Introduction to econometrics II eco 356 faculty of social sciences course guide course Developers: Dr. Adesina-Uthman

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Introduction to Econometrics ECO 356 Course Guide and Course Material

ECO 306

Measurement error: If the measurement of one or more of the variables in the relationship is subject to error, the observed values will not appear to conform to an exact relationship, and the discrepancy contributes to the disturbance term. The disturbance term is the collective outcome of all these factors. Obviously, if you were concerned only with measuring the effect of X on Y, it would be much more convenient if the disturbance term did not exist. Were it not for its presence, the P points in Figure 2.1 would coincide with the Q points. Therefore, it would be known that every change in
Y from observation to observation was due to a change in X, and you would be able to calculate and
, exactly. However, part of each change in Y is due to a change in μ, and this makes life more difficult. For this reason, μ is sometimes described as noise. Least Squares Regression
Suppose that you are given the four observations on X and Y represented in Figure 2.1 and you are asked to obtain estimates of the values of and, in [2.01]. As a rough approximation, you could do this by plotting the four P points and drawing a line to fit them as best you can, as shown in Figure 2.2 The intersection of the line with the Y- axis provides an estimate of the intercept, which will be denoted b
and the slope provides an estimate of the slope coefficient, which will be denoted b
. The fitted line will be written as


ECO 306

Figure 2.2 Plotting of Observations
Figure 2.3 fitting Plotted Observations
…[2.02] The hat mark over Y in [2.02] indicates that it is the fitted value of Y corresponding to
X and not the actual value. In Figure 2.3 the fitted points are represented by the points
. One thing that should be accepted from the beginning is that however much care you take in drawing the line you can never discover the true values of and
and b
are only estimates, and they maybe good or bad. Once in awhile your estimates maybe absolutely accurate, but this can only be by coincidence and even then you will have noway of knowing that you have hit the target exactly. This remains the case even when you use more sophisticated techniques. Drawing a regression line by eye is all very well, but it leaves a lotto subjective judgment. Furthermore, as will become obvious, it is not even possible when you have a variable
Y depending on two or more explanatory variables instead of only one. The question arises, is there away of calculating good estimates of and algebraically The answer is yes The first step is to define what is known as a residual for each observation. This is the difference between the actual value of Y in any observation and the fitted value given by the regression line, that is, the vertical distance between P
and R
in observation i. Which will be denoted by e

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