International baccalaureate organization

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Dr. Susan Messer, Ridgeview Charter School, Fulton County Public Schools, Atlanta, Georgia

7th Grade Team Social Studies

Jane Jones Room # 223 Phone 404-843-7710

Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. Within the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systemic study drawing upon many disciplines. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.”


  1. Follow directions the FIRST time.

  2. Student interruption of instructional time is prohibited.

  3. Keep body parts and objects to yourself.

  4. No harassment- including but not limited to profanity, inappropriate gestures, teasing, or bullying.

  5. Be in your seat and working when the bell rings.

  6. Treat all RCS guests with respect, honesty and courtesy.


1st Offense- Verbal Warning

2nd Offense- Silent Lunch and/or loss of break time

3rd Offense- Grade level after school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

4th Offense- After school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

5th Offense- Office Referral

*Failure to return forms signed by a parent will result in a higher consequence

Consequences start over each semester.

Severe Offense- results in an immediate office referral

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A = 100-90 C = 79-70

B = 89-80 F = 69- 0

Grading Policy

Class work /homework 15% Quizzes 25%

Test 30% Projects 30%

Academic Integrity- All students will follow the Ridgeview Charter School Honor Code. Anyone who copies, cheats, plagiarizes or does not complete his or her own work on any assignment or test will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. All work must be in the student’s own words.


Assignments will either be completed in class or at home. My expectation is that no student should work more than 30 minutes any evening on their social studies homework. If a student is unable to finish their work they must see me and make arrangements to complete the assignment in my room before or after school. Failure to do so will result in the student loosing their break and working with the graduation coach through PASS to complete the assignment.

Grades-Progress Reports or Report Cards are sent home every nine weeks. All Progress Reports and Report Cards sent home must be returned the next day with a parent signature. Mrs. Jones will communicate with the parent or guardian if student work is consistently inadequate.

Absences- It is the student’s responsibility to ask for make up work when absent. The due date will be written on the missed assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the assignment by the due date and turn it in to Mrs. Jones.

Provision for Improving Grades

  1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Daily Supplies

  • Notebook paper

  • Pencil and pen

Additional Materials

  • Passport (formerly Agenda)

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

We have read all the policies and procedures. We understand our student’s responsibilities and know how to contact Mrs. Jones if we have any concerns.


Parent Signatures

Phone Number: ______________________

Do you have computer access? Y or N

Parent Email Address: _________________________

Mrs. Jones, Ridgeview Charter School, Fulton County Public Schools, Atlanta, Georgia
Course Outline

Social Studies 6

Mr. Jane Jones, Room 232

  1. International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Information

    1. Assessment

Students will be assessed in a number of ways using many different tools. These assessments may include informal discussions with the teacher and other students, completion of math problems, reporting the results of a group investigation and using other talents (drawing, signing or writing) to express or demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. In addition, students will be assessed periodically using assessments provided by Fulton County and practice CRCT questions to monitor their readiness to succeed on the CRCT. I will provide the supplies required to complete these assessments. Students must request and receive my permission to use any additional materials for their assessment. Student work will be graded using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Assessment Criteria

    1. Guiding Questions

Each unit of study will be ctaught using a specific guiding question to guide the students toward a more comprhensive study and understanding of the topic.

  1. Vertical Alignment

Each math unit will be coordinated with other academic disciplines in order for students to understand the connection between humanities and their other subjects. For example, when each geographic area of the world is studied the class may use graphs from mathematics, information from heir study of science or local art work to gain a better understanding of the area.

  1. Resources

Text books

Computer lab and mobile computer carts


7th Grade TAG Social Studies

Mrs. Bouboulis Room 227 404-843-7710

In 7th Grade TAG Social Studies, students will study the geography, history, political structures, and economics of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.


  • Follow directions the FIRST time.

  • Respect yourself and others at all times.

  • Complete your assignments when they are due.

  • Show up on time for class.

  • Be prepared when you come to class (i.e.,

supplies, textbooks)

  • Enter the classroom and sit at your desk



1st Offense- Verbal Warning

2nd Offense- Silent Lunch and/or loss of break time

3rd Offense- Grade level after school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

4th Offense- After school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

5th Offense- Office Referral

*Failure to return forms signed by a parent will result in a higher consequence---Consequences start over each semester.

Severe Offense- results in an immediate office referral

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A = 100-90 C = 79-70

B = 89-80 F = 69- 0

Grading Policy

Tests/Projects/Essays 40% Class work 20%

Quizzes 30% Homework 10%

Academic Integrity- All students will follow the Ridgeview Charter School Honor Code. Anyone who copies, cheats, plagiarizes or does not complete his or her own work on any assignment or test will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. All work must be in the student’s own words.

Assignments- Assignments will either be completed in class or at home. Homework should not take any more than 30 minutes/night. Extra help is available with Mrs. Bouboulis before or after school by appointment.

Grades- Progress Reports or Report Cards go home every 9 weeks. These must be returned with a parent signature within 3 school days.

Late Work- Points will be deducted for late assignments as follows:

1 day late: -15 points

2 days late: -30 points

3 days late: -50 points

4+days late: no credit given

Late work forms are in the classroom. A form MUST be attached to all work turned in late or it will not be graded.

NOTE: Failure to complete homework will result in the student losing their break and/or being referred to the PASS program to complete their assignment.

Excused Absences/Make-Up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding missing assignments. You have the number of days you were absent to make up your work. After your allotted days, make-up work will be graded on the late-work policy. Tests and quizzes missed due to an EXCUSED absence may be made up before or after school with an appointment. Any work not made up within the time frame will receive a zero. Since assignments, projects, and essays are announced in advance, if you are here for part of the day, your work must be turned in that day. Make-up work forms are in the classroom and MUST be attached to all work turned in late or it will not be graded.

Recovery Policy

  1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

  2. Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Daily Supplies

  • 1 inch 3- ring binder

  • Notebook paper

  • 5-subject dividers

  • Pencil and Pen (Blue or Black ink)

Additional Materials

  • Highlighter (any color)

  • Colored Pen (other than blue or black ink)

  • Book Cover

  • Passport (formerly Agenda)

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my journal at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

I have read all the policies and procedures. I understand my child’s responsibilities and know how to contact Mrs. Bouboulis if I have any concerns.

X / /

Parent Signature Date

Phone Number: ______________________

Parent Email Address: _________________________

Mrs. Helen Bouboulis, Ridgeview Charter School, Fulton County Public Schools, Atlanta, Georgia
Course Outline -7th Grade TAG Social Studies Mrs. Helen Bouboulis, Room 227

Course Description
The emphasis in seventh grade is on the study of history, geography and culture of selected regions: Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Each unit focuses on a geographic overview, historic development, people and culture, political systems and economic systems.

I. Aims and Objectives
Students will be able to

  • Identify and explain significant historical developments leading to and of 20th and 21st century Africa and Asia

  • Describe the development of the three major religions that originated in the Middle East

  • Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, natural resources, and population size on these regions of the modern world

  • Describe the cultural characteristics of Asia, The Middle East, and Africa

  • Describe the impact of governmental policies and individual behaviors on these regions of the modern world

  • Describe different economic systems and economic policies as they relate to these regions of the modern world

  • Explain concepts of personal money management

  • Use cardinal and intermediate directions to determine relative location

  • Use a grid system (letter/number and latitude/longitude) to determine absolute location

  • Use map scales to determine distance

  • Draw conclusions/make generalizations based on information from a map

  • Identify social studies issues and/or problems and formulate appropriate research questions

  • Identify alternative solutions and their consequences

  • Select an appropriate solution

  • Identify and use social studies reference resources for a specific purpose (books, atlases, periodicals, newspapers, computer software, the World Wide Web and other print, non-print and electronic media)

  • Use charts and tables to organize information

  • Use timelines and calendars to sequence

  • Use outlines, diagrams, and flowcharts to organize data

II. Topics
Unit 1 Origins of Asian Cultures

Unit 2 20th Century Asia

Unit 3 Asia’s Political and Economic Systems

Unit 4 Origins of Middle Eastern Cultures

Unit 5 20th Century Middle East

Unit 6 Middle Eastern Political and Economic Systems

Unit 7 Origins of African Cultures

Unit 8 Colonization and Independence of African Nations

Unit 9 20th Century Africa

Unit 10 Africa’s Political and Economic Systems

Unit 11 Personal Finance

III. International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Information

    1. Assessment: Students will be assessed using both formative (quizzes, homework, classwork) and summative (tests, essays, projects) assessments throughout the year. Student work will periodically be graded using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Assessment Criteria which includes: (A) Knowledge, (B) Concepts, (C) Skills, and (D) Organization and Presentation.

    1. Guiding Question(s): Guiding question(s) for each unit will be posted on the board each day.

IV. Vertical Alignment
Each social studies unit listed above will be coordinated with other academic disciplines in order for students to understand the connection between social studies and the real world.
V. Resources

Holt, Rinehart & Winston People, Places, and Change (2005) – Replacement Cost: $43.50

7th Grade TAG Social Studies

Mrs. Bouboulis Room 227 404-843-7710

In Seventh Grade TAG Social Studies, students will study the geography, history, political structures, and economics of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.


  • Follow directions the FIRST time.

  • Respect yourself and others at all times.

  • Complete your assignments when they are due.

  • Show up on time for class.

  • Be prepared when you come to class (i.e.,

supplies, textbooks)

  • Enter the classroom and sit at your desk



1st Offense- Verbal Warning

2nd Offense- Silent Lunch and/or loss of break time

3rd Offense- Grade level after school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

4th Offense- After school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

5th Offense- Office Referral

*Failure to return forms signed by a parent will result in a higher consequence---Consequences start over each semester.

Severe Offense- results in an immediate office referral

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A = 100-90 C = 79-70

B = 89-80 F = 69- 0

Grading Policy

Tests/Projects/Essays 40% Class work 20%

Quizzes 30% Homework 10%

Academic Integrity- All students will follow the Ridgeview Charter School Honor Code. Anyone who copies, cheats, plagiarizes or does not complete his or her own work on any assignment or test will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. All work must be in the student’s own words.

Assignments- Assignments will either be completed in class or at home. Homework should not take any more than 30 minutes/night. Extra help is available with Mrs. Bouboulis before or after school by appointment.

Grades- Progress Reports or Report Cards go home every 9 weeks. These must be returned with a parent signature within 3 school days.

Late Work- Points will be deducted for late assignments as follows:

1 day late: -15 points

2 days late: -30 points

3 days late: -50 points

4+days late: no credit given

Late work forms are in the classroom. A form MUST be attached to all work turned in late or it will not be graded.

NOTE: Failure to complete homework will result in the student losing their break and/or being referred to the PASS program to complete their assignment.

Excused Absences/Make-Up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding missing assignments. You have the number of days you were absent to make up your work. After your allotted days, make-up work will be graded on the late-work policy. Tests and quizzes missed due to an EXCUSED absence may be made up before or after school with an appointment. Any work not made up within the time frame will receive a zero. Since assignments, projects, and essays are announced in advance, if you are here for part of the day, your work must be turned in that day. Make-up work forms are in the classroom and MUST be attached to all work turned in late or it will not be graded.

Recovery Policy

  1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

  2. Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Daily Supplies

  • 1 inch 3- ring binder

  • Notebook paper

  • 5-subject dividers

  • Pencil and Pen (Blue or Black ink)

Additional Materials

  • Highlighter (any color)

  • Colored Pen (other than blue or black ink)

  • Book Cover

  • Passport (formerly Agenda)

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my journal at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

I have read all the policies and procedures. I understand my child’s responsibilities and know how to contact Mrs. Bouboulis if I have any concerns.

X / /

Parent Signature Date

Phone Number: ______________________

Parent Email Address: _________________________

Mrs. Helen Bouboulis, Ridgeview Charter School, Fulton County Public Schools, Atlanta, Georgia
Course Outline -7th Grade Social Studies Mrs. Jane Jones room 223

Course Description
The emphasis in seventh grade is on the study of history, geography and culture of selected

regions: Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Each unit focuses on a geographic overview,

historic development, people and culture, political systems and economic systems.

I. Aims and Objectives
Students will be able to

  • Identify and explain significant historical developments leading to and of 20th and 21st century Africa and Asia

  • Describe the development of the three major religions that originated in the Middle East

  • Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, natural resources, and population size on these regions of the modern world

  • Describe the cultural characteristics of Asia, The Middle East, and Africa

  • Describe the impact of governmental policies and individual behaviors on these regions of the modern world

  • Describe different economic systems and economic policies as they relate to these regions of the modern world

  • Explain concepts of personal money management

  • Use cardinal and intermediate directions to determine relative location

  • Use a grid system (letter/number and latitude/longitude) to determine absolute location

  • Use map scales to determine distance

  • Draw conclusions/make generalizations based on information from a map

  • Identify social studies issues and/or problems and formulate appropriate research questions

  • Identify alternative solutions and their consequences

  • Select an appropriate solution

  • Identify and use social studies reference resources for a specific purpose (books, atlases, periodicals, newspapers, computer software, the World Wide Web and other print, non-print and electronic media)

  • Use charts and tables to organize information

  • Use timelines and calendars to sequence

  • Use outlines, diagrams, and flowcharts to organize data

II. Topics
Unit 1 Origins of Asian Cultures

Unit 2 20th Century Asia

Unit 3 Asia’s Political and Economic Systems

Unit 4 Origins of Middle Eastern Cultures

Unit 5 20th Century Middle East

Unit 6 Middle Eastern Political and Economic Systems

Unit 7 Origins of African Cultures

Unit 8 Colonization and Independence of African Nations

Unit 9 20th Century Africa

Unit 10 Africa’s Political and Economic Systems

Unit 11 Personal Finance

III. International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Information

    1. Assessment: Students will be assessed using both formative (quizzes, homework, classwork) and summative (tests, essays, projects) assessments throughout the year. Student work will periodically be graded using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Assessment Criteria which includes: (A) Knowledge, (B) Concepts, (C) Skills, and (D) Organization and Presentation.

    1. Guiding Question(s): Guiding question(s) for each unit will be posted on the board each day.

IV. Vertical Alignment
Each social studies unit listed above will be coordinated with other academic disciplines in order for students to

understand the connection between social studies and the real world.

V. Resources
Holt, Rinehart & Winston People, Places, and Change (2005) – Replacement Cost: $43.50

8th Grade Georgia Studies

Mrs. Aimee Barham Room # 213 Phone 404.843.7710 ext. 204

Mrs. Barham’s website:

You will learn about the geography, history, economy, and government of Georgia. To do this, you will use a variety of skills – historical inquiry, critical thinking, creative problem solving, research skills, and communication skills.


  1. Be in your seat on time with materials ready to learn

  2. Respect others

  3. Follow instructions the first time they are given

  4. Clean up after yourself

  5. Raise your hand for permission to speak


Classroom disruptions WILL NOT be tolerated! If you choose to be disrespectful, you can expect a consequence (Silent Lunch, Phone Call Home, Detention, Conference, or Referral).

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A 100-90

B 89-80

C 79-70

F 69 and below

I believe that quality work should be done correctly the first time. Therefore, I do not offer extra credit. If you have a concern about your grade, please make an appointment to see me to discuss the problem.

Grading Policy

Homework 10%

Classwork 20%

Quizzes 30%

Tests, Papers, Projects 40%

TOTAL 100%

Academic Integrity

Anyone who copies, cheats, plagiarizes or does not complete his/her own work on any assignment or test will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. All work must be in the student’s own words. Likewise, any student who shares his/her work will also receive a zero.


Assignments will be completed in class and at home and are to be turned in on the due date. Students should expect an average of 30 minutes of homework every night. Extra help is available with Mrs. Barham by appointment.

Late Work

Points will be deducted for late assignments as follows:

1 day late: -15 points

2 days late: -30 points

3 days late: -50 points

4+ days late: no credit given

In addition, students who do not turn in homework will be referred to the PASS program. Projects must be turned in on the given due date – NO EXCEPTIONS. Late-work forms are in the classroom and MUST be attached to all work turned in late or it will not be graded.

Promotion to High School

Your student’s academic performance in 8th grade will determine his/her placement in high school. The process for high school recommendation will begin in February 2007. Middle school students in grade 8 must have a passing grade in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, reading/foreign language and one of the following: a combination of grades in the connections segment or the physical education/health connections segment. (FCBOE Policy IHE) The grading policy has been changed so that the actual course average will be recorded as the final grade (no minimum of 50).

Excused Absence Make-Up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding missing assignments. County policy dictates that you shall have 1 day to make up work. After your allotted 1 day, make-up work will be graded on the late-work policy. Tests and quizzes missed due to an EXCUSED absence may be made up before or after school with an appointment. Major projects/papers must be turned in on the due date regardless of whether you are absent. Any work that is not made up within the time frame will receive a zero. As all assignments are announced in advance, if you are here for part of the day, your work must be turned in that day. Make-up work forms are in the classroom and MUST be attached to all work turned in late or it will not be graded.

Recovery Policy

  1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

  2. Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Daily Supplies

  • 200 page minimum spiral notebook (8 ½ X 11)

  • Pencil or Pen (Blue or Black ink only)

  • Glue Stick(s)

  • Bookcover – book must be covered at all times

  • 12 pack of colored pencils

  • Highlighter(s) – any color

  • 1 box of Kleenex for class (give to teacher)

  • Agenda (Passport)

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my notebook at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

I/We have read all the policies and procedures. I/We understand our student’s responsibilities and know how to contact Mrs. Barham if I/we have any concerns.


Parent Signature Date ____/____/_______

Phone Number: __________________________________________

Parent Email Address: ____________________________________

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