International business transactions

Fair and Equitable Treatment

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OUTLINE International Business Transactions
Fair and Equitable Treatment p. 457

  • Full Protection and Security p. 476

  • Article 5 of US treaties p. 416

    • points to CIL

      • “Each party shall accord to covered investments treatment in accordance with CIL, including fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security.”

    • Then goes on to clarify concepts of “fair and equitable treatment” and “Full protection and security”

  • Analogies to Equal Protection Clause and Due Process

    • Sometimes question is whether govt conduct is procedurally violative of due process

    • Other times question is not whether process is unfair but whether outcome is unfair

      • two ways of looking at it. govt conduct ok

        • unless manifestly arbitrary

          • 1930s intl arbitration tribunal

        • unless ivnestor has legitimate expectations of what govt would do and relied on those expectations, and govt changes behavior

      • recent intl arbitral tribunal decisions are not consistent on this question

        • decisions involving Argentina have involved legitimate expectations approach

        • some NAFTA decisions have followed legitimate expectations approach and others have followed manifestly arbitrary approach

        • US govt interpretation is manifestly arbitrary

  • Article 1105 to NAFTA on Minimum Standard Treatment

    • See page 462

    Free Transfer of Funds Related to Investment p.475

    • many intl investment agreements guarantee free transfer for inbound and outbound investment flow

    • however, nature of commitment differs from treaty to treaty, as do the nature of the qualifications to that commitment

    Performance Requirements

    • see page 483


    • see page 485


    Foreign Investment Guarantees

    • compensation in the event of nationalization

    • repatriation

    • nondiscriminatory treatment

    • stabilization of taxes and other regulations

    • convertibility of local currency

    Rules related to approval of foreign investment applications

    • limitations on foreign equity

    • sectoral limits

    • geographic limitations

      • may be forbidden to own land

      • may be forbidden to use certain areas of land (national security, cultural concerns


    Forms of investing in other countries
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