Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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truppa = {n} I. troop (1. body of people; 2. [Mil.]); II. [Theat.] troupe {Hence:} attruppar-attruppamento

trust [A] = {n} trust, cartel

tsar [R] = {n} czar, tsar {Hence:} tsarina; tsarismo; tsarista; tsarian

tsarevich (-évitch) [R] = {n} czarevich, tsarevich

tsarevna [R] = {n} czarevna, tsarevna

tsarian = {adj} czarian, tsarian

tsarina = {n} czarina, tsarina

tsarismo = {n} czarism, tsarism

tsarista = {n} czarist, tsarist

tsigan = {adj} gypsy {Hence:} tsigano

tsigano = {n} 1. gypsy; 2. Gypsy (= language of the gypsies)

tu = {pron pers} you [in familiar or informal use; addressing one person]; 2. {adj poss} your [in familiar or informal use; addressing one person] {Hence:} tue

tu- [tu-/tut-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} tutor &; tutrice; tutela &; intuer &

tuba = {n} [Mus.] tuba (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. bass saxhorn) {Hence:} saxtuba

tubar = {v} to tube, furnish with tubes

tuberaceas = {n} [Bot.] Tuberaceae

tuberacee = {adj} tuberaceous

tubercular = {adj} tubercular

tubercularizar = {v} to tubercularize

tuberculate = {adj} tuberculate

tuberculina = {n} tuberculin

tuberculo = {n} tubercle {Hence:} tuberculina; tuberculosis; tubercular-tubercularizar; tuberculate; tuberculose

tuberculose = {adj} tubercular, tuberculous

tuberculosis (-ósis) = {n} tuberculosis; tuberculosis pulmonar tuberculosis of the lungs

tubere = {n} [Bot., Pathol., etc.] tuber; {also:} swelling, hump, bump, boss, etc. {Hence:} tuberculo &; tuberacee-tuberaceas; tuberose-tuberositate, tuberosa; protuberar &

tuberosa = {n} [Bot.] tuberose

tuberose = {adj} tuberous

tuberositate = {n} tuberosity

tubi-cola (-í-) = {n} [Zool.] tubicole

tubo = {n} tube (1. pipe; 2. [Radio]); tubo digestive alimentary canal; tubo de reaction test tube; tubo de organo organ pipe {Hence:} tubulo-tubular, tubulate, tubulose, tubulation, tubulatura, multitubular etc.; tubar; tubicola etc.

tubular = {adj} tubular

tubulate = {adj} tubulated, tubular

tubulation = {n} tubulation

tubulatura = {n} [Chcm.] tubulure, tubulature

tubulo = {n} tubule, small tube

tubulose = {adj} tubulous (= containing tubes)

tue = {pron poss} yours [in familiar or informal use; addressing one person]

tulipan = {n} tulip {Hence:} tulipaniero

tulipaniero = {n} tulip tree

[tum] = {adv} then (1. at that time; 2. next; 3. afterwards)

tumba = {n} grave, tomb {Hence:} tumbal

tumbal = {adj} tomb, tombal

tume-facer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} to tumefy (= to cause to swell) {Hence:} tumefaction

tumefact- see tumefacer

tumefaction = {n} tumefaction

tumer = {v} 1. to be swollen or tumid; 2. to swell, intumesce {Hence:} tumide-tumiditate; tumor &; tumulo &; tumescer &; tumefacer etc.

tumescente 1. ppr of tumescer; 2. {adj} tumescent

tumescentia = {n} tumescence

tumescer = {v} to intumesce {Hence:} tumescente-tumescentia; intumescer &

tumide = {adj} tumid (1. swollen, distended; 2. pompous, inflated)

tumiditate = {n} tumidity

tumor = {n} [Pathol.] tumor {Hence:} tumorose

tumorose = {adj} tumorous

tumulari = {adj} tumular

tumulo = {n} barrow, tumulus {Hence:} tumulari

tumulto = {n} tumult {Hence:} tumultuari; tumultuose; tumultuar

tumultu- see tumulto

tumultuar = {v} 1. to incite to a tumult; 2. to make a tumult

tumultuari = {adj} tumultuary

tumultuose = {adj} tumultuous

tunc = {adv} then (1. at that time; 2. in that case, consequently)

tunder [tund-/-tus-] = {v} to pound, bruise, tund {Hence:} contunder &; obtunder &

tundra [R] = {n} tundra

tungst- sef tungsten

tungstato = {n} [Chem.] tungstate

tungsten [Swedish] = {n} [Chem.] tungsten, wolfram {Hence:} tungstato; tungstite; tungstic; tungstosilicato etc.

tungstic = {adj} [Chem.] tungstic

tungstite = {n} [Mineral.] tungstite

tungsto-silicato = {n} tungstosilicate

tunnel [A] = {n} tunnel

tupinambá [Tupi] = {n} Jerusalem artichoke, topinambou

turba = {n} 1. crowd, throng; 2. mob, rabble {Hence:} turbide &; turbulente &; turbar &

turban = {n} turban

turbar = {v} to disturb, throw into disorder, confuse {Hence:} turbine &; turbation; turbator; disturbar &; perturbar &

turbation = {n} disturbance, disorder, confusion

turbator = {n} disturber

turbide = {adj} turbid {Hence:} turbiditate

turbiditate = {n} turbidity, turbidness

turbina = {n} turbine {Hence:} turbocompressor etc.

turbinate = {adj} [Bot.] turbinate; {also:} [Anat., Zool.] turbinate, turbinal

turbine = {n} 1. [Zool.] turbo; 2. top (as in "to spin a top") {Hence:} turbinate

turbo- see turbina

turbo-compressor = {n} turbocompressor

turbo-dynamo (-dí-) = {n} turbodynamo

turbo-generator = {n} turbogenerator

turbulente = {adj} turbulent {Hence:} turbulentia

turbulentia = {n} turbulence, turbulency

turc = {adj} Turkish

turch- see turco

turchese = {n} turquoise

Turchia = {npr} Turkey

turco = {n} 1. Turk (= native of Turkey); 2. [Mil.] Turco; 3. Turkish (language) {Hence:} Turchia; turchese; turcoman; turc

turcoman = {adj/n} Turkoman

turdides (túr-) = {npl} [Zool.] Turdidae

turdo = {n} thrush {Hence:} turdides

turf [A] = {n} [Horse Racing] turf

turfa = {n} peat, turf

turger = {v} to swell, be swollen {Hence:} turgide-turgiditate; turgor; turgescer-turgescente-turgescentia

turgescente 1. ppr of turgescer; 2. {adj} turgescent

turgescentia = {n} turgescence, turgescency

turgescer = {v} to swell, swell up

turgide = {adj} turgid

turgiditate = {n} turgidity, turgidness

turgor = {n} turgor

Turin = {npr} Turin

turre = {n} 1. tower; 2. [Chess] castle, rook; turre de Babylon tower of Babel; turre de sondage derrick (as in "oil derrick") {Hence:} turriforme etc.

turri-forme = {adj} tower-shaped

tusse = {n} cough {Hence:} tussilagine; tussir; pertusse &

tussilagine = {n} [Bot.] coltsfoot, coughwort

tussir = {v} to cough

tut- see tu-

tutela = {n} [Law] guardianship, tutelage {Hence:} tutelari

tutelari = {adj} tutelary (as in "tutelary deity")

tutor = {n} [Law] guardian, tutor {Hence:} tutoria; tutorar; cotutor

tutorar = {v} to tutor (= to exercise guardianship, tutelage over)

tutoria (-ía) = {n} [Law] guardianship, tutorship

tutrice = {n} [Law] guardian, tutoress

tympanic = {adj} I. drum, drumlike; II. tympanic (1. [Anat., Zool.]; 2. [Arch.])

tympanista = {n} drummer; tympanist

tympano (tím-) = {n} I. [Mus.] drum; II. [Print.] tympan; III. tympanum (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Arch.]) {Hence:} tympanista; tympanic

typho = {n} typhus {Hence:} typhoide &

typhoide = {adj} typhoid; febre typhoide typhoid fever, enteric fever {Hence:} paratyphoide

typhoide = {n} [Med.] typhoid (fever); enteric fever

typhon = {n} typhoon

typic = {adj} typical, typic

typo = {n} 1. type; {also:} [Print.]; 2. character (as in "quite a character") {Hence:} typic; typographo etc.; typometro etc.; heliotypo etc.; linotypo etc.; stereotype etc.; monotypo etc.; archetypo etc.; prototypo etc.

typographia (-ía) = {n} typography, printing

typographic = {adj} typographical

typo-grapho (-ógrapho) = {n} typographer {Hence:} typographia; typographic

typometria (-ía) = {n} typometry

typo-metro (-ómetro) = {n} [Print.] typometer {Hence:} typometria

tyrannia (-ía) = {n} tyranny

tyrannic = {adj} tyrannic

tyranni-cida = {n} tyrannicide (= one who kills a tyrant)

tyranni-cidio = {n} tyrannicide (= act of killing a tyrant)

tyrannizar = {v} to tyrannize

tyranno = {n} tyrant (1. despot; 2. [Ornith.]) {Hence:} tyrannia; tyrannic; tyrannizar; tyrannicida etc; tyrannicidio etc.

tyrrhen = {adj} Tyrrhenian; Mar Tyrrhen Tyrrhenian Sea

Tyrrhenia = {npr} Tyrrhenia

tyrrheno = {n} Tyrrhenian, Etruscan {Hence:} Tyrrhenia; tyrrhen

ubere = {n} udder ubere {adj} fruitful, abundant, uberous {Hence:} ubertate, exuberar &

ubertate = {n} fertility, abundance uberty

ubi' 1. {adv} where (= in or at what place); 2. {conj} where; when, as soon as; wherewith; in which; `a ubi' where, whither; `de ubi' from where, whence {Hence:} ubicar &; ubique etc.; ubicunque etc.; alicubi etc.; [alterubi] etc.

ubicar = {v} to have one's location, be (somewhere) {Hence:} ubication

ubication = {n} location (= fact of being located in a certain place), ubication

ubi-cunque = {adv/conj} wherever

ubique = {adv} everywhere; anywhere, wheresoever, wherever {Hence:} ubiquitate

ubiquitate = {n} ubiquitousness

ukaz [R] = {n} ukase

Ukraina = {npr} Ukraine {Hence:} ukrainian-ukrainiano

ukrainian = {adj} Ukrainian

ukrainiano = {n} Ukrainian (1. native of the Ukraine; 2. Ukrainian language)

ulcerar = {v} to ulcerate (= to affect with ulcers)

ulceration = {n} [Med.] ulceration

ulcere = {n} [Med.] ulcer {Hence:} ulcerose; ulcerar-ulceration

ulcerose = {adj} ulcerous (1. having the nature of an ulcer; 2. ulcerated)

[ulle] = {adj/pron} any, anyone {Hence:} nulle &

ulmacee = {adj} [Bot.] ulmaceous

ulmaria = {n} [Bot.] meadosweet, queen of the meadows

ulmeto = {n} elm grove

ulmic = {adj} [Chem.] ulmic

ulmina = {n} [Chem.] ulmin

ulmo = {n} elm {Hence:} ulmeto; ulmacee; ulmaria; ulmic; ulmina

Ulster [A] = {npr} Ulster; ulster [Clothing] ulster

ulterior = {adj} 1. ulterior, situated beyond, thither; 2. subsequent, later

ulteriormente = {adv} later (on), subsequently

ultimar = {v} to bring to a close, to bring to completion

ultimate = 1 {pp} of `ultimar'; 2. {adj} ultimate

ultimation = {n} (action of) bringing to a close or to completion

ultimatum [NL] = {n} ultimatum

ultime (úl-) = {adj} last {Hence:} penultime &; ultimar-ultimation, ultimate

ultra I. {adv} on the other side, beyond, farther; II. {prep} 1. on the farther side of; beyond, past; 2. besides; ultra ille besides, moreover; ultra que aside from the fact that {Hence:} ultrage &; ultrar-ultrantia

ultra- = {prefixo} ultra- (= beyond) {Hence:} ultramarin etc.; ultraviolette etc.; ultrapassar etc.

ultrage (-aje) = {n} outrage {Hence:} ultragiose; ultragiar

ultragiar (-ajár) = {v} to outrage

ultragiose (-jose) = {adj} outrageous

ultramar = {adv} overseas; (paises) de ultramar overseas (countries)

ultramarin = {adj} ultramarine (blue)

ultramontan = {adj} ultramontane (1. transmontane; 2. [R.C.Ch.]) {Hence:} ultramontanismo

ultramontanismo = {n} ultramontanism

ultrantia = {n} excess, extreme; a ultrantia to the bitter end

ultrapassar = {v} to go beyond

ultrar = {v} to carry to excess or to extremes

ultraviolette = {adj} ultraviolet; radios ultraviolette ultraviolet rays

uluco (ú-) = {n} owl

ulula (úlula) = {n} barn owl

ulular = {v} to howl, ululate {Hence:} ululation; ululator

ululation = {n} howling, ululation

ululator = {n} howler (= one who howls); specif.: howling monkey

Ulysses (-lís-) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Ulysses

umbella = {n} [Bot.] umbel {Hence:} umbellate; umbellifere; umbelliforme etc.

umbellate = {adj} [Bot.] umbellate

umbellifere = {adj} [Bot.] umbelliferous

umbelli-forme = {adj} [Bot.] umbelliform

umbilical = {adj} umbilical; cordon umbilical umbilical cord

umbilicate = {adj} umbilicate

umbilico (-íco) = {n} [Anat.] navel, umbilicus {Hence:} umbilical; umbilicate

umbra (1) = {n} 1. shade (as in "light and shade"; {also:} as in "the shades in Hades"); 2. shadow; al umbra de under or in the shadow of; umbras (del nocte) shadows (of the night); umbra de (dubita, etc.) shade or shadow of (doubt etc.) {Hence:} umbrella; umbratile; umbrifere; umbrina; umbrose; umbrar-adumbrar &; penumbra

umbra (2) = {n} umber (1. [Mineral.]; 2. "the color umber"); terra de umbra sienna

umbrar = {v} to shade, darken (= to put shading in or on)

umbratile = {adj} shady, umbrageous

umbre = {adj} Umbrian

umbrella = {n} umbrella (= cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun)

Umbria = {npr} Umbria

umbrifere = {adj} umbriferous

umbrina = {n} [Zool.] umbrina, umbrine

umbro = {n} Umbrian (1. inhabitant of Umbria; 2. Umbrian dialect) {Hence:} Umbria; umbre

umbrose = {adj} shady, umbrageous

un' 1. {adj} one; 2. {indef art} a, an; `le un le altere' one another, each other, each (one) ... the other (one); `le unes le alteres' one another, each other, each (of them) ... the others, other ones {Hence:} union &; unitate &; unic &; unir &; unificar &; unicorne etc.; unilateral etc.; uniforme etc.; unanime etc.; unicolor etc.; unipare etc.; [unaltere] etc.; undece etc.; dece-un etc.; alicun etc.; [qualcun] etc.; [alcun] etc.; [necun] etc.; uno-[qualcuno] etc., alcuno etc.

[un-altere] = {pron} each other, one another

un-anime (-ánime) = {adj} unanimous {Hence:} unanimitate

unanimitate = {n} unanimity

uncia = {n} 1. ounce; 2. inch {Hence:} uncial-semiuncial etc.

uncial = {adj} uncial

unci-forme = {n} unciform, hook-shaped

uncinate = {adj} uncinate

uncino = {n} hook (as in "wall hook", "hook and eye")

unco = {n} hook, barb {Hence:} uncino-uncinate; unciforme etc.

unct- see unguer

unction = {n} unction (1. act of anointing; 2. unctuousness)

uncto (1) = {n} anointed; le Uncto del Senior the Lord's Anointed

uncto (2) = {n} unguent, ointment {Hence:} unctuose-unctuositate

unctu- see uncto (2)

unctuose = {adj} unctuous (1. oily, greasy; 2. oily, suave)

unctuositate = {n} unctuosity, unctuousness

unda = {n} wave (1. "wave of the sea, etc."; 2. [Phys.]); unda sonor sound wave; unda luminose light wave; undas curte [Radio] short waves; undas longe [Radio] long waves {Hence:} undulose; undular &; undina; undose; undear; inundar &; undisone etc.

[unde] = {adv} whence (1. from which place; 2. wherefore, for which reason or cause)

undear = {v} to wave (= to move in waves or undulations)

un-dece (ún-) = {adj} eleven

undina = {n} undine

undi-sone = {adj} wavelike (= sounding like waves)

undose = {adj} wavy

undular = {v} to wave, undulate (1. to move in, or like, waves; 2. to impart a wavy appearance to) {Hence:} undulation; undulatori; undulate

undulate 1. pp of undular; 2. {adj} wavy, undulating

undulation = {n} I. undulation (1. waving motion; 2. wavy form); II. [Hairdressing] wave; undulation permanente permanent wave

undulatori = {adj} undulatory

undulose = {adj} rolling, wavy, undulous


ungue = {n} nail (of a finger or toe); {also:} unguis {Hence:} unguiculo-unguiculate; ungula &; unguifere

unguentari = {adj} unguentary

unguento = {n} ointment, salve

unguer [ung-/unct-] = {v} to anoint (1. to rub with an ointment; 2. to make sacred with oil) {Hence:} ungento-ungentari; unction; uncto (1); uncto (2) &; axungia etc.

unguiculate = {adj} unguiculate

unguiculo = {n} small nail or claw

unguifere = {adj} unguiferous

ungula (úngula) = {n} 1. nail (of a finger or toe); 2. claw (of a canine, feline, or bird); 3. hoof (of an animal) {Hence:} ungulate-ungulato, multungulate etc.; multungule etc.

ungulate = {adj} ungulate (1. having hoofs; 2. pertaining to the ungulates)

ungulato = {n} [Zool.] ungulate

unibile = {adj} uniteable

unic = {adj} 1. sole, only; 2. unique (= that has no like or equal); filio unic only son {Hence:} unicitate

unicitate = {n} 1. oneness, singleness; 2. uniqueness

uni-color = {adj} one-colored, unicolorous

uni-corne = {adj} one-horned {Hence:} unicornio

uni-corne = {n} unicorn

unicornio = {n} unicorn

uni-ficar = {v} to unify {Hence:} unification

unification = {n} unification

uni-flor = {adj} [Bot.] uniflorous

uni-foliate = {adj} [Bot.] unifoliate

uniformar = {v} to uniform (1. to make uniform; 2. to put into uniform)

uni-forme = {adj} uniform {Hence:} uniformitate; uniformar

uniforme = {n} uniform

uniformitate = {n} uniformity

uni-lateral = {adj} unilateral (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Law])

unimento = {n} (action of) uniting, joining, etc.

union = {n} union; tracto de union hyphen (= sign used to join two words together) {Hence:} unionismo; unionista; disunion

unionismo = {n} unionism

unionista = {n} unionist

uni-pare = {adj} uniparous (= producing but one offspring at a time)

uni-personal = {adj} [Gram.] unipersonal; {also:} impersonal

uni-polar = {adj} unipolar

unir = {v} to unite, join, connect {Hence:} unimento; unibile; unitive; unite; disunir; reunir-reunion

uni-sexual = {adj} unisexual

uni-sone = {adj} unison, unisonous {Hence:} unisono

unisono (-í-) = {n} unison

unit- see unitate

unitari = {adj} 1. unitary; 2. [Theol.] Unitarian

unitario = {n} 1. unitarist; 2. [Theol.] Unitarian

unitarismo = {n} 1. unitarism; 2. [Theol.] Unitarianism

unitate = {n} 1. unit; 2. unity; {also:} oneness {Hence:} unitari-unitarismo; unitario; disunitate

unite 1. pp of unir; 2. {adj} smooth, even; (le) Statos Unite (the) United States; Nationes Unite United Nations

unitive = {adj} unitive, uniting

uni-valve = {adj} [Bot., Zool.] univalve, univalved

universal = {adj} universal; suffragio universal universal franchise or suffrage

universalizar = {v} to universalize

universalismo = {n} [Theol.] Universalism

universalista = {n} [Theol.] Universalist

universalitate = {n} 1. universality; 2. totality

universe = {adj} universal {Hence:} universitate &; universo-universal-universalismo, universalista, universalitate, universalizar

universit- see universitate

universitari = {adj} university

universitate = {n} university {Hence:} universitari

universo = {n} universe

uno = {indef pron} one

unquam (únquam) = {adv} ever, at any time

upas [Mal.] = {n} [Bot.] upas

ur- = {n} [occurring in compounds] ur-, uro- (= tail) {Hence:} cenuro etc. ...

ur- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} ureter &; urethra &

-ura = {suffixo substantive} [used with the second stem of verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -ure (= action or result of {Hence:} mixtura etc.; pictura etc.; fissura etc.; cultura etc.; copertura etc.

Ural = {npr} 1. Ural (River); 2. Urals, Ural Mountains {Hence:} uralian; uraloaltaic etc.

uralian = {adj} Uralian

uralo-altaic (-táic) = {adj} uralaltaic

Urania = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Urania (1. Muse of astronomy; 2. epithet of Aphrodite)

uranic = {adj} uranic

uranie = {adj} uranian (1. pertaining to the god Uranus; 2. pertaining to the planet Uranus; 3. pertaining to Urania; 4. pertaining to the heavens)

uranite = {n} [Mineral.] uranite

uranium (-rá-) = {n} uranium {Hence:} uranite; uranic

Urano = {npr} Uranus (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.]) {Hence:} uranie-uranium &, urania; uranographo etc.; uranometria etc.

uranographia (-ía) = {n} uranography

urano-grapho (-ógrapho) = {n} uranographer {Hence:} uranographia

urano-metria (-ía) = {n} (science of) uranometry

urban = {adj} 1. urban; 2. urbane

urbanizar = {v} to urbanize

urbanization = {n} urbanization

urbanismo = {n} town planning, city planning

urbanista = {n} 1. city planner; 2. [Eccl.] urbanist

urbanitate = {n} urbanity (1. urbanness; 2. urbaneness)

urbe = {n} town, city {Hence:} urban-urbanismo, urbanista, urbanitate, urbanizar-urbanization, inurban, suburban; suburbio; suburbicari

urceo = {n} pitcher, jug

uredine = {n} [Bot.] uredinium {Hence:} uredineas

uredineas = {npl} rust fungi, Uredinales

ur-emia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] uremia, uraemia {Hence:} uremic

uremic = {adj} uremic, uraemic

urente 1. ppr of urer; 2. {adj} [Med.] caustic

urer [ur-/ust-] = {v} 1. to burn, burn up; 2. [Med.] to cauterize {Hence:} uredine &; urente; ustion; adurer &; comburer &

ureter = {n} [Anat.] ureter {Hence:} ureteritis; ureteral; ureterotomia etc.

ureteral = {adj} ureteral

ureteritis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] ureteritis

uretero-tomia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.] ureterotomy

urethra = {n} [Anat.] urethra {Hence:} urethritis; urethral; urethroscopio etc.

urethral = {adj} urethral

urethritis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] urethritis

urethroscopia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] urethroscopy

urethro-scopio = {n} [Med.] urethroscope {Hence:} urethroscopia

urgente = {adj} urgent (= demanding immediate attention or action)

urgentia = {n} urgency (= need for immediate attention or action)

urger = {v} to urge, be insistent or pressing; {also:} to be urgent {Hence:} urgente-urgentia

-urgo [occurring in compounds] -urge (= worker) {Hence:} chirurgo etc.; metallurgo etc.; thaumaturgo etc.; siderurgia etc.

-uria [occurring in compounds]

urina = {n} urine {Hence:} urinal; urinose; urinar-urinatorio

urinal = {n} urinal (= vessel for holding urine)

urinar = {v} to urinate

urinatorio = {n} urinal (= building for urinating purposes)

urinose = {adj} urinous

urna = {n} 1. urn; 2. ballot box; urna cinerari cinerary urn

uro- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] (= urine) {Hence:} -uria-albuminuria etc.; uremia etc. ...

ursa = {n} she-bear; ursa major [Astron.] Ursa Major, Great Bear, (Big) Dipper; ursa minor [Astron.] Ursa Minor, Little Bear or Little Dipper

ursin = {adj} ursine

urso = {n} bear; urso polar or blanc polar bear {Hence:} urson; ursin; ursa

urson = {n} [Zool.] Canada porcupine; urson

U.R.S.S. = {n} U.S.S.R.

urtica (-tíca) = {n} nettle, urtica {Hence:} urticaria; urticacee-urticaceas; urticar-urticante, urtication

urticaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Urticaceae

urticacee = {adj} urticaceous

urticante 1. ppr of urticar; 2. {adj} urticant, stinging

urticar = {v} to nettle, urticate

urticaria = {n} [Pathol.] urticaria, nettle rash

urtication = {n} urtication

Uruguay (-ái) = {npr} Uruguay (1. Uruguay river; 2. Republic of Uruguay); Republica Oriental del Uruguay Republic of Uruguay

us- see ut-

U.S.A. [A] = {n} U.S.A.

usabile = {adj} usable

usabilitate = {n} usability, usableness

usage (-aje) = {n} 1. use (= act of using); 2. usage, custom

usantia = {n} usage, custom, habit

usar = {v} 1. to use, make use of; 2. to use up; usar (facer, etc.) to be used to (doing, etc.)

uso = {n} use (1. act of using; 2. habit); facer uso de to make use of; in uso in use; foras de uso out of use {Hence:} usual-inusual; usar-usage, usantia, usabile-usabilitate, inusabile; disuso-disusar; misuso-misusar-misusage; usufruer etc.

[usquam] (ús-) = {adv} somewhere

[†usque] = {prep} (all the way) to, up to (a point in space or time); also: till, until; usque nunc up to now; usque al presente up to the present. See fin a and fin que.

ust- see urer

ustion = {n} 1. (act of) burning, destroying by fire; 2. [Med.] cauterization

usual = {adj} usual (1. ordinary; 2. customary)

usufruct- see usufruer

usufructo = {n} [Law] usufruct

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