albinismo = {n} albinism
albino = {n} albino
albricoc = {n} apricot {Hence:} albricochiero
albricoch- = {see} `albricoc'
albricochiero = {n} apricot tree
album (ál-) = {n} album
albumina (-úmina) = {n} [Biochem.] albumin
albumine = {n} albumen (1. white of an egg 2. [Bot.]) {Hence:} albuminoide; albuminose; albuminuria etc.; albumina
albuminoide = {adj} albuminoid, albuminoidal
albuminoide = {n} [Biochem.] albuminoid
albuminose = {adj} albuminous, albuminose
albumin-uria = {n} [Pathol.] albuminuria
al(c)-' [occurring in compounds] some-, any- (= †`ali(c)-') {Hence:} alco; alcun etc.; alcuno etc.; alquando etc.
alca = {n} [Ornith.] auk
alcal- = {see} `alcali'
alcalde [H] = {n} alcalde (= mayor of a Spanish town, etc.)
alcali (ál-) = [Chem.] alkali; `alcali volatile' ammonia {Hence:} alcalin-alcalinitate, alcalino; alcaloide; alcalizar-alcalization; alcalimetro etc.
alcali-metro (-í-) = {n} alkalimeter
alcalin = {adj} alkaline
alcalinitate = {n} alkalinity
alcalino = {n} alkaline
alcalizar = {v} to alkalize
alcalization = {n} alkalization
alcaloide = {n} alkaloid
alce = {n} [Zool.] elk
alchimia (-ía) = {n} alchemy Hencc: alchimista; alchimic
alchimic = {adj} alchemical
alchimista = {n} alchemist
[alco] = {pron} something, anything; adv somewhat (= alique)
alcohol [NL] = {n} alcohol {Hence:} alcoholismo; alcoholic-alcoholico; alcoholizar-alcoholization; chloral etc.
alcoholic = {adj} alcoholic
alcoholico = {n} alcoholic
alcoholizar = {v} to alcoholize
alcoholization = {n} alcoholization
alcoholismo = {n} alcoholism
alcova = {n} alcove (= recessed portion of a room)
*alcun = {adj} some, any; {also:} a few (= alicun)
*alcuno = {indef pron} someone, anyone (= alicuno)
ale [A] = {n} ale
alerta = {n} [Mil.] alert {Hence:} alerte
alerte = {adj} alert (= vigilant)
aletta = {n} 1. small wing, winglet; 2. (small) wingshaped appendage (= flange, rib, fin, etc.)
aleut = {n} Aleut {Hence:} aleutic; Aleutas
Aleutas = {nprpl} Aleutians
aleutic = {adj} Aleutian; `Insulas Aleutic' Aleutian Islands
Alexandra = {nprf} Alexandra
Alecandria = {npr} Alexandria
alexandrian = {adj} Alexandrian (= of Alexandria)
alexandrin = {adj} I. Alexandrian (1. of Alexandria; 2. of Alexander the Great); II. [Pros.] Alexandrine
alexandrino = {n} [Pros.] Alexandrine
Alexandro = {nprm} Alexander {Hence:} Alexandria-alexandrian, alexandrin-alexandrino; Alexandra
alga = {n} alga
algebra (ál-) = {n} algebra {Hence:} algebrista; algebric
algebric = {adj} algebraic, algebraical
algebrista = {n} algebrist
Alger = {npr} 1. Alger; 2. Algiers {Hence:} Algeria-algerian-algeriano
Algeria = {npr} Algeria
algerian = {adj} Algerian, Algerine
algeriano = {n} Algerian
algesia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] algesia (= sensitivity to pain) {Hence:} analgesia-analgesic
-algia (-ía) = [occurring in compounds] -algia (= pain)
algo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] algo-, alg- (= pain) {Hence:} algia-analgia-analgic, neuralgia etc.; nostalgia etc.; algometro etc.
algometria (-ía) = {n} [Psychol.] algometry (= measurement of sensitivity to pain)
algometric = {adj} [Psychol.] algometric
algo-metro (-ómetro) = {n} [Psychol.] algometer {Hence:} alometria; algometric
[alia] [L] = {npl} other things; `inter alia' inter alia, among other things
-alia = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns] (= worthless collection of ...s) {Hence:} ferralia etc.
alias (ál-) = {adv} 1. otherwise (= in another manner); 2. alias; 3. at another time
alibi (ál-) = {adv} elsewhere
alibi (ál-) = {n} alibi
alibile = {adj} nutritive, nourishing, alible {Hence:} alibilitate
alibilitate = {n} alibility
†ali(c)-' [occurring in compounds] any-, some- {Hence:} alique etc.; aliquando etc.; alicubi etc.; alicun etc.; [aliquid] etc.; [aliqua] etc.
alicubi (-ícubi) = {adv} 1. somewhere; 2. anywhere as in ("did you see him anywhere?")
†alicun = {adj} some, any; {also:} a few; `alicun cosa' something, anything {Hence:} †alicuno
†alicuno = {indef pron} someone, somebody; anyone, anybody
[alie] = {adj} other
alien = {adj} alien (= differing in nature) {Hence:} alienismo; alienista; alienar-alienabile-alienabilitate, inalienabile-inalienabilitate, alienation, alienator, alienate-alienatario
alienabile = {adj} alienable
alienabilitate = {n} alienability
alienar = {v} to alienate (1. to transfer ownership of; 2. to estrange)
alienatario = {n} alienee
alienate = 1 {pp} of `alienar'; 2. {adj} insane
alienation = {n} alienation (1. transfer of ownership to another; 2. estrangement; 3. insanity)
alienator = {n} alienator
alienismo = {n} [Med.] alienism
alienista = {n} alienist
alimentar = {v} to feed
alimentari = {adj} alimentary
alimentation = {n} nourishment, alimentation
alimentator = {n} feeder, alimenter
alimento = {n} food; `alimentos' allowance; specif.: alimony {Hence:} alimentari; alimentose; alimentar-alimentation, alimentator, subalimentar-subalimentation, superalimentar-superalimentation
alimentose = {adj} nutritious
alineamento = {n} alignment (= action of aligning)
alinear = {v} to align (= to range or place in a line) {Hence:} alineamento
[ali-qua] (ál-) = {adv} 1. somewhere; 2. somehow
alquando = {adv} at some time or other,;at any time; sometime; in future time
alquanto = {adv} somewhat, to some degree
[ali-quid] (ál-) = {pron} something
[aliquot] (ál-) = {adj/indef pron} some, several, a few
alizari = {n} madder root {Hence:} alizarina
alizarina = {n} alizarin, madder root
all- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] allo-, all- (= other) {Hence:} allotrope etc.
allactamento = {n} (act of) suckling, nursing
allactar = {v} to suckle, nurse {Hence:} allactamento
allargamento = {n} widening, broadening
allargar = {v} to widen (= to make broad(er))
allectar = {v} to lay up (through illness) {Hence:} allectate
allectate = 1 {pp} of `allectar'; 2. {adj} bedridden
allée [F] = {n} avenue, walk, alley
allegar = {v} to allege (= to bring forward as an argument or excuse) {Hence:} allegation
allegation = {n} [Law] allegation
allegoria (-ía) = {n} allegory {Hence:} allegorista; allegoric; allegorizar-allegorization, allegorizator
allegoric = {adj} allegoric, allegorical
allegorizar = {v} to allegorize
allegorization = {n} allegorization
allegorizator = {n} allegorizer
allegorista = {n} allegorist
allegrar = {v} to cheer up, brighten up (= to make gay or cheerful); `allegrar se' to rejoice
allegre = {adj} gay, sprightly; merry; cheerful {Hence:} allegressa; allegrar; allegro-allegretto
allegressa = {n} gayness, sprightliness; merriness; cheerfulness
allegretto = {n} [Mus.] allegretto
allegro = {n} [Mus.] allegro
alleluia (-ya) = alleluia, hallelujah
allergia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] allergy {Hence:} allergic
allergic = {adj} [Pathol.] allergic
allerta = {n} alert, alarm
allertar = {v} to give the alarm to, alarm
allerte = {adj} alert, watchful {Hence:} allerta-allertar
alleviar = {v} to lighten (= to make less heavy); {also:} to alleviate {Hence:} alleviation; alleviator
alleviation = {n} lightening (= making less heavy); {also:} alleviation
alleviator = {n} lightener; {also:} alleviator
alliantia = {n} alliance; `le arca del alliantia' the Ark of the Covenant
alliar = {v} to ally; `alliar se' to form an alliance {Hence:} alliantia; alliato
alliato = {n} ally
alligar = {v} 1. to bind, attach (to); 2. to alloy (as in "to alloy silver with copper") {Hence:} alligato
alligato = {n} alloy
alligator [A] = {n} alligator
allio = {n} garlic
alliterar = {v} to alliterate {Hence:} alliteration
alliteration = {n} alliteration
allitter- = {see} `alliter-'
allocut- = {see} `alloquer'
allocution = {n} allocution
allongamento = {n} (act of) lengthening
allongar = {v} to lengthen (= to make longer); `allongar (le bracio)' to stretch out (one's arm) {Hence:} allongamento
allo-pathe (-ó-) = {n} allopath
allo-pathia (-ía) = {n} allopathy
alloquer [-loqu-/-locut-] = {v} to pronounce an allocution {Hence:} allocution
allo-trope (-ótrope) = {adj} 1. [Chem.] allotropic; 2. [Zoo.] allotropous {Hence:} allotropia; allotropic; allotropo
allotropia (-ía) = {n} [Chem.] allotropy
allotropic = {adj} [Chem.] allotropic
allotropo (-ótropo) = {n} [Chem.] allotrope
all right [A]' all right
allu- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} alluvion; alluvial
alluder [-lud-/-lus-] = {v} to allude {Hence:} allusion; allusive
allus- = {see} `alluder'
allusion = {n} allusion; `facer allusion a' to allude to
allusive = {adj} allusive; alluding
alluv- = {see} `allu-'
alluvial = {adj} alluvial
alluvion = {n} 1. inundation; alluvion; 2. alluvium
alma mater [L] = alma mater
almanac = {n} almanac
almosna = {n} alms; `facer almosna' to give alms {Hence:} almosnero; almosneria; almosniera
almosneria (-ía] = {n} almonry
almosnero = {n} almoner; almsgiver
almosniera = {n} alms purse, alms bag
aloda(?) = {n} lark (= singing bird of the family Alaudidae)
*alora = {adv} then (1. at that time; 2. in that case, consequently)
Alpes = {nprpl} Alps {Hence:} alpestre; alpin-alpinismo, alpinista, cisalpin, transalpin-transalpino
alpestre = {adj} Alpine, Alpestrine
alpha = {n} alpha (= the first letter of the Greek alphabet); `alpha e omega' alpha and omega; `particula alpha' alpha particle; `radio alpha' alpha ray {Hence:} alphabeto etc.
alphabetic = {adj} alphabetical
alphabetizar = {v} to alphabetize
alphabetization = {n} alphabetization
alpha-beto = {n} alphabet {Hence:} alphabetic; alphabetizar-alphabetization; analphabete-analphabetismo, analphabeto-analphabetic
alpin = {adj} Alpine, alpine; {also:} [Ethnol.]
alpinismo = {n} Alpinism; mountaineering
alpinista = {n} Alpinist; Alpine climber
*alque = †alique (ál-) = {pron} something, anything; {adv} somewhat
[al-quando] = {adv} at some time or other; at any time; sometime; in future time (= aliquando)
*alquanto = {adv} somewhat, to some degree (= aliquanto)
Alsatia = {npr} Alsace {Hence:} alsatian-alsatiano
alsatian = {adj} Alsatian
alsatiano = {n} Alsatian
[alsi] (-í) = {adv} 1. also, too; 2. likewise, moreover, furthermore
Altai (-ái) = {npr} Altai (1. Altai mountains; 2. Altai region) {Hence:} altaic-uraloaltaic etc.
altaic (-áic) = {adj} Altaic
altar = {n} altar
alte = {adj} 1. high; 2. loud; `in alte voce' aloud (1. not in a whisper; 2. loudly) {Hence:} altessa; altitude; exaltar &; altiar &; altimetro etc.; altisone etc.; altisonante etc.; altoparlator etc.; alto-contralto
alterabile = {adj} alterable
alterar = {v} 1. to alter (= to make different); 2. to adulterate; `su voce se alterava (con emotion)' his voice broke (with emotion)
alteration = {n} 1. alteration; 2. adulteration (= action of adulterating)
altercar = {v} to quarrel, wrangle, altercate {Hence:} altercation
altercation = {n} altercation
altere = {adj} other (1. additional; 2. different); `un altere' another; `le un le altere, le unes le alteres' one another, each other; `altere vice' a second time, once again, once more {Hence:} alterne &; alterar-alterabile-inalterabile-inalterabilitate, alteration; altruismo; altruista; [alterubi] etc.; [unaltere] etc.; sesquialtere etc.
alternar = {v} to alternate (1. to do by turns; 2. to occur by turns)
alternate = {adj} alternate, alternating
alternation = {n} alternation
alternativa = {n} 1. alternation; 2. alternative (= choice between two possible things or lines of action)
alternative = {adj} 1. alternate, alternating; 2. alternative; `currente alternative' alternating current
alterne = {adj} [Math., Bot.] alternate; `angulos alterne' alternate angles {Hence:} alternar-alternation, alternative-alternativa, alternate; subalterne
[alter-ubi] (-érubi) = {adv} elsewhere
altessa = {n} Highness
altiamento = {n} (act of) raising or lifting
altiar = {v} to raise (1. to make higher; 2. to raise the position or level of); `altiar le voce' to raise one's voice {Hence:} altiamento; realtiar
alti-metro (-í-) = {n} altimeter
alti-sonante = {adj} altisonant, high-sounding
alti-sone = {adj} altisonant, high-sounding
altitude = {n} 1. altitude; 2. height; `al altitude del (situation, etc.)' equal to (the situation, etc.); `al altitude de (un capo, un insula, etc.)' off (a cape, an island, etc.)
alto = {n} I. top, upper part; II. [Mus.] alto (1. contralto voice; 2. tenor violin); `le altos e (le) bassos' the ups and downs; `in alto' 1. upward(s), up; {also:} upstairs; 2. (up) on top; {also:} upstairs; `de alto a basso' 1. from the top to the bottom; 2. from top to bottom, from top to toe
alto-parlator = {n} loud-speaker
altru- = {see} `altere'
altruismo = {n} altruism
altruista = {n} altruist
aluminium (-ínium) = {n} aluminum, aluminium
alveo = {n} trough, tub; {also:} bathtub {Hence:} alveolo-alveolari, alveolate
alveolari = {adj} 1. cell-like; honeycomb (as in "honeycomb pattern"); 2. [Anat.] alveolar
alveolate = {adj} honeycombed, pitted, alveolate
alveolo (-éolo) = {n} 1. cell (of a honeycomb); 2. socket (of a tooth)
am- = {see} `ammoniaco'
amabile = {adj} lovable, amiable
amabilitate = {n} amiability
amalgama (-m l-) = {n} amalgam {Hence:} amalgamar-amalgamation, amalgamator
amalgamar = {v} to amalgamate (1. [Metal.]; 2. to combine, consolidate)
amalgamation = {n} amalgamation (1. union, consolidation; 2. [Metal.])
amalgamator = {n} amalgamator
amandola (-ándola) = {n} almond {Hence:} amandoliero
amandoliero = {n} almond-tree
amante = {n} lover, paramour
amar (1) = {adj} bitter {Hence:} amaritude; amarizar
amar (2) = {v} to love; {also:} to like, be fond of, etc. {Hence:} amante; amabile-amabilitate; amator; amatori; amate
amarage (-aje) = {n} [Aeronaut.] action of alighting on water
amarar = {v} [Aeronaut.] to alight on water {Hence:} amarage
amarizar = {v} to make bitter; to embitter
amaritude = {n} bitterness
amassamento = {n} amassment
amassar = {v} to amass {Hence:} amassamento; amassator
amassator = {n} amasser
amate = 1 {pp} of `amar (2)'; 2. {adj} beloved
amateur [F] = {n} amateur
amator = {v} lover (= one who has a strong liking for something)
amatori = {adj} amatory
Amazon = {npr} Amazon (1. Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Geog.]); `amazon' amazon, horsewoman; {also:} virago {Hence:} amazonie
amazonie = {adj} Amazonian (1. pertaining to the Amazons; 2. pertaining to the Amazon river)
ambass- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} ambassada; ambassator
ambassada = {n} embassy
ambassator = {n} ambassador
ambe = {adj} both; ambes pron. both
ambidextere, ambidextre = {adj} ambidextrous
ambiente = {adj} ambient, surrounding ambiente {n} environment (= all of the surrounding conditions and influences)
ambigue = {adj} ambiguous {Hence:} ambiguitate; inambigue-inambiguitate
ambiguitate = {n} ambiguity (1. double or dubious meaning; 2. ambiguous expression)
ambir = {v} 1. to go round (something), surround; 2. to go round after, solicit {Hence:} ambiente; ambition &; ambito
ambition = {n} ambition {Hence:} ambitiose
ambitiose = {adj} ambitious
ambito (ám-) = {n} ambit, circuit, circuitous route
ambivert- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} ambivertito
ambivertito = {n} [Psychol.] ambivert
ambly- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] ambly- (= dull; dim; blunt; obtuse, etc.) {Hence:} amblyopia etc. ...
ambly-opia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] amblyopia {Hence:} amblyopic
amblyopic = {adj} amblyopic
ambra = {n} 1. amber; 2. ambergris; `ambra grise' ambergris {Hence:} ambrar
ambrar = {v} to perfume with ambergris
ambrosia = {n} ambrosia (1. food intended or fit for the gods; 2. [Bot.] wormseed)
ambrosial = {adj} ambrosial
ambrosian = {adj} Ambrosian; `canto ambrosian' Ambrosian chant; `rito ambrosian' Ambrosian rite
ambrosie = {adj} ambrosial {Hence:} ambrosia-ambrosial
Ambrosio = {nprm} Ambrose; `Sancte Ambrosio' Saint Ambrose {Hence:} ambrosian
ambulante = 1 {ppr} of `ambular'; 2. {adj} ambulant
ambulantia = {n} ambulance (1. field hospital; 2. "hospital ambulance")
ambular = {v} to walk (= to go on foot) {Hence:} ambulante-ambulantia; ambulatori; ambulatura; deambular-deambulation, deambulatori; preambular-preambulo; funambulo etc.; noctambule etc.
ambulatura = {n} gait, walk
ameba = {n} [Zool.] amoeba {Hence:} amebic; ameboide; amebiforme etc.
amebic = {adj} amoebic
amebi-forme = {adj} amoebiform
ameboide = {adj} amoeboid; `movimentos ameboide' [Zool., Physiol.] amoeboid movements
amen [L] = {interj} amen
-amento = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-ar'] -ament, -ement, -ment (= action or result of {Hence:} arrangiamento etc.; commandamento etc; discoragiamento etc.; governamento etc.; ornamento etc.
America = {npr} America; `America del nord' North America; `America del sud' South America; `America latin' Latin America {Hence:} american-americanismo, americanizar, angloamerican etc., panamerican etc., americano
american = {adj} American (1. belonging to North or South America; 2. belonging to the United States)
americanizar = {v} to Americanize
americanismo = {n} Americanism (1. American custom or characteristic; 2. word or phrase peculiar to American English)
americano = {n} American (1. an inhabitant of North or South America; 2. an inhabitant of the United States)
amethysto = {n} amethyst
amic (-íc) = {adj} friendly (= not enemy); `(nation) amic' friendly (nation) {Hence:} amicitate; amicar-amicabile-amicabilitate; inimic &; amico-amical-inamical; amica
amica (-íca) = {n} friend (fem.)
amicabile = {adj} amicable, friendly
amicabilitate = {n} friendliness, amicability
amical = {adj} friendly; `(reguardo) amical' friendly (look)
amicar = {v} to make friends of; `amicar se' to make friends (with)
amicitate = {n} friendship
amico (-íco) = {n} friend (masc.)
amido (á-) = {n} [Chem.] amide {Hence:} amidogeno etc.; acetamido etc.
amido-geno (-ógeno) = {n} [Chem.] amidogen
amino = {n} [Chem.] amine {Hence:} aminophenol etc.; amino-acido etc.; methylamino etc.; vitamina etc.
amino-acido (-ácido) = {n} [Chem.] amino acid
amino-phenol = {n} [Chem.] aminophenol
amita (ám-) = {n} aunt {Hence:} granamita
Ammon = {npr} Ammon (1. [Egypt. Relig.]; 2. [Gr., Rom. Relig.]); `corno de Ammon' horn of Ammon {Hence:} ammonite; ammoniac-ammoniaco &
ammon- = {see} `ammoniaco' or `ammonium'
ammon-al = {n} [Technol.] ammonal
ammoniac = {adj} ammoniac; `gumma ammoniac' gum ammoniac; `aqua ammoniac' ammonia (water)
ammoniacal = {adj} ammoniacal
ammoniaco = {n} 1. ammonia (= [Chem.] NH3); 2. ammoniac, gum ammoniac; `ammoniaco (liquide)' (liquid) ammonia, ammonia (water) {Hence:} ammoniacal; ammonium-ammonal etc.; ammonic; ammonifiar-ammonification; amido &; amino &
ammonic = {adj} ammonic, ammoniacal
ammonificar = {v} to ammonify
ammonification = {n} ammonification (1. impregnation with ammonia; 2. decomposition with production of ammonia)
ammonite = {n} [Paleontol.] ammonite
ammonium (-ónium) = {n} ammonium
amnesia (-ía) = {n} amnesia, loss of memory {Hence:} cryptomnesia etc.
amnestia (-ía) = {n} amnesty {Hence:} amnestic; amnestiar
amnestiar = {v} to amnesty, give or proclaim amnesty (to)
amnestic = {adj} amnesty, amnestic
amollimento = {n} softening, making soft
amollir = {v} to soften (= to make soft) {Hence:} amollimento
amonta = {n} amount
amontar = {v} to amount {Hence:} amonta
amor = {n} love (= passionate affection); `amor proprie' self-esteem; `amores' amours, love-affairs {Hence:} amoretto; amorose-amorositate; inamorar-inamorate
amoral = {adj} amoral, nonmoral {Hence:} amoralismo
amoralismo = {n} amoralism
amoretto = {n} love affair, flirtation
amorose = {adj} amorous (1. loving; 2. pertaining to love)
amorositate = {n} amorousness
amorphe = {adj} amorphous; {specif.:} [Chem.; Geol.; Biol.; etc.]
amorphia (-ía) = {n} amorphism
amorphismo = {n} amorphism
amortimento = {n} (act of) deadening, subduing
amortir = {v} to deaden (feelings, taste, etc.) {Hence:} amortimento
amortizar = {v} to amortize (= to extinguish a debt by means of a sinking fund) {Hence:} amortization
amortization = {n} amortization
amover = {v} to amove, remove (from office, etc.) {Hence:} amovibile-amovibilitate, inamovibile
amovibile = {adj} amovable, removable (= subject to removal)
amovibilitate = {n} amovability, removability
amperage (-aje) = {n} amperage
Ampère, André Marie = {npr} [1775-1836; physicist after whom the "ampere" is named]; `lege de Ampère' Ampère's law {Hence:} ampere-amperage, amperometro etc., ampere-hora etc., ampere-torno etc., voltampere etc.
ampere (ampér) = {n} ampere
ampere-hora (amper-hóra) = {n} ampere-hour
ampere-torno (amper-tórno) = {n} ampere turn
ampero-metro (-ómetro) = {n} amperometer, ammeter
amphi- = {prefixo} [used chiefly to form technical terms] amphi- (1. both; 2. around, about) {Hence:} amphibie etc.; amphitheatro etc.
amphibie = {adj} amphibious {Hence:} amphibio-amphibiologia etc.
amphibio = {n} amphibian (1. [Zool.]; 2. amphibian airplane)
amphibio-logia (-ía) = {n} amphibiology
amphitheatral = {adj} amphitheatric, amphitheatrical
anphitheatro = {n} amphitheater {Hence:} amphitheatral
amphora (ám-) = {n} amphora
ample = {adj} ample (1. spacious, extensive; 2. copious) {Hence:} amplitude; ampliar-ampliation; amplificar-amplification, amplificative, amplificator
ampliar = {v} to enlarge (= to make larger)
ampliation = {n} enlargement, enlarging
amplificar = {v} to amplify (1. as in "to amphfy a story, etc."; 2. [Elec.]; 3. to exaggerate)
amplification = {n} amplification
amplificative = {adj} amplifying, magnifying
amplificator = {n} amplifier; {also:} [Photog.] enlarger
amplitude = {n} amplitude
ampulla = {n} 1. [Pathol.] blister; 2. [Eccl.] ampulla; 3. phial, flask; {also:} ampoule; 4. (electric) bulb
amputar = {v} to amputate {Hence:} amputation
amputation = {n} amputation
amuleto = {n} amulet; {also:} charm
amusamento = {n} amusement
amusar = {v} to amuse, entertain; `amusar se' to amuse or divert oneself {Hence:} amusamento
[an]' 1. {interr part} -; `an il habe le libro?' has he the book?; 2. {conj} whether {Hence:} annon etc.
-an = {suffixo adjective} [used with names of places and persons] -an (1. pertaining to ...; 2. native to, citizen of, or inhabiting ...) {Hence:} -ano; african etc.; italian etc.; urban etc.; mohammedan etc.
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