)
compensar = {v} to compensate (1. to counterbalance; 2. to recompense) {Hence:} compensabile; compensation; compensative; compensator; compensatori; recompensar-recompensa, recompensator
compensation = {n} compensation (1. action of counterbalancing; 2. recompense)
compensative = {adj} affording compensation, compensative
compensator = {n} compensator
compensatori = {adj} compensating, compensatory
competente = {adj} competent (1. qualified; 2. suitable, proper); tribunal competente competent tribunal, proper tribunal
competentia = {n} competence (= qualification for some specific work, activity, etc.); esser del competentia de to be within the competence of
competer = {v} 1. to compete; 2. to belong by right, be due {Hence:} competente-competentia, incompetente-incompetentia; competition; competitor
competition = {n} competition
competitor = {n} competitor
compilar = {v} to compile {Hence:} compilation; compilator
compilation = {n} compilation
compilator = {n} compiler
comping- [-ping-/-pact-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} compacte-compactar, incompacte
complacente = {adj} 1. complaisant, accommodating; 2. pleased, satisfied; {also:} complacent
complacentia = {n} 1. complaisance; 2. pleasure, satisfaction; {also:} complacency
complacer = {v} to please, humor; complacer se in to take pleasure or delight in {Hence:} complacente-complacentia
complect- [-plect-/-plex-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} complexion; complexe-complexitate, complexco
complementar = {v} to complement, to make complete
complementari = {adj} complementary
complemento = {n} complement (= that which completes); also: [Math., Gram.]; complemento directe, indirecte direct, indirect object; complemento (de loco, de maniera, etc.) adverbial phrase (of place, manner, etc.) {Hence:} complementari; complementar
compler = {v} to complete {Hence:} complemento &; completion; completive; completori; complete &
completa = {n} [Eccl.] complin
completamento = {n} completion
completar = {v} to complete
complete = {adj} complete {Hence:} completar-completamento, discompletar; incomplete; completa
completion = {n} completion
completive = {adj} completive
completori = {adj} completing, completory
complex- see complect-
complexe = {adj} complex (1. composite; 2. intricate)
complexion = {n} 1. constitution (= physical make-up of a person);
2. disposition (= temperament)
complexitate = {n} complexity, intricacy
complexo = {n} complex (1. complex whole; 2. [Psychol.]); complexo de inferioritate inferiority complex; complexo de superioritate superiority complex; complexo de Edipo Oedipus complex
complicar = {v} to complicate {Hence:} complication; complicate
complicate 1. pp of complicar; 2. {adj} complicated; morbo complicate discase with complications
complication = {n} complication
complice (cóm-) = {n} accomplice {Hence:} complicitate
complicitate = {n} complicity
complimentar = {v} to compliment
complimentari = {adj} complimentary, flattering
complimento = {n} 1. accomplishment, achievement (= action of accomplishing or achieving); 2. compliment; facer complimentos to pay compliments {Hence:} complimentari; complimentar
complir = {v} to accomplish, achieve; complir su promissa to keep or fulfill one's promise {Hence:} complimento &; complitor; complite
complite 1. pp of complir; 2. {adj} accomplished (= perfect in acquirements)
complitor = {n} accomplisher
componente = {adj} component componente {n} component
componer [-pon-/-posit-/-post-] = {v} to compose (1. to compound, put together; 2. "to compose music"; 3. to settle, as in "to compose a dispute"); componer se de to consist, be composed, of; componer con (su creditores) to compound or compromise with (one's creditors) {Hence:} componente; composition; compositor; composite-composito; composto; composta; decomponer &; recomponer &
comportamento = {n} behavior, comportment
comportar = {v} to bear, allow (of), brook, comport; comportar se to behave, conduct oneself {Hence:} comportamento
composit- see componer
composite (-pó-) = {adj} 1. composed calm; 2. composite, compound; interesse composite compound interest; parola composite compound (word); fractura composite compound fracture
composition = {n} composition (1. act of composing; 2. [Mus., Art]; 3. compromise; 4. [Typog.]; 5. [Gram.])
composito (-pó-) = {n} 1. compound, composite; 2. [Chem.] compound
compositor = {n} 1. composer (= one who composes music); 2. compositor, typesetter
compost- see componer
composto = {n} compost (= prepared manure)
compota = {n} compote
comprehender [-hend-/-hens-] = {v} to comprehend (1. to understand; 2. to include, comprise) {Hence:} comprehensibile-comprehensibilitate, incomprehensibile-incomprehensibilitate; comprehension-incomprehension; comprehensive
comprehens- see comprehender
comprehensibile = {adj} comprehensible, understandable
comprehensibilitate = {n} comprehensibility
comprehension = {n} comprehension (1. act or faculty of understanding; 2. [Logic] the sum of the attributes comprehended in a concept)
comprehensive = {adj} comprehensive (1. including much; 2. of wide mental grasp)
comprender [-prend-/-prens-] = {v} to comprehend (1. to understand; 2. to include, comprise) {Hence:} comprensibile-comprensibilitate, incomprensibile-incomprensibilitate; comprension-incomprension; comprensive
comprens- see comprender
comprensibile = {adj} comprehensible, understandable
comprensibilitate = {n} comprehensibility
comprension = {n} comprehension (1. act or faculty of understanding; 2. [Logic] the sum of the attributes comprehended in a concept)
comprensive = {adj} comprehensive (1. including much; 2. of wide mental grasp)
compress- see comprimer
compressa = {n} [Med.] compress
compressibile = {adj} compressible
compressibilitate = {n} compressibility
compression = {n} compression; pumpa de compression [Mach.] compressor
compressive = {adj} compressive
compressor = {n} compressor (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Mach.]; 3. [Med.])
comprimer [-prim-/-press-] = {v} 1. to compress; 2. to repress, check {Hence:} compressibile-compressibilitate, incompressibile-incompressibilitate; compression; compressive; compressor-turbocompressor etc.: compressar
compromiss- see compromitter
compromisso = {n} 1. mutual promise to abide by the decision of an arbiter; 2. compromise
compromitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} to compromise (1. to expose to risk or danger; 2. as in "to compromise someone") {Hence:} compromisso
compuls- see compeller
compulsar = {v} 1. to compel, force; 2. to examine, check, go through (documents, books, etc.)
compulsion = {n} compulsion
compulsive = {adj} compulsive
compulsori = {adj} compulsory
compunct- see compunger
compunction = {n} compunction
compunger [-pung-/-punct-] = {v} to move to remorse; compunger se to repent, feel remorse or compunction {Hence:} compunction
computabile = {adj} computable
computar = {v} to compute {Hence:} computo; computista; computabile; computation; computator
computation = {n} computation
computator = {n} computer
computista = {n} computer, computist
computo (cóm-) = {n} computation
con = {prep} with (1. together with; 2. by means of; 3. having, carrying, characterized by)
con- = {prefixo} [`co-' before `-h-' and vowels; `col-' before `-l-'; `com-' before `-b-', `-m-', `-p-'; `cor-' before `-r-'] con-, co-, col-, cor- (= with, together, jointly, mutually) {Hence:} concausa etc.; contemporanee etc.; convenir etc.; coexister etc.; collaborar etc.; correligionario etc.
conational = {adj} from the same country conational {n} fellow countryman, conational
concatenar = {v} to link together, concatenate
concatenation = {n} concatenation
concausa = {n} concause (= cooperating cause)
concausal = {adj} concausal
concave = {adj} concave
concavitate = {n} concavity
conceder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} to concede, grant {Hence:} concessibile; concession-concessionari, concessionario; concessive; concessor
concentrar = {v} to concentrate (1. to focus, center; 2. [(Chem.]; 3. [Mil.]) {Hence:} concentration; concentrate
concentrate I. pp of concentrar; II. {adj} 1. [Chem.] concentrated; 2. close, reticent, reserved
concentration = {n} concentration (1. action of concentrating or centering; 2. [Chem.])
concentric = {adj} concentric
concept- see conciper
conceptaculo = {n} [Bot.] conceptacle
conception = {n} conception (1. [Physiol.]; 2. "mental conception")
conceptive = {adj} conceptive
concepto = {n} 1. concept; 2. [Lit.] concetto, conceit {Hence:} conceptual-conceptualismo, conceptualista
conceptu- see concepto
conceptual = {adj} conceptual
conceptualismo = {n} [Philos.] conceptualism
conceptualista = {n} [Philos.] conceptualist
concernente = {prep} concerning
concerner = {v} to concern (= to have relation or reference to) {Hence:} concernente
concertante = {adj} [Mus.] concertante (as in "a concertante part")
concertar = {v} to concert
concertina = {n} [Mus.] concertina
concertista = {n} concert performer
concerto = {n} I. concert (1. [Mus.]; 2. agreement, harmony); II. concerto; de concerto in concert, in unison {Hence:} concertina; concertista; concertar-concertante, disconcertar &
concess- see conceder
concessibile = {adj} concessible
concession = {n} concession, grant
concessionari = {adj} concessionary
concessionario = {n} concessionnaire
concessive = {adj} concessive, concessionary
concessor = {n} concessor
concha = {n} I. conch, marine shell; II. concha (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Arch.]) {Hence:} conchoide-conchoidal; conchyle &; conchiforme etc.
conchi-forme = {adj} shell-shaped, conchiform
conchoidal = {adj} conchoidal
conchoide = {n} [Geom.] conchoid
conchyle = {n} sea shell {Hence:} conchylio-conchyliologo etc.
conchylio = {n} sea shell
conchyliologia (-ía) = {n} conchology
conchyliologista = {n} conchologist
conchylio-logo (-ólogo) = {n} conchologist {Hence:} conchyliologia-conchyliologista
concid- [-cid-/-cis-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} concision; concise
conciliar = {v} to conciliate; conciliar se to win, gain, capture (as in "to gain someone's affections") {Hence:} conciliation; conciliative; conciliator; conciliatori; reconciliar-reconciliabile-irreconciliabile-irreconciliabilitate, reconciliation, reconciliatori
conciliation = {n} conciliation
conciliative = {adj} conciliatory, conciliative
conciliator = {n} conciliator, peacemaker
conciliatori = {adj} conciliatory
concilio = {n} council (as in "Nicene Council") {Hence:} conciliar &
conciper [-cip /-cept-] = {v} to conceive (1. [Physiol.]; 2. "to conceive mentally") {Hence:} concipimento; concipibile-inconcipibile-inconcipibilitate; conceptaculo; conception-anticonception-anticonceptional; conceptive; concepto &; preconciper-preconception
concipibile = {adj} conceivable
concipimento = {n} [Physiol.] conception
concis- see concid-
concise = {adj} concise
concision = {n} concision, conciseness
conclave = {n} [Eccl.] conclave {Hence:} conclavista
conclavista = {n} [Eccl.] conclavist
concludente = {adj} conclusive
concluder [-clud-/-clus-] = {v} to conclude (1. to bring to a close; 2. to reach a final settlement of; 3. to infer) {Hence:} concludente; conclusion; conclusive
conclus- see concluder
conclusion = {n} conclusion (1. close, termination; 2. final arrangement, settlement; 3. inference)
conclusive = {adj} conclusive
concordante 1. ppr of concordar; 2. {adj} concordant
concordantia = {n} concordance (1. concord, agreement; 2. "concordance of the Bible, etc.")
concordar = {v} to agree (= to be in agreement); {also:} [Gram.]
concordatari = {adj} of the concordat
concordato = {n} concordat
concorde = {adj} concordant {Hence:} concordia; concordar-concordante-concordantia, concordato-concordatari
concordia = {n} concord
concrear = {v} to create together
concresc- [-cresc-/-cret-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} concrescibile; concretion; concrete-concretar, concretizar
concrescibile = {adj} congealable (= capable of becoming concrete)
concret- see concresc-
concretar = {v} to concrete (= to cause to coalesce or congeal)
concrete = {adj} concrete (1. united in a solid form; 2. not abstract)
concretion = {n} concretion
concretizar = {v} to concretize
concubina = {n} concubine
concubinage (-aje) = {n} concubinage
concubinari = {adj} concubinary
concubinato = {n} concubinage
concubino = {n} paramour, one living in concubinage {Hence:} concubina-concubinage, concubinato, concubinari
concupiscente = {adj} concupiscent
concupiscentia = {n} concupiscence
concupiscer = {v} to covet, be covetous {Hence:} concupiscente-concupiscentia
concurrente 1. ppr of concurrer; 2. {adj} [Geom.] concurrent concurrente {n} 1. competitor, rival; 2. contestant (= one who takes part in a contest)
concurrentia = {n} I. (action of) running together, meeting; II. concurrence (1. agreement in opinion; 2. union in action);
III. competition, rivalry
concurrer [-curr-/-curs-] = {v} I. to run together and meet; II. to concur (1. to agree in opinion; 2. to work jointly); III. to compete {Hence:} concurrente-concurrentia; concurso
concurs- see concurrer
concurso = {n} 1. concourse (= gathering of people); 2. contest, competition; 3. competitive examination
concuss- see concuter
concussion = {n} 1. concussion; 2. extortion (= illegal exaction on the part of an official)
concussionari = {adj} guilty of extortion
concussionario = {n} official guilty of extortion
concussive = {adj} concussive
concuter [-cut-/-cuss-] = {v} 1. to shake violently; 2. to force by threats {Hence:} concussion-concussionari, concussionario; concussive
condemnabile = {adj} condemnable, to be condemned
condemnar = {v} to condemn (1. to pronounce guilty of crime or wrong; 2. to pronounce unfit or no longer available for use); condemnar (un porta, fenestra, etc.) to condemn or put out of use (a door, window, etc.) {Hence:} condemnabile; condemnation; condemnator; condemnatori
condemnation = {n} condemnation
condemnator = {n} condemner
condemnatori = {adj} condemning, condemnatory
condensabile = {adj} condensable
condensabilitate = {n} condensability
condensar = {v} to condense (= to make denser, more compact, more concise, etc.) {Hence:} condensabile-condensabilitate; condensation; condensator
condensation = {n} condensation
condensator = {n} condenser
condescendente = {adj} condescending
condescendentia = {n} condescension
condescender = {v} to condescend {Hence:} condescendente-condescendentia
condigne = {adj} adequate, deserved; {also:} condign
condimentar = {v} to spice, season
condimento = {n} condiment {Hence:} condimentar
condir = {v} to spice, season {Hence:} condimento &
condition = {n} condition (1. prerequisite; 2. mode, state of being); esser in condition de to be in a position to (do something); persona de condition person of rank, of quality; a condition que on condition that, provided that {Hence:} conditional-inconditional; conditionar-conditionate
conditional = {adj} conditional conditional {n} [Gram.] conditional
conditionar = {v} to condition (1. to be a determining condition of; 2. to put into specified or desired condition)
conditionate I. pp of conditionar; II. {adj} conditioned (= subject to a condition); reflexo conditionate conditioned reflex; (un objecto) ben (mal) conditionate (an object) in good (bad) shape
condolentia = {n} condolence
condoler = {v} to condole {Hence:} condolentia
condominio = {n} condominium
condor (cón-) = {n} [Ornith.] condor
conducer [-duc-/-duct-] = {v} to conduct (1. to guide, lead; 2. to direct; 3. [Phys.] to transmit); conducer se to conduct oneself; {also:} to behave {Hence:} conductibile-conductibilitate; conduction; conductive-conductivitate; conductor-radioconductor etc.; conducto-salveconducto etc.; conducta, reconducer
conduct- see conducer
conducta = {n} conduct (1. leading, guidance; 2. direction, management; 3. behavior)
conductibile = {adj} conductible
conductibilitate = {n} conductibility
conduction = {n} conduction (1. [Lawl conductio; 2. [Physiol.])
conductive = {adj} conductive
conductivitate = {n} conductivity
conducto = {n} conduit; conducto auditori auditory duct
conductor = {n} conductor (1. one who guides or directs; 2. "railway conductor, bus conductor, etc."; 3. [Phys.])
confabular = {v} to confabulate, chat {Hence:} confabulation; confabulator
confabulation = {n} confabulation, chat
confabulator = {n} confabulator, chatterer
confect- see confic-
confecteria (-ía) = {n} confectionery (= confectioner's trade, shop, etc.)
confectero = {n} confectioner
confection = {n} 1. making, compounding, etc.; 2. [Pharm.] confection; 3. readymade apparel, confection
confectionar = {v} 1. to make, manufacture, confect; 2. [Pharm.] to confection (= to make into a confection)
confecto = {n} candy; confectionery
confectura = {n} jam, preserves
confederar = {v} to confederate {Hence:} confederation; confederate; confederative; confederato
confederate 1. pp of confederar; 2. {adj} confederate
confederation = {n} confederation, confederacy
confederative = {adj} confederative
confederato = {n} confederate, ally; le Confederatos [Hist.] the Confederates
conferentia = {n} 1. conference; 2. lecture
conferential = {adj} conferential
conferentiar = {v} 1. to confer (= to consult together); 2. to lecture
conferer = {v} I. to compare; II. to confer (1. to consult together; 2. to bestow) {Hence:} conferentia-conferential, conferentiar
confess- see confit-
confessar = {v} to confess (1. to make a confession of; 2. to hear the confession of)
confesse = {adj} confessed, shriven
confession = {n} confession (1. "confession to a priest"; 2. acknowledgement, admission of a fault, etc )
confessional = {adj} confessional confessional {n} confessional
confessionario = {n} confessional, confessionary
confessor = {n} confessor (1. priest who hears confessions; 2. Christian who adheres to his faith under persecution)
confetti [I] = {n} confetti; {also:} a piece of confetti
confic- [-fic-/-fect-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} confection-confectionar; confectura; confecto-confectero, confecteria
confidente = {adj} 1. trustful, confiding; 2. confident (= self-confident) confidente {n} confidant, confident
confidentia = {n} confidence (1. "confidence in someone or something"; 2. thing told in confidence); confidentia in confidence in; voto de confidentia [Parl.] vote of confidence; facer un confidentia a to make a confidence to; in confidentia in confidence; (persona) de confidentia trustworthy (person)
confidential = {adj} confidential (= told or written as a secret)
confider = {v} to confide; confider un cosa a un persona to confide something to someone (1. to entrust something to someone; to impart something in confidence to someone; 2. to entrust someone with something); confider in un persona to confide, have faith, in someone {Hence:} confidente-confidentia-confidential
configurar = {v} to form, shape, configure {Hence:} configuration
configuration = {n} configuration
confin = {adj} bordering, conterminous {Hence:} confinio; confinar-confinamento
confinamento = {n} confinement (= act of confining, restraining)
confinar = {v} 1. to border (upon), be contiguous (to); 2. to confine, restrain; confinar se to seek seclusion, shut oneself up
confinio = {n} -; confinios confines (= boundary, frontier)
confirmar = {v} to confirm (1. to corroborate, establish; 2. [Eccl.]) {Hence:} confirmation; confirmative; confirmator; confirmatori
confirmation = {n} confirmation (1. corroboration, establishment; 2. [Eccl.])
confirmative = {adj} confirmative
confirmator = {n} confirmer
confirmatori = {adj} corroborative, confirmatory
confiscabile = {adj} confiscable
confiscar = {v} to confiscate {Hence:} confiscabile; confiscation; confiscator; confiscatori
confiscation = {n} confiscation
confiscator = {n} confiscator
confiscatori = {adj} confiscatory
confit- [-fit-/-fess-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} confitente; confession-confessionario, confessional; confessor; confesse; confessar
confitente = {n} confitent (= one who confesses)
conflagrar = {v} to set afire, conflagrate {Hence:} conflagration
conflagration = {n} conflagration
conflict- see confliger
conflicto = {n} conflict
confliger [-flig-/-flict-] = {v} to conflict {Hence:} conflicto
confluente = {adj} confluent (1. flowing together; 2. [Med.]) confluente {n} 1. confluent; 2. confluence (= place where two or more rivers, etc., unite)
confluentia = {n} confluence (1. meeting or junction of two or more rivers; 2. place where two or more rivers unite)
confluer = {v} to flow together {Hence:} confluente-confluentia
conformar = {v} 1. to form, shape; 2. to conform, adapt {Hence:} conformation
conformation = {n} conformation (= structure); vitio de conformation malformation, physical defect
conforme = {adj} conformable, in conformity; conforme a in conformity with, according to; copia conforme true copy {Hence:} conformista-nonconformista; conformitate-nonconformitate
conformista = {n} conformist
conformitate = {n} conformity
confortabile = {adj} comfortable (= affording tranquil enjoyment and content)
confortabile = {n} easy chair
confortar = {v} 1. to strengthen, fortify; 2. to comfort, console {Hence:} conforto; confortabile; confortation; reconfortar
confortation = {n} (action of) comforting, consoling
conforto = {n} comfort (1. consolation; 2. ease of circumstances, sufficiency)
confraternal = {adj} confraternal
confraternitate = {n} brotherhood, confraternity
confratre = {n} confrere
confrontar = {v} to confront (1. to bring face to face; 2. to compare) {Hence:} confrontation
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