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9Streaming Text (14496-17)


  1. Coded Representation of Text Stream.



Technical Work in Progress.

10Font Compression and Streaming (14496-18)

10.1Exploratory Activities


  1. OpenType Standardization


Joint with Requirements: Recommendation that the work on this subject continue to be carried out within the AdHoc Group on Font Format.

Technical Work in Progress.

11LASeR (14496-20)


  1. Lightweight Application Scene Representation


M11774/M11745: Late contributions to Hong Kong on LASeR Requirements. The documents were presented and discussed. The LASeR requirements document was updated as a result of this discussion.
M11840: Summary of voting on LASeR and SAF FCD. The document was reviewed and dispositions were written for each comment, but for M11840de which is superseded by M12066. The dispositions are captured in document N7238.

M11854: Summary of items for discussions at the AHG meeting. This document was presented. The proposals were reformulated in later contributions.

M12103: this contribution was presented and discussed as part of the discussion on M11854.

M11900: Austrian NB comments on LASeR and SAF FCD. The document was reviewed and dispositions were written for each comment. The dispositions are captured in document N7238.
M11925: Analysis of Study of MPEG-4 LASeR FCD and Reference Software. The document was presented and discussed. It supported the creation of a smaller LASeR profile and was taken into account in the discussions of M11945 and the additions to Profiles under Considerations. It was decided to change the LASeR validation platform to MIDP2 + MMAPI instead of MIDP1.
M11944: Editor’s study of LASeR and SAF FCD. The document was reviewed and revised. The revised version has become the study of FCD N7239.
M11945: Profiling LASeR. The document was presented and discussed. The profile was added to the Profiles under Considerations in a joint meeting with the Requirements subgroup. The side proposal to add full screen mode and 90/180/270 rotations for video was accepted into the study of FCD N7239. A profile and level for SAF was discussed and postponed.
M11947: Proposal to differentiate local and global ids in LASeR. The proposal was presented and discussed. The proposal was inserted in the Technologies under Considerations document N7240.
M11948: On adding media control to LASeR. The document was presented and discussed. The proposal was accepted for inclusion into the study of FCD N7239.
M11949: Proposal to add a text scroller to LASeR. The proposal was presented and discussed. The proposal was inserted in the Technologies under Considerations document N7240.
M11950: Proposal on input device and activity in LASeR. The document was presented and discussed. The two proposals were inserted in the Technologies under Considerations document N7240.
M12032: On the usage of video in broadcast in LASeR. The document was presented. Requirements were extracted from the described use cases and added to the LASeR requirements in a joint meeting with Requirements subgroup. The technology was inserted in the Technologies under Considerations document N7240.
M12066: Revised GNB comments on LASeR and SAF FCD. The document was reviewed and dispos
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