Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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obsolete = {adj} obsolete

obstaculo = {n} obstacle

obstar = {v} to stand in the way of {Hence:} obstaculo; nonobstante

obstetric = {adj} obstetric, obstetrical {Hence:} obstetricia; obstetrico

obstetrice = {n} midwife {Hence:} obstetricia

obstetricia = {n} obstetrics, midwifery

obstetrico = {n} obstetrician

obstinar = {v} -; obstinar se to grow or be obstinate; obstinar se a to persist in, be obstinate about {Hence:} obstination; obstinate

obstinate = {adj} obstinate

obstination = {n} obstinacy

obstruct- see obstruer

obstruction = {n} obstruction (1. action of obstructing or blocking; 2. [Med.]; 3. [Parl.]); facer obstruction [Parl.] to filibuster, obstruct

obstructionismo = {n} obstructionism

obstructionista = {n} obstructionist

obstructive = {adj} obstructive

obstruer [-stru-/-struct-] = {v} to obstruct (= to block with obstacles or impediments) {Hence:} obstruction-obstructionismo, obstructionista; obstructive

obtemperar = {v} to obey, be obedient; obtemperar a un persona to obey someone

obtener [-ten-/-tent-] = {v} to obtain (= to get) {Hence:} obtenimento; obtenibile; obtention; obtentor

obtenibile = {adj} obtainable

obtenimento = {n} obtainment

obtent- see obtener

obtention = {n} obtention

obtentor = {n} obtainer

obtundente 1. ppr of obtunder; 2. {adj} blunt, obtundent

obtunder [-tund-/-tus-] = {v} to blunt, dull, obtund {Hence:} obtundente; obtuse-obtusitate, obtusangule etc.

obtus- see obtunder

obtus-angule = {adj} [Geom.] obtuse-angled, obtusangular

obtuse = {adj} obtuse (1. blunt, not sharppointed; 2. dull, slow of perception); angulo obtuse [Geom.] obtuse angle

obtusitate = {n} obtuseness, obtusity

obviar = {v} to obviate; obviar a to obviate, take precautions against

obvie = {adj} obvious {Hence:} obviar

oca = {n} goose

occasion = {n} 1. occasion (as in "on several occasions"); 2. opportunity; 3. ground, reason; (libro) de occasion secondhand (book); dar occasion a to give occasion for; profitar del occasion to profit by the occasion {Hence:} occasional, occasionar

occasional = {adj} occasional (as in "occasional cause")

occasionar = {v} to occasion

occidental = {adj} western, occidental occidental {n} [Interling.] occidental {Hence:} occidentalista

occidentalista = {n} [Interling. ] occidentalist

occidente = {n} west, occident {Hence:} occidental (1)-ocidental (2) &

occider [-cid-/-cis-] = {v} to kill {Hence:} occision; occisor

occipital = {adj} occipital

occipite (-cí-) = {n} occiput {Hence:} occipital

occis- see occider

occision = {n} (act of) killing

occisor = {n} killer

occluder [-clud-/-clus-] = {v} to occlude (1. to close or obstruct; 2. [Chem.]) {Hence:} occlusion

occlus- see occluder

occlusion = {n} occlusion

occultar = {v} to occult (= to hide from sight); {also:} [Astron.]

occultation = {n} occultation (1. concealment; 2. [Astron.])

occulte = {adj} occult {Hence:} occultismo; occultista; occultar-occultation

occultismo = {n} occultism

occultista = {n} occultist; attrib occult, occultist

occupante = {n} occupant (= one who occupies a place); prime occupante [Law] occupant (= one who holds a title to something by occupancy)

occupantia = {n} occupancy

occupar = {v} to occupy (1. to take possession of; 2. to fill the space or time of; 3. to keep busy or engaged); occupar se de to be interested in; to busy oneself with {Hence:} occupante-occupantia; occupation; occupator; occupate; disoccupar-disoccupation, disoccupate; preoccupar &; reoccupar-reoccupation

occupate 1. pp of occupar; 2. {adj} busy (= engaged in work)

occupation = {n} occupation (1. act of occupying; 2. that which engages one's time)

occupator = {n} occupier (1. one who takes possession of a place, a thing, etc.; 2. one who keeps busy or engaged)

occurrentia = {n} occurrence (= happening, event)

occurrer = {v} to occur (= to happen, take place) {Hence:} occurrentia

Oceania = {npr} Oceania

oceanian = {adj} Oceanian

oceaniano = {n} Oceanian

oceanic = {adj} oceanic (= of the ocean)

oceanide (-á-) = {n} [Gr. Mythol.] Oceanid

oceano (-cé-) = {n} ocean; Oceano [Gr. Mythol.] Oceanus {Hence:} Oceania-oceanian-oceaniano; oceanide; oceanographo etc.

oceanographia (-ía) = {n} oceanography

oceanographic = {adj} oceanographic

oceano-grapho (-nó-) = {n} oceanographer {Hence:} oceanographia-oceanographic

ochlo- = {n} [occurring in compounds] ochlo- (= mob) {Hence:} ochlocrate etc.; ochlocratia etc.; ochlocratic etc.

ochlo-crate (-ó-) = {n} ochlocrat

ochlo-cratia (-ía) = {n} ochlocracy, mob rule

ochlo-cratic = {adj} ochlocratic

oct- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] octa-, octo- (= eight) {Hence:} octano; octopode etc.; octametro etc.; octagon etc.

octa-gon = {adj} octagonal {Hence:} octagono-octagonal

octagonal = {adj} octagonal

octagono = {n} octagon

octa-hedre = {adj} [Math.] octahedral {Hence:} octahedro

octahedro = {n} [Math.] octahedron

octa-metro (-á-) = {n} octameter

octano = {n} [Chem.] octane

octanta = {adj} eighty

octante = {n} octant (1. [Geom.]; 2. instrument for measuring angles)

octantesime (-ésime) = {adj} eightieth; le octantesime parte, le octantesimo the eightieth part, the eightieth

octava = {n} octave (1. [Eccl.]; 2. [Pros.]; 3. [Mus.])

octavar = {v} 1. to divide into eighths; 2. to form octaves

octave = {adj} eighth; le octave parte, le octavo the eighth part, the eighth {Hence:} octavar; octavo; octava-octavino

octavino = {n} octave flute, piccolo

octavo = {n} octavo

octesime (-ésime) = {adj} eighth

octetto = {n} octette

octo = {adj} eight {Hence:} octante; octetto; octanta-octantesime; octave &; octesime; octogenari; octogesime; octuple etc.; octuplicar etc.; dece-octo etc.

octobre = {n} October

octogenari = {adj} octogenarian

octogesime (-ésime) = {adj} eightieth; le octogesime parte, le octogesimo the eightieth part, the eightieth

octo-pode (-ópode) = {n} octopus

octosyllabic = {adj} octosyllahic

octo-syllabo (-sí-) = {n} octosyllabic line {Hence:} octosyllabic

octu- see octo

octuplar = {v} to octuple (= to multiply by eight)

octu-ple (óc-) = {adj} octuple, eightfold {Hence:} octuplar

octu-plicar = {v} to octuple

ocular = {v} to eye, glance at; {also:} to ogle ocular {adj} ocular; nervo ocular optic nerve

oculetto = {n} eyelet (= small round hole for the passage of a lace, cord, etc.)

oculista = {n} oculist

oculistic = {adj} ophthalmologic, oculistic

oculistica = {n} ophthalmology

oculo (óc-) = {n} eye; oculo (de un agulia, martello, etc.) eye (of a needle, hammer, etc.); oculo (de un planta) eye or bud (of a plant); aperir le oculos a un persona to open someone's eyes; inter quatro oculos in private, between you and me, etc.; saltar al oculos to be obvious {Hence:} oculetto; oculista-oculistic, oculistica; ocular (1); ocular (2); adocular-adoculamento; inocular &; binoculo etc.; monoculo etc.

ode = {n} ode {Hence:} parodia &; prosodia &; melodia etc.; palinodia etc.; rhapsodo etc.

odiar = {v} to hate

odio = {n} hate, hatred {Hence:} odiose; odiar

odiose = {adj} odious, hateful

-odo see hodo-

odont- = {n} [occurring in compounds] odont- (= tooth) {Hence:} odontalgia etc.; odontologo etc.; mastodonte etc.; squalodonte etc.

odont-algia (-ía) = {n} odontalgia

odontalgic = {adj} odontalgic

odontologia (-ía) = {n} odontology

odontologic = {adj} odontologic

odonto-logo (-ólogo) = {n} odontologist

odor = {n} odor {Hence:} odorifere; odorose; odorar-odorante-disodorante; inodor; malodor etc.

odorante 1. ppr of odorar; 2. {adj} odorous

odorar = {v} to smell (= to emit an odor)

odorifere = {adj} odorous, odoriferous

odorose = {adj} odorous; piso odorose sweet pea

Odyssea (-éa) = {n} [Gr. Lit.] Odyssey

Odysseus (-ísseus) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Odysseus {Hence:} Odyssea

offender [-fend-/-fens-] = {v} 1. to hurt, harm; 2. to offend, insult, be offensive to; offender se to be offended, take offense; offender Deo to offend (against) God {Hence:} offensive-inoffensive, offensiva-contraoffensiva; offensor; offensa; offenditor

offenditor = {n} offender

offens- see offender

offensa = {n} offense (= act of offending)

offensiva = {n} offensive; prender le offensiva to take the offensive

offensive = {adj} offensive (1. pertaining to attack; 2. insulting); armas offensive offensive weapons, weapons of offense

offensor = {n} offender (= one who offends)

offerer [offer-/oblat-/offert-] = {v} to offer (something); also: to bid; offerer se (a facer un cosa) to offer (to do something); un bon occasion se offere a good opportunity offers itself {Hence:} oblation; offertorio; offerta

offert- see offerer

offerta = {n} offer; le offerta e le demanda supply and demand

offertorio = {n} [Eccl.] offertory

official = {adj} official official {n} official (as in "government official")

officiante = {n} officiant, officiator

officiar = {v} to officiate

officiator = {n} officiator

officiero = {n} [Mil., Nav.] officer

officina = {n} 1. workshop; 2. [Pharm.] dispensary {Hence:} officinal

officinal = {adj} officinal

officio = {n} I. office (1. position, appointment; 2. function; 3. bureau); II. [Eccl.] Office; de officio ex officio; bon officios good offices {Hence:} officiero; official-semiofficial; officiose &; officiar-officiante, officiator

officiose = {adj} I. obliging; II. officious (1. as in "some officious friend"; 2. semi-official); (pressa, jornal, etc.) officiose semi-official or inspired (press, newspaper, etc.); mendacio officiose white lie {Hence:} inofficiose-inofficiositate

-ogia see -logia

-ogo see logo

Ohm, Georg Simon = {npr} [1787-1854; physicist after whom the "ohm" is named]; lege de Ohm Ohm's law {Hence:} ohm-ohmmetro etc.

ohm = {n} [Elec.] ohm

ohm-metro (óm-) = {n} ohmmeter

-oide = {suffixo adjective} [used with nouns] -oid (= like ..., shaped like ...) {Hence:} deltoide etc.; negroide etc.

-oide = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns] -oid (= something like, or shaped like ...) {Hence:} celluloide etc.; globoide etc.

-ol see oleo

oleaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Oleaceae

oleacee = {adj} [Bot.] oleaceous

oleage (-aje) = {n} oiling, lubrication

oleaginose = {adj} oleaginous

olear = {v} to oil, grease

oleastro = {n} [Bot.] oleaster

oleato = {n} [Chem.] oleate

oleic (-léic) = {adj} [Chem.] oleic

oleifere (-ífere) = {adj} oliferous

oleina (-ína) = {n} [Chem.] olein

olente 1. ppr of oler; 2. {adj} fragrant

olentia = {n} fragrance

oleo = {n} oil; oleos essential essential oils; oleos fixe fixed oils; oleo de ricino castor oil; pictura a(l) oleo oil painting; jectar oleo super le foco to add fuel to the fire; pinger a(l) oleo to paint in oils; oleo Diesel Diesel oil {Hence:} oleastro; oleato; oleria; oleina; oleacee; oleaginose; oleic; oleifere; oleose-oleositate; olear-oleage; oleomargarina etc.; petroleo etc.; quinoleina etc.; ichthyol etc.; lanolina etc.

oleo-margarina = {n} oleomargarine

oleose = {adj} oily, greasy

oleositate = {n} oiliness

oler = {v} to smell (= to emit a smell) {Hence:} olente-olentia; redoler &; olfacer etc.

oleria (-ía) = {n} oilery

ol-facer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} to smell (something) {Hence:} olfaction; olfactive; olfactori

olfact- see olfacer

olfaction = {n} [Physiol.] olfaction

olfactive = {adj} olfactory (as in "olfactory organ")

olfactori = {adj} olfactory (as in "olfactory organ")

olig-arch- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} oligarcha; oligarchia-oligarchic

oligarcha = {n} oligarch

oligarchia (-ía) = {n} oligarchy

oligarchic = {adj} oligarchic

oligo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oligo-, olig- (= few) {Hence:} oligocen etc.; oligochete etc.; oligarcha etc.

oligo-cen = {adj} [Geol.] Oligocene

oligo-chete = {adj} [Zool.] oligochaetous {Hence:} oligochetos

oligochetos = {npl} [Zool.] Oligochaeta

olim (ó-) = {adv} 1. once, formerly; 2. at a future time, sometime in the future

oliva = {n} olive (1. olive tree; 2. fruit of the olive tree; 3. [Zool.]; 4. the color "olive") {Hence:} oliveto; olivina; olivacee; olivari; olivo

olivacee = {adj} olive-green, olivaceous

olivari = {adj} olive-shaped; {also:} [Anat.] olivary

oliveto = {n} olive grove

olivina = {n} [Mineral.l olivine

olivo = {n} olive, olive tree

olla = {n} pot, jar, etc. {Hence:} ollero; olleria

olla podrida [H] = {n} olla podrida (1. [Cookery]; 2. hodgepodge)

olleria (-ía) = {n} pottery (1. potter's shop; 2. "pottery ware")

ollero = {n} potter (= maker of earthenware pots)

Olympia (1) = {npr} Olympia (= region where the ancient Olympian games were held)

Olympia (2) = {nprf} Olympia

olympiade (-pí-) = {n} Olympiad

olympic = {adj} Olympic; jocos olympic Olympian games; Olympic games

olympie = {adj} Olympian (1. pertaining to Mount Olympus; 2. pertaining to the Olympian gods; 3. pertaining to Olympia)

Olympo = {npr} [Geog.; Gr. Mythol.] Olympus {Hence:} olympic; olympie-olympiade, Olympia (1), 0lympia (2)

-omal- see homal-

omega = {n} (ó-) omega (= last letter of the Greek alphabet); alpha e omega alpha and omega

omelette FF] = {n} omelet

omiss- see omitter

omission = {n} omission

omitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} to omit {Hence:} omission

omne = {adj} I. all (1. as in "all the cheese"; 2. as in "all the books"); II. every, each; de omne mano from every hand; de omne latere from every side; in omne caso in any case; omne cosa everything {Hence:} omnimode etc.; omnisciente etc.; omnivore etc.

omnes (óm-) = {pron} all

omnibus (óm-) = {n} bus, omnibus; traino omnibus omnibus train, local (train) {Hence:} autobus etc.

omni-forme = {adj} omniform, of all forms

omni-mode (-í-) = {adj} omnimodous, omnifarious

omni-potente = {adj} almighty, omnipotent; le Omnipotente the Almighty {Hence:} omnipotentia

omnipotentia = {n} omnipotence, almightiness

omni-sciente = {adj} omniscient {Hence:} omniscientia

omniscientia = {n} omniscience

omni-vidente = {adj} all-seeing, omnivident

omni-vore = {adj} omnivorous

omoplate = {n} shoulder blade, omoplate

on = {indef pron} one

oncle = {n} uncle {Hence:} granoncle

oneiro- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oneiro- (= dream) {Hence:} oneiromantia etc. ...

oneiro-mantia (-ía) = {n} oneiromancy

onerar = {v} to load, to burden with

onerari = {adj} burden, freight (= of or pertaining to burden, freight, etc.)

onere = {n} load, burden; {also:} freight, weight {Hence:} onerari; onerose-onerositate; onerar; exonerar &

onerose = {adj} onerous, burdensome

onerositate = {n} onerousness

onom- [-ma-/-mat-] = {n} [occurring in compounds] -onom-, onomato- (= name) {Hence:} onomatologia etc.; onomatomania etc.

onomat- see onom-

onomato-logia (-ía) = {n} onomatology

onomato-mania (-ía) [Psychiatry] onomatomania

onomato-peia (-péya) = {n} [Philol.] onomatopoeia {Hence:} onomatopeic

onomatopeic (-péic) = {adj} onomatopoetic

onto- [occurring in compound] onto- (= being) {Hence:} ontologo etc.; ontogenia etc.; ontogenetic etc.; paleontologo etc.

onto-genese (-gé-) = {n} ontogenesis, ontogeny

onto-genesis (-gé-) = {n} ontogenesis, ontogeny

onto-genetic = {adj} ontogenetic

onto-genia (-ía) = {n} ontogeny (1. "science of ontogeny"; 2. ontogenesis) {Hence:} ontogenista

ontogenista = {n} ontogenist

ontologia (-ía) = {n} ontology

ontologic = {adj} ontologic, ontological

ontologista = {n} ontologist

onto-logo (-ólogo) = {n} ontologist {Hence:} ontologia-ontologista; ontologic

onyche (ó-) = {n} onyx

-onym- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -onym- (= name) {Hence:} -onymia-metonymia &, toponymia etc.; -onymic &; anonyme &; antonyme &; eponyme &; paronyme &; synonyme &; homonyme etc.; pseudonyme etc.

-onymia (-ía) [occurring in compounds]

-onymic [occurring in compounds] -onymic {Hence:} patronymic etc.

op- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} opulente &; inope &

op- [op-/-opt] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} option-optional, adoption; adoptive; optar-optative, adoptar &, cooptar &

opac = {adj} opaque (= not translucent) {Hence:} opacitate

opacitate = {n} opacity

opalescente = {adj} opalescent

opalescentia = {n} opalescence

opalescer = {v} to opalesce

opalin = {adj} opaline

opalo (ó-) = {n} opal; opalo de foco fire opal {Hence:} opalin; opalescer-opalescente-opalescentia

-ope [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -ope (= -eyed, -sighted) {Hence:} myope etc.; -opia-presbyopia etc.; diplopia etc.; nyctalopia etc.; prosopo-

opera (óp-) = {n} 1. work (as in "hard work"); 2. opera; {also:} opera house {Hence:} operetta; operose; operar-operante, operabile, operation, operative, operator, operatori, cooperar &, exoperar &

operabile = {adj} operable (1. practicable; 2. [Med.])

operante 1. ppr of operar; 2. {adj} operant, operative

operar = {v} I. to effect, work; II. to operate (1. to work, function; 2. [Mil.]); III. [Surg.] to operate upon; operar miraculos to work miracles

operation = {n} operation (1. action, activity; 2. [Mil.]; 3. [Surg.]); sala de operation operating room

operative = {adj} operative

operator = {n} operator; specif. operating surgeon

operatori = {adj} [Surg.] operative

operetta = {n} operetta

operose = {adj} operose, hard-working

oph- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oph-, ophi-, ophio- (= snake) {Hence:} ophiolatra etc. ...

ophio-latra (-ólatra) = {n} ophiolater, snake worshiper {Hence:} ophiolatria

ophiolatria (-ía) = {n} ophiolatry, snake worship

ophthalmia (-ía) = {n} ophthalmia, ophthalmitis

ophthalmic = {adj} ophthalmic; {also:} ocular

ophthalmo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] ophthalmo-, ophthalm- (= eye) {Hence:} ophthalmia-sclerophthalmia; ophthalmic; ophthalmologo etc.; ophthalmoscopio etc.

ophthalmologia (-ía) = {n} ophthalmology

ophthalmologic = {adj} ophthalmological

ophthalmologista = {n} ophthalmologist

ophthalmo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} ophthalmologist, eye specialist {Hence:} ophthalmologia-ophthalmologista; ophthalmologic

ophthalmoscopic = {adj} ophthalmoscopic

ophthalmo-scopio = {n} ophthalmoscope {Hence:} ophthalmoscopic

-opia (-ía) [occurring in compounds]

opiate = {adj} opiate

opiato = {n} opiate

opinabile = {adj} that is a matter of opinion, disputable

opinar = {v} opine (1. to hold as an opinion; 2. to express as an opinion) {Hence:} opinion-opiniose; opinabile; inopinate; preopinar-preopinante

opinion = {n} opinion; esser de opinion que to be of (the) opinion that; emitter un opinion to put forward, express, an opinion; haber bon (mal) opinion de un persona to have a good (bad) opinion, think well (ill), of someone; formar se un opinion super to form an opinion on

opiniose = {adj} opinionated

opium (ópium) = {n} opium {Hence:} opiate-opinto

-opl- see hoplo-

opossum [A] = {n} opossum

opponente 1. ppr of opponer; 2. {adj} opposing, antagonistic

opponente = {n} opponent

opponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to oppose (= to set up against); opponer se a to oppose (= to be against) {Hence:} opponente; opposition; opposite-opposito

opportun = {adj} opportune {Hence:} opportunismo; opportunista; opportunitate; inopportun; inopportunitate

opportunismo = {n} opportunism

opportunista = {n} opportunist

opportunitate = {n} 1. opportuneness; 2. opportunity

opposit- see opponer

opposite (-pó-) = {adj} opposite (= placed or lying over against something)

opposition = {n} opposition (1. as in "the opposition of fact and fiction"; 2. as in "to meet with opposition")

opposito (-pó-) = {n} opposite

oppress- see opprimer

oppression = {n} oppression

oppressive = {adj} oppressive (as in "oppressive legislation")

oppressor = {n} oppressor

opprimer [-prim-/-press-] = {v} to oppress {Hence:} oppression; oppressive; oppressor

ops- = {n} [occurring m compounds] -ops-, opsio-, -opsis (1. sight, seeing; 2. viewing, examination; 3. appearance, look) {Hence:} achromatopsia etc.; necropsia etc.; caryopse etc.

opt- see op-

optar = {v} to choose, make a choice; optar pro to decide in favor of, to declare for; {also:} to opt for

optative = {adj} optative

optic = {adj} 1. optic; 2. optical; nervo optic optic nerve; illusion optic optical illusion {Hence:} panoptic etc.; optico; optica

optica = {n} optics

optico = {n} optician

optime (óp-) = {adj} very best {Hence:} optimismo; optimista; optimo

optimismo = {n} optimism

optimista = {n} optimist; attrib optimistic

optimo (óp-) = {n} optimum

option = {n} option (1. action of choosing; 2. power or liberty of choosing; 3. [Com.])

optional = {adj} optional

opto- [occurring in compounds] opto-, opt- (= sight) {Hence:} optometro etc.

optometria (-ía) = {n} optometry

optometrista = {n} optometrist

opto-metro (-ómetro) = {n} optometer {Hence:} optometria-optometrista

-optro- [occurring in compounds] -optro-, -optr- (as in "catoptromancy", "catoptric") {Hence:} catoptro-

opulente = {adj} opulent (= wealthy) {Hence:} opulentia

opulentia = {n} opulence (= wealth)

opus (pl opera) [L] = {n} opus {Hence:} opusculo

opusculo = {n} opuscule

-or = {suffixo substantive} [used with the second stem of verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -or, -er (= one who or that which ...s) {Hence:} receptor etc.; oppressor etc.; distributor etc; motor etc.; inventor etc.

ora = {adv} now (= at the present time); `ora ... ora' now ... then

oracular = {adj} oracular

oraculo oracle {Hence:} oracular

oral = {adj} oral (1. verbal; 2. as in "oral cavity")

-orama = {n} [occurring in compounds] -orama (= view) {Hence:} diorama; cosmorama etc.; georama etc.; panorama etc.

orange [F] = {n} orange (= fruit of the orange tree); attrib: orange (as in "of orange color") {Hence:} orangiada; orangiero; orangeria

orangeria (-jería) = {n} orangery, orange greenhouse

orangiada (-jada) = {n} orangeade

orangiero (-jero) = {n} orange tree

orar = {v} 1. to harangue, make a speech; orate; 2. to pray {Hence:} oraculo &; oration; orator; oratori-oratoria; oratorio-oratorian; adorar &; exorar &; perorar &

oration = {n} 1. oration; 2. prayer, orison; oration funebre funeral oration, funeral sermon; le partes del oration the parts of speech

orator = {n} orator, public speaker

oratori = {adj} oratorical

oratoria = {n} oratory (= art of an orator)

oratorian = {n} [Eccl.] Oratorian

oratorio (1) = {n} oratory (1. room or building for private worship; 2. as in "Oratory of St. Philip Neri")

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