International baccalaureate organization

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Leslie C Jackson, Ridgeview Charter School, Fulton County Public Schools, Atlanta, Georgia

9th / 10th Grade (Course Title)

Mr./Mrs. email: Room # 213 Phone 404.847.1980 ext.

Introduction to Art is an entry level class that establishes a standard and consistent foundation in the discipline of visual art. Students will be introduced to all aspects of visual art including but not limited to art as personal communication, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, design, aesthetics, careers, art criticism and art history.



The beginning of class is often the most important because that is when key information and directions are given. Though you may disagree, 5 minutes should be plenty of time to get from one point in the building to another. Furthermore, to begin and end the class appropriately, hall passes will not be issued during the first and last 15 minutes of class.

2. Come to class prepared

This means ready to work, with the appropriate materials.

  • Always have a pencil!!! I do not loan pencils, you may purchase these for a nominal fee or borrow from others in the class but the expectation is that you have made appropriate arrangements prior to the start of class.

  • If there is homework, an assignment due, or project ideas you are asked to develop, be sure that you have these ready. Again, this should be done prior to your arrival in the classroom.

  • You will be expected to take care of all personal needs before coming to class, after class or during your lunchtime.

Do not come to class and ask to leave. Important information is given at the start of each class. You will receive a limited number of hall passes for the semester... use them wisely!
3. COURTESYWhen instructions are given, students should be attentive and listening- not talking.

First, this is a common courtesy. More importantly, it is necessary that you understand all information that is presented so that you can be successful on your assignments. Working is a priority.


Clean up after yourself. Return all materials to the location that you found them…in the same condition (or better) than when you borrowed them. Assist others at your table with clean up responsibilities. Remain at your work area until the bell rings and you are dismissed. Push in or put up your stools. Do not “herd” towards the door, this is so that I may monitor clean up. Those who stand around or hang out by the door will be asked to wait to be dismissed until all other students leave the classroom.


Students will be given time to complete each studio assignment and will be given advance notice of due dates for both homework and class work. Your best effort should be given and the assignment should be complete with all specified criteria being met. Work must be turned in during the class period that it is due. Studio assignments not turned in on the due date will receive a 10% deduction each class day the assignment is late. Late work turned in 5 days or more after the assigned due date will receive a 50% deduction. Unfinished work will receive only partial credit, 50% or less of the total points possible.

Written assignments not turned in on the due date will have a 10% deduction if submitted by the following class. Beyond that point, assignments will be accepted for 1 more class with a 50% deduction.

Notebooks and journals will only be accepted late one class period after the due date for a 50% deduction.

  • Late work will be dropped by 10% each class day that it is not turned in up to 50%.

  • First and last name should be written in the bottom right corner, usually on the back of the work.

  • Never fold artwork, presentation is important.

  • If you need materials to complete an assignment, you must sign the check out sheet. Materials should be returned to me and the check out sheet initialed by me or I will assume that they have not been returned and you will be responsible for replacing them. Never take supplies without following this procedure.

  • Students are responsible for work missed during an absence. If you need to know what you missed while you were out, see me before or after school. Do not ask for this information in the middle of instruction or while class is in session.

  • For most assignments you will be given class time to work. You will not be allowed to work on unfinished assignments after the designated studio time has passed. If you need more time to complete an assignment, it is your responsibility to work at home or make arrangements to come in before or after school to complete the assignment by the due date.


This is school policy. Bottled water is the only exception.


Do not work on assignments for other classes. Time given in class is meant for art class assignments. The

Only exception would be if all work is complete and no further improvements are necessary.

  • Art materials and supplies are not available for projects or assignments for other classes.


Certain areas within the art room are off limits to students unless permission is given. The main areas are: my desk, the area behind my desk, my computer and file cabinets. Also, please respect the artwork and property of other students. If something doesn’t belong to you, please don’t handle the item without the owner’s permission.

  • Student computers are for your use only with my permission.

  • Follow safety rules around specialized equipment, tools and materials.


Supplies will be provided for each assignment. Wasteful or inappropriate use of supplies may require you to pay for additional materials. On occasion, you may be asked to bring items from home to enhance an assignment. Tools will be provided and many can be checked out to the student. The student is responsible for their care and proper use. Any items that have been checked out must be returned the following day. Students will be expected to pay for any lost or damaged tools or equipment.


  1. COME TO CLASS – prepared, on time and ready to participate

  2. TURN IN YOUR WORK – on time, complete, demonstrating understanding of requirements and criteria

3. PUT FORTH YOUR BEST EFFORT – demonstrate thinking and idea development
Feel free to express any concerns you have regarding this class. Sometimes, students will disagree with rules that I have, that is OK. Choose an appropriate time and manner in which we can discuss any issue or situation. Schedule a time to share your concerns, usually before or after school but not right in the middle of class.


Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A 100-90

B 89-80

C 79-70

F 69 and below

Grading Policy

Each assignment will have specific objectives and criteria. Students are expected to complete each assignment to the best of his/her ability. The total semester grade will be an average of the following:

60% Assignments and class projects

10% Tests and quizzes

20% Notebook, journal, worksheets,

10% Final Exam

daily work and homework

Academic Integrity

I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this assignment”

Honesty and Academic Integrity are highly valued in all art courses. It is expected that you adhere to the Riverwood High School Academic Integrity Policy (please review the Student Handbook).

Areas of particular importance in the visual arts classes that are considered academic misconduct are:

  • Using any graded material – notebooks, tests, essays, lab reports, homework, or other graded assignments from another student, previous or current.

  • Acquiring copies of tests before the actual testing period so as to have an advantage during the evaluation.

  • Using notes or information from any unauthorized source, including but not limited to information written on desks, person, pieces of paper (cheat sheets), water bottles, backpacks, or entered into graphing calculators or other devices.

  • Looking at another student’s work during a test.

  • Any form of communication during an evaluation (passing materials, whispering, talking, signaling, or mouthing words to other students).

  • Copying, sharing or comparing work or homework from other students without teacher permission or instruction.

  • Submitting another student’s work as your own—homework, essay, project, individual lab, etc.


1. To develop understanding of processes and approaches to multiple aspects of art making

2. To develop a personal awareness and appreciation of aesthetics

3. To objectively apply art criticism techniques when evaluating art

4. To connect the influences of art history from past cultures to the present
Units of Study

1. What is Art? Drawing what you see.

2. Looking at Art: Aesthetics

3. From 2-D to 3-D

4. Color and Communication

5. Pulling it all together

Late Work

  • Late work will be dropped by 10% each class day that it is not turned in up to 50%.

  • First and last name should be written in the bottom right corner, usually on the back of the work.

  • Never fold artwork, presentation is important.

  • If you need materials to complete an assignment, you must sign the check out sheet. Materials should be returned to me and the check out sheet initialed by me or I will assume that they have not been returned and you will be responsible for replacing them. Never take supplies without following this procedure.

  • For most assignments you will be given class time to work. You will not be allowed to work on unfinished assignments after the designated studio time has passed. If you need more time to complete an assignment, it is your responsibility to work at home or make arrangements to come in before or after school to complete the assignment by the due date.

Excused Absences/Make-Up Work

  • Students are responsible for work missed during an absence. If you need to know what you missed while you were out, see me before or after school. Do not ask for this information in the middle of instruction or while class is in session.

Recovery Policy

  1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

  2. Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my notebook at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

I/We have read all the policies and procedures. I/We understand our student’s responsibilities and know how to contact (Teacher name) if I/we have any concerns.


Parent Signature Date ____/____/_______

Phone Number: __________________________________________

Parent Email Address: ____________________________________

Ridgeview Charter School


Dr. Susan Messer Chorus Room #104

Course Description:

In this course students will gain an understanding and appreciation for music through experiencing, observing, and discussing various components of the art.

Personal Management Guidelines:

Be on time.

Have your agenda with you at all times

Bring a #2 pencil (NO PENS!) to every class.

No food, gum, or drink of any kind will be allowed in the music classroom.

Follow guidelines posted in the music classroom for use of equipment.

Show proper respect to your fellow classmates, choral director, and choral materials.

Maintain an open, positive attitude about all types of choral literature and learning activities.

Remain in your seat unless instructed otherwise.

Raise your hand to talk.

Participate actively in your section.

No personal grooming in class.


First Offense: WARNING



(My expectation for students is that they should not have to consider any of these consequences; however, a very few students have been known to make unwise choices and have considered all four offenses in one day.)

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale:

The Fulton County Academic Grading Scale will be used:

A 90-above

B 80-89

C 70-79

F 69 and below*

*By state rule, any grade below 70 is failing.

Grading Policy:

For every day an assigned task is late, ten (10 pts.) points will be deducted from the grade for that assignment.

Academic Integrity:

Each student should be proud of his/her own work. Students learn best through the evaluation of his/her own efforts.

An automatic “0” will be earned for any work that is a result of assistance from another student. (If the other student willingly assists, that student also will receive a “0” on work.)


If students do not complete work during class time, they may complete their work as a homework assignment.


  • Class Participation in general music studies (60%)

  • Performing on musical instruments—especially keyboard and guitar (10%)

  • Daily written work (20%)

  • Written and oral evaluations (10%)


Students will be given time in class to make-up required class work.

Students may make-up required class work as a homework assignment.

Provision for Improving Grades:

1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

2. Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Daily Supplies:

  • pencil and blank paper

Additional Materials:

  • Students are expected to have additional materials supplied by the teacher at his/her seats when the bell rings.

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my journal at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

We have read all the policies and procedures. We understand our student’s responsibilities and know how to contact (Your name) if we have any concerns.


Parent Signatures

Phone Number: ______________________

Do you have computer access? Y or N

Parent Email Address: _________________________

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