viveres = {npl} victuals, food
vivide = {adj} vivid
vivific = {adj} vivifying
vivificar = {v} to vivify
vivification = {n} vivification
vivificator = {n} vivifier
vivi-pare = {adj} viviparous (= producing living young) {Hence:} ovovivipare etc.
vivi-section = {n} vivisection {Hence:} vivisectionista
vivisectionista = {n} vivisectionist
[vix] = {adv} 1. with difficulty; 2. hardly, scarcely, barely
vocabulario = {n} vocabulary (1. list of words with their meanings; 2. stock of words used by a person, class of people, profession, etc.)
vocabulo = {n} word, vocable {Hence:} vocabulario
vocal = {adj} vocal (= pertaining to voice or speech) vocal {n} vowel {Hence:} vocalic-intervocalic; vocalismo; vocalizar-vocaliso, vocalization, vocalizator; semivocal etc.
vocalic = {adj} vocalic
vocalization = {n} vocalization (1. act of changing into a vowel; 2. [Mus.])
vocalizator = {n} [Mus.] vocalizer
vocalismo = {n} vocalism (= system of vowels)
vocaliso = {n} [Mus.] exercise in vocalization, vocalizing
vocar = {v} to call (= to command, ask, etc. to come) {Hence:} vocabulo &; vocation; vocative-vocativo; advocar &; convocar &; evocar &; invocar &; provocar &; revocar &; equivoc etc.
vocation = {n} vocation (1. divine call; 2. action or activity a person feels called upon to perform); le vocation de Abraham the call of Abraham
vocative = {adj} vocative
vocativo = {n} [Gram.] vocative, vocative case
voce = {n} voice (1. as in "human voice"; 2. [Gram.]) {Hence:} vocal (1)-vocal (2) &; vociferar &; portavoce etc.
vociferante = {adj} vociferous
vociferar = {v} to bawl, vociferate {Hence:} vociferante; vociferation; vociferator
vociferation = {n} vociferation
vociferator = {n} vociferator
vodka [R] = {n} vodka
voga = {n} 1. (act of) sailing, moving, floating, drifting; 2. vogue; esser in voga to be in vogue or in fashion
vogar = {v} to sail, move, float, drift {Hence:} voga
[voi] = {pron} you (= vos)
[vol] pr of voler; 1. will(s), wish(es); 2. [Grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the future]; io vol comenciar 1. I wish to begin; 2. I shall begin
volante = {n} 1. flywheel; 2. steering wheel; 3. frill, ruffle; 4. shuttlecock
volapük [Vol.] = {n} [Interling.] Volapük {Hence:} volapükismo, volapükista
volapükismo = {n} [Interling.] Volapükism
volapükista = {n} [Interling.] Volapükist
volar = {v} to fly (as in "birds fly") {Hence:} volo; volante; volatile &; volata; revolar
volata = {n} 1. flight (as in "the flight of a shot," "within an eagle's flight," etc.); 2. [Artil.] chase
volatile = {adj} 1. flying;
2. volatile (= evaporating rapidly); sal volatile smelling salts {Hence:} volatilitate; volatilizar-volatilization
volatile = {n} flying animal, winged creature
volatilizar = {v} to volatilize
volatilization = {n} volatilization
volatilitate = {n} volatility
voler = {v} to wish, want; voler (facer un cosa) to want to (do something); voler (un cosa) to want (a thing); voler dicer to mean, signify {Hence:} benevolente etc.; volition; volitive; benevole etc.; see verbal forms [vol], [velle]
voler = {n} will (= act of willing)
Volga = {npr} Volga
volition = {n} volition
volitive = {adj} volitive, volitional
volo = {n} flight (1. action or manner of flying; 2. distance covered in flying)
volt = {n} [Elec.] volt
volt- see volver
volta = {n} 1. [Man.] volt; 2. vault (= arched ceiling or roof) {Hence:} voltar; voltear-volteo; archivolta etc.
Volta, Alessandro = {npr} [1745-1827; physicist after whom the "volt" is named]; lege de Volta Volta's law; effecto Volta Volta effect {Hence:} voltaismo; voltaic-voltametro etc.; volt-voltage, voltimetro etc., voltampere etc.
voltage (-aje) = {n} voltage
voltaic (-áic) = {adj} voltaic; pila voltaic voltaic pile; arco voltaic voltaic arc
voltaismo (-ímo) = {n} voltaism
volta-metro (-tá-) = {n} voltameter
volt-ampere (-pér) = {n} voltampere
voltar = {v} to vault (= to cover with a vault)
voltear = {v} [Man.] to vault
volteo (-éo) = {n} [Man.] (act or art of vaulting)
volti-metro (-ímetro) = {n} voltmeter
volu- see volver
volubile = {adj} voluble (1. apt to roll; 2. [Bot.]; 3. glib, garrulous) {Hence:} volubilitete
volubilitate = {n} 1. tendency to roll; 2. volubility, volubleness
volumine = {n} volume (1. as in "a work in three volumes"; 2. space occupied, compass) {Hence:} voluminose
voluminose = {adj} voluminous
volunt- see voluntate
voluntari = {adj} voluntary
voluntariato = {n} [Mil.] voluntariate, voluntary service
voluntario = {n} [Mil.] volunteer
voluntate = {n} will; a voluntate at will; bon (mal) voluntate good (ill) will; de bon voluntate willingly, gladly; de mal voluntate unwillingly, grudgingly; le ultime voluntate the last will {Hence:} voluntari-involuntari; voluntario-voluntariato
volupt- see voluptate
voluptate = {n} pleasure, delight; specif.: sexual pleasure
= {Hence:} voluptuari; voluptuario; voluptuose-voluptuositate
voluptuari = {adj} voluptuous, voluptuary
voluptuario = {n} voluptuary
voluptuose = {adj} voluptuous
voluptuositate = {n} voluptuousness
volut- see volver
voluta = {n} volute (1. [Arch.]; 2. [Zool.] any kind of gasteropods)
volver [volv-/volut-/volt-] = {v} to roll, turn round {Hence:} volvulo; volubile &; voluta; volta &; circumvolver &; convolver &; devolver &; evolver &; involver &; revolver &
volvulo = {n} [Med.] volvulus
vomic = {adj} vomitive, vomitory; nuce vomic [Bot.] nux vomica {Hence:} vomica
vomica (vó-) = {n} [Med.] vomica
vomir = {v} to vomit {Hence:} vomic &; vomitive-vomitivo; vomitorio; vomito; vomitar-vomitator; vomiturition; ignivome etc.
vomitar = {v} to vomit
vomitator = {n} vomiter
vomitive = {adj} vomitive, vomitory
vomitivo = {n} vomitory, emetic
vomito (vó-) = {n} vomit, vomiting
vomitorio = {n} [Arch.] vomitory, vomiitorium
vomiturition = {n} [Mcd.] vomiturition
vorace = {adj} voracious {Hence:} voracitate
voracitate = {n} voraciousness, voracity
vorar = {v} to devour {Hence:} vorace &; devorar &; carnivore etc.; omnivore etc.
vortice (vór-) = {n} whirlpool, vortex {Hence:} vorticose
vorticose = {adj} vortical, vorticose
vos = {pron} I. pers you [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons (as in "you are", "I love you" "for you"); 2. in familiar or informal use; addressing several persons (as in "you are", "I love you", "for you")]; II. refl 1. yourself [in polite or formal use (as in "you hurt yourself," "to yourself")]; 2. yourselves [in all uses (as in "you hurt yourselves", "to yourselves")] {Hence:} vostre
vosgian = {adj} Vosgian (= pertaining to the Vosges Mountains)
Vosgos = {nprpl} Vosges Mountains {Hence:} vosgian
vostre' I. {adj poss} your [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons; 2. in familiar or informal use, addressing several persons]; II. {pron poss} yours [1. in polite or formal use; addressing one person or several persons; 2. in familiar or informal use; addressing several persons]
vot- see vov-
votante = {n} voter
votar = {v} I. to vow (1. to promise solemnly; 2. to dedicate); II. to vote (1. to cast a vote; 2. to approve, determine, or grant by a vote)
votive = {adj} votive
voto = {n} 1. vow (= solemn promise); 2. vote (as in "to cast a vote"); facer voto de to vow (= to promise solemnly)
vov- [vov-/vot-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} votive; voto; votar-votante; devov- &
vulcanic = {adj} 1. Vulcanic, Vulcanian; 2. volcanic; {also:} [Geol.]
vulcanie = {adj} Vulcanian
vulcanizar = {v} 1. [Geol.] to volcanize; 2. [Technol.] to vulcanize
vulcanization = {n} 1. [Gcol.] volcanization; 2. [Technol.] vulcanization
vulcanismo = {n} [Geol.] volcanism; {also:} vulcanism
Vulcano = {npr} [Rom. Relig.] Vulcan; vulcano volcano {Hence:} vulcanismo; vulcanic; vulcanie; vulcanizar-vulcanization
vulgar = {adj} vulgar (1. of the common people; 2. low, coarse); lingua vulgar vulgar tongue, vernacular
vulgarizar = {v} to vulgarize
vulgarization = {n} vulgarization
vulgarizator = {n} vulgarizer
vulgarismo = {n} vulgarism (1. vulgarity; 2. vulgar phrase or expression)
vulgaritate = {n} vulgarity
Vulgata [L] = {n} [Theol.] Vulgate
vulgo = {n} common people, vulgus {Hence:} vulgar-vulgarismo, vulgaritate, vulgarizar-vulgarization, vulgarizator; divulgar &
vulgo [L] = {adv} commonly, vulgo
vulnerabile = {adj} vulnerable
vulnerabilitate = {n} vulnerability
vulnerar = {v} to wound
vulnerari = {adj} vulnerary
vulneraria = {n} vulnerary (= vulnerary remedy)
vulnere = {n} wound {Hence:} vulnerari-vulneraria; vulnerar-vulnerabile-vulnerabilitate, invulnerabile-invulnerabilitate
vulpe = {n} fox {Hence:} vulpin
vulpin = {adj} vulpine (1. pertaining to a fox; 2. foxy)
vulture = {n} vulture {Hence:} vulturides; vulturin
vulturides (-túr-) = {npl} [Zool.] Vulturidae
vulturin = {adj} vulturine
wadi (-dí) [Ar.] = {n} wadi
wafla = {n} waffle
wagon = {n} (railroad) car; wagon restaurante dining car, diner; wagon lectos sleeping car
waldense = {adj/n} Waldensian; waldenses Waldenses
Waldo, Peter = {npr} [founder of the Waldenses] {Hence:} waldense
walzer [G] = {n} waltz
water-closet [A] = {n} water closet, toilet
water-polo [A] = {n} water polo
watt = {n} [Elec.] watt {Hence:} wattage; wattimetro etc., watt-hora etc.; kilowatt etc.
watta = {n} (absorbent) cotton {Hence:} wattar
wattage (-aje) = {n} [Elec.] wattage
wattar = {v} to pad, wad, quilt, etc.
watt-hora = {n} watt-hour
watti-metro (-í-) = {n} wattmeter
W.C. [A] = {n} W.C., water closet
week-end [A] = {n} week end
west = {n} west; (ir) al west (to go or travel) west; (vento) del west west (wind), westerly (wind) {Hence:} Westfalia etc.; sud-west etc.
West-falia = {npr} Westphalia {Hence:} westfalic
westfalic = {adj} Westphalian
whig [All = {n} whig
whisky [A] = {n} whisky
whist [A] = {n} whist
wigwam [A] = {n} wigwam
Wilno [Polish] = {npr} Wilno, Vilna
wolfram [G] = {n} wolfram (1. [Chem.] tungsten; 2. [Mineral.] wolframite) {Hence:} wolframite
wolframite = {n} [Mineral.] wolframite
wombat (wóm-) = {n} [Zool.] wombat
Worms [G] = {npr} Worms
xen- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] xeno-, xen- (1. strange, foreign; 2. guest) {Hence:} xenio; xenophobe etc.; pyroxeno etc.
xenio = {n} [Antiq.] xenium (= present given to a guest or to an ambassador)
xenon (ksé-) = {n} [Chem.] xenon
xeno-phile = {adj} xenophile {Hence:} xenophilia; xenophilo
xenophilia (-ía) = {n} xenophilism
xenophilo (-nó-) = {n} xenophile
xeno-phobe (-nó-) = {adj} xenophobe, xenophobian {Hence:} xenophobia; xenophobo
xenophobia (-ía) = {n} xenophobia
xenophobo (-nó-) = {n} xenophobe
xylo- = {n} [occurring in compounds] xylo- (= wood) {Hence:} xylographo etc.; xylologia etc.; xylophono etc.; xylophage etc.; pyroxylo etc.
xylographia (-ía) = {n} xylography (art of engraving on wood or taking impressions from such engravings)
xylographic = {adj} xylographic
xylo-grapho (-ógrapho) = {n} xylographer {Hence:} xylographia; xylographic
xylo-logia (-ía) = {n} xylology
xylo-phage (-ó-) = {adj} [Zool.] xylophagous {Hence:} xylophago
xylophago (-ó-) = {n} [Zool.] xylophage
xylophonista = {n} xylophonist
xylo-phono = {n} [Mus.] xylophone {Hence:} xylophonista
[ya] = {adv} already (= ja, jam)
yacht [A] = {n} yacht
yak = {n} [Zool.] yak
yankee [A] = {n} Yankee
yard [A] = {n} [Meas.] yard
yo: [yo] = {pron pers} I (= io)
yogurt = {n} yogurt
York [A] = {npr} York {Hence:} Nove York etc.
yug- = {n} [occurring in geographical compounds] yugo-, jugo- (=south) {Hence:} yugoslave etc.
yugo-slave = {adj} Yugoslav {Hence:} yugoslavo-Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia = {npr} Yugoslavia
yugoslavo = {n} Yugoslav (1. native of Yugoslavia; 2. Serbo-Croatian language)
Zacharia (-ía) = {npr} Zachariah; Zachary
Zarathustra = {npr} Zarathustra
ze- = {n} [occurring in geographical compounds] Zea-, Zee- (= sea) {Hence:} Zelanda etc.
zebra [Amh.] = {n} [Zool.] zebra {Hence:} zebrate
zebrate = {adj} striped
zebu (-bú) = {n} [Zool.] zebu
Ze-landa = {npr} Zeeland (= province in the Netherlands) {Hence:} Nove Zelanda etc.; neozelandese etc.
zelar = {v} to be zealous (about)
zelator = {n} zealot (1. zealous person; 2. [Jewish Antiq.])
zelo = {n} zeal, ardor {Hence:} zelote &; zelose &; zelar-zelator
zelose = {adj} 1. zealous; 2. jealous;
zelose de (le libertate) jealous of (one's liberty) {Hence:} zelosia
zelosia (-ía) = {n} jealousy
zelote = {n} zealot (1. zealous person; 2. [Jewish Antiq.]) {Hence:} zelotismo
zelotismo = {n} zealotism, zealotry
zenit = {n} zenith {Hence:} zenital
zenital = {adj} zenith, zenithal
Zephyro = {npr} [Cr. Mythol.] Zephyrus; zephyro zephyr (1. west wind; 2. soft, gentle breeze; 3. zephyr cloth)
zeppelin [G] = {n} Zeppelin
zero = {n} 1. zero, cipher; 2. as in "zero centigrade"; zero absolute absolute zero
zeta = {n} 1. zeta (= sixth letter of the Greek alphabet); 2. zed, zee (= the letter "z")
Zeus (Zéus) = {npr} [Gr. Relig.] Zeus {Hence:} diantho etc.
zigzag (zígzág) = {n} zigzag {Hence:} zigzagar
zigzagar = {v} to zigzag
zinc = {n} [Chem.] zinc; oxydo de zinc zinc oxide; blanco de zinc zinc white {Hence:} zincar-zincage; zincographo etc.
zincage (-aje) = {n} (act of) zincking
zincar = {v} to zinc, coat with zinc
zincographia (-ía) = {n} zincography, zinc etching
zincographic = {adj} zincographic, zincographical
zinco-grapho (-có-) = {n} zincographer {Hence:} zincographia; zincographic
zircon = {n} [Mineral.] zircon {Hence:} zirconium-zirconic
zirconic = {adj} [Chem.] zirconic
zirconium = {n} [Chem.] zirconium
zodiacal = {adj} zodiacal
zodiaco (-dí-) = {n} zodiac {Hence:} zodiacal
zoic (zóic) = {adj} [Zool.] zoic
zona = {n} zone; le zona torride the Torrid Zone; zona temperate Temperate Zone; zona frigide or glacial Frigid Zone {Hence:} zonal-bizonal etc.; zonar
zonal = {adj} zonal
zonar = {v} to zone
zoo-graphia (-ía) = {n} zoography {Hence:} zoographic
zoographic = {adj} zoographic
zooide = {n} zooid
zoo-latra (zo-ó-) = {n} zoolater, animal worshiper {Hence:} zoolatria
zoolatria (-ía) = {n} zoolatry, animal worship
zoo-litho (zo-ó-) = {n} zoolith, zoolite
zoologia (-ía) = {n} zoology
zoologic = {adj} zoological; jardin zoologic zoological garden
zoologista = {n} zoologist
zoo-logo (zo-ó-) = {n} zoologist {Hence:} zoologia-zoologista; zoologic
zoon (zó-on) (pl zoa) = {n} [Zool.] zoon {Hence:} zoic-cenozoic etc, paleozoic etc; zoide; epizoon; azoic; zoolitho etc; zoologo etc; zoographia etc; zoophyto etc; spermatozoon etc; entozoon etc.; protozoon etc.
zoophytic = {adj} [Zool.] zoophytal, zoophytic
zoo-phyto (zo-ó-) = {n} [Zool.] zoophyte
zoophyto-logia (-ía) = {n} zoophyto]ogy
zoo-spora (zo-ó-) = {n} [Bot.] zoospore
zoo-tomia (-ía) = {n} zootomy
Zoroastre = {npr} Zoroaster {Hence:} zoroastrismo; zoroastrian-zoroastriano
zoroastrian = {adj} Zoroastrian
zoroastriano = {n} Zoroastrian
zoroastrismo = {n} Zoroastrianism
zuavo = {n} zouave
zulu = {n} Zulu
zym- = {n} [occurring in compounds] zymo-, zym- (= leaven, ferment) {Hence:} azyme; enzyma
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