abduction = {n} [Physiol.] abduction
abductor = {n} [Physiol.] abductor
Abel = {nprm} Abel
aberrante = {adj} aberrant (= deviating from the normal type)
aberrar = {v} to deviate, aberrate {Hence:} aberrante; aberration
aberration = {n} aberration
abhorrer = {v} to abhor {Hence:} abhorrimento; abhorribile
abhorribile = {adj} abominable, hateful
abhorrimento = {n} abhorrence
abiberar = {v} to water (1. to supply with drink; 2. to irrigate)
abiberatorio = {n} watering-place, water-hole
abiete = {n} fir (1. fir-tree; 2. fir wood); `abiete de Canada' hemlock (spruce)
-abile = {suffixo adjective} [used with verbs in `-ar'] -able (= that can be ...ed; that is worthy to be ...ed) {Hence:} observabile etc.; admirabile etc.
abiogenese (-génese) = {n} abiogenesis, spontaneous generation
abiogenesis (-génesis) = {n} abiogenesis, spontaneous generation
abiogenetic = {adj} abiogenetic
abject- = {see} `abjic-'
abjecte = {adj} abject, mean
abjection = {n} abjection, abjectness
abjic- [-jic-/-ject-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} abjection; abjecte
abjurar = {v} to abjure (1. to forswear; 2. to recant, repudiate) {Hence:} abjuration
abjuration = {n} abjuration
ablandar = {v} to soften; {also:} to mollify, mitigate, assuage, etc.
ablativo = {n} ablative; `ablativo absolute' ablative absolute
abluer [-lu-/-lut-] = {v} to wash, cleanse {Hence:} ablution
ablut- = {see} `abluer'
ablution = {n} ablution, washing
abnegar = {v} to deny oneself, abnegate {Hence:} abnegation
abnegation = {n} abnegation, self-denial
abolimento = {n} abolishment, abolition
abolir = {v} to abolish {Hence:} abolimento; abolition-abolitionismo, abolitionista
abolition = {n} abolition, abolishment
abolitionismo = {n} abolitionism
abolitionista = {n} abolitionist
abominabile = {adj} abominable
abominar = {v} to abominate {Hence:} abominabile; abomination
abomination = {n} abomination (1. loathing; 2. loathsome object)
abonamento = {n} subscription (to a periodical, etc.)
abonar (1) = {v} to enter the subscription (to a periodical, etc.) of (a person); `abonar se' to subscribe (to a periodical, etc.) {Hence:} abonamento
abonar (2) = {v} to improve (= to make better)
abor- [-bor-/-bort-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} abortive; aborto-abortar-abortamento
aborigines (-ígines) = {npl} aborigines
abort- = {see} `abor-'
abortamento = {n} miscarriage, abortion
abortar = {v} I. to miscarry (1. to have a miscarriage; 2. to come to nought); II. [Biol.] to abort (= to remain undeveloped or shrink away)
abortive = {adj} abortive
aborto = {n} abortion
ab ovo [L] = ab ovo, from the beginning
abrader [-rad-/-ras-] = {v} to abrade {Hence:} abrasion; abrasive
abras- = {see} `abrader'
abrasion = {n} abrasion
abrasive = {adj} abrasive
abrogabile = {adj} abrogable
abrogar = {v} to abrogate {Hence:} abrogabile; abrogation; abrogative; abrogator; abrogatori
abrogation = {n} repeal, abrogation
abrogative = {adj} abrogative
abrogator = {n} abrogator
abrogatori = {adj} rescinding, abrogating
abrumper [-rump-/-rupt-] = {v} to break off, rend {Hence:} abrupte
abrupt- = {see} `abrumper'
abrupte = {adj} abrupt (= very steep)
Abruzzi [I] = {nprpl} Abruzzi
Absalom = {nprm} Absalom
absceder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} to form (turn into) an abscess {Hence:} abscesso
abscess- = {see} `absceder'
abscesso = {n} abscess
abscinder [-scind-/-sciss-] = {v} to cut off, abscind {Hence:} abscissa
absciss- = {see} `abscinder'
abscissa = {n} [Math.] abscissa
absentar = {v} -; `absentar se' to absent oneself
absente = {adj} absent {Hence:} absentia; absentismo; absentista; absentar
absentia = {n} absence; `brillar per su absentia' to be conspicuous by one's absence
absentismo = {n} absenteeism
absentista = {n} absentee (owner)
absinthic = {adj} absinthial, absinthic
absinthina = {n} [Chem.] absinthin
absinthio = {n} absinthe (1. [Bot.] Absinthium; 2. "alcoholic liquor absinthe") {Hence:} absinthismo; absinthic; absinthina
absinthismo = {n} [Med.] absinthism
absolut- = {see} `absolver'
absolute = {adj} absolute; `temperatura absolute' absolute temperature; `ablativo absolute' ablative absolute
absolution = {n} absolution, remission; {also:} acquittal
absolutismo = {n} absolutism
absolutista = {n} absolutist
absolutor = {n} absolver
absolutori = {adj} absolutory, absolving
absolver [-solv-/-solut-] = {v} to absolve, acquit {Hence:} absolution; absolutor; absolutori; absolute-absolutismo, absolutista
absorbente = {adj} absorbent
absorbente = {n} absorbent (= absorbing substance)
absorbentia = {n} absorbency
absorber [-sorb-/-sorpt-] = {v} to absorb; `absorbite in' absorbed in {Hence:} absorbente-absorbentia; absorbibile; absorbtion; reabsorber-reabsorption
absorbibile = {adj} absorbable
absorpt- = {see} `absorber'
absorption = {n} absorption
abstent- = {see} `abstiner'
abstention = {n} abstention
abstentionista = {n} abstentionist
abstinente = {adj} abstemious
abstinentia = {n} abstinence
abstiner [-tin-/-tent-] = {v} -; `abstiner se de' to abstain from {Hence:} abstinente-abstinentia; abstention-abstentionista
abstract- = {see} `abstraher'
abstracte = {adj} abstract
abstraction = {n} abstraction (1. [Logic]; 2. state of being lost in thought); `facer abstraction de' to disregard, leave out of consideration
abstraher [-trah-/-tract-] = {v} [Logic] to abstract {Hence:} abstraction; abstracte
abstruder [-trud-/-trus-] = {v} 1. to thrust away; 2. to conceal {Hence:} abstruse
abstrus- = {see} `abstruder'
abstruse = {adj} abstruse
absurde = {adj} absurd {Hence:} absurditate
absurditate = {n} absurdity
abuccamento = {n} 1. (action of) seizing, snatching up (with the mouth); 2. (action of) interconnecting (two openings); 3. interview, conference
abuccar = {v} 1. to seize, snatch up (with the mouth); 2. to interconnect (two openings); `abuccar se' to come or get together (for an interview, a conference, etc.) {Hence:} abuccamento
abundante = {adj} abundant
abundantia = {n} abundance; `corno del abundantia' cornucopia, horn of abundance or plenty
abundar = {v} to abound, be plentiful; `abundar in' to abound in or with {Hence:} abundante-abundantia; superabundar-superabundante-superabundantia
abus- = {see} `abut-'
abusar = {v} -; `abusar de' to abuse, make bad use of
abusator = {n} abuser, misuser
abusive = {adj} abusive (= of improper or wrong use)
abuso = {n} abuse (= improper or wrong use)
abut- [-ut-/-us-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} abusive; abuso-abusar-abusator, disabusar
abysmal = {adj} abysmal
abysmo = {n} abysm {Hence:} abysmal
abyssal = {adj} abyssal
abyssin = {adj} Abyssinian {Hence:} Abyssinia; abyssino
Abyssinia = {npr} Abyssinia
abyssino = {n} Abyssinian
abysso = {n} abyss {Hence:} abyssal
acacia = {n} [Bot.] acacia
academia = {n} academy {Hence:} academic, academico
academic = {adj} academic, academical
academico = {n} academician
Academo = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Academus {Hence:} academia &
acaju [-jú] = {n} 1. cashew; 2. mahogany; `nuce de acaju' cashew nut
acantha = {n} [Bot.] prickle, thorn {Hence:} acanthophore etc.; tragacantha etc.; notacanthe etc.
acanthaceas = {n} [Bot.] Acanthaceae
acanthacee = {adj} [Bot.] acanthaceous
acantho = {n} acanthus (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Arch.]) {Hence:} acanthacee-acanthaceas
acantho-phore [-ó-phore] = {adj} spine-bearing, acanthophorous
acceder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} 1. to approach; 2. to accede (= to assent) {Hence:} accessibile-accessibilitate, inaccessibile-inaccessibilitate; accession; accessori-accessorio; accesso
accelerando [I] = {n} [Mus.] accelerando
accelerar = {v} to accelerate {Hence:} acceleration; accelerator
acceleration = {n} acceleration
accelerator = {n} accelerator (1. anything which increases speed of motion; 2. contrivance for producing greater speed in a machine)
accendalia = {n} kindling (= wood, shavings etc. used to kindle a fire)
accender [-cend-/-cens-] = {v} to light, kindle {Hence:} accendalia; accendimento; accendibile; accensibile-accensibilitate; accenditor
accendibile = {adj} inflammable, combustible
accendimento = {n} lighting, kindling
accenditor = {n} lighter (= device for lighting cigarettes, gas, candles, etc.)
accens- = {see} `accender'
accensibile = {adj} inflammable, combustible, accensible
accensibilitate = {n} inflammability, combustibility, accensibility
accento = {n} 1. accent, stress; 2. accent mark {Hence:} accentuar-accentuation
accentu- = {see} `accento'
accentuar = {v} to accentuate, accent
accentuation = {n} accentuation
accept- = {see} `accip-'
acceptabile = {adj} acceptable
acceptabilitate = {n} acceptability
acceptar = {v} to accept
acceptation = {n} acceptance
acception = {n} acceptation (= standard meaning)
access- = {see} `acceder'
accessibile = {adj} accessible
accessibilitate = {n} accessibility
accession = {n} 1. accession ("accession to a dignity, a throne, etc."); 2. adherence ("adherence to a treaty, a party, etc.")
accesso = {n} access (1. "access to a place"; 2. fit)
accessori = {adj} accessory (= adjunct)
accessorio = {n} accessory
accidental = {adj} accidental (1. nonessential; 2. happening by chance)
accidente = {n} I. accident (1. nonessential quality; 2. contingency; 3. mishap); II. [Gram.] accidence
accider = {v} to happen, befall {Hence:} accidente-accidental
accip- [-cip-/-cept-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} acception; acceptar-acceptabile-acceptabilitate, inacceptabile; acceptation
accisia = {n} excise
acclamar = {v} to acclaim (= to applaud) {Hence:} acclamation; acclamator
acclamation = {n} acclaim, acclamation; `per acclamation' by acclamation
acclamator = {n} acclaimer
acclimatar = {v} to acclimatize, acclimate
acclimatation = {n} acclimatization, acclimation
accollada = {n} accolade (= ceremonious salutation and embrace)
accollar = {v} to embrace, salute with an accolade {Hence:} accollada
accommodabile = {adj} 1. adaptable; 2. adjustable (as in "adjustable quarrel")
accommodamento = {n} settlement (of disputes, etc.)
accommodar = {v} to accommodate (1. to adapt; 2. to settle (disputes, etc.)) {Hence:} accommodamento; accommodabile; accommodator; accommodation
accommodation = {n} adaptation, accommodation
accommodator = {n} accommodator
accompaniamento = {n} I. (action of) accompanying; II. retinue, attendance; III. accompaniment (1. concomitant; 2. [Mus.])
accompaniar = {v} to accompany {Hence:} accompaniamento; accompanitor
accompaniator = {n} [Mus.] accompanist
accopulamento = {n} coupling (1. act of coupling; 2. [Techn.]); {specif.:} [R.R.]
accopular = {v} 1. to couple (= to unite, bring together in pairs); 2. to mate (= to bring together for breeding)
accordabile = {adj} 1. reconcilable; 2. tunable; 3. grantable
accordante' I. ppr of accordar; II. {adj} accordant (1. conformable; 2. [Mus.] harmonious)
accordar = {v} 1. to harmonize (= to cause to agree); 2. to tune; 3. to grant, accord {Hence:} accordo; accordante; accordabile; accordator; accordatura; disaccordar-disaccordo
accordator = {n} tuner (of pianos, etc.); `clave accordator' tuning key
accordatura = {n} 1. tuning; 2. pitch (as in "concert pitch")
accordion = {n} accordion {Hence:} accordionista
accordionista = {n} accordionist
accordo = {n} 1. accord, agreement; 2. [Mus.] chord; `de accordo' in accord; `esser de accordo' to be in accord, agree; `poner se de accordo' to come to an agreement; `de commun accordo' by common consent
accostabile = {adj} approachable, accostable
accostamento = {n} approach (as in "new lines of approach")
accostar = {v} to accost {Hence:} acostamento; accostabile
accostumar = {v} to accustom {Hence:} accostumate-inaccostumate; disaccostumar
accostumate = 1 {pp} of `accostumar'; 2. {adj} accustomed, usual
accreditar = {v} to accredit (= to send with credentials)
accrescer = {v} to increase (= to cause to increase) {Hence:} accrescimento
accrescimento = {n} increase (= growth in size, amount, or degree)
accular = {v} to back up (a horse, cart, etc. against a wall, etc.)
accumulamento = {n} heaping or piling up, accumulation
accumular = {v} to accumulate, heap up {Hence:} accumulamento; accumulation; accumulator
accumulation = {n} accumulation
accumulator = {n} accumulator (1. one who accumulates; 2. storage battery)
accurrer = {v} to come running, rush up
accurtamento = {n} shortening (= act of making shorter)
accurtar = {v} to shorten, make shorter {Hence:} accurtamento
accusabile = {adj} blameworthy, liable to be accused; accusable
accusabilitate = {n} blameworthiness
accusamento = {n} accusing, accusation
accusar = {v} to accuse; `accusar reception de' to acknowledge receipt of {Hence:} accusamento; accusabile-accusabilitate; accusation; accusativo; accusator; accusatori; accusato-coaccusato
accusation = {n} accusation
accusativo = {n} [Gram.] accusative
accusato = {n} accused, defendant
accusator = {n} accuser
accusatori = {adj} accusing, accusatory; {also:} accusatorial
acerbar = {v} to acerbate
acerbe = {adj} acerb; {also:} sour, bitter, harsh {Hence:} acerbitate; acerbar-exacerbar &
acerbitate = {n} acerbity
acere = {n} maple, maple tree
acetabulo = {n} [Rom. Antiq.] acetabulum; {also:} [Anat.]
acet-amido (-ámido) = {n} [Chem.] acetamide
acetato = {n} [Chem.] acetate
acetic = {adj} acetic
acetificar = {v} to acetify
acetification = {n} acetification
aceto = {n} vinegar {Hence:} acetato; acetabulo; acetona; acetic; acetose; acetificar-acetification; acetamido etc.
acetona = {n} [Chem.] acetone
acetose = {adj} acetous, acetose
acetylen = {n} [Chem.] acetylene
Acheronte = {npr} Acheron
achillea (-éa) = {n} [Bot.] Achillea
Achilles (-ílles) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Achilles; `calce de Achilles' Achilles' heel; `tendon de Achilles' Achilles' tendon {Hence:} achillea
achromate = {adj} achromatous, colorless
achromatic = {adj} [Opt.] achromatic
achromatizar = {v} [Opt.] to achromatize
achromatization = {n} [Opt.] achromatization
achromatismo = {n} [Opt.] achromatism
achromat-opsia (-ía) = {n} achromatopsy (= complete color blindness)
acicula = {n} [Bot., etc.] acicula (= needle, prickle etc.) {Hence:} acicular
acicular = {adj} acicular
acide (ácide) = {adj} acid {Hence:} aciditate; acidule-acidular; acidificar-acidificabile, acidification; acido-amino-acido etc.; bydracido etc.; acidimetro etc.
acidificabile = {adj} acidifiable
acidficar = {v} to acidify (= to make acid, convert into an acid)
acidification = {n} acidification
acidi-metro (-ímetro) = {n} acidimeter
aciditate = {n} acidity
acido (ácido) = {n} acid; `acido carbonic' 1. carbonic acid; 2. carbon dioxide, carbonic acid gas; `acido chlorhydric' hydrochloric acid
acidular = {v} to acidulate, flavor with an acid
acidule = {adj} acidulous
acierage (-aje) = {n} steel plating, acierage
acierar = {v} to steel (1. to overlay, point, plate, etc., with steel; 2. to convert into or cause to resemble steel)
acieration = {n} acieration (= conversion into stee])
acieria (-ía) = {n} steelworks, steel mill
aciero = {n} steel {Hence:} acieria; acierar-acierage, aciration
aco = {n} needle {Hence:} acicula &; acupunctura etc.
aco- = {n} [occurring in compounds] aco-, -ac- (= remedy) {Hence:} acologia etc.; vanac- etc.
aco-logia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] acology {Hence:} acologic
acologic = {adj} [Med.] acologic
acordonar = {v} to lace (= to fasten or tighten with a lace)
acquest- = {see} `acquirer'
acquesto = {n} acquisition (= thing acquired)
acquiescente = 1 {ppr} of `acquiescer'; 2. {adj} acquiescent
acquiescentia = {n} acquiescence
acquiescer = {v} to acquiesce {Hence:} acquiescente-acquiescentia
acquirer [-quir-/-quest-/-quisit-] = {v} to acquire {Hence:} acquiribile; acquesto; acquisition; acquisitor; acquiritor
acquiribile = {adj} acquirable
acquiritor = {n} acquirer
acquisit- = {see} `acquirer'
acquisition = {n} acquisition (1. act of acquiring; 2. thing acquired)
acquisitor = {n} acquirer
acr- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] acro- (= terminal, topmost) {Hence:} acropole etc.; acrostichio etc. ...
acre (1) [A] = {n} acre
acre (2) = {adj} acrid {Hence:} acritate; acrimonia &
acrimonia = {n} acrimony {Hence:} acrimoniose
acrimoniose = {adj} acrimonious
acritate = {n} acridness
acrobata (-óbata) = {n} acrobat {Hence:} acrobatia; acrobatismo; acrobatic
acrobatia (-ía) = {n} acrobatics
acrobatic = {adj} acrobatic
acrobatismo = {n} acrobatism
acro-pole = {n} acropolis
acro-stichio = {n} [Pros.] acrostic
act- = {see} `ager'
action = {n} I. action (1. act, acting; 2. lawsuit); II. [Fin.] share; `homine de action' man of action; `action civil' civil action
actionabile = {adj} actionable
actionar = {v} 1. to actuate (= to set in action or motion); 2. [Law] to sue
actionero = {n} shareholder, stockholder
actionista = {n} shareholder, stockholder
activar = {v} to activate; {also:} to stir up, rouse
activation = {n} activation
active = {adj} active; `le voce active' the active voice
activitate = {n} activity
activo = {n} [Com.] assets
acto = {n} I. act (1. action, deed; 2. "act of a play"); II. [Law] instrument, deed, record, etc.
actor = {n} actor
actrice = {n} actress
actual = {adj} 1. actual, real; 2. current, present
actualizar = {v} to actualize
actualization = {n} actualization
actualitate = {n} 1. actuality (= actual existence); 2. character of what is current or present, thing or event that is current or present; `actualitates' current events, news (as in "news report, newsreel, news film, etc.")
actualmente = {adv} 1. at present, (just) now; 2. actually
actuar = {v} to actuate (= to put into action)
actuarial = {adj} actuarial
actuariato = {n} actuary's office (or profession)
actuario = {n} actuary
actuation = {n} actuation
aculeate = {adj} [Zool., Bot.] aculeate
aculei-forme = {adj} aculeiform
aculeo = {n} 1. [Zool.] sting; 2. [Bot.] thorn {Hence:} aculeate; aculeiforme etc.
acuminar = {v} to sharpen, acuminate
acuminate = 1 {pp} of `acuminar'; 2. {adj} pointed, acuminate
acumine = {n} 1. [Bot.] a tapering point; 2. acumen {Hence:} acuminar-acuminate
acu-punctura = {n} acupuncture {Hence:} acupuncturar
acupuncturar = {v} to acupuncture
acustic = {adj} acoustic; `tubo acustic' speaking tube; `corno acustic' ear trumpet {Hence:} acustica
acustica = {n} acoustics
acut-angule = {adj} [Geom.] acute-angled, acutangular
acute = {adj} acute (1. sharp-pointed; 2. shrewd, penetrating, keen; 3. acting keenly on the senses); `angulo acute' [Geom.] acute angle; `morbo acute' acute disease; `nota acute' high-pitched sound; `voce acute' shrill voice; `dolor acute' acute or sharp pain; `accento acute' [Gram.] acute accent, ´ {Hence:} acutessa; acutiar-acutiamento, acutiator; acutangule etc.
acutessa = {n} sharpness, acuteness
acutiamento = {n} sharpening
acutiar = {v} to sharpen (= to make sharp)
acutiator = {n} sharpener (= one who sharpens)
[ad] = {prep} 1. to; 2. at (= `a')
ad- = {prefixo verbal} [subject to assimilation before single consonant; used with verbs and, in combination with verbal suffixes, with nouns and adjectives] ad- (= to, toward, into [expressing motion to, change into, increase of intensity, etc.]) {Hence:} accurrer etc.; approximar, etc.; adjudicar, etc.
-ada = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns and verbs] -ade I. [used with nouns] (1. product made from ...; 2. series of ...); II. [used with verbs] (= action of ...ing) {Hence:} limonada etc.; columnada etc.; cavalcada etc.
adagio = {n} adage
adagio [I] = {n} [Mus.] adagio
adagio [I] = {adv} [Mus.] adagio
Adam = {npr} Adam; `pomo de Adam' Adam's apple {Hence:} adamitas; adamic
adamic = {adj} Adamic
adamitas = {npl} [Eccl. Hist.] Adamites
adaptabile = {adj} adaptable
adaptabilitate = {n} adaptability
adaptar = {v} to adapt; `adaptar a' to adapt to {Hence:} adaptabile-adaptabilitate, inadaptabile; adaptation
adaptation = {n} adaptation; `facultate de adaptation' adaptability, ability to adapt oneself
addendum (pl addenda) [NL] = {n} addendum
adder = {v} to add ("to add one thing to another") {Hence:} addition-additional, additionar; additive
addition = {n} addition (1. action of adding; 2. thing added)
additional = {adj} additional
additionar = {v} [Math.] to add up
additive = {adj} additive
addormir = {v} to put to sleep; `addormir se' to fall asleep
addormite = 1 {pp} of `addormir'; 2. {adj} asleep
adducer [-duc-/-duct-] = {v} to adduce {Hence:} adduction; adductor
adduct- = {see} `adducer'
adduction = {n} adduction (1. act of adducing; 2. [Physiol.])
adductor = {n} 1. adducer; 2. [Physiol.] adductor
adelpho- = {n} [occurring in compounds] adelpho-, adelph- (1. brother; 2. twin) {Hence:} monadelphe etc.; Philadelphia etc.
aden [Gr.] = {n} [Physiol.] gland {Hence:} adenitis; adenoma; adenoide; adenose; adenographia etc.
adenitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] adenitis
adeno-graphia (-ía) = {n} adenography
adenoide = {adj} adenoid, adenoidal
adenoides = {npl} adenoids
adenoma = {n} [Pathol.] adenoma
adenose = {adj} glandulous, adenose
adeo (-éo) = {interj} farewell, good-by(e)
adepto = {n} adept
adequar = {v} to equalize {Hence:} adequation; adequate-inadequate
adequate = 1 {pp} of `adequar'; 2. {adj} adequate
adequation = {n} adequation
adherente = {n} adherent, follower
adherentia = {n} adherence, attachment
adherer [-her-/-hes-] = {v} to adhere (1. to stick fast; 2. as in "to adhere to an opinion, party, etc.") {Hence:} adherente-adherentia; adhesion; adhesive
adhes- = {see} `adherer'
adhesion = {n} adhesion (1. sticking; 2. assent)
adhesive = {adj} adhesive, sticking
ad hoc [L] = ad hoc (= for the sake of this particular case, well-suited for this matter)
ad hominem [L] = ad hominem; `argumento ad hominem' argumentum ad hominem
[adhuc] = {adv} to this place, thus far, hitherto, as yet, until now, so far, yet, still
adieu [F] = {n} farewell, adieu
adipe (ádipe) = {n} animal fat, body fat; {also:} adeps {Hence:} adiposis; adipose-adipositate; adipocera etc.
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