superior = {n} superior; {also:} [Eccl.]; matre superior mother superior
superioritate = {n} superiority
superlative = {adj} superlative (1. supreme; 2. [Gram.]) {Hence:} superlativo
superlativo = {n} [Gram.] superlative
supermundan = {adj} supermundane, supernatural
supernatural = {adj} supernatural
supernavigar = {v} to sail above; to float or sail on (top of)
supernominar = {v} to surname; {also:} to nickname, give a nickname to
supernomine = {n} surname; {also:} nickname {Hence:} supernominar
supernumerari = {adj} supernumerary, extra
superpaga = {n} overpayment
superpagar = {v} to overpay
superpassar = {v} to surpass (1. to excel; 2. to exceed)
superponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to superpose, superimpose {Hence:} superposition
superposit- see superponer
superposition = {n} superposition, superimposition
superproduction = {n} overproduction
supersaturar = {v} to supersaturate
supersaturation = {n} supersaturation
superscarpa = {n} overshoe
superseminar = {v} to sow over (ground already sown)
superstition = {n} superstition {Hence:} superstitiose
superstitiose = {adj} superstitious
superstructura = {n} superstructure
supertaxa = {n} surtax
supertoto = {n} 1. overcoat, surtout; 2. topcoat; 3. overalls
supervenientia = {n} supervenience
supervenir = {v} to happen, supervene {Hence:} supervenientia
supervivente = {n} survivor
superviventia = {n} survival (as in "survival of the fittest")
superviver = {v} to survive (= to continue to exist); superviver a to survive (= to outlive, outlast) {Hence:} supervivente-superviventia
suppa = {n} soup {Hence:} suppiera
suppiera = {n} tureen
supplantar = {v} to supplant, supersede {Hence:} supplantation; supplantator
supplantation = {n} supplantation
supplantator = {n} supplanter
supplementar = {v} to supplement
supplementari = {adj} supplementary; angulos supplementari supplemental angles
supplementation = {n} supplementation
supplemento = {n} supplement (1. addition; 2. [Math.]) {Hence:} supplementari; supplementar-supplementation
suppler = {v} 1. to supply, provide, furnish; 2. to substitute, to supply for (someone); 3. to be a substitute or replacement {Hence:} supplemento &; suppletion; suppletive; suppletor; suppletori
suppletion = {n} [Gram.] suppletion
suppletive = {adj} supplementary, suppletive
suppletor = {n} 1. supplier, provider; 2. substitute, deputy
suppletori = {adj} supplementary, suppletory
supplica (súp-) = {n} request, prayer, petition
supplicante = {n} supplicant, suppliant
supplicar = {v} to entreat, supplicate
supplication = {n} entreaty, supplication
supplicator = {n} suppliant, supplicator
supplicatori = {adj} supplicatory
supplice (súp-) = {adj} supplicant {Hence:} supplicio &; supplicar-supplica, supplicante, supplication, supplicator, supplicatori
suppliciar = {v} 1. to execute, put to death; 2. to torture
suppliciato = {n} 1. executed person; 2. person under torture
supplicio = {n} punishment; torture; execution {Hence:} suppliciar-suppliciato
supponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to suppose {Hence:} suppositicie; supposition; suppositive; suppositorio; presupponer &
supportabile = {adj} supportable, bearable
supportar = {v} to support (1. to sustain, carry; 2. to endure, suffer) {Hence:} supporto; supportabile-insupportabile
supporto = {n} support (= anything that supports or holds up)
supposit- see supponer
suppositicie = {adj} supposititious, spurious
supposition = {n} supposition
suppositive = {adj} suppositive
suppositorio = {n} [Med.] suppository
suppress- see supprimer
suppression = {n} suppression; {also:} [Med.]
suppressive = {adj} suppressive
supprimer [-prim-/-press-] = {v} to suppress (as in "to suppress newspapers, a smile, etc.") {Hence:} suppression; suppressive
suppurante 1. ppr of suppurar; 2. {adj} suppurant, suppurative
suppurante = {n} suppurative
suppurar = {v} to suppurate (= to form or secrete pus) {Hence:} suppurante; suppuration; suppurative
suppuration = {n} suppuration
suppurative = {adj} suppurative
[supra] I. {prep} above, over; II. {adv} on the top, above
suprarenal = {adj} [Anat.] suprarenal, adrenal; capsulas, glandulas, suprarenal adrenal glands
suprasensibile = {adj} [Philos.] supersensible; spec.: spiritual
suprematia (-ía) = {n} supremacy
supreme = {adj} 1. supreme; 2. last, final; le hora supreme the last hour, the hour of death; in le supreme grado in the highest degree; corte supreme Supreme Court {Hence:} suprematia
[sur] = {prep} on, upon; on top of
sur- see sub-
sura = {n} calf (of the leg) {Hence:} sural
sural = {adj} sural (= pertaining to the calf of the leg
surde = {adj} 1. deaf; 2. surd, dull, muffled {Hence:} surdina; surditate; assurdar; surdemute etc.
surde-mute = {adj} deaf and dumb, deaf-mute
surdina = {n} [Mus.] mute, sordine
surditate = {n} deafness
surgente 1. ppr of surger; 2. {adj} surgent
surger [surg-/surrect-] = {v} to rise, arise; {also:} to loom, emerge {Hence:} surgente; insurger &; resurger &
surmontabile = {adj} surmountable
surmontar = {v} to surmount (1. to rise above; 2. to be above or on top of; 3. to overcome) {Hence:} surmontabile-insurmontabile
surplicio = {n} [Eccl.] surplice
surplus [F] = {n} surplus
surprendente = {adj} surprising
surprender [-prend-/-pris-] = {v} to surprise (1. to take unawares; 2. to astonish) {Hence:} surprendente; surprisa
surpris- see surprender
surprisa = {n} surprise (1. unexpected act, event, etc.; 2. "feeling of surprise"); per surprisa by surprise
surrealismo = {n} surrealism
surrealista = {n} surrealist
surrep [-rep-/-rept-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} surreption; surrepticie
surrept- see surrep-
surrepticie = {adj} surreptitious
surreption = {n} surreptitious action or manner; surreption
surrider [-rid-/-ris-] = {v} to smile (= to be smiling) {Hence:} surriso
surris- see surrider
surriso = {n} smile
surrogar = {v} to substitute for, replace {Hence:} surrogato
surrogato = {n} substitute (as in "substitute for coffee"), surrogate
sursum corda [L] = sursum corda, lift up your hearts!
surtout [F] = {n} overcoat
surveliante = {n} supervisor, superintendent, watcher
surveliantia = {n} supervision, superintendence, watch
suveliar = {v} to supervise, superintend, watch {Hence:} surveliante-surveliantia
sus- see sub-
suscept- see suscip-
susceptibile = {adj} susceptible (= very sensitive); {also:} touchy;
susceptible de (amelioration) susceptible or capable of (improvement)
susceptibilitate = {n} susceptibility; susceptibleness; also: touchiness
susception = {n} -; [Eccl.] susception del ordines sacre susception of holy orders
susceptive = {adj} susceptive
suscip- [-cip-/-cept-]' [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} susceptibile-susceptibilitate; susception-intussusception etc.; susceptive
suscitar = {v} to raise up, bring into being; give rise to; stir up, instigate {Hence:} suscitation; resuscitar &
suscitation = {n} (action of) raising up; provocation; instigation
*suso = {adv} above, upward, up
suspect- see suspic-
suspectar = {v} to suspect
suspecte = {adj} suspicious, suspect
suspender [-pend-/-pens-] = {v} to suspend (1. to hang, hang up; 2. as in "to suspend sentence, publication, etc."; 3. to remove temporarily from office, function, etc.) {Hence:} suspension; suspensive; suspensor; suspensorio; suspense
suspens- see suspender
suspense = {adj} in suspense, in suspension
suspension = {n} suspension (= act of suspending)
suspensive = {adj} suspending, suspensive
suspensor = {n} suspender (= one who or that which susspends or allows to suspend); suspensores [Clothing] suspenders
suspensorio = {n} [Med.] suspensory
suspic- [-spic-/-spect-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} suspicion-suspiciose; suspecte; suspectar
suspicion = {n} suspicion
suspiciose = {adj} suspicious, distrustful
suspirar = {v} to sigh; to suspire {Hence:} suspiro; suspirator
suspirator = {n} sigher
suspiro = {n} 1. sigh; 2. [Mus.] quarter-rest
Susquehanna = {npr} Susquehanna
sustenente 1. ppr of sustener; 2. {adj} sustaining
sustenentia = {n} sustenance
sustene-pectore = {n} brassière
sustener [-ten-/-tent-] = {v} to sustain (1. to prop up; 2. to back, give one's support to; 3. to keep, maintain; 4. to bear, endure); sustener se 1. to hold oneself up; 2. to continue, last (= to continue to exist) {Hence:} sustenimento; sustenente-sustenentia; sustentor; sustentar-sustentamento, sustentation; sustenepectore etc.
sustenimento = {n} sustainment (1. sustaining; 2. means of support)
sustent- see sustener
sustentamento = {n} sustenance
sustentar = {v} to sustain, feed, etc.
sustentation = {n} sustentation
sustentor = {n} sustainer
susurrante = {adj} whispering, murmuring, rustling, susurrant, etc.
susurrar = {v} 1. (to make a low, continuous sound), to hum, drone buzz, etc.; 2. to whisper, mutter, mumble, grumble, etc. {Hence:} susurro; susurrante; susurration; susurrator
susurration = {n} susurration
susurrator = {n} murmurer, whisperer, hummer, etc.
susurro = {n} murmur, buzz, hum, rustle, etc.; {also:} susurrus
sut- see suer
sutura = {n} 1. suture (1. [Anat., Bot.]; 2. [Surg.]); II. sewing, stitching; {also:} needlework; III. seam (of a dress, suit, etc.)
sutural = {adj} sutural
Sveda = {npr} Sweden {Hence:} svede-svedo
svede = {adj} Swedish
svedo = {n} 1. Swede; 2. Swedish
svelte = {adj} slender, slim; {also:} svelte
sweater [A] = {n} sweater, (knitted) jumper
Switza = {npr} 1. Switzerland; 2. Schwyz {Hence:} switze-switzo
switze = {adj} Swiss; caseo switze Swiss cheese
switzo = {n} I. Swiss (1. native of Switzerland; 2. Swiss guard, Switzer; 3. Swiss language or dialect); II. [Eccl. etc.] hall porter (in full regalia)
syl- see syn-
syllaba (síl-) = {n} syllable {Hence:} syllabismo; syllabic; syllabar-syllabation; parisyllabe etc.; polysyllabe etc.; bisyllabe etc.; monosyllabe etc.
syllabar = {v} to syllabify
syllabario = {n} syllabary
syllabation = {n} syllabification
syllabic = {adj} syllabic
syllabismo = {n} syllabism
syllepsis = {n} syllepyiy
sylleptic = {adj} sylleptic
syllogizar = {v} to syllogize {Hence:} syllogismo; syllogistic
syllogismo = {n} syllogism
syllogistic = {adj} syllogistic
sylphide (síl-) = {n} sylph; sylphid
sylpho = {n} (male) sylph
-sylv- see silva
sym- see syn-
symbolic = {adj} symbolical, symbolic; {also:} [Relig.]
symbolica = {n} 1. symbolism (= system of signs or symbols); 2. symbology
symbolizar = {v} to symbolize
symbolization = {n} symbolization
symbolismo = {n} symholism (1. practice or art of using symbols; 2. system of symbols or signs)
symbolista = {n} symbolist (= one who uses symbols or practises symbolism)
symbolo (sím-) = {n} symbol (1. [Relig.]; 2. symbolic representation; 3. significant mark or character) {Hence:} symbolismo; symbolista; symbolic; symbolica; symbolizar-symbolization; symbologia etc.
symbol-ogia (-ía) = {n} symbology
symmetr- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] symmetr- (= symmetrical) {Hence:} symmetria-symmetric-asymmetric, symmetrizar, pseudosymmetria etc.; asymmetre-asymmetria
symmetria (-ía) = {n} symmetry
symmetric = {adj} symmetric, symmetrical
symmetrizar = {v} symmetrize
sympath- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives] sympath- (= sympathetic) {Hence:} sympathia-sympathic, sympathizar
sympathia (-ía) = {n} 1. sympathy (= affinity between persons or things); 2. liking, friendly feeling
sympathic = {adj} 1. sympathetic (= operating, or produced, through affinity); 2. likable, attractive; tinta sympathic invisible ink, sympathetic ink
sympathizar = {v} to harmonize, sympathize (= to be in harmony as to disposition, qualities, etc.)
symphone = {adj} symphonious, symphonous {Hence:} symphonia-symphonista, symphonic
symphonia (-ía) = {n} [Mus.] symphony (as in "the Fifth Symphony")
symphonic = {adj} symphonic; orchestra symphonic symphony orchestra
symphonista = {n} symphonist (= composer of symphonies)
symphysis (sím-) = {n} [Anat., Zool., etc.] symphysis
symptoma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} symptom {Hence:} symptomatic; symptomatologia etc.
symptomat- see symptoma
symptomatic = {adj} symptomatic
symptomato-logia (-ía) = {n} symptomatology
syn- = {prefixo} [`syl-' before `-l-'; `sym-' before `-b-', `-m-', `-p-', `-ph-'; used chiefly to form technical terms] syn-, syl-, sym- (= with, together; alike) {Hence:} synecologia etc.; synodo etc.; synchrone etc.; synonyme etc.; syllogizar etc.; symmetria etc.
synagoga = {n} synagogue
synchrone = {adj} synchronous {Hence:} synchronic; synchronizar-synchronismo, synchronization
synchronic = {adj} synchronous, synchronic
synchronizar = {v} to synchronize
synchronization = {n} synchronization
synchronismo = {n} synchronism
syncopal = {adj} syncopal
syncopar = {v} to syncopate (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Mus.])
syncopation = {n} syncopation (1. [Gram.] syncope; 2. [Mus.])
syncope (sín-) = {n} I. syncope (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Med.]); II. [Mus.] syncopation {Hence:} syncopal; syncopar-syncopation
syncrasis (-crá-) = {n} syncrasis (= intermixture, blending) {Hence:} idiosyncrasia etc.
syndical = {adj} 1. pertaining to a syndic; 2. syndicalist
syndicalismo = {n} 1. syndicalism; 2. tradeunionism
syndicalista = {n} 1. syndicalist; 2. tradeunionist; {also:} attrib
syndicar = {v} 1. to syndicate (= to organize into a syndicate); 2. to organize (a union); syndicar se 1. to combine or be combined into a syndicate; 2. to form or be formed into a trade-union
syndicato = {n} 1. [Fin.] syndicate; 2. trade-union
syndico (sín-) = {n} 1. [Admin.] syndic; 2. [Law] trustee {Hence:} syndicato; syndical-syndicalismo-anarchosyndicalismo etc.; syndicalista-anarchosyndicalista etc.; syndicar
synecologia (-ía) = {n} synecology
Synedrio = {n} Sanhedrin, Synedrion, Synedrium
synodic = {adj} synodic, synodical (1. [Eccl. synodal; 2. [Astron.])
synodista = {n} synodist (= member of a synod)
synodo (sí-) = {n} synod (1. [Eccl.]; 2. assembly, convention; 3. [Astrol.] conjunction) {Hence:} synodista; synodic
synonyme (-ónime) = {adj} synonymous {Hence:} synonymia; synonymic; synonymo
synonymia (-ía) = {n} synonymy (= quallty of being synonymous)
synonymic = {adj} synonymic, synonymical
synonymo (-ónimo) = {n} synonym
synopsis = {n} synopsis
synoptic = {adj} synoptic, synoptical; evangelios synoptic Synoptic Gospels
syntactic = {adj} syntactic, syntactical
syntaxe = {n} [Gram.] syntax
synthese (-íntese) = {n} synthesis; specif.: [Philos., Chem., etc.] {Hence:} photosynthese etc.; polysynthese etc.
synthet- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] synthet- (= put together, compounded; synthetic) {Hence:} synthetic-photosynthetic etc.; synthetizar; polysynthetic etc.
synthetic = {adj} synthetic, synthetical; cauchu synthetic synthetic rubber
synthetizar = {v} to synthesize
syphil- see Syphilis
Syphilis (sí-) = {npr} [Latin poem by Fracostoro, published in 1530 and relating the story of the shepherd Syphilus]; syphilis [Pathol.] syphilis {Hence:} syphilitic-syphilitico
syphilitic = {adj} syphilitic
syphilitico = {n} syphilitic
Syria = {npr} Syria {Hence:} syrie-syrio; syriac-syriaco; syriarcha etc.
syriac (-rí-) = {adj} Syriac (as in "Syriac language"); also: Syrian
syriaco (-rí-) = {n} Syriac (language)
syri-archa = {n} [Rom. Hist.] Syriarch
syrie = {adj} Syrian
syringa = {n} 1. syrinx, pipe of Pan; 2. syringe; 3. [Bot.] Syringa {Hence:} syringar-syringation
syringal = {adj} [Ornith.] syringeal
syringar = {v} to syringe, to treat with a syringe
syringation = {n} injection (of morphine, etc.)
syringe = {n} syrinx (1. panpipe; 2. [Archaeol.]; 3. [Ornith.]) {Hence:} syringal
syrio = {n} Syrian (= native of Syria)
systaltic = {adj} [Physiol.] systaltic
systema [-ma/-mat-] = {n} system {Hence:} systematic; systematizar
systemat- see systema
systematic = {adj} systematic
systematizar = {v} systematize
systole = {n} [Physiol.] systole {Hence:} systolic
systolic = {adj} [Physiol.] systolic
-ta see -ista
tab- see tabula
tabu (-ú) = {adj} taboo tabu (-ú) {n} taboo
tabach- see tabaco
tabacheria (-ía) = {n} tobacconist's, cigar store, etc.
tabachero = {n} tobacconist
tabachiera = {n} snuffbox
tabaco = {n} tobacco (1. tobacco plant; 2. as in "smoking tobacco") {Hence:} tabachero; tabacheria; tabachiera
tabella = {n} table, tables (as in "statistic tables")
tabernaculo = {n} tabernacle
tableau [F] = {n} tableau
table d'hôte [F] = {n} table d'hôte
tabletta = {n} tablet (= small flat piece of medicine, candy, etc.)
tabouret [F] = {n} stool (= seat without a back)
tabula (tá-) = {n} I. slab, plate, board, table; II. table (1. [Furniture]; 2. as in "table of contents"); le tabulas del lege the Tables of the Law; tabula rase tabula rasa; facer tabula rase de to make a clean sweep of; poner le tabula to lay or set the table; tabula nigre blackboard; tabula (de fenestra) (window) sill {Hence:} tabular (1); tabuliero; tabular (2)-tabulation, tabulator; intabular-intabulamento; retabulo; tabella
tabular = {adj} tabular tabular {v} to tabulate
tabulation = {n} tabulation
tabulator = {n} tabulator
tabuliero = {n} board (for chess, checkers etc.); tabuliero (de servicio) tray (for serving tea, coffee etc.)
tacer = {v} 1. to be silent, keep quiet (= to refrain from speaking); 2. to pass over in silence, keep to oneself {Hence:} tacite-taciturne &; retic- &
tachy- = {adj} [occurring in compouns] tachy- (= swift) {Hence:} tachygrapho etc.; tachymetro etc.
tachygraphia (-ía) = {n} tachygraphy
tachygraphic = {adj} tachygraphic, tachygraphical
tachy-grapho (-kí-) = {n} tachygrapher, tachygraphist {Hence:} tachygraphia; tachygraphic
tachymetria (-ía) = {n} [Surv.] tachymetry
tachy-metro (-kí-) = {n} [Surv.] tachymeter {Hence:} tachymetria
tacite (tá-) 1. pp of tacer; 2. {adj} tacit
taciturne = {adj} taciturn {Hence:} taciturnitate
taciturnitate = {n} taciturnity
tact- see tanger
tactic = {adj} tactical {Hence:} tactico; tactica
tactica = {n} tactics, tactic
tactico = {n} tactician
tactile = {adj} tactile (= pertaining to the sence of touch)
tactilitate = {n} tactility
tacto = {n} 1. (act of) touching; 2. tact (as in "social tact")
taffeta (-tá) = {n} taffeta; taffeta de Angleterra court plaster
Tago = {npr} Tagus
taikun [J] = {n} tycoon (= shogun)
tal = {adj} such a, such; un tal (persona) such a (person); tal e tal such and such (a)
talco = {n} [Mineral.] talc; talco (in pulvere) talcum (powder) {Hence:} talcose
talcose = {adj} talcose
talento = {n} talent (1. [Antiq.]; 2. as in "talent for acting") {Hence:} talentose
talentose = {adj} talented
talia = {n} 1. edge (= sharp side of a blade); 2. stature, height {Hence:} taliar-taliator, detaliar &, retaliar &
taliar = {v} 1. to cut (= to make or shape by cutting); also: [Dressmaking] to cut out; 2. [Cards] to hold the bank
taliator = {n} cutter (of gems, wood, stone, etc.)
talisman = {n} talisman {Hence:} talismanic
talismanic = {adj} talismanic
talmente = {adv} so; (un libro) talmente (belle) so (beautiful) a (book), such a (beautiful book)
talmud [Heb.] = {n} Talmud {Hence:} talmudista; talmudic
talmudic = {adj} Talmudic
talmudista = {n} Talmudist
talon = {n} 1. heel; (also of stocking, shoe etc.); 2. [Arch.] talon; 3. [Fin.] stub, counterfoil, talon, etc.
talpa = {n} [Zool.] mole
[tam] = {adv} so, as, to such a degree; tam ... quam as ... as {Hence:} tamen
*tamben = {conj} also = tanto ben = equalmente
tambur = {n} I. drum (1. [Mus.] 2. eardrum; 3. [special: Arch., Technol., etc.]); II. [Fortif.] tambour; III. drummer; tambur major drum major; (a) tambur battente with drums beating; batter le tambur to drum, beat the drum {Hence:} tamburino
tamburino = {n} tambourine
[tamen] (tá-) = {adv} yet, however, nevertheless, notwithstanding
tampon [F] = {n} [Med.] tampon {Hence:} tamponar-tamponamento
tamponamento = {n} [Med.] tamponage
tamponar = {v} [Med.] to tampon
[tan] = {adv} so, as; tan ... como as ... as, (not) so ... as (= tanto)
-tang [Chinese] = {n} [occurring in compounds] -tang (= party) {Hence:} Kuomintang etc.
tangente = {adj} [Math.] tangent {Hence:} tangentia-tangential; tangente (2)-cotangente, subtangente
tangente = {n} [Math.] tangent
tangentia = {n} [Math.] tangency
tangential = {adj} [Math.] tangential
tanger [tang-/tact-;-ting-/-tact-] {v} to touch {Hence:} tangente &; tangibile-tangibilitate, intangibile-intangibilitate; tactile-tactilitate, intactile; intacte; tacto; attinger &; continger &
tangibile = {adj} tangible (= capable of being touched)
tangibilitate = {n} tangibility (= quality of being tangible)
tank (1) [A] = {n} [Mil.] tank
tank (2) [A] = {n} tank (as in "water tank, gasoline tank, etc.")
tannage (-aje) = {n} tanning, tannage
tannar = {v} to tan (skins)
tannator = {n} tanner
tanneria (-ía) = {n} tannery
tannic = {adj} tannic
tannino = {n} tannin
tanno = {n} tan, tanbark {Hence:} tannic; tannino; tannar-tannage, tanneria; tannator
tantalic = {adj} [Chem.] tantalic
tantalite = {n} [Mineral.] tantalite
tantalium (-tá-) = {n} [Chem.] tantalum
Tantalo (tán-) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Tantalus; tantalo [Ornith.] tantalus {Hence:} tantalium-tantalite, tantalic
tante = {adj} so much, so many; tante per cento so much per hundred, percentage; tante ... como as much, as many ... as {Hence:} tanto-intertanto; tante cosas = so many things
tanto = {adv} so, so much; tanto ... como as much ... as; in tanto que inasmuch as, in so far as; tanto plus ... que all the more ... that; quanto ... tanto the ... the
tapete = {n} rug, carpet, tapestry, etc.; esser super le tapete to be on the tapis, be under consideration; tapete de papiro wallpaper
-tapho- = {n} [occurring in compounds] taph- (= tomb) {Hence:} epitaphio; cenotaphio etc.
tapioca = {n} tapioca
tapis [F] = {n} rug, carpet, tapestry, etc.; esser super le tapis to be on the tapis, be under consideration {Hence:} tapissero; tapissar-tapisseria
tapiss- see tapis
tapissar = {v} to do tapestry work; {also:} to upholster
tapisseria (-ía) = {n} tapestry; {also:} upholstery
tapissero = {n} tapestry worker; {also:} upholsterer
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