Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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an- = {prefixo} [`a-' in positions other than before `-h-' and vowels; used with nouns and adjectives] a-, an-, (= not ...; without or lacking ...) {Hence:} agnostic etc.; amnesia etc.; analphabete etc.; anarchia etc.; anesthesia etc.; anesthetic etc.; anhydre etc.; athee etc.

ana- = {prefixo} ana- (1. up, upwards; 2. backwards; 3. again) {Hence:} anachrone etc.; anabaptizar etc.

anabaptizar = {v} to anabaptize, rabaptize

anabaptismo = {n} Anabaptism

anabaptista = {n} Anabaptist

anacardiaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Anacardiaceae

anacardiacee = {n} [Bot.] anacardiaceous

anacardio = {n} [Bot.] anacardium {Hence:} anacardiacee-anacardiaceas

anachrone = {adj} anachronous, anachronic {Hence:} anachronic; anachronizar-anachronismo

anachronic = {adj} anachronous, anachronic, anachronistic

anachronizar = {v} to anachronize, commit anachronisms

anachronismo = {n} anachronism

Anacreonte = {npr} [Gr. Lit.] Anacreon {Hence:} anacreontic

anacreontic = {adj} Anacreontic

anaerobie = {adj} [Biol.] anaerobic

anaerobio = {n} [Biol.] anaerobe

anagramma = {n} anagram

anal = {adj} [Anat.] anal

analectos = {npl} analects, analecta

analgesia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] analgesia (= insensitivity to pain)

analgesic = {adj} [Med.] analgesic

analgia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] analgia, analgesia (= insensitivity to pain)

analgic = {adj} [Med.] analgic, analgesic

analoge (-áloge) = {adj} analogous (= corresponding in some ways); `analoge a' analogous to {Hence:} analogia-analogic

analogia (-ía) = {n} analogy

analogic = {adj} analogic, analogical (= founded on analogy)

analphabete = {adj} illiterate

analphabetic = {adj} 1. illiterate; 2. [Phonet.] analphabetic; 3. unwritten, without an alphabet

analphabetismo = {n} 1. illiteracy; 2. [Phonet.] analphabetism, analphabetic notation

analphabeto = {n} illiterate

analysabile = {adj} analyzable

analysar = {v} to analyze

analysator = {n} analyzer, analyst

analyse (-ályse) = {n} analysis; `analyse qualitative' qualitative analysis; `analyse < ana- + lyse. quantitative' quantitative analysis; `analyse infinitesimal' infinitesimal calculus; `in le ultime analyse' in the last analysis, all things considered {Hence:} analysar-analysabile, analysator, analysta; psychoanalyse etc.

analysta = {n} analyst, analyzer

analytic = {adj} analytic, analytical; `geometria analytic' analytic geometry {Hence:} psychoanalytic etc.

ananas (-ás) = {n} [Bot.] pineapple

anarch- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] anarch-, anarcho- (= anarchic, anarchical) {Hence:} anarchia-anarchismo, anarchista, anarchic; anarchosyndicalismo etc.; anarchosyndicalista etc.

anarchia (-ía) = {n} anarchy

anarchic = {adj} anarchic, anarchical

anarchismo = {n} anarchism

anarchista = {n} anarchist

anarcho-syndicalismo = {n} anarchosyndicalism

anarcho-syndicalista = {n} anarchosyndicalist; {also:} attrib.

anate (á-) = {n} [Zool.] duck

anathema [-ma/-mat-] (-átema) = {n} [Eccl.] anathema {Hence:} anathematizar

anathemat- = {see} `anathema'

anathematizar = {v} [Eccl.] to anathematize

Anatolia = {npr} Anatolia

anatom- = {n} [occurring in derivatives] anatom- (= anatomy) {Hence:} anatomia-anatomista; anatomic

anatomia (-ía) = {n} anatomy

anatomic = {adj} anatomic, anatomical

anatomista = {n} anatomist

ancestral = {adj} ancestral

ancestre = {n} ancestor {Hence:} ancestral

ancian = {adj} ancient, old; `(le) ancianos' (the) ancients {Hence:} ancianitate

ancianitate = {n} 1. oldness, antiquity; 2. seniority (= length of service)

ancora (án-) = {n} anchor {Hence:} ancorar-ancorage; disancorar

*ancora = 1. {adv} still, yet; 2. {interj} encore!

ancorage (-aje) = {n} anchorage (1. action of anchoring; 2. place to anchor; 3. anchorage dues)

ancorar = {v} to anchor

andaluse = {adj} Andalusian {Hence:} andaluso-Andalusia

Andalusia = {npr} Andalusia

andaluso = {n} Andalusian

andante [I] = {adj/adv/n} [Mus.] andante

andantino [I] = {adj/n} [Mus.] andantino

Andes = {nprpl} Andes; `Cordillera del Andes' Cordillera of the Andes

andr- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] andr-, andro- (= man, male, husband) {Hence:} androide; androphobia etc.; androgyne etc.; gynandre etc.; polyandre etc.; monandre etc.

Andreas (-éas) = {nprm} Andrew

andro-gyne = {adj} androgynous (1. hermaphroditic; 2. [Bot.]) {Hence:} androgynia; androgyno

androgynia (-ía) = {n} androgyny

androgyno (-ró-) = {n} androgyne (1. hermaphrodite; 2. [Bot.])

androide = {n} android

andro-phobia (-ía) = {n} androphobia

anecdota (-éc-) = {n} anecdote {Hence:} anecdotista; anecdotic

anecdotic = {adj} anecdotal

anecdotista = {n} anecdotist

anellar = {v} to (cause to) curl in ringlets, locks, etc.

anellides (-él-) = {npl} [Zool.] Annelides

anello = {n} ring (= circle of metal or other material); {also:} link (of a chain); `anello nuptial' wedding ring; `anello del piscator' fisherman's ring {Hence:} anellides; anellar

anemia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] anemia, anaemia {Hence:} anemic

anemic = {adj} anemic, anaemic

anemo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] anemo- (= wind) {Hence:} anemone; anemometro etc.

anemographia (-ía) = {n} [Meterol.] anemography

anemo-grapho (-ó-) = {n} anemograph

anemo-metro (-ó-) = {n} anemometer

anemone (-óne) = {n} anemone; `anemone de mar' sea anemone

anemo-scopio = {n} anemoscope

anesthesia (-ía) = {n} anesthesia

anesthesiar = {v} to anesthetize

anesthetic = {adj} anesthetic

anesthetico = {n} anesthetic

anetho = {n} dill

-ange- = {see} `angio-'

Angela (á-) = {nprf} Angela

angelic = {adj} angelic; `le salutation angelic' the Angelic Salutation, the Ave Maria

Angelica = {nprf} Angelica

angelica = {n} [Bot.] angelica

angelo (á-) = {n} angel; `angelo tutelar' guardian angel {Hence:} angelic-angelica, Angelica; archangelo etc.; Angela

angelus (á-) = {n} [R.C.Ch.] Angelus; {also:} Angelus bell

angina = {n} [Pathol.] quinsy, angina; `angina de pectore' angina pectoris {Hence:} anginose

anginose = {adj} quinsied

angio- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] angio- (= vessel) {Hence:} angiographia etc.; angiosperme etc.; sporangio etc.; hydrangea etc.

angio-graphia (-ía) = {n} angiography

angio-logia (-ía) = {n} anglology

angiosperma = {n} [Bot.] angiosperm; `angiospermas' Angiospermae

angio-sperme = {adj} [Bot.] angiospermous {Hence:} angiosperma

Anglaterra = {npr} England

anglese (1) = {adj} English

anglese (2) = {n} 1. English (= English language); 2. Englishman, Englishwoman

Anglia = {npr} [Hist.] Anglia

anglic = {adj} Anglic, Anglian

anglican = {adj} [Eccl.] Anglican; `ecclesia anglican' Church of England

anglicanismo = {n} [Eccl.] Anglicanism

anglicano = {n} [Eccl.] Anglican

anglicizar = {v} to Anglicize

anglicismo = {n} Anglicism (1. English idiom; 2. quality of being English)

anglo-american = {adj} Anglo-American {Hence:} angloamericano

angloamericano = {n} Anglo-American

anglo-catholic = {adj} [Eccl.] Anglo-Catholic, High-Church {Hence:} anglocatholico

anglocatholico = {n} [Eccl.] Anglo-Catholic, High-churchman

anglo-mania (-ía) = {n} Anglomania

anglo-mano (-ó-) = {n} Anglomaniac

anglo-phile = {adj} Anglophile {Hence:} anglophilo

anglophilo (-ó-) = {n} Anglophile

anglo-phobe (-ó-) = {adj} Anglophobe, Anglophobic {Hence:} anglophobia; anglophobo

anglophobia (-ía) = {n} Anglophobia

anglophobo (-óphoho) = {n} Anglophobe

anglos = {npl} [Hist.] Angles {Hence:} Anglia; anglese; anglic-anglicismo, anglican-anglicanismo, anglicano, anglicizar; angloamerican etc; anglocatholic etc.; anglosaxone etc.; anglophile etc.; Anglaterra etc.

anglo-saxone = {adj/n} Anglo-Saxon

angue = {n} snake, serpent {Hence:} anguilla &; anguin; anguiforme etc.

angui-forme = {adj} anguiform

anguilla = {n} eel {Hence:} anguilliforme etc.

anguilli-forme = {adj} anguilliform, eel-shaped

anguin = {adj} anguine

angular = {adj} angular

angularitate = {n} angularity, angularness

angulate = {adj} angulate, angled

angulo (án-) = {n} angle, corner; `angulo acute, angulo obtuse' acute angle, obtuse angle {Hence:} angular-angularitate; angulate; angulose; trilangule etc.; rectangule etc.

angulose = {adj} angulous, angular

angustia = {n} anguish (1. [Pathol.]; 2. agony, distress) {Hence:} angustiose; angustiar

angustiar = {v} to anguish

angustiose = {adj} anguished

anhelante = 1 {ppr} of `anhelar'; 2. {adj} panting, gasping

anhelar = {v} to pant, gasp {Hence:} anhelante; anhelation

anhelation = {n} panting, gasping

anhydre (á-) = {adj} anhydrous

anhydrido = {n} [Chcm.] anhydride; `anhydrido carbonic' carbon dioxide

anhydrite = {n} [Mineral.] anhydrite

anil = {n} anil (1. Indigo shrub; 2. indigo dye) {Hence:} anilic; anilina

anilic = {adj} anilic (1. pertaining to anil; 2. pertaining to aniline)

anilina = {n} [Chem.] aniline; {attrib.:} aniline

anima (á-) = {n} soul; `render le anima' give up the ghost; `stato de anima' state of mind, frame of mind {Hence:} animismo; animista; animar-animation, animator, animate-inanimate, disanimar-disanimate, reanimar; pusillanime etc.; equanime etc.; unanime etc.; see also animo

animadvers- = {see} `animadverter'

animadversion = {n} animadversion (= adverse criticism)

anim-adverter [-vert-/-vers-] = {v} to animadvert (= to express adverse criticism) {Hence:} animadversion

animal = {adj} animal (= pertaining to animals) {Hence:} animalitate; animalizar-animalization; vegetoanimal etc.; animal (2)-animalculo, animalesc

animal = {n} animal

animalculo = {n} animalcule

animalesc = {adj} animal (= characteristic of an animal)

animalizar = {v} to animalize (1. to convert into animal matter; 2. to reduce to animal nature)

animalization = {n} animalization (1. conversion into animal matter; 2. reduction to animal nature)

animalitate = {n} animality

animar = {v} to animate

animate' I. pp of `animar'; II. {adj} 1. animate, living; 2. animated, lively

animation = {n} animation (1. the action of animating; 2. vivacity, sprightliness)

animator = {n} animater, animator

animismo = {n} animism

animista = {n} animist

animo (á-) = {n} animating spirit {Hence:} animositate; animadverter etc.; pusillanime etc.; equanime etc.; unanime etc; see also anima

animositate = {n} animosity

anion (á-) = {n} [Phys.] anion

anis [F] = {n} anise {Hence:} anisar

anisar = {v} to flavor with anise

Anna = {nprf} Ann {Hence:} Marianna etc.

annal = {adj} annual (= lasting one year)

annales (-áles) = {npl} annals

annecter [-nect-/-nex-] = {v} to annex (= to join as an addition to existing possessions) {Hence:} annexion; annexo-annexar

annex- = {see} `annecter'

annexar = {v} to annex (1. to add, append; 2. to join as an addition to existing possessions)

annexion = {n} annexation

annexo = {n} annex

annidar = {v} to nest

annihilabile = {adj} 1. annihilable; 2. voidable

annihilar = {v} 1. to annihilate; 2. to annul {Hence:} annihilabile; annihilation

annihilation = {n} 1. annihilation; 2. annulment, voiding

anni-versari = {adj} anniversary {Hence:} anniversario

anniversario = {n} anniversary

anno = {n} year; `anno bissextil' leap year; `anno nove' New Year; `anno de lumine' [Astron.] light-year {Hence:} annuario; annue-amnuitate; annal-annales; annual; anniversari etc.; trienne etc.; perenne etc.; millenio etc.; biennal etc.

annoctar = {v} to grow dark (as in "it is growing dark, evening is coming")

anno Domini [L] = anno Domini, in the year of Our Lord

[an-non] (án-) = {conj} or not

annotar = {v} to annotate {Hence:} annotation; annotator

annotation = {n} annotation

annotator = {n} annotator

annual = {adj} annual (= coming once a year)

annuario = {n} yearbook

annue = {adj} annual (1. coming once a year; 2. lasting one year)

annuitate = {n} annuity

annullabile = {adj} voidable

annullar = {v} to annul, cancel {Hence:} annullabile; annullation; annullative

annullation = {n} annulment, cancellation

annullative = {adj} annulling, quashing

annunciar = {v} to announce {Hence:} annuncio; annunciation; annunciator

annunciation = {n} announcement; le Annunciation the Annunciation

annunciator = {n} announcer

annuncio = {n} 1. announcement; 2. advertisement

ano = {n} [Anat.] anus {Hence:} anal; anello &; anulo &

-ano = {suffixo substantive} [used with names of places and persons] -an (1. native, citizen, or inhabitant of ...; 2. language of ...; 3. adherent of ...) {Hence:} africano etc.; italiano etc.; mohammedano etc.

anodic = {adj} anodic; {also:} [Med., Bot.]

anodo (á-) = {n} [Elec.] anode {Hence:} anodic

anomale = {adj} anomalous

anomalia (-ía) = {n} anomaly

anonyme (-ó-) = {adj} anonymous; `societate anonyme' joint-stock company, limited company {Hence:} anonymitate

anonymitate = {n} anonymity, anonymousness

anormal = {adj} abnormal

anormalitate = {n} abnormality

[anque] (anke) = {adv} also, too; `anque (io)' (I) too, (me) too; `non solmente ... ma anque' not only ... but also

ansa = {n} handle (of a cup, jug, basket, etc.); {also:} [Anat.] ansa {Hence:} ansate

ansate = {adj} ansate, looped; `cruce ansate' crux ansata, ansate cross

ansere (án-) = {n} goose {Hence:} anserin

anserin = {adj} goose (as in "goose liver"); `cute anserin' goose flesh, goose skin

antagonizar = {v} to antagonize (= to contend with; to act in opposition to) {Hence:} antagonismo; antagonista; antagonistic

antagonismo = {n} antagonism

antagonista = {n} antagonist (1. opponent; 2. [Physiol.]); {attrib.:} antagonistic

antagonistic = {adj} antagonistic

antarctic = {adj} antarctic; `polo antarctic' antarctic pole, south pole; `circulo antarctic' antarctic circle; `Oceano Antarctic' Antarctic (Ocean)

ante' I. {prep} before (1. in front of; 2. earlier than; 3. above); II. {adv} before (1. in front, ahead; {also:} forward; 2. earlier); `ante que (io iva al theatro)' before (I went to the theater) {Hence:} ante-heri etc.; [antea] etc.

-ante = {suffixo adjective} [used with verbs in `-ar'; forming verbal adjectives] -ing, -ant (as in "abounding," "abundant") {Hence:} -antia; abundante etc.; brillante etc.

-ante = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-ar'] -ant (1. one who or that which is ...ant; 2. one who or that which ...s) {Hence:} amante etc.; brillante etc.; disinfectante etc.; litigante etc.

ante- = {prefixo} [used with nouns, adjectives; also in combination with adjectival suffixes] ante- (= before in time or position) {Hence:} antecamera etc.; antepenultime etc; antediluvial etc.

[ant-ea] = {adv} before, formerly, previously

antebracio = {n} forearm

antecamera (-cá-) = {n} anteroom; {also:} waiting room (at a doctor's office, etc.); `facer antecamera' to wait in the antichamber

antecedente = {n} antecedent (1. [Logic, Math.]; 2. [Gram.]); `le antecedentes de un persona' someone's antecedents

anteceder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} to antecede, be the antecedent {Hence:} antecedente; antecessor

antecess- = {see} `anteceder'

antecessor = {n} predecessor

antedata = {n} antedate

antedatar = {v} to antedate (= to affix an earlier date than the actual one)

antediluvian = {adj} antediluvian

antefixa = {n} [Arch.] antefix

ante-heri = {adv} day before yesterday

antemeridian = {adj} antemeridian

antemural = {n} [Fortif.] barbican

antenna = {n} I. [Naut.] lateen yard; II. antenna (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Radio] aerial)

antepenultima (-úl-) = {n} antepenult

antepenultime (-úl-) = {adj} last but two, antepenultimate

anteponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to prepose, place before or in front {Hence:} antoposition

anteposit- = {see} `anteponer'

anteposition = {n} (act of) preposing, (act of) placing before or in front

anterior = {adj} anterior; `(periodo) anterior' former (period); `(data) anterior' earlier (date); `(gamba) anterior' fore(leg); `(muro) anterior' front (wall) {Hence:} anterioritate

anterioritate = {n} anteriority

anteriormente = {adv} formerly, before

anthelminthic = {adj} anthelminthic, vermifuge

anthelminthico = {n} anthelminthic, vermifuge

anthemo- (á-) = {n} [occurring in compounds] -anthemum (= flower) {Hence:} chrysanthemo etc.

antho- = {n} [occurring in compounds] antho-, anth- (= flower) {Hence:} perianthio; anthologia etc.; anthocyanina etc.; diantho etc.; heliantho etc.; sclerantho etc.; argyranthe etc.

antho-cyanina = {n} [Chem.] anthocyanin

antho-graphia (-ía) = {n} [Bot.] anthography

antho-logia (-ía) = {n} anthology {Hence:} anthologista

anthologista = {n} anthologist

anthra- = {see} `anthrace'

anthrace (á-) = {n} [Med., Veter.] anthrax {Hence:} anthracen; anthracite &; anthracic; anthracifere; anthraciforme etc.; anthracometro etc.; anthraquinon etc.

anthracen = {n} [Chem.] anthracene

anthracic = {adj} anthracic

anthracifere = {adj} anthraciferous

anthraci-forme = {adj} anthraciform

anthracite = {n} anthracite (coal), hard coal {Hence:} anthracitic; anthracitose

anthracitic = {adj} anthracitic

anthracitose = {adj} anthracitous

anthraco-metro (-ó-) = {n} anthracometer

anthra-quinon = {n} [Chem.] anthraquinone

anthropo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] anthropo- (= man) {Hence:} anthropoide; anthropogenese etc.: anthropologo etc.; anthropometria etc.; anthropomorphe etc.; anthropophage etc.; lycanthrope etc.; eoanthropo etc.; misanthrope etc.

anthropo-genese (-gé-) = {n} anthropogenesis

anthropo-genesis (-gé-) = {n} anthropogenesis

anthropoide (1) = {adj} anthropoid

anthropoide (2) = {n} anthropoid

anthropologia (-ía) = {n} anthropology

anthropologic = {adj} anthropological

anthropologista = {n} anthropologist

anthropo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} anthropologist {Hence:} anthropologia-anthropologista; anthropologic

anthropo-metria (-ía) = {n} anthropometry {Hence:} anthropometric

anthropometric = {adj} anthropometric

anthropo-morphe = {adj} anthropomorphous {Hence:} anthropomorphismo; anthropomorphista

anthropomorphismo = {n} anthropomorphism

anthropomorphista = {n} anthropomorphist

anthropo-phage (-óphage) = {adj} man-eating, cannibal, anthropophagous {Hence:} anthropophagia; anthropophago

anthropophagia (-ía) = {n} anthropophagy, cannibalism

anthropophago (-óphago) = {n} man-eater, cannibal; `anthropophagos' anthropophagi

anthropo-sophe (-ósophe) = {adj} anthroposophical {Hence:} anthroposophia-anthroposophic; anthroposopho

anthroposophia (-ía) = {n} anthroposophy

anthroposophic = {adj} anthroposophical

anthroposopho (-ósopho) = {n} anthroposophist

anti-' prefixo [used with nouns and adjectives; {also:} in combination with substantival and adjectival suffixes] anti- {Hence:} antichristo etc.; antinational etc.; antialkoholista etc.

-antia = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-ar'] -ance, -ancy (= state or quality of or being ...ant) {Hence:} importantia etc.; tolerantia etc.; vigilantia etc.

antiaeree = {adj} [Mil.] antiaircraft

antiasthmatic = {adj} antasthmatic

anticatholic = {adj} anti-Catholic

antichristian (1) = {adj} antichristian

antichristian (2) = {adj} anti-Christian

Antichristo = {npr} Antichrist; `antichristo' antichrist

anticipar = {v} to anticipate (= to do or use in advance); `anticipar un pagamento' to advance a payment {Hence:} anticipation

anticipation = {n} 1. anticipation (= act of doing or using in advance); 2. [Rhet.] prolepsis

anticlerical = {adj} anticlerical

anticlericalismo = {n} anticlericalism

anticonception = {n} contraception

anticonceptional = {adj} contraceptive; `medio anticonceptional' contraceptive

anticonstitutional = {adj} unconstitutional

anticyclon = {n} [Meteorol.] anticyclone

antidotar = {v} to antidote

antidoto (-í-) = {n} antidote; `antidoto de' antidote to, for, against {Hence:} antidotar

*antie {adv/adversative conj} rather

antifascista = {n} antifascist; {also:} {attrib.} antifascist

Antilibano (-lí-) = {npr} Anti-Lebanon (= mountain range parallel to the Lebanon Mountains)

antilope (-í-) = {n} antelope

antimonial = {adj} antimonial

antimonio = {n} antimony {Hence:} antimonial

antinational = {adj} antinational

antinephritic = {adj} antinephritic

antinomia (-ía) = {n} antinomy

antinomic = {adj} antinomic

antinomio = {n} [Eccl. Hist.] antinomian

antinomismo = {n} [Eccl. Hist.] antinomianism

Antiochia (-ía) = {npr} Antioch

antipapa = {n} antipope

antiparlamentari = {adj} antiparliamentary

antipath- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives] antipath- (= antipathetic) {Hence:} antipathia-antipathic

antipathia (-ía) = {n} antipathy

antipathic = {adj} antipathetic

antiperistase (-ístase) = {n} antiperistasis (= intensification of a quality by an opposing quality)

antiphona (-tí-) = {n} [Eccl.] antiphon, antiphony {Hence:} antiphonal; antiphonario

antiphonal = {adj} antiphonal

antiphonario = {n} antiphonary, antiphonal

antiphras- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} antiphrase; antiphrastic

antiphrase (-í-) = {n} antiphrasis

antiphrastic = {adj} antiphrastic

antipode (-í-) = {n} opposite, contrary, antipode; `antipodes' antipodes {Hence:} antipodic

antipodic = {adj} antipodal

antiqualia = {n} old stuff, trash

antiquar = {v} to antiquate

antiquario = {n} 1. antiquary; 2. antiquedealer

antiquate = {adj} antiquated, old-fashioned

antique = {adj} antique, ancient; `(le) antiquos' (the) ancients {Hence:} antiqualia; antiquario; antiquitate; antiquar-antiquate

antiquitate = {n} antiquity (1. ancient character; 2. early ages of history; 3. antique)

antireligiose = {adj} antireligious

antiscios = {npl} antiscians, antiscii

antiscorbutic = {adj} antiscorbutic

antisemita = {n} anti-Semite

antisemitic = {adj} anti-Semitic

antisemitismo = {n} anti-Semitism

antisepsis = {n} antisepsis

antiseptic = {adj} antiseptic, antiseptical

antiseptico = {n} antiseptic

antisocial = {adj} antisocial

antispasmodic = {adj} [Med.] antispasmodic

antithese (-ítese) = {n} antithesis (1. [Rhet.]; 2. opposition)

antitoxina = {n} antitoxin

antitrinitari = {adj} anti-Trinitarian

Antonio = {nprm} Anthony

antonyme (-ó-) = {adj} antonymous {Hence:} antonymia; antonymo

antonymia (-ía) = {n} antonymy

antonymo (-ó-) = {n} antonym

Antwerpen [Flem.] = {npr} Antwerp

anular = {adj} ring-shaped, annular; `digito anular' ring finger, annular; `eclipse anular' annular eclipse

anuletto = {n} small ring, annulet

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