Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Home cities have a base income = 7 Gold per turn.

Home cities have Defense Modifier = +8


Any city not chosen to be a Home city is a minor city.

Minor cities have a base income = 1D6 Gold per turn.

Roll once at the beginning of the game.

This base income is fixed for the remainder of the game.

The map may have base incomes of cities written onto it.


There are 6 types of units: Armies, Rowers, Fleets, Transports, Baggage, and Leaders.

Armies and Rowers have a recruitment cost of 2 gold.

Armies and Rowers have an upkeep cost of 1 gold per turn each.

Baggage has a recruitment cost = 1 and no upkeep.

Transports has a recruitment cost = 2 and no upkeep.

Fleets have a recruitment cost = 4 and no upkeep.

Leaders have no recruitment cost or upkeep.

Transports are merchant round ships, whereas Fleets are composed of

Trireme long boats (warships).


Each terrain type has a stacking limit.

Stacking limits apply only to Armies, Fleets and Transports.

Leaders and Baggage do not count against stacking limits.

A Fleet can carry one unit of Rowers and 2 Baggage units.

An Army (Not on a transport at sea) can carry up to 4 Baggage units.

A Transport can carry one Army unit or 8 Baggage units.

An Army or Fleet can carry any number of Leaders.


Use counters or chits to represent units.

Each player has a set of counters of a unique color.

Armies, baggage, rowers, transports, and Fleets are non-unique.

Leaders are unique so each counter must be numbered or named.

Use counters to represent gold

Additional unit status counters are necessary to identify the following conditions:

Razed, Hostile, Starvation


Players share a common deck.

The deck contains one of each of the cards in the card list.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 9 phases:

1. Draw Phase

2. Revenue Phase

3. Upkeep Phase

4. Recruit Phase

5. Diplomacy Phase

6. First Move Phase

7. Sea Battle Phase

8. Land Battle Phase

9. Second Move Phase


Draw 2 cards from the deck.

Maximum hand size = 7 cards.

Discard excess cards.

If the deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.


Collect revenue from your Home City, and all Minor cities you control.

Revenue is in “Gold”.

Cities under siege cannot produce revenue.

A city is considered to be under siege if there is an enemy

army (or rowers) or fleet adjacent to it.

Hostile minor cities generate only half revenue (rounding up).

Razed cities produce no income.

Each city with Razed counters on it may remove 1 counter this phase.


An Army or Rowers must be in or adjacent to a friendly city to receive upkeep.

Razed cities and Cities under siege cannot provide upkeep.

Pay 1 gold to upkeep each such Army and Rowers you control.

Units completely surrounded by enemy units cannot receive

upkeep, but they can use baggage counters.

If a unit receives upkeep or uses up a baggage counter remove any starvation counters on it.

Leaders and ships do not require upkeep.

If a Baggage unit is used up discard it.

If a unit does not receive upkeep or baggage roll 1D6 (The upkeep roll):

1-5 Nothing. Put a starvation counter on the unit.

6+ The unit disbands or surrenders.

Add 1 to the roll for every starvation counter on the unit.

Subtract 1 from the roll if the unit is in farmland or fishing village terrain.


Each city may recruit 1 Army or Rowers or Fleet or Transport.

To recruit (Build) a Fleet or transport, the city must be adjacent to the sea.

Each city may recruit up to 6 baggage units per turn.

Newly recruited units are placed in the city space.

Pay the Recruitment cost of the unit.

The unit starts in the City.

Each Home City state may also make one 1D10 ‘Experience Roll’ per turn.

1-9 Nothing happens

10 Gain 1 Leader 50% or Gain 1 Random City Trait 50%

Razed, besieged, and hostile cities may not recruit.


Every player gets one free diplomacy roll per turn.

Leader Traits, City Traits, and Cards allow additional diplomacy rolls.

When making a diplomacy roll, target any hostile, neutral, or enemy controlled

minor city state.

Roll 1D6 (The Diplomacy Roll):

1-5 Nothing Happens

6+ Remove Hostility counter or Gain control of Neutral city state or Enemy city state revolts.

Add one to the Diplomacy roll if the city is hostile.

If there is a revolt, place 1D3 Rebel units in the City.

They will attack any Enemy units in the city.

If a city contains no enemy units and only rebel units, it becomes neutral.

Discard rebel units from a neutral city.

Place a control marker on any city you control.


Units have a certain number of Move points they can use per turn.

Armies and Rowers can move 4 spaces on land.

Leaders can move 6 spaces on land.

Armies “use up” 2 movement points to enter Forest & Hill spaces.

Manned Fleets can move 10 spaces by sea.

Transports can move 8 spaces by sea.

A Fleet requires rowers aboard to move and fight.

Transports may carry rowers, but do not require them to move.

Fleets and Transports can enter city, sandy, and fishing village coastal hexes.

Baggage that is not carried cannot move by itself.

Leaders move with Armies and Fleets or independently.

Your units may not enter Neutral or enemy cities.

Your units cannot enter spaces occupied by enemy Armies, Rowers, or manned Fleets.

If your Armies, Rowers, or manned Fleets enter a space containing only enemy

Leaders, Baggage, Transports, or unmanned Fleets you capture them.

Captured Baggage & Transports change to your color.

Captured Leaders may be ransomed or put to death.

Units may pick up/ drop off baggage freely.

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