Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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molinosista = {n} Molinist (= a follower of Miguel de Molinos)

molle = {adj} soft (= not hard; {also:} not hardy) {Hence:} mollessa; mollusco; mollir-amollir &; emollir &; mollificar &

mollessa = {n} softness (= absence or lack of hardness; also: absence or lack of hardiness)

molliamento = {n} moistening, wetting

molliar = {v} to moisten, wet {Hence:} molliamento; molliatura

molliatura = {n} moistening, wetting; {also:} moisture, wetness

mollificar = {v} to mollify {Hence:} mollification

mollification = {n} mollification

mollir = {v} to soften (= to become soft)

mollusco = {n} mollusk

momentanee = {adj} momentary

momento = {n} moment (1. instant; 2. [Mech]); de grande (parve) momento of great (little) moment; momento de un fortia moment of a force; momento de inertia moment of inertia; le moda del momento the fashion of the moment; le momento psychologic the psychological moment {Hence:} momentanee; momentose

momentose = {adj} momentous

mon- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] mon-, mono- (= only, single, alone) {Hence:} monade &; monismo; monista-monistic; monoculo etc.; monadelphe etc.; monatomic; monarch-; monographo etc.; monolitho etc.; monologo etc.; monoplano etc.; monometallismo etc.; monophysita etc.; monotheista etc.; monochordo etc.; monochromatic etc.; monosyllabe etc.; monogame etc.; monomie etc.; monopolio etc.

monacha (mó-) = {n} nun

monachal = {adj} monkish, monachal

monachato = {n} monkdom

monachismo = {n} monachism

monacho (-mó-) = {n} monk {Hence:} monachismo; monachato; monachal; monacha

monade (mó-) = {n} monad; {also:} [Philos; Zool; etc.] {Hence:} monadismo; monadic; monadologia etc.

mon-adelphe = {adj} [Bot] monadelphous {Hence:} monadelphia

monadelphia (-ía) = {n} [Bot] monadelphy

monadic = {adj} monadic

monadismo = {n} monadism

monado-logia (-ía) = {n} monadology

mon-andre = {adj} monandrous {Hence:} monandria

monandria (-ía) = {n} monandry (1. [Anthropol]; 2. [Bot])

mon-arch- [occurring in derivatives] monarch- (1. to rule as monarch; 2. monarchic) {Hence:} monarcha; monarchia-monarchismo, monarchista, monarchic

monarcha = {n} monarch (= head of a monarchy)

monarchia (-ía) = {n} monarchy

monarchic = {adj} monarchic, monarchical; {also:} monarchistic

monarchismo = {n} monarchism

monarchista = {n} monarchist; {also:} attrib

monas- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] monas- (= to live alone) {Hence:} monasterio &; monastic &

monasterial = {adj} monasterial

morlasterio = {n} monastery {Hence:} monasterial

monastic = {adj} monastic, monasterial {Hence:} monasticismo

monasticismo = {n} monasticism

mon-atomic = {adj} [Chem] monatomic

moner = {v} to admonish, advise {Hence:} monition; monitor; monitori; monitorio; admoner &; premoner &; admonestar &

Moneta = {npr} [Rom Relig] Moneta (as in "Juno Moneta"); moneta 1. mint (= place where money is coined); 2. (current) coin; 3. money; batter moneta to coin or mint money; papiro moneta paper money; moneta false counterfeit money; moneta de tasca pocket money, pin money {Hence:} monetari; monetero; monetar-monetage; monetizar-dismonetizar-dismonetization; portamoneta etc.

monetage (-aje) = {n} 1. minting, coining; 2. [Hist] moneyage (= fee paid for minting privilege)

monetar = {v} to mint (= to stamp and make into money)

monetari = {adj} monetary

monetero = {n} minter

monetizar = {v} to monetize

mongol = {adj/n} 1. Mongol, Mongolian (= native of Mongolia); 2. Mongolian, Mongolic {Hence:} Mongolia; mongolismo; mongolic-mongolico; mongoloide

Mongolia = {npr} Mongolia

mongolic = {adj} Mongolian, Mongolic

mongolico = {n} Mongolian (1. Mongol; 2. Mongolian language, Mongolic; 3. member of the Mongolian race)

mongolismo = {n} [Pathol] Mongolism

mongoloide = {adj} Mongoloid

monismo = {n} [Philos] monism

monista = {n} monist

monistic = {adj} monistic

monition = {n} admonition

monitor = {n} monitor, admonisher

monitori = {adj} monitory, admonitory

monitorio = {n} monitory (letter)

mono-chordo = {n} monochord

mono-chromatic = {adj} monochromatic

mono-chrome = {adj} monochrome

mon-oculo (-nó-) = {n} monocle

mono-game (-nó-) = {adj} monogamous {Hence:} monogamia-monogamic; monogamo

monogamia (-ía) = {n} monogamy

monogamic = {adj} monogamic

monogamo (-nó-) = {n} monogamist

mono-gramma = {n} monogram

monographia (-ía) = {n} monograph

monographic = {adj} monographic

mono-grapho (-ógrapho) = {n} monographer {Hence:} monographia; monographic

monolithic = {adj} monolithic

mono-litho (-ólito) = {n} monolith {Hence:} monolithic

monologar = {v} to deliver a monologue, monologize

mono-logo (-ólogo) = {n} monolog(ue) {Hence:} monologar

mono-metallismo = {n} monometallism

mono-metallista = {n} monometallist

monometric = {adj} monometric

mono-metro (-ómetro) = {n} monometer {Hence:} monometric

mo-nomie = {adj} [Alg] monomial {Hence:} monomio

monomio = {n} [Alg] monomial

mono-physita = {n} [Theol] Monophysite

mono-plano = {n} monoplane

mono-polio = {n} monopoly {Hence:} monopolismo; monopolista; monopolizar-monopolization

monopolizar = {v} to monopolize

monopolization = {n} monopolization

monopolismo = {n} monopolism

monopolista = {n} monopolist

mono-sticho (-nó-) = {n} [Pros] monostich

mono-syllabe (-sí-) = {adj} monosyllabic {Hence:} monosyllabo

monosyllabo (-sí-) = {n} monosyllable

mono-theismo (-ízmo) = {n} monotheism

mono-theista (-ísta) = {n} monotheist {Hence:} monotheistic

mono-theista (-ísta) = {adj} monotheistic

monotheistic (-ístic) = {adj} monotheistic

mono-tone = {adj} monotonous {Hence:} monotonia

monotonia (-ía) = {n} monotony

mono-typo = {n} [Print] monotype

monstra = {n} 1. show, display; 2. show window, display window; 3. sample; facer monstra de (corage, etc.) to show, display (courage, etc.)

monstrabile = {adj} fit to be seen, presentable

monstrar = {v} to show; {also:} to display, point out, etc. {Hence:} monstra; monstrabile; monstrator; demonstrar &; remonstrar &; monstravento etc.

monstrator = {n} one who shows; {also:} demonstrator (= one who makes evident)

monstra-vento = {n} weather vane

monstro = {n} monster; attrib monster {Hence:} monstruose-monstruositate

monstruose = {adj} monstrous

monstruositate = {n} monstrosity

monta-cargas (-cár-) = {n} hoist, lift (= lifting apparatus)

montage (-aje) = {n} (action of) mounting (a jewel, picture, gun, etc.); {also:} montage

montan = {adj} montane (1. mountainous; 2. mountain) {Hence:} cismontan; transmontan; ultramontan &

montania = {n} mountain; mountanias russe [Amusements] roller coaster, switchback railway; catena de montanias chain of mountains, mountain range {Hence:} montaniero; montaniose

montaniero = {n} mountaineer

montaniose = {adj} mountainous

montar = {v} I. to mount (1. to ascend; 2. to fix in a setting, backing, support; etc.); II. [Breeding] to cover, serve; montar un cavallo to mount a horse; montar a piloto ride bareback {Hence:} montage-photomontage etc.; montatura; montata; dismontar &; remontar &; surmontar &; montacargas etc.

montata = {n} climb, ascent; {also:} upward slope

montatura = {n} (action of) mounting (a jewel, picture, gun, etc.); also: montage

monte = {n} mountain, mount; monte de pietate pawnshop; a monte uphill {Hence:} monticulo; montania &; montan &; montuose; amontar &; pedemonte etc.

monticulo = {n} (small mountain), hill, monticule

montuose = {adj} mountainous; {also:} hilly

monumental = {adj} monumental

monumento = {n} monument {Hence:} monumental

mora (1) = {n} 1. delay; 2. [Pros] mora {Hence:} morose-morositate; morar-moratori, moratorio, demorar &; remorar &

mora (2) = {n} mulberry (= fruit of the mulberry)

moral = {adj} moral (1. as in "moral conduct"; 2. as in "moral victory") {Hence:} moralismo; moralista; moralitate; moralizar-moralization, moralizator, dismoralizar &; amoral &; immoral &

moral = {n} 1. morals; 2. moral; 3. morale (as in "the morale of an army")

moralizar = {v} to moralize (1. to improve the morals of; 2. to study moral problems)

moralization = {n} moralization (1. action of improving the morals; 2. moral reflection)

moralizator = {n} moralizer

moralismo = {n} moralism (= moral practice, attitude, etc.)

moralista = {n} moralist

moralitate = {n} morality

morar = {v} to delay, tarry, linger

moratori = {adj} moratory

moratorio = {n} moratorium

morbide = {adj} 1. morbid; 2. [Art] delicately tinted, soft

morbiditate = {n} morbidity

morbifere = {adj} morbiferous

morbific = {adj} morbific

morbo = {n} discase, illness {Hence:} morbide-morbiditate; morbifere; morbific

mordace = {adj} biting (as in "biting sarcasm"), mordacious {Hence:} mordacitate

mordacia = {n} gag (= something thrust into a person's mouth to prevent him from speaking)

mordacitate = {n} mordacity

mordente I. ppr of morder; II. {adj} mordant (1. corrosive; 2. biting, caustic) mordente {n} 1. [Dyeing] mordant; 2. [Mus] mordent

morder [mord-/mors-] = {v} to bite; morder le pulvere to bite the dust {Hence:} mordacia; mordace &; mordente; morsura; morso &; remorder &

more = {n} manner, custom, usage; mores mores {Hence:} moral &

morena = {n} [Geol] moraine

morgue [F] = {n} morgue (= place where bodies are kept for identification)

moribunde = {adj} moribund, dying

moriente 1. ppr of morir; 2. {adj} dying

morir [mor-/mort-] = {v} to die; morir se to be dying slowly {Hence:} moribunde; moriente; morte-amortir &, amortizar &, manomorte etc.; semimorte etc., morto; mortuari

Mormon = {n} Mormon (as in "the Book of Mormon"); mormon Mormon (= member of the Mormon Church) {Hence:} mormonismo; mormonic

mormonic = {adj} Mormon

mormonismo = {n} Mormonism

moro = {n} mulberry (= mulberry tree) {Hence:} mora (2)

morose = {adj} tardy, dilatory, lingering

morositate = {n} slowness, tardiness

morph- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] morph-, morpho- (= form) {Hence:} Morpheo &; amorphe-amorphia, amorphismo; metamorphe-metamorphismo, metamorphic; morphologo etc.; anthropomorphe etc.; isomorphe etc.; dimorphe etc.

morph- see Morpheo

Morpheo (-éo) = {npr} [Gr Mythol] Morpheus {Hence:} morphina &

morphina = {n} morphine {Hence:} morphinismo; morphinomania etc.; morphinomano etc.

morphinismo = {n} [Med] morphinism

morphino-mania (-ía) = {n} morphinomania

morphino-mano (-ómano) = {n} morphinomaniac

morphologia (-ía) = {n} morphology

morphologic = {adj} morphological

morphologista = {n} morphologist

morpho-logo (-ólogo) = {n} morphologist {Hence:} morphologia-morphologista; morphologic

mors- see morder

Morse, Samuel Finely Breese = {npr} [1791-1872; American inventor and artist]; (alphabeto) Morse Morse (alphabet), Morse (code)

morsellar = {v} to morsel

morsello = {n} morsel (1. small bite; 2. piece, fragment) {Hence:} morsellar

morso = {n} bit (= part of the bridle that goes in a horse's mouth) {Hence:} morsello &

morsura = {n} bite (1. act of biting; 2. wound caused by biting)

mort- see morir

mortal = {adj} mortal (1. destined to die; 2. fatal); inimico mortal mortal foe; peccato mortal mortal sin mortal {n} mortal

mortalitate = {n} mortality (1. mortal nature; 2. death rate); tabulas de mortalitate mortality tables

morte = {n} death; morte civil civil death; condemnar a morte to sentence (someone) to death; poner a morte to put to death {Hence:} mortal-mortalitate, immortal-immortalitate, immortalizar; mortifere; mortificar &

morte = {adj} dead; natura morte still life; aqua morte still, stagnant, water; littera morte [Law] dead letter; moneta morte dead capital; puncto morte dead point, dead center

mortero = {n} mortar (1. as in "mortar and pestle"; 2. [Mil]; 3. as in "to plaster with mortar")

mortifere = {adj} deadly, fatal, death-bearing

mortificar = {v} I. to mortify (1. [Eccl]; 2. to cause to feel humiliated); II. [Pathol] to cause to mortify {Hence:} mortification-immortification; mortificator; mortificate-immortificate

mortificate 1. pp of mortificar; 2. {adj} mortified

mortification = {n} mortification (1. [Eccl]; 2. humiliation, shame; 3. [Pathol])

mortificator = {n} mortifier

morto = {n} dead man or person, deceased

mortuari = {adj} mortuary; (camera, etc.) mortuari death (chamber, etc.)

mosaic (-áic) = {adj} Mosaic

mosaico (-áico) = {n} mosaic

mosaismo (-ízmo) = {n} Mosaism

moschea (-éa) = {n} mosque

Moscova = {npr} 1. Moscow; 2. Moskva, Moscow River {Hence:} Moscovia; moscovita

Moscovia = {npr} Muscovy

moscovita = {n} Muscovite

Moses (mó-) = {npr} Moses {Hence:} mosaismo, mosaic

moslem (mó-) = {n/adj} Moslem, Mussulman

mosquitiera = {n} mosquito net

mosquito [H] = {n} mosquito; {also:} gnat {Hence:} mosquitiera

mot- see mover

motin = {n} mutiny {Hence:} motinero; motinose; motinar

motinar = {v} to cause to mutiny; motinar se to mutiny

motinero = {n} mutineer

motinose = {adj} mutinous

motion = {n} motion (1. movement; 2. [Parl]) {Hence:} locomotion etc.

motivar = {v} 1. to state the reason for; 2. to motivate

motivation = {n} motivation

motive = {adj} motive {Hence:} locomotive etc.; motivo-motivar-motivation

motivo = {n} 1. motive; 2. motif

moto- see motor

moto-cultura = {n} mechanized agriculture

motocycletta = {n} motorcycle

motocyclista = {n} motorcyclist

motocyclo = {n} motorcycle {Hence:} motocycletta; motocyclista

motor = {n} motor (as in "an electric motor"); attrib motor, motive; fortia motor motive power or force; nervos, musculos motor motor or motory nerves, muscles; motor Diesel Diesel motor or engine {Hence:} motorizar-motorization; motorcyclo etc.; locomotor etc.; electromotor etc.; motocultura etc.

motorcyclista = {n} motorcyclist

motor-cyclo = {n} motorcycle {Hence:} motorcyclista

motorizar = {v} to motorize

motorization = {n} motorization

mottetto = {n} [Mus] motet

motto = {n} motto {Hence:} mottetto

mover [mov-/mot-] = {v} to move (1. to cause to move; 2. to affect with emotion, stir up) {Hence:} movimento; mobile &; movibile; motion &; motive &; motor &; amover &; commover &; emover &; promover &; remover &

movibile = {adj} movable

movimento = {n} movement (1. action or process of moving; 2. as in "popular movement, youth movement, etc."); movimento perpetue perpetual motion

Moyse (-sé) = {npr} Moses

[mox] = {adv} soon, at once, directly

mozarabe [H] = {n} Mozarab (= member of the Christian population of Spain under the Arabs) {Hence:} mozarabic

mozarabic = {adj} Mozarabic; rito mozarabic Mozarabic rite

mucer = {v} 1. to be moldy; to be musty {Hence:} mucide; mucor

mucide = {adj} moldy, musty; mucid

mucilagine = {n} [Bot] mucilage (= mucilaginous sap) {Hence:} mucilaginose

mucilaginose = {adj} mucilaginous (as in "mucilaginous glands")

mucina = {n} [Biochem] mucin

muci-pare = {adj} muciparous

muco = {n} mucus {Hence:} mucilagine &; mucina; mucose-mucositate, mucosa; mucipare etc.

mucor = {n} 1. mold, moldiness; mustiness; 2. [Bot] Mucor

mucosa = {n} [Anat] mucosa; mucous membrane

mucose = {adj} mucous; membrane mucose mucous membrane

mucositate = {n} mucosity, mucousness

muezzin = {n} muezzin

mufti = {n} mufti (= official expounder of Mohammedan law)

mugir = {v} 1. to bellow (= to roar as the bull does); 2. to low, moo; le vento mugi the wind howls

mula = {n} she-mule

mulatto = {n} mulatto

mulcta = {n} fine (as in "fine of ten dollars"), mulct {Hence:} mulctar

mulctar = {v} to fine, mulct

mulero = {n} muleteer, mule driver

mulger [mulg-/muls-] = {v} to milk (cows, goats, etc.) {Hence:} mulsion; mulgitor; mulgitura; emulger &

mulgitor = {n} one who milks, milker

mulgitura = {n} (action of) milking

mullah (-lá) = {n} [Moham] mullah

mulo = {n} [Zool] mule; specif: he-mule {Hence:} mulero; mula

muls- see mulger

mulsion = {n} (action of) milking

mult-articulate = {adj} [Zool] multarticulate, multiarticulate

multe = {adj} 1. much; 2. many {Hence:} multitude; [permulte] &; multimillionario etc.: multiforme etc.; multicolor etc.; multicellular etc.; multiloque etc.; multiloquente etc.; multiple etc.; multiplice etc.; multungule etc.; multo

multi-articulate = {adj} [Zool] multarticulate, multiarticulate

multi-capsular = {adj} multicapsular

multi-caule (-cáu-) = {adj} [Bot] multicauline, having several stems

multi-cellular = {adj} multicellular

multi-color = {adj} multicolored

multi-cuspide (-cús-) = {adj} [Bot] multicuspid, multicuspidate

multi-fide (-tí-) = {adj} multifid (= cleft severally)

multi-flor = {adj} multiflowered

multi-forme = {adj} multiform {Hence:} multiformitate

multiformitate = {n} multiformity

multi-latere = {adj} many-sided, multilateral

multi-lobate = {adj} [Bot, Zool] multilobate, multilobed, multilobar

multi-lobe (-tí-) = {adj} [Bot, Zool] multilobar, multilobed, multilobate

multi-locular = {adj} [Bot, Zool] multilosular

multi-loque (-tí-) = {adj} multiloquous, talkative

multi-loquente = {adj} multiloquent, talkative {Hence:} multiloquentia

multiloquentia = {n} multiloquence, talkativeness

multi-millionario = {n} multimillionaire

multi-nomie = {adj} [Math] multinominal, polynomial {Hence:} multinomio

multinomio = {n} [Math] multinominal, polynominal

multipara (-tí-) = {n} multipara

multi-pare = {adj} multiparous {Hence:} multiparitate, multipara

multiparitate = {n} multiparity

multi-partite = {adj} multipartite

multi-pede (-tí-) = {adj} multiped, multipede

multi-ple (múl-) = {adj} multiple (1. menifold, multiplex; 2. [Math]) {Hence:} multiplo

multiplicabile = {adj} multiplicable, multipliable

multiplicando = {n} multiplicand

multiplicar = {v} to multiply (1. to make more numerous; 2. [Math]); multiplicar se 1. to multiply (= to become more numerous); 2. to be half a dozen places at once

multiplication = {n} multiplication; tabula de multiplication multiplication table

multiplicative = {adj} multiplicative

multiplicator = {n} [Math] multiplier; multiplicator de frequentia [Elec] frequency multiplier

multi-plice (-tí-) = {adj} multiple (1. manifold, multiplex; 2. [Math]) {Hence:} multiplicitate, multiplicar-multiplicando, multiplicabile, multiplication, multiplicative, multiplicator

multiplicitate = {n} multiplicity

multiplo (múl-) = {n} [Math] multiple; le minime commun multiplo the least common multiple, LCM

multi-polar = {adj} [Anat, Elec] multipolar

multi-sense = {adj} multisensual, multivocal (= having many meanings)

multi-sone = {adj} multisonous, multisonant

multi-tubular = {adj} multitubular

multitude = {n} multitude (1. large number; 2. crowd, throng)

multivage (-tí-) = {adj} multivagant, muchwandering

multi-valve = {adj} [Bot, Zool] multivalve, multivalved

multi-valvular [Bot, Zool] multivalvular

multi-vie (-tí-) = {adj} multivious (= having many roads)

multo = {adv} 1. very; 2. much

mult-ungulate = {adj} [Zool] multungulate

mult-ungule = {adj} [Zool] multungulate

mumia = {n} mummy {Hence:} mumificar-mumification

mumificar = {v} to mummify (= to embalm as a mummy)

mumification = {n} mummification

-mun = {adj} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} immun &; commun &

München [G] = {npl} Munich, München

munda-dentes (-dén-) = {n} toothpick

mundan = {adj} 1. mundane, worldly; 2. society (attrib), of the world

mundanitate = {n} 1. worldliness; 2. fashionableness

mundar = {v} to cleanse; {also:} to clean (= to make clean)

munde = {adj} clean {Hence:} munditia; mundar-mundadentes etc.; mundificar-mundification; immunde-immunditia

mundial = {adj} world-wide; guerra mundial World War

mundificar = {v} to cleanse, purify

mundification = {n} cleansing, purification

munditia = {n} cleanness, cleanliness

mundo = {n} world (1. Universe; 2. earth; 3. society); tote le mundo everybody; le vetule mundo the Old World; le nove mundo the New World; le mundo literari the literary world {Hence:} mundial; mundan-mundanitate, supermundan

munerar = {v} to present, give {Hence:} remunerar &

muni- [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} municipe etc.; munificente etc.

Munich (mú-) = {npr} Munich

municipal = {adj} municipal; consilio municipal city or town council

municipalizar = {v} to municipalize

municipalilate = {n} 1. municipality (= town, city, etc., having local self-government); 2. town or city council, municipality; 3. town or city ha l

muni-cipe (-ní-) = {n} townsman {Hence:} municipio; municipal-municipalitate, municipalizar

municipio = {n} 1. [Rom Hist] municipium; 2. town district

muni-ficente = {adj} munificent {Hence:} munificentia

munificentia = {n} munificence

munir = {v} 1. to fortify (as in "to fortify a city"); 2. to provide with, furnish {Hence:} munition-munitionero, munitionar; premunir

munition = {n} 1. military supplies, munitions; 2. ammunition; pan de munition [Mill ration bread

munitionar = {v} to munition, supply with munitions

munitionero = {n} munitioner, munitioneer

mural = {adj} mural; pictura mural mural (painting); (mappa) mural wall (map)

muralia = {n} [Fortif] wall

murar = {v} 1. to wall in, surround with a wall; 2. to wall up

mure = {n} mouse {Hence:} murides

muria = {n} brine {Hence:} muriato; muriate; muriatic; salmuria etc.

muriate = {adj} muriated (= impregnated with chloride)

muriatic = {adj} muriatic; acido muriatic muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid

muriato = {n} muriate, chloride

murides (múr-) = {n} [Zool] Muridae

murmurar = {v} to murmur; {also:} to mutter, mumble, grumble, babble etc.

murmuration = {n} (action of) murmuring; {also:} muttering, mumbling, grumbling, babbling, babble, etc.

murmurator = {n} murmurer; {also:} mutterer, mumbler, grumbler, etc.

murmure = {n} murmur; {also:} muttering, mumbling, grumbling, etc. {Hence:} murmurose; murmurar-murmuration, murmurator; murmurear

murmurear = {v} to murmur; {also:} to mutter, mumble, grumble, etc.

murmurose = {adj} murmurous (= filled with, or making, murmurs)

muro = {n} wall (= upright structure of masonry, etc.) {Hence:} muralia; mural-antemural, extramural, intramural; murar

mus = {n} mouse {Hence:} musaranea etc.

musa = {n} Muse, muse {Hence:} museo; music; musico; musica &

mus-aranea = {n} [Zool] shrew

musca = {n} 1. [Entom] fly; 2. tuft of hair (on lower lip); 3. beauty spot, patch; muscas volante [Pathol] muscae volitantes; musca de Hispania Spanish fly, blister beetle; musca artificial [Angling] fly {Hence:} muscides

muscate = {adj} -; bove muscate musk ox; ratto muscate muskrat; nuce muscate nutmeg; rosa muscate musk rose

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